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Before I go into my usual ramblings, I'd just like to say that the last word means more to some than others, and this verbal slanging match could go on forever (and trust me, I have many bones to pick!), but the buck stops here. I don't like to repeat myself over and over: it takes too much time and effort for something that was meant to be funny in the first place, when I could be off spending what time I have left with loved ones. Derder, if I've ever slighted you in any way, my apologies. I have a lousy temper, and it's a fault I hope to rectify over time.
To each his/her own, after all.
And to my friends who have done such a wonderful job defending my rant, I really am blessed to have friends like you! It seems pretty inadequate, but thank you, so much :)
For strangers, I really should warn you to please take my comments then and those to come with a pinch of salt: I have a mad sense of humour, which seems to get me into hot soup every now and then. (um, oops?)
...and that's that.
I don't want to leave.
It's hard to have two places one calls home, but I'm so lucky to know such marvellous people that I really would like to move Malaysia over next to Canada if I could. Or at least make it easier for me to travel back and forth, heh.
I've pretty much said goodbye to the people that matter here. Had Haagan Daz (thank you chee mui!) last night with Lisa, Azuan and Rudy before going off to hunt Vincent and Merv down. Vincent thinks I should slow down a little when I take corners :P
Spent the day with sooks and Lisa today between shopping with dad and working a little. Kai has already taken off for Singapore, so it was just me, Shean Min, Agnes, Kevin and Lisa who yumchared for the last time at Rafi's tonight.
The family's been buying all sorts of last minute stuff for me, and Colin gave me the cutest bandanna ever! It has little paw prints all over it, and makes me look anything but thuggish, lol! Audrey bought me a bag I've been eyeing for a while, and the parents have been paying for most of the other stuff, eek.
I really do feel guilty every time I buy something with money I did not earn :/
Ah well, another break down the drain. I had a blast though, with all the usual ups and downs, and having everyone back was such a fantastic bonus :) Leaving tomorrow night, and I have 10 hours to bum around in Japan before my connecting flight to Canada, ugh. Any ideas on how to kill time?
I will see you
in my mind
as I close my eyes.
I will touch you
in my mind
and hang tight to friendships' ties.
I will keep you
in my mind
and in my heart as well
I will hold you
in my mind
whether in heaven or hell.
Currently listening to: Def Leppard's Two Steps Behind
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Download this!! Please? :)
no offence, derder, but you always manage to come off less than tactful even in what I hope are harmless observations, lol.
ah well, english majors (fake or otherwise) are lways on the lookout for that which is implied and not outright stated anyway. it's an inbred thing :P
thanks for everything, lisa :) You take good care too, aight? <3
Posted by: t on January 8, 2024 10:49 PMWow, U sound wonderfully nice today. Is it because of the presents U received and the last chance to be nice before U say ur last goodbyes? Keep it up.
How to kill time? Go to the Ginzas and dance until U drop dead. Have a nice time there.
I thought the bandanna was cute too!! Hey, I want one. Then again, as you remember, chee mui, bandannas and I don't seem to go together, according to your Unca Azuan, that is :p But I wanna look thuggish too! :p
Umm... you are correct though, paw-prints bandanna + wooziekins = cute kid and NOT mean thug!
So... you have to stick to the normal colours should you want to harrass anyone :)
It was great seeing you last night chee mui :)
Take good care of yourself okay..