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Dikir barat practice tonight, and I've been driving Ayesha up the wall. Umm, oops. Too little sleep and too much caffeine/sugar got me totally wired, and to make things worse, Kieren brought her bongo drums for us to try out. James wasn't there so I got to play with it, and it's safe to say I was annoying as hell :P
I pity my housemates, because Kieren's bongo drums came home with me, hiaks! That's right, to quote Todd Rundgren, "I don't want to work, I wanna bang on my drums all day!" ;D
Sure practice means hard work, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have fun as well. A couple of laughs make all the difference between work and play.
Currently listening to: Crystal Method's Trip Like I Do
Current emotion: wired
Random observation: Spiralling out of control. The madness that is :)