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January 06, 2024

NB: I wrote this a couple of days ago and forgot to post it.

Okay, is it just me, or is there some kind of negative stigma out there regarding being single? If there is, to all you judging, holier-than-thou, I-think-I'm better-just-because-I'm-attached people out there, a big FUCK YOU to you.
That's right, you heard me! Allow me, for the next fifteen minutes, to degenerate into an uncouth foul-mouthed name-calling floor-stomping bitch while I swear you to hell and perdition for your sheer stupid judmental stance towards singletons!
Everywhere I look, there are articles and people taking a stance on the be single or be attached dilemma, and right here right now I'm taking MY stand to say SCREW YOU, there is NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING FUCKING SINGLE. In other words, there is no dilemma.

I do NOT need someone else out there to make me feel wanted, or loved, or special. I have no need for emotional blackmail, for dependency, for company. What the hell do you think friends and family are for? So you think "that special someone will fill a void"? If you can't bloody function by yourself, you think you're ready for someone else, to share their burdens when you can't even handle your own!? Where's the freakin' logic here?!
I read that stupid article in a local magazine that made me ashamed (that's right, ashamed!) that this silly little whore was KL-ite and Malaysian, for her whining and lousy reasons to search for "the other", going on and on about how she had degrade herself down to search for a man in clubs, in gyms, in bookstores (leave the goddamn books out of this!!). You silly little bitch, you don't NEED a man! And calling yourself Ms Perfect while asking for men with plenty of money (paraphrased quote here) to e-mail you isn't only shallow, it's bloody well degrading! You might as well hang a sign around your neck with the words desperate painted in neon while standing on a street corner. Yes, make men think that the only thing all women are after is money. After all, we are living in a materialistic society, aren't we? Call yourself a person, BAH HUMBUG! You give living creatures a bad name.

What is it with all this desperation, anyway? Does the thought of living alone for the rest of your life, without having to sleep with some bloody person forever, who will (according to divorce statistics, etc) probably cheat on you a couple of times (or vice versa) seem so appealing?

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Sure, it's great when you can find happiness with someone, and I applaud whoever's succeeded in doing so. After all, I've seen my fair share of happy people. I'm not condemning relationships. I'm just pissed that some people feel that if you're not in one you're a failure as a human, you're "incomplete" and you're "less fulfilled" than someone who is in one, dysfunctional or otherwise. Look here, smartass, the fact remains that a relationship really means nothing if you can't be happy with yourself, with or without the other person standing beside you. The day someone tells me they feel as if a part of them is empty because there isn't someone else out there to hold their hand, I say get some therapy and get over this emotional dependency that so belabours your being.

I just can't grasp the concept: how can you be happy with someone when you're not even happy with yourself?

And to those who, upon reading this, feel the immediate need to call me "lesbian", "feminist", "man-hater" or otherwise, first things first, yes, I think men suck, but I never said that women didn't either. Humanity as a whole is a pain in the proverbial ass, and no one is bloody perfect, and that include you, me and the next person standing in line for a manicure with US5000 in his/her pocket. As I've said a thousand times before, perfectibility is but a figment of humanity's overactive imagination. We hurt, we make mistakes, but that's what makes us beautiful. If you can't see that, then you really ought to take a break from that mindless bubble you're living in and join the real world.

"Oh, you won't know the feeling of amazing euphoria till you actually get into a relationship."

You know what? If the only reason I'm in a relationship is to be viewed as normal and healthy, to have a sense of "stability", and that was all that mattered to me, thanks, I'll pass. I'd rather be weird and dysfunctional while trying to find some meaning in this crazy place we call life, than look to someone to provide the answer that I'd be more satisfied finding by myself.
I don't give a flying fuck if I'm single or attached, and I don't think you should either.

Has society really screwed you up so bad that living alone seems like such a horrible ordeal?

And for the record, yes, I'm straight, and yes, I'm pretty damn sure about it :P I only wish asexuality was an option.

Posted by Tiff at January 06, 2024 10:56 AM

Man, now I wanna major in English too.

Posted by: XGen on January 11, 2024 12:18 AM

I'm loved, I'm loved! Unfortunately, without my glasses, I'm blind as well, hiaks.

Can't wait to see you di!! <3

Posted by: tiff on January 8, 2024 12:05 PM

I think my life is worthless ... I cannot find a reason to live another day or take another breath until I find ... until I'm with ... until my one and true soul mate is within arms reach ... *sigh* until that moment ... there's nothing on the face of the planet to live for ... TIffany ... come back to me and save me from this bleak world ... this dark, dank and horrid place we inhabit. without you. i am nothing.

p.s. I have your glasses, cuz I know without those, YOU would not be able to survive in this world.

p.p.s. i still don't have a boyfriend ... life is great ... hope it stays this way *raises fist* yay for happiness!!!


Posted by: FaBLe on January 8, 2024 01:04 AM

Derder: i'm disappointed to see such a thoughtless reply in response to a matter and opinion that seems to have been misunderstood. perhaps you'd like to re-read my post again before resorting to personal insults?

jan ee: there will be no raping! lol

sooks: hiaks, thanks ;D

lennonist: haha, it reall WAS a bad article :)

Lisa: haha, you're crazy *hug*

s: thanks ;D *hug*

Posted by: t on January 7, 2024 01:46 PM

where is mr carebear toque? i wanna see woozie rape him.

Posted by: Jan Ee on January 7, 2024 07:26 AM

hey chee mui!

Good on you!
(haha yeah, I just called you I know, but I HAVE to pose this as well)

I cannot agree with you more!
Crappy people out there who are attached, BUT who think that singletons are a bunch of sad, pathetic and unhappy people, you are dead wrong!

There is absolutely nothing wrong in being single, and in choosing to be single.

What's this nonsense most of society has about the fact that one is not complete without that "somebody?" Heck, I have friends and family to make my life more than complete.. :)

Thanks chee mui *hugs*

Can't want to see you tonight
And I am glad you did not bake anything :) Especially anything chocolatey :)

Posted by: Lisa on January 7, 2024 03:15 AM


i dont think that tiff has any negative feelings towards those who are IN relationships and are all for it....but about those who are possibly in them, and look negatively upon those who ARE NOT in a relationship.....

and i second that thought...those who think being single is bad and makes you a bad person, are nothing but worthless pieces of trash.

Posted by: s on January 7, 2024 02:28 AM

yay for boys and girls getting along in peace and harmony without emotional attachment!
p/s: that must've been a pretty irritating article you read....

Posted by: lennonist on January 6, 2024 08:27 PM

Hmmm.. Dont be so foul-mouth on those who prefers to be in a relationship or have opposite views from yours. Could your outburst be due to the lack of suitors or lack of attraction from the opposite sex?

Posted by: Derder on January 6, 2024 07:18 PM

haha. way to go, girl. set them straight will ya?

you're spot on for most of the matter, heck, i'm single and happy and pretty much still haven't lost the plot yet. i'm swearing off relationships this year until i find what im lookin for, which is more spiritual rather than physical.

anyway, i'm havin too much fun stringing them men along. two can play that game, yanno?

Posted by: sookie on January 6, 2024 02:05 PM

lol. hi S :P

Posted by: t on January 6, 2024 12:18 PM

i hate society.

nearly everyone...nearly EVERY GODDAMN WASTE OF SPERM AND EGG PERSON ON THIS SHITTY EARTH is a joke...running around with their heads on backwards and their eyes closed thinking they have a fucking clue.

they are all misinformed.

i wish everyone could just fucking transcend this fucking hell-on-earth for just one day, to see they are nothing, and this is all meaningless.



Posted by: s on January 6, 2024 12:13 PM
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