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You've gotta love Canada. Checking the weather report is as natural as breathing, and nothing really takes your breath away quite like the wonderful reading of -30C for the day. *bangs head against desk*
It's been a little over two years, and I think I've been fairly Canadianized by friends. I'm skilled at peppering my speech with "eh" (kinda like the Malaysian 'lah'), so much so that people think I come from Scarborough, yay me. I say "how are ya?" while walking and don't wait for a reply, even though the Malaysian in me is screaming "rude! rude!!". It's pointless to stop, 'cause even if you do, they don't (I learnt this the hard way in first year). So just keep walking damnit. I comment about the weather as a means to a conversation, I eat carrots and brocolli raw (when I have to *makes a face*) and hockey fights make my day.
Dude, what the hell... Haha!
Currently listening to: Avril Lavigne's I'm With You
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Just a dot. A dotdotdotdotdot.