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Last night was the very first Malaysian potluck, organized by some students who wanted us to meet and get to know one another, seeing as the Malaysian community at Trent was growing so quickly. When I first got here three years ago, there were probably six of us, and I just found out last night there's already 15. Perhaps it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but for a school of a little over 5000 students, it's a pretty considerable number.
I really didn't want to go, because I usually felt very isolated from the international community, but Kayla talked me into it, and all in all, I'm glad I did. It was nice to see all the new faces (sooks! I met this guy who's from BBBS, and we met him through the Interact Club before!) but it was rather weird walking into a roomful of Malaysians who stopped all conversation and started exclaiming about the entry of the "mysterious Malaysian" whom they've heard about but never seen, lol. I've probably bumped into each Malaysian once last term, which is rather odd, considering how the rest of them meet up quite often. We'll just put it down to my anti-social tendencies :P
So we ate, and yakked, and laughed it up about residence, and home, and stuff we missed. It was all Manglish, and I know if any of the girls were there, they would've laughed at the sheer madness of the whole situation, what with us hurling insults and jokes at top speed in Cantonese, Hokkien, Malay and Mandarin.
So yeah, it was worth the traipse downtown to meet these people. There's just something about Malaysian humour that can't be beat :)
Currently listening to: Pearl Jam's Alive (acoustic)
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I discovered the secret of making a day so much better; home-made freshly baked cookies first thing in the morning!
whatever-ever... togeder-geder...