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Went to pick up my printer from Roger's, and that silly boy fed me, yay Ra Ra! Had a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich (the best!), some crackers, some chips and orange juice. Stole some Maxims and harassed him for a bit before coming home. Two hours later I wolf down some chicken kurma and rice, and right now I'm having a mug of green tea.
I handed in a paper today, yay!
(Small steps, small baby steps.)
So much more shit to do, bah. I miss the days when work wasn't this much of a strain and pain.
I've come to conclusion that a day in the life of a university student consists of assignments, classes, boozing, sleeping, watching telly and doing silly stuff like rearranging one's closet according to colour, just because we can.
We watch a lot of Oprah :/
I have a lot of red and black clothes.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Answer Me
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Gotta go return some books at the library.