Audrey's birthday today. Jeez, my sister's getting old, lol. Work was bloody hectic, but at least I was occupied most of the day. Had dinner with my family. Was supposed to meet Yi Kai and Shean Min, but they blew me off, so i'm pretty disappointed. Kai went back to Penang today instead of tomorrow as planned, which means I won't be seeing him for god knows how long. Whatever man. All friends seem to be pretty screwed up...nah. It's probably me that's screwed up. Whatever. I need space. I need out.
I'm sleepy and I'm tired :( Another long day at work, but the good news is that what I thought would be two days' work is now a month's worth; Alice Smith has hired me for the month, yay! Working conditions are really sucky, not to mention my colleagues (since they're just waiting for me to mess up so they have gossip fodder, me being the admin secretary's niece and all that shit, but damn them, I got that job by merit and not connections thank you very goddamn much!). :( Yes, I'm stressed out and I'm miserable. Haven't seen my friends, haven't been able to view deviations, hardly have time to check my mail, sigh. I know I ought to quit if I'm not happy, but I really need the money to help pay for next term's tuition and shit, and the chances of me getting a job that pays, let alone well is practically zilch, so I guess I gotta bear with it.
I should quit moaning too; lotsa people would kill for my job... *slaps herself* Ah well. Kai called again; he's in Kl finally, but I might not be able to meet up, simple because tomorrow's my sister's birthday. $@$^~#%&!! *sniffle* Somebody get me outta this miserable stateeee...!! :(
Ooh, just got a phone call from Kai of all people. He's coming down to KL tomorrow, yay! I get to beat him :P
Darnit, haven't checked deviations in ages, argh!
First day at work was a doozy. Slept at 3, woke up at 7. Called my aunt before I left for work, only to find out that she had yet to speak to her boss, so the job wasn't confirmed yet. Fine, crawled back into bed. Dad woke me up at 9 to tell me my aunt wanted me at the office ASAP to get right to work. Rushed like mad, got there at 10. Worked like a dog till 5.20 with a 15 minute break in between. Jeepers! Got home around 7, watched "Emperor's New Groove" on VCD. I'm gonna go hit the sack now.
Dinner was not that great, but the kids were bloody cute. I didn't realize I had a new nephew till this evening, and that my oldest niece is now 16, gaah! Now I REALLY feel old.
There's a huge family dinner thingie goin' on tonight; my niece Victoria turns 1 *grin* Can't wait. Ooh, and before I forget, I've got a position as a temperorary staff in Alice Smith, the same place where I worked as a TA last year, but this time, as a staff in the admin's dept. I'll be working there for 2 days, but hey, somethin's better than nothing. Here's hoping they'll like me so much they'll keep me for a week, lol.
2 pm. That's what time I woke up, lol. Yesterday was hectic but fun. Was at the shop in the morning before I rushed home to bake Diana's cake which was ready the second she pulled up in front of my house, lol. After that it was a mad dash to sook's place to pick her up before heading towards downtown KL. There was a problem getting the apartment at Crown Regency, so we headed to Ascot's which is some bloody fancy-schamancy place near the Kuala Lumpur City Centre. holy crap, we had fun! Diana left us there to unpack while she drove her car home, leaving sooks and I a chance to have fun and go mad, lol. Unca Azuan showed up when we were cooking, followed by Tse Wei and Irene (both who are old high school friends of mine and sooks'). I got to watch Cartoon Network! lol. Anyway, it was a steamboat dinner, and everyone had shots of vodka before going out (and before I left). The plan for the night was to finish a bottle of vodka, head to Flux/Rush (latest club in KL), drink more there, and finally, return to the apartment and get totally sloshed. Victims of the night as outlined were myself and a friend of Diana's (didn't catch her name). Ah well, I got out of there after the 1st bottle of vodka :) I had fun.
mom wasn't feeling well today, so I was at the shop helping dad out. Nothing much happened, just sold some shoes and stuff. I really do wanna go back to .ca *sigh*.
Ah, spent the day baking at sookie's house :) I had a blast! Was a my parents' shop till 1. Sooks picked me up and we headed to a bakery store place which my dad told us about and bought tonnes of ingredients. Stopped by at the bank before heading to sook's house. We baked up a storm; about 12 trays of cookies (4 shortbread, 8 double choc chip), 2 banana walnut loaves and an orange cake in 6 hours *phew*. Got home around 10; mom loves the banana walnut. I'm pooped.
It's raining outside, which means much cooler weather, yay! Mom complained that the cookies were too sweet, but I received positive feedback from everyone else, so i'm not gonna do anything about it, lol. Audrey brought dim sum for lunch, yum. The only bad news I've received so far is that Yi Kai didn't bring me my vodka as promised *sulk* I wanna shoot himmmm..!! :(
I'm tired. Very tired. Just finished baking a huge batch of cookies for my family and some friends.Was at work the whole day, and yep, today's my last day, coz my boss can't seem to find any work for me, blah. Visited my aunts and spent some quality time with them. I'm going to bed. Hope everyone's doin' alright, wherever they may be. As for the e-mails, bear with me. will reply soon (I hope).
Ah, just took a nice cold shower; it's still bloody hot and humid here in KL. I got back not long ago from a yumchar (that's literally "drink tea" in Cantonese for my non-Malaysian pals) session with a friend I've not spoken to, let alone seen, since 1999. We did some catching up, avoiding much old grief, skirting past many issues left unsaid and basically just talked about current happenings. It was getting late, so I came home ASAP (didn't want my parents freaking out; after all, one all-nighter was enough for the week, lol). Damn. I miss my all-nighter sessions *grin* Anyway, gotta catch some sleep before work tomorrow.
Just got home. Spent about 2 hours in Lot10 (it's a fancy shopping mall in KL for my friends not in the know :)) with sooks searching for art books. Had dinner at Schlotzky's--totally pigged out with sooks, lol. Between us, we had 2 main dishes and a regular pizza with a smoothee each, and for sooks, an extra pop to boot, lol. Argh, we were stuffed! Sooks dropped me off at my parents' place and we got home in time to catch some funny chinese flick on tv. Yay. Gotta work tomorrow, ho hum.
OK, woke up at 8 somethin' and called my boss; she only wants me in Tuesday, sigh. I think I'm gonna quit; I'm not some damned yo-yo y'know, always at their beck and call. Gonna have dinner with sooks tonight, yay! Haven't seen her since my birthday, sigh. Nothing much today; probably heading to KL with sooks in a bit.
No obedience training for Shadow today as he had a jab earlier in the mornin'. Instead, Audrey and I brought Joshi to the field, just for the heck of it. I've never seen that place so crowded in my life! Anyway, was there for a little over an hour before we came home. I'm probably gonna give Ms Janice (my boss) a call tomorrow, just to see if I still have a job...*sigh*
got dragged out of bed this morning to make a trip to the vet's with Audrey. TWO dogs in tow, mind. Joshi was a scrabbly brat--she scratched me all over, blah. Shadow was being his show-off-I'm-better-than-you-until-I-see-another-dog-I-don't-know-approach-me, lol. He was hilarious. Anyways, home in one piece; I'm gonna grab some lunch now.
Was home for most of the day till late evening when I headed to my parents' shop. Audrey and I brought Joshi with us, and a family saw her and is thinking of buying her. I don't feel like selling Joshi :( Ah well.. *shrug*
I'm in a grumpy mood; I'm starting to feeel the stress of not having my "space" (for those not in the know, I lost my room to my ass of a cousin, grr). I wanna kill someone.
Wahey, woke up not too long ago. I know I know, I was a little pig, but hey, I only crawled into bed at 8 somethin;, so it ain't that bad! Dinner last night with Sue, unca Azuan and Lisa turned into an adventure of sorts, lol. We decided on the spur of the moment to head to Genting, and we did just that :P It was a blast; had loads of fun with my favourite people.
I think I forgot to mention; I got busted. Yujin called my cellphone and I very stupidly picked it up, argh. Word's out that the woozstah is back, darn. I wanna crawl back under my rock and live there...
Ah, no work today..slept in till 1 and was online ever since :P sue Ann called; I'm going for dinner with her and Azuan (and hopefully Lisa as well). Received e-mails from Miranda and Heather, yay. Ooh, before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER!!! :)
Deleted some junk from devart. I've been laid off! My boss couldn't find ANY work for me to do, simply because she had the whole week planned out, and I finished everything by Wednesday...not good. sigh. And one would have thought hard work should be rewarded.
Anyhoo, had lunch with Norman and Shean Min today which was nice. Spent a lot of time online before hitting the sack at 7, lol. Wasn't feeling that great--I think the pollution is getting to me. I miss Peterborough's clean air. Yep, back for 2 weeks and I'm already rarin' to go back. Told you so! *grin* Just woke up an hour ago, will be going to bed again soon. Ta y'all.
My favourites out of the whole collection online;
Perfect Love took me two bloody years to get it right, and
Frustration is a description of how I often felt in university when facing deadlines or problems.
Was looking at my poetry and stuff; I write a lot of nonsense aye?
Yay, received the best news ever. Kai's gonna bring back a bottle of vodka for me, lol! It's my birthday pressie *rofl*
OK, so I didn't go to bed. What else is new? It's official; almost EVERYone knows I'm back now *sigh. I should be happy. Shouldn't complain. Blah. I dunno. Going for lunch with Shean Min and Norman tomorrow, yay. Might have to go to the hospital with my dad laterz though. Ah well. My allergies are acting up; I want clean air *sniffles*
I'm tired. Finished all the work Ms Janice had planned for me for the week, and so by 4pm there was nothing to do. Methinks she's gotta work on finding stuff and nonsense for me to finish, lol. Ah well. i'm going to bed.
testing testing.
how come the space bars don't show?
Something I penned yesterday in a fit of bitterness and anger and...blah.
Funny day today. Went back to my high school with my boss to promote Taylor's College. Bumped into several ex-teachers whose first question to me was, "So, you're working for them aa?" in a tone which said (to me anyway) "See? I knew you'd end up no where--guess you're working as some admin assistant eh?". Ohh, it felt good to be able to say I completed my pre-u on the honours list and first year of university in .ca, no thanks to them. Yes, I'm bitter. And angry. And resentful. But I'm proud of me, of where I am, and of where I'm going. So screw them. And screw the world.
And I JUST found out who let the cat out of the bag... *glares at a certain someone*
Methinks I've been busted. Or more accurately, I've been sighted in KL, lol. So much for incognito :P
First day back at work; it was good to see everyone again, butI can't help but feel old when walking past all the college students on their lunch break or whatever. Geez, talk about getting a perspective.
Was at my parents' shop for most of the day; Shadow went for Obedience School with Audrey and dad while I stayed at the shop with mom. We took her out for a Mother's Day dinner in a restaurant nearby. I gotta get some sleep; gotta be at Taylor's at 9.
Darnit, I can't publish! Darnit darnit darnit.. *grrr*
So much for Melaka, hmphff. My sis got diverted and cancelled the trip at the 11th hour. I was NOT a happy kid, I'll tell you that :P We headed to MegaMall instead and went shopping with my cousin and his gf. He wanted to buy me a teddy bear for my birthday, but I didn't see any particular one which I liked, so he gave me money instead, wee..!! We ate at Genki Sushi in Bangsar for dinner, and had dessert in Alexis, ooh. Went out with Shean Min, Shao Yi, Norman and Nicholas for a mamak session in Damansara later; we watched football (or as my North American pals would call it, soccer~!); it was the FA Cup finals. Bloody good game--Liverpool won 2-1, wahey! (Not that I'm a fan or anything; just watched for fun :P) Ah well. Got home around 12? Went to bed soon after. I'm bored today, eesh. Shouldn't complain though; I start work tomorrow, eek. Probably gonna hang around and waste my time as usual. :)
I can't believe it! I actually received an e-mail from GEORGE of all people, lol. I really have to go buy the lottery now :P
Oh, before I forget, I got my old job back at Taylor's College; I'll be working in the Canadian Pre-University office doing data entry. The pay sucks--it's about 1.50CD an hour! I wanna shoot myselffff :P Ah well, something's better than nothing!
Opened my one and only present just now; I received a really cute French Peas pendant (from VeggieTales; unless you watch it, you won't understand it :P) THANKS HEATHER!!!
Woke up at 9.30 thanks to mum, blah. sleepy, but I gotta get ready to head to Melaka with my cousins and sister.
I turned 20 today, aarrgghh. Can hardly believe it. Spent the day hanging out in my parents' shop till 8 before we had a huge family dinner thingie. A couple of phone calls, among them Shahnon & Norman (both singing Happy Birthday), Sharon, Poh Lin, and others. Went out with Sooks later (I thought we were heading to the Bangsar mamak, and was tempted to pull on shorts, but thank god I didn't, cos we went to some fancy place instead!). Uncle Azuan was there was well, and my old high school friends showed up (Tse Wei, Irene and Di *big hug to all*) Big thanks to Sooks for getting everyone together. The girls bought me a chocolate cake which Shadow made me drop when I got home (silly dog.. grr). Uncle Azuan bought me drinks, argh! I had a Screwdriver, a Long Island Tea and a Singapore Sling. Tiiiiiiipsyyyy..!! *lol* Got home around 1.30 and was online for a bit. I'm going to bed now. Thanks to everyone for the wishes and phone calls. I'm heading to Melaka tomorrow; can hardly wait. Ta!
Just got back from lunch with Norman and Shean Min. Gee, Subang Parade has really changed. We ate McDonalds' (I know I what the..? But hey, it was raining!) Norman was telling us about the Indon fella who offered him a Tag watch for 500 RM. The idiot in return asked to buy it for 10 bucks, gahahahahaha. Hilarious fella :)
I'm bored outta my skull now :P
Yay, tired :P Was at the shop with my parents yesterday--dad brought me to a place in Brickfelds where they serve wicked curry and spices, ah! Sooks and Bronson showed up at around 4; wahey, got to meet the infamous Bronson after so long! *grin* Met Merv's parents before they left for the States. Got home and played with Joshi till late. Norman called; talk about surprises! Woke up late today, eek. Gonna go for lunch with Norman and Shean Min later. :)
OK, I finally have time to update this a little about what's happened the past few weeks. Let's see.. I finished half a mickey of vodka at John's as we celebrated the end of the term and school year, training started on the 26th--we did Emergency First Aid, how to deal with suicide, alcohol, liabilities, etc.
There was a free dinner courtesy of Professor Kruger for the new RAs; yummy food served at some fancy-schmancy restaurant on the outskirts of Peterborough. Brain-storming session for the year 2001-2001, woohoo~! I finally got to meet Catherine's mom. Packed to go home; almost missed my flight to New Jersey; barely made it! spent 4 hectic days in NJ as Alice and I tried to shop for all the stuff I was supposed to bring home. In NYC I streaked my hair with multiple colours including orange, blue, pink, red, green *lol* Had an excellent dinner courtesy of Alvin at the Red Lobster; damn the seafood there is good!Left on the 2nd of May; comfy 22 hour flight back to KL; the plane was half empty so everyone had at least two seats to themselves :P At the airport I was picked up by Shahnon; suprised my parents, wee..!! :) First meal back in KL--DIM SUM! Shean Min, Shao Yi and Poh Lin dropped by the day after I got back and we caught up on happenings in KL. Back in time fro Wesak Day prayers. My first outing with friends; Azuan, Lisa and myself meet up for coffee at CB; hooray for Sunrise!
Today was spent at the shop with mum and dad; going for a mamak session with Shiau Wei and Shiau Chen laterz.
Anyway, that pretty sums it up. Will write about the ToadHunt past later *grin*
Yep, I've been back for what? 4 days now? Things are lookin' up--it's been bloody hot, but I love being home (although I do miss Canadian weather *grin*) I've been sleeping a lot, and so far Sooks, Azuan and Lisa know I'm home. Went to coffee Bean with Azuan and Lisa last night, had my first Sunrise since July, lol. Played mahjong! Gahahaha. Ah well :) I'm still waking up at 7 and going to bed at 10; talk about no life! As it is, I gotta go get ready to head to my parents' shop. Ta all :)
This is to see how often you guys check my blogboard, lol. I'm back in KL people!!! I've been back since yesterday; my parents were shocked to say the least :) Anyway, call me when you see this; the number's 019-3233528. Ciao *big grin*