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Am too wired and I can't stop shaking and Sarah thinks I should run up and down the stairs and I'm so bloody wired and I can't do anything but sit here and shake my legs and I've been doing that for over an hour now and I think I'm going crazy and omg omg ahahaha this is pure insanity I should never have had that stupid mug of hot chocolate and I'm going crazy crazy sososo crazy ahaha I've been laughing for a full 15 minutes it kinda reminds me of that stupid laugh marathon we had a while back in Taylor's and I'm wiredwiredwired and the girls are having the craziest conversation in my room about fashion show prep. and all that happens backstage...
"...she's like the cleavage queen..."
"I'm so desensitized now; all I see are flying boobs and asses..."
"haha, yeah, and all the guys just walking around in their boxers..."
"...and there's the brown pervert..."
"I don't think I've been naked in front of so many people in my life!"
"...she has both her nipples pierced!"
"I'm so tired of stripping in front of everyone..."
Don't you just love the conversations girls have? ;D
I think I'm finally winding down oh wait maybe not kill me, kill me right now actually just tie me down and let me be and the coffee will wear off and the caffeine will dissipate and I'll wind down and be calm and normal and not not not thatthis crazy and Kayla's getting the frying pan and she's gonna hit me over the head with it and the girls are putting me to bed yayayayayayaya.
Madnessmadness if I reach for the bongo drums right now one of them really is going to kill me alright I think I really should run up and down the stairs to let this sugar and caffeine wear off right now and give my poor battered keyboard a break I'll try to explain everything tomorrow if I remember or feel like it.
currently listening to theory of a deadman's make up your mind
currentemotion wired
randomobservation: I'll fix this all tomorrow.