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I'm sleepy, I'm achy, I'm tired.
Wildly fluctuating between the dreamer and the cynic, trying to clear the mind. Sometimes, I just want to pack up and ship out. Get the hell out of here, try to figure out what I'm doing, try to understand. Sarah tells me the natives call this the Third Stage, the Wandering Stage in life.
Candles burn and music plays; the lights are off, save one lone lightbulb sitting in a corner, casting its luminiscent glow that tries to inspire a faith and a warmth inside and out.
Good luck, little lightbulb.
Put your hand over
where your heart is
and feel it beat
with a warmth and heat
that sears more than just your palm.
A life under your fingers,
one that's touched lives
in thousands and millions
even if it doesn't feel that way.
Friends. What on earth would one do without them?
Currently listening to: Erasure's Always
Current emotion: .
Random observation: More than 6 cups of coffee a day and I'll hunt you down and forcefeed you cookies! lol.
aye ruth *hug*
Pearly: heh, probably baking brownies tonight, unless I get too plastered to do so.
Posted by: t on January 16, 2024 07:25 PMSaw on MSN that you want to bake...how goes the experiment?! :P
Posted by: p3arLy on January 16, 2024 03:49 PM*gives the sweet lady a Hug*
hang in there, tiffy.