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Missed the bus, hah. There's nothing quite like glancing out the window to see the bus you're suppose to be on zoom right by.
It's a great start, don't ya think?
Bought myself a new backpack yesterday, seeing as I left my faithful Timberland one back in Malaysia :/ Bloody hell.
Robbed Roger of his Maxim mags, yay me. It's all porn, and I don't see how guys can say otherwise, but the articles are way funnier than women's mags', so all is good on the reading front. Oh yeah, and they usually have a couple of Absolut ads in them that I steal from time to time (with Ra Ra's permission, of course).
1.42pm. Tick tock tick tock goes the stupid clock.
It's just a phase damnit.
Currently listening to: Incubus's Just a Phase
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Hmph.