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Am currently talking to John via AIM, and I'm going to be buying a piece of his work for my wall, yay! ;D
Braced Against the Torment. Abstract and beautiful in its own way. This is actually Version II; I really liked Version I, but the green in this is oddly attractive ;D
*does a little dance!*
Feel free to browse though his gallery; Studio 42 is down at the moment, so you'll have to settle for dA. Highly recommended if you're a fan of the abstract. He sells mostly prints, but to my knowledge, he has a set of greeting cards too, which is next on my shopping list, right after I finish buying books for school :P He's currently working on the second set, and I can't wait to see that :)
As for now, I'm just happy with my purchase ;D
Currently listening to: Smashing Pumpkins' Today (acoustic)
Current emotion: pleased
Random observation: I got abused today *evil look*