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First thing's first: I finally killed my 'puter by downloading too many episodes of Friends and mp3s, which led to my 'puter freezing numerous times on me. I lost my last entry, argh! Just spent the last hour cleaning up files and stuff, burning the crazy photos and videos we made last year onto a CD. University days, heh. It'll be amusing to dig that CD out 5 years from now, lol.
Am currently very excited, as I just discovered a track of Vertical Horizon performing a cover of Tracy Chapman's Fast Car *dances around* I love Vertical Horizon :) There's also a remix of Everything You Want by Crystal Method, which is disturbingly well done. It's the kinda track that grows on you, I think.
As you can see, I'm procrastinating; 6 papers to write, and I don't know where to start. Oh, and as for the title to the entry, it was just for kicks. It usually takes me forever to figure one out ('cause I'm anal that way), and Kayla wanted to see her name here somewhere, so there ya go.
Crazy weekend just past. Spent a lot of time vegging in front of the telly with Sarah and Kayla, which is something we don't do often enough, I think. Hannah was, quite literally, a whiny brat this weekend, and our opinion has nosedived tremendously. It's our TV and our house, with rent and cable paid by us, so I think it's quite fair that we get to watch TV whenever we want, without the guilt trips, whining and fake tears, thanks very much. Seeing as you're just a guest, I believe you have absolutely no say in what happens here. And if you think you do, my temper has quite a different opinion entirely.
Onto happier news before I flip. sooks might be coming back with me in January, yay! Ugh, which reminds me, I may be stranded indefinitely in Hong Kong on my way back, if things don't get resolved quickly. Damnit, I'll swim back if I have to :P
Currently listening to: Prince vs Fatboy Slim's When Doves Cry
Current emotion: .
Random observation: We ordered pizza today!