April 17, 2024
I'd just like to say

I'd just like to say that there will be no more postings for the next few days. My condolences to the Burfield family, especially Miranda. I'm sorry.

Posted by Tiff at 10:37 AM
I want to shoot myselffffffffffffff

I want to shoot myselffffffffffffff :(

Posted by Tiff at 07:18 AM
"Pukullllllllllll tujuh pagiiiiiiiiii..." [That's malay

"Pukullllllllllll tujuh pagiiiiiiiiii..." [That's malay for "7 o'clock in the morninggggg..!!" :)] Yeap, sleepless nights make me crazy!

Posted by Tiff at 07:11 AM
Yah, 3.33am and I'm still

Yah, 3.33am and I'm still awake; I swear, I HAVE to finish my essay before daybreak. It's been an interesting day to say the least; I kinda lost my temper and scared the heck out of Kayla, lol. I TOLD you guys I had a wicked temper :P I spent a little over 3 hours on deviantart.com and have a grand total of 11 poems online; sigh, I LOVE that site and the community. Anyway, I'm hitting the books. Will write more when I feel like it.

Oh yeah, and before I forget, the Leafs' won their third consecutive game in overtime, woohoo..!! Kayla, Roger and myuself had to restrain ourselves from screaming; we were holding onto each other and jumping for joy--must have been a comic sight indeed. I just love residence :)

Posted by Tiff at 03:41 AM
April 16, 2024
All-nighter which didn't help; my

All-nighter which didn't help; my essay's still hanging in there, sigh. I got sidetracked by deviantart.com but..ah, excuses excuses. Well, at least I found a place to express my self in public, but incognito. *smacks head* I think I'll go cook some Maggi now...

Posted by Tiff at 03:35 PM
April 15, 2024
Dielah dielah; I gotta finish

Dielah dielah; I gotta finish my work by 6am--guess it's another all-nighter for me *sigh* Not a wasted night though--talked to Therese for over an hour about *stuff*, checked out some e-mails and postings which caught my eye...ah well. Work work work..!!

Posted by Tiff at 11:43 PM
Blah...it's been such an unproductive

Blah...it's been such an unproductive day..!! Walked over to Otanabee with Asha earlier and I've been surfing the net ever since I got back. I want to sell my pc--any buyers? :)

Posted by Tiff at 07:39 PM
I forgot to mention; big

I forgot to mention; big thanks to Therese, Jenn and Anne for the bunnies and chocolates respectively. Thankie thankie! Muahaha, I have new toys! *big grin* Last I counted, I have a stuffed lion and reindeer slippers (from Heather and her parents), two bunnies (one from Therese and the other from Jenn) and a teddy bear (from Merv & Vivien), wee..!!

Posted by Tiff at 02:25 PM
Finally finished my Mudslide last

Finally finished my Mudslide last night, yay! Chattered with Asha for the longest time about anything and everything we could think of. Yahh..went to bed at 4.30am, only to have a really weird nightmare/dream--it was back in WWII and we were being hunted for by the Germans--it was scary. Anyway, woke up, went back to sleep, woke up, went back to sleep, and the dream was still going! Like, what the..?! Tomoko called at 11.30, and I woke up, only to go back to bed AGAIN after that *sigh* Finally dragged myself out of bed at 12.30 (thanks Susan) and had a quick lunch with Di, Asha and Susan. Oh, and before I forget; HAPPY EASTER Y'ALL! :) *muahmuah*

Posted by Tiff at 02:16 PM
April 14, 2024
So much for Toronto; I

So much for Toronto; I overslept, and Harold called me at 11 to find that I was still in bed, hah. I'm sorry! Ah well, chatted on the phone with him for a bit; I promised to head down on Wednesday instead. Had a light lunch, read some notes and went back to bed till 4 *sheepish grin* I'm such a pig..!! Anyway, supper was awful but I ate it anyway before catching the hockey game with Kayla--she's funny during playoffs :)

Posted by Tiff at 08:03 PM
Yay, it works again! *muaks

Yay, it works again! *muaks computer*

Posted by Tiff at 02:12 AM
OK, I couldn't post and

OK, I couldn't post and publish my last two notes; like what the..?!?!

Posted by Tiff at 02:10 AM
Yeap, it's been a pretty

Yeap, it's been a pretty good day today. How was my essay? WHAT essay? *cheeky grin* I went to Timmy's again with Sarah and we had a nice long chat over coffee (I sound old..!!). 8pm and it was still light out, I could hardly believe it! Bloody windy out though. We had a huge cooking session tonight; Maggi for Kayla, Heather, Althea and myself. Jenn came in an hour later and I cooked some for her too. We had another "party" in my room (as usual; Shean Min wonders why I always seem to have people around!) as people walk in and out; among them Therese, Kayla (screaming because the Toronto Leafs won on overtime), Sarah, Jenn, Sunday, Asha et al. I got to watch SouthPark in Jenn's room--it was bloody funny. Remember Saddam Hussein guys? Haha, it was a continuing episode, bloody funny stuff, that. Spoke to a very drunk Chris who insisted that I should never laugh at engineers because "they build the world" (I swear Chris, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing at Kayla playing Same Game..!!). Oh, and might I mention he thinks my homepage is artsy, and thus I'M artsy (yeah right, as if Tiff's the artsy type.. *phbt*grin*) Thanks Chris--I'll take it as a compliment. Anyway, I got an e-mail from Ms Greer (my CPU teacher) and it was great hearing from her. I'll be heading to Toronto tomorrow to see Harold and do some shopping, so hey, better hit the sack. Cheers y'all. :)

Posted by Tiff at 01:28 AM
April 13, 2024
Dammit.. oh well. What did

Dammit.. oh well. What did I say earlier? Oh yeah, had a nice walk to Tim Horton's and bought a cup of coffee for Sarah coz she's stressed out. It's a windy day today yah? Chatted with Heather for a bit--I think I'll go write my Philosophy essay now.

Posted by Tiff at 03:15 PM
Did I just lose my

Did I just lose my posting? OMG, I just lost my posting!

Posted by Tiff at 03:14 PM
Changed my template...

Changed my template...

Posted by Tiff at 03:06 PM
Ok, I lost my first

Ok, I lost my first blog, so I gotta try this again...!#%@#&@!!

Posted by Tiff at 03:02 PM