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So close, yet so far. Every day, I can't help but wonder, what the hell am I doing here in school? I always knew this day would come, this time when I would start questioning if all this "education" was worth it. Book-smart my ass. It was the same in high school, and it's happening all over again now. Four, five years is just too bloody long for me to focus on that "finishing line". To tell me that I am to work all these years for one bloody paper qualification just drives me insane. I think the one reason why I completed my CPU relatively well was because it was so short. Just a year of my life to obtain my OSSD.
I admit, I have a short attention span. So there.
Currently listening to: A1's Make It Good
Current emotion: despondent
Random observation: I feel like a bloody failure.
You'll never be a failure Tiffy ... perhaps you may feel down on yourself, but you could never fail at anything in my eyes.
Cuz you're special like that ... so it's impossible.
Posted by: FaBLe on December 2, 2023 03:17 PM