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Shattered soul
in hands we hold
and try
to fix and put together
in hopes
that you'll get by;
with cheer
and peace of mind.
Maybe someday
it'll happen:
something fine,
and the tears
won't matter,
'cause all is better,
leaving pain
but a distant memory.
And why in good god's name were you up at 6:09am?!?!??! You crazy kid ... for the first time in centuries, I went to bed at 10pm ... and awoke at a decent hour of 8am. Pretty good huh? I"m pretty proud of that accomplishment myself. Try to get some sleep kiddo, I'll give you a massage sometime to put you to sleep.
Posted by: FaBLe on November 30, 2023 10:05 AMEverything always becomes a distant memory, but it is whether or not we choose to delve back and retrieve them. Thinking it best to keep them as far as possible, perhaps one day you'll reach backward and realize that it's not all so bad ... these are the threads that hold you together, not matter how gloomy they may appear in your hands.
Posted by: FaBLe on November 30, 2023 10:01 AM