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Okay, so maybe not, but I needed something to do besides schoolwork and trying to kill myself by standing on a computer chair in my attempts to make Ghettoball fly, so there you are.
Fine, the schoolwork isn't all that great either, but the only bloody therapy that's working right now is humour, sarcasm and rants, so yeah.
Am getting tired of trying to explain how my day went, and I'm more articulate through text than speech anyway, as my numerous blunders with the girls have proven.
I miss my old layout. Wanted to ask sooks for it before re-releasing this site, but
a) her 'puter died, and
b) I haven't spoken to her in a while.
Whatever. Post #981. Tiffy's back (...so quit heckling already).
Currently listening to: TLC's Waterfalls
Current emotion: pfft.
Random observation: SuperGhettoball's so fly ;)
Are you serious? That would so rock! But we gotta run through the dates; am going home earlier than expected. Email me and we'll talk.
Posted by: t on March 30, 2024 11:24 AMi can't even remember what your old layout looks like :) and i might have it backed up. i'll check. refresh my memory though!
sorry i've been awol. i'd kick myself for being such a crap friend but i keep reminding myself you'd understand if i had work *wink* degree sucks. wish i was back in TP with you guys. so much less stress, and the interact stuff was fun, no?
sigh sigh. i've been at the labs past midnight for the whole week. does that tell you something? yeah, i need a life.
btw i've spoken to dad and a ticket to CA as a graduation present may not seem to far fetched after all :) i'll keep you posted!
Posted by: fuzzy on March 30, 2024 06:21 AM