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1. I should stick to booze; I'm less stupid that way.
2. Lack of sleep + coffee + tea + cinnamon roll + coffee + coffee + bongo drums + hot chocolate + muffin = bad idea
3. Caffeine should be treated with respect *ahem*
4. Just as you're winding down, don't take more sugar.
5. Muffins and hot chocolate have sugar in them *smacks forehead*
6. Bongo drums should not be handed out to hyperactive people.
7. My hands are still hurting from banging on the drums all night.
8. I have been banned from making noise music when people are in the house.
'tis the life.
Currently listening to: Missy Elliott's Gossip Folks
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Have decided against editing.
oh yes, haha :D
sorrrryyyy laaaa
...just don't eat the bongo drums ;D
Posted by: t on February 7, 2024 09:45 PMoption 2 somehow sounds very tempting! lack of sleep is what i already have... the rest sounds down right yummy!
Posted by: Lisa on February 7, 2024 09:33 PM