Back in school already. Man, time really flies when you're having a good time. My room's so much bigger now, but training's already started and it's a drag. The worst part is my 'puter isn't back yet, so I'm stuck with using the library's, which, IMO, sucks (but that's just coz I miss MY 'puter). Anyway, will update my blog when my 'puter comes back. As for now, I am offline!!
Went shopping today in Tannersville, Pennsylvania with my cousins. Bought this really neat wool coat and a Timberland tee (I can't resist Timberland stuff). We headed to Flushing, Queens for dinner and I managed to check out bits of New York after that. Last few days were crazy; headed to NYC three days in a row, but I spent most, if not all, of my time in Chinatown and Little Italy. The best part about the whole thing was the people-watching. Even when we were stuck in a traffic jam for 2 hours, just watching the people in the cars around us, the people of the streets... gosh. The things you learn just by observing. I thought Mulberry St. was a cross between Petaling Street and Bintang Walk; cheap trinkets and funkysouvenirs for sale alongside fancy, discreet Italian restaurants with tables placed on the side of the street. Lots of people, lots to see. I definately want to explore NYC further on my own, but for the moment, I'm banned from doing so by my cousin till I find a friend to explore it with, blah.
Anyway, called Yi Kai last night; he's already left for school this morning. Will probably call him once I get back to school. Spoke to Sarah for a couple of minutes--may see her the following Saturday. Merv called; he's picking me up from the airport on Wednesday and we're going for dinner together before he sends me off to university. Lucky me, lol.
Ahh...I think my hair-streaking just went a little overboard.... *sheepish grin*
I'm in New Jersey!
Damn I'm tired, and my back's killing me, ugh. Last day at home was spent packing right to the final hour before we left to have our last family dinner. Sue stopped by in the afternoon to help me pack, as did Shean Min, Poh Lin and Norman. Made some calls, including one to sooks. I didn't manage to see her before I left. Anyway, my luggage was overweight by 6kg, so my sister and I had to beg the guy to put in through anyway without charging me about 200US for it :P Shao Yi, Shean Min, Norman and Poh Lin came to send me off, which was great, since I don't know when I'll be seeing them again. Thanks guys, I really appreciated the send-off.
After 22 hours and 35 minutes spent on the plane with an hour's stopover in Dubai, you bet I'm glad to touch solid ground, phew. Customs was a breeze, but it took me 35 minutes to collect my bags, and they were so heavy they went past me three times on the track thing before I dragged it off. I bought a 1 litre bottle of Absolut Mandrin for US11 in Dubai, holy shit! Could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the price tag. It's less than half of what I'd pay in KL for a bottle.
Heard the best news ever once I got here though; my cousins tell me that if I don't head home for Christmas, they're gonna take me to NYC to catch the Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast, woohoo!! And to top it off, before I go back for summer next year, Jorge is gonna take me and Alice to Puerto Rico for 2 weeks if things work out financially for them. Damn, things are looking up! Gotta decide what I'm gonna do for Christmas break soon, though, whether it be NJ, home, Vancouver, Kayla's or Heather's.
Merv, if you're reading this, I forgot to bring your phone number with me! Could you e-mail it? Thanks. Ditto for all my pals in the States; e-mail me and I'll call ya or somethin'.
It's my last night in KL. I've been packing and packing, it's 3am, I'm bloody tired, I feel as if I haven't seen half the people I'm supposed to see, but at this stage, hey, too late. Spent the day shopping for last minute stuff (esp. groceries). Cancelled my appointment with Mei Mei and Mei Fun (we were supposed to head downtown to buy some stuff) and packed instead. Saw Masrey for precisely 5 minutes between packing. Will be unable to meet Ying Ying and Melissa *sigh* but Audrey managed to buy me a couple of VCDs. I have to remember to call Harold's friend..! Bought some hair clips and stuff in Section 14 before heading over to Klang to see my godmother for the last time. Got home and went right back to packing. My aunt and cousins gave me money, wee..!! Kai's gone btw. Managed to call him last night as I figured he'd be kinda busy later. Not feeling too sad, since we're in the same part of the world. Marianne called to say g'bye; will be seeing her in .ca, so no tears there either. Was looking at some old college photos... guess we grew up somewhere along the way. Next summer's gonna be weird without my friends around.
Merv called later to find out when I was leaving, and said he would send me back to university, wahey! It gets better and better *grin* Mei Mei and Mei Fun bought me the bathrobe I was eyeing as a present, woo..!! Am hoping to get in touch with Sarah while I'm in the States to see if I can collect my 'puter from her. Gonna start the new term with lotsa neat gadgets and stuff, lol.
This summer's been good. My cousin was right though; the best part about this whole arrangement is the the fact that I love both Canada and Malaysia, so it makes the transition so much easier. Yeah, life is good :)
Anyway, just found out that Merv has already bought my phone for me. YES!!! Bloody excited about that. It's late, and I need my sleep. The next time I blog, will probably be in the States (unless I get to blog before dinner tomorrow, hah!). I'd better call sooks though; still haven't seen her, am wondering if I will.
Goodbye peeps; thank y'all for a fantastic summer, it was a blast!
I'm going insane with all this last minute stuff, argh..!!
What song goes "R to the A to the G to the G to A, A?" Dammit, it's bloody catchy. I want that song!! Anyone remembers Black Machine? Now how did that song go...lemme think. Oh yeah..*techno-trancy sound* How gee!!.." or something like that. I want I want I want..!
Reminders to self:
Don't forget to buy instant coffee, instant noodles and
So much for Rush Hour II! Seems that the free tickets I had were only valid for some older movies, so I gave them to the guys since I'm leaving on Monday. We ended up at Poh Lin's place instead, where we got to watch Shrek. Ahahaha, Eddie Murphy kicks ass!
Anyway, was at the Beach Club with my cousins and sister and got home around 2-ish. Had a pretty good time (Mei Mei is an amazing dancer, lol) and I'm going out with them again tomorrow, wee..!! sooks called; we were supposed to meet, but as usual, never happened. Guess it's just not meant to be :P
Oh, and before I forget, Sharon's started her own blog. lol. I guess blog fever is on! I'm waiting for Shean Min to get his *grin* Hurray for sooks for starting the trend, lol. We're all trend whores, we are! Anyway, I'm dead tired.
Quote of the Day:
I have a dragon and I'm not afraid to use it! - Eddie Murphy in Shrek
Couldn't sleep till early this morning (read: 6, 7-ish am). Spent the afternoon with my brother running errands for mom and stuff. Got around to talking with Colin; not a lot, but enough to gather a better understanding of each other. Off to watch Rush Hour II with Shean Min, Poh Lin and Shao Yi, as my cousin gave me 4 free tickets. Still undecided about plans for tonight tho'. Milton's Paradise Lost is driving me nuts...
Just got home. Was at mamak with Azuan, Rudy, Ervan, Jane and Vincent. Adam joined us later for a little while. Alex has already left for Vancouver; depending on plans during Christmas break, may or may not see him in .ca. Was on my way home with my sister when her friend called from Sunway; seems that his car wouldn't start. Spent an hour and a half waiting for AAM to show up. I'm feeling rather weird now. I can't wait to go back to school, but I'm gonna miss my friends here, especially the few who are leaving for Aussie next February. I figure I won't be seeing most of them for at least 2 years, and it's kinda sad. Oh well, guess that means I gotta buy myself a ticket to Melbourne :)
Thought of the Day:
It's taken some time, but I'm beginning to see a lot of different aspects of life which I had never been able to piece together before. Someone you call a friend...friend can mean many different things to many different people. These few months back home have taught me the difference between a friend and an aquaintance. I realize now that it's not a matter or keeping things in perspective or keeping in touch; you can go off without seeing each other for ages, and still pick up where you left off. Friends are those you actually miss, and look forward to seeing all the time. It doesn't matter if you just went out an hour ago; you still miss them when they're not around. Friends are those who make you feel at ease, who don't judge, who make you laugh your head off and cry rivers of tears. They frustrate you, are there for you, let you down once in a while (but you always forgive and forget) and...gosh, there's just so much I can say about friends. My conclusion? To my real friends, I salute you all! :)
Song of the moment: Eve 6's Here's To The Night
Book of the moment: Milton's Paradise Lost
Coolest MTV of the day: Missy Eliot's Get Your Freak On
Quote of the Day:
Wisdom is keeping apart from the irrational. Grant me instead what the simple believe - Euripides
Stanza of the Day:
Where emotions reside, which alcohol releases
And let loose these binds; where reality ceases
to hold me back, in fear and desperation
Recall the hurt, pain and deception...
An out and out disaster today, as far as plans were concerned. Didn't get to see sooks after all. Have started preliminary packing while watching MTV in between. Have you ever watched Eve6's "Here's To The Night"? Nothing fantastic, but just watching it made me think about my friends and I, especially those trips to Genting. I can still see it in my mind's eye, Shean Min being bullied by Kai and Heng Han, Sharon, parading around the living room in Kai's jeans (you can very easily pull em off) with her cap on backwards and lotsa attitude, Norman cooking (now that's a sight you don't see very often), cho daidee sessions, Poh Lin's shopoholic tendencies :), Shao Yi..oh boy. I could just go on and on. But I won't. I'm off to catch "Friends".
I'm pooped! My trip to Ipoh was great; I'm glad I managed to spend some quality time with dad. Got back to KL at around 8, had dinner before doing some last-minute shopping at Metrojaya. Visited my cousin in Cheras; my sister and I only got home around 1-ish.
Headed down to KLCC with Poh Lin and Shean Min today. Walked around and checked out some stuff. I wanted to buy some of my books, but it's bloody expensive, so I've pretty much resigned myself to shopping in .ca. Met up with Marianne at 4 before we headed to Poh Lin's tailor's (I'm making myself a baju Kedah). Visited Norman and Shahnon (actually, we wanted to avoid the traffic jam, so we stopped by :P) before coming home. I'm tired. Was supposed to go mamak tonight, but I cancelled it. 5 more days and I'm outta here, yikes. Can't wait to see sooks tomorrow...
No stanza of the day for lack of inspiration.
Quote of the Day:
Wisdom is far the chief element in happiness and secondly, no irreverence towards the gods - Sophocles
I want I want I want..!! [link]
I like my haircut more and more, lol. Easier to maintain, no more tangles, word! [Chill alright, it looks the same, I look the same. It's just shorter :P] Gotta get ready for my trip to Ipoh tomorrow; it's gonna be fun :) Oh, just received this in the mail. Nice goin' Raymond, although I have to say, your old jokes are much better :P
1. World tallest Building,Best F1 circuit, biggest pewter mug, highest standard of university admission...coz Malaysia Boleh
2. We can be driving, picking our nose, cursing another driver, talking on the handphone, adjusting radio and bribing the cop at the same time
3. We can divorce by sending SMS [Ed. note: I'm not too sure about this...]
4. Traffic summon can be settled on the spot with the cop.
5. Teh Tarik & Roti Canai is the favourite supper
6. We can save a lot of electricity because our TV shows are so crappy
7. We can blame everything on the haze or George Soros or Keadilan
8. We have a resourceful City Council; one person to drive the van, one to carry the ladder, one to change a street bulb and three others watching
9. We make 2 lane trunk roads into 3 lane highways and back to a 2 lane road when cops are sighted
10. There's always something for the PSD to do. They dig, resurface, dig and resurface...
11. All main roads are designated as highways coz it gives the govt a reason to collect toll.
12. Our Govt can never be wrong.
I just love Malaysia *grin*
Was at my grandparents' place this morning to perform some prayers at the family altar. Fell asleep in my old bedroom :) Just had a haircut; snipped off about 3 inches, argh! Will be heading to my parents' shop later. Just called sooks to cancel our plans for Tuesday, coz my dad wants to head to Ipoh tomorrow. Have re-scheduled with her to meet on Thursday. Sorry sooks, didn't mean to ffk you (again!). Argh. I hate limited time frames...
"So you sailed away
Into a grey sky morning...
Now I'm here to say
Love can be so boring...
Nothing's quite the same now
I just say your name now and...
It's not so bad
You're only the best I've ever had
Don't want me back
You're just the best I ever had....
So you stole my world
Now i'm just a phony
Remembering the girl
Leaves me down and lonely... - Vertical Horizon, Best I Ever Had
I just love this song...
This is gonna sound totally insane, but I went to bed at 8am, or thereabouts *sheepish grin* Mom and Audrey woke me up at around 11, and we headed off to KLCC to do some shopping, and spent some 'mother/daughter(s)' time together. Mom bought herself a new handbag from Aigner, Audrey bought some fancy junk food from Marks & Spencer and I bought zilch *grin* Off to my 6th aunt's house after that; I have a new niece, and her name's Keri Tan Eng Ling. She's a cutie, and her birth day was on the 10th of August 2001. At times like this I feel kinda old, coz I still remember wrestling with her father when we were kids *grin* To think that he's a daddy now...
We left my aunt's place at around 6-ish, and spent a couple of hours at the tailor's (mom was ordering a new set of drapes for the house). I was bored stiff. Went out with Poh Lin and Shean Min later; we met up with Yi Kai at the Halo Café. Also took the time to walk around Petaling Street (I finally bought Kayla's present). Also managed to buy myself a really nice New York Knicks' sweatshirt for 10USD, wahey! Said g'bye to Yi Kai (the last time I'll be seeing him till godknowswhen) before heading to the mamak near Shean Min's place for supper. Got home around 12-ish, and I've been online ever since. Been working on my second battle poem with savis and sumalangitnawa (friends from devart); will let you guys know when it's up :)
Stanza of the Day:
Slowly sleep consumes me, my lashes they fall
Against my cheek; lies my dreams recalled
Thoughts of the past, present and future, consume my mind
Possibilities and the unknown, I hope to find
But self-control, my heart it binds.
Quote of the Day:
Yeah, if you don't come see me I'll buy you Nike sandals!! - Yi Kai [Ed. note: This was meant to be a threat...?]
Had dinner last night at Steven's Corner with the gang and sooks as well (finally we met up, lol). Poh Lin joined us at around 11, and we headed to Bangsar soon after. Headed back to my place around 2-ish, and everyone stayed over except for Poh Lin.
We had lunch near Shade's today before everyone went home. I crashed out till a little after 10. It's been a long three days. Had some problems with my ticket, but it's all resolved, although it did cost us a mint. It's official; I leave on the 20th of August 2001.
Stanza of the Day (inspired by Bridget Jones' Diary):
Hold my hand and pull me through
See me to the other side, hanging on to you
Reach for me in the darkness of night
Don't give me up without a fight.
Quote of the Day:
There is no such thing as reality. There are only versions of reality - Unknown
Wahey, finished reading the sequel to Bridget Jones Diary- Edge of Reason. Bloody dumb book, that. But hey, it was entertainment all the same. I really liked Mark Darcy's character, though. He seems like such a sweetie, lol. I finished it at 7am and woke up at 8 (bloody alarm went off). Finally dragged myself out of bed at 10.30. Had breakfast withYi Kai before Shean Min showed up at around 12.30. Sharon had already left bright and early for KL to pick up her visa and ticket. We had lunch at Shade's before lepaking at Taylor's for a bit. Met up with Marianne (she was down from Ipoh, yay!) and we headed to Pyramid Mall while Shean Min was at class. Yi Kai had abandoned us for his CCG (private joke, that). Hmphhf. Anyway, I met up with Alex--he's leaving for .ca on the 16th, but he'll be in Vancouver. Even so, we're hoping to meet up, possibly over Christmas. We spent a couple of hours in Starbucks before we left for Shean Min's place. Am waiting for Sharon and Yi Kai to show up after their respective rendezvous, lol. Off to burn a couple of CDs now.
I was so pooped last night, hehe. Yi Kai and Sharon are down from Penang today; we had some food at Ravi's before heading back to my place to take a break. We headed off to 1 Utama after that (Sharon and Yi Kai wanted to do some quick shopping). Off to Shean Min's later to burn a couple of CDs. Norman and Kevin joined us later and we just hung around for a bit, catching up on some news and complaining about siblings, lol. Was supposed to meet up with sooks, but as always, the plan fell through. *sigh* Hope to see her sometime to next week.
Stanza of the Day:
Always there to make me laugh
We hit each other and we play rough
But still my friends are always there
Through thick and thin, secrets we share
We hang out and do nothing all day
We stay true to ourselves, no matter what others say
We complain and gossip, talk shop and just chill
You may call us boring but we do what we will
I don't know why I'm ever so lucky, but I always say
Friends like these I'll keep till my dying day. :)
Quote of the Day (courtesy of Kai [He thinks "Kai" sounds cooler than "Yi Kai", blah]):
In courage keep your heart, in strength lift up your hand - Kipling
Phew, I'm back in KL again :) Headed off to Penang bright and early Tuesday morning with Azuan. We had a great time there, and I even met up with Sharon and Yi Kai for dinner. Lisa, Azuan and I left at around 3pm today and I got home around 7-ish. I spent another RM250, argh! Bloody broke, sigh. Finished reading Kipling's "Puck of Pook's Hill" in the car; it's a great read, with tonnes of historical moments thrown in and lovely British poetry on the side. Loved the book. Had a quick shower and it was off to Wei Ch'ng's place. My lil' nephew turns 4 today (Happy Birthday Wei Wei! *hugs and kisses*) He was so cute! When his mom brought out his birthday cake, he turned to his brother and started singing "Happy Birthday to ME!" *rofl* Mei Ling had also bought a cake for her husband, as it's his birthday tomorrow, but I couldn't help but laugh out loud when Wei Wei decided that the second cake belonged to him too and blew the candles for his dad *grin* Ah, kids.
Happy Birthday deviantART!! devart, an art community introduced to me by sooks a couple of months ago turned 1 today (or was it yesterday?). Had a nice surprise; a poem which I wrote about my impression of devart back in April was picked for Daily Poem. Makes a nice ending to a funny day :)
Stanza of the Day (following the first stanza from Words):
A broken soul
On the mend
A healing heart
Perhaps godsend
Why words
No strength
Why talk
At length
Why question
What we write
Why weakness
We fight
And yet, keep at bay
Why keep wondering
All there is to say...
Quote of the Day:
Just as I shall select my ship when I am about to go on a voyage, or my house when I propose to take residence, so shall I choose my death when I am about to depart from life. - Seneca
Thought of the Day:
Life is cruel irony. Life is tears, laughter and pain all in one. Life is an instrument of God to make us think and feel and embrace, perhaps sometimes discard.
Quote of the Day:
Ever felt like you were taking the next step into the direction of stupidity? - Tiff. L.
Thank you Yi Kai, for listening to me rant for almost an hour about the inane and stupid, about anything and everything, and for not laughing when I told you what i really thought :P
Stanza of the Day (An excerp from a poem I've been working on):
Words we speak
Words we write
Words like shimmering light
Sometimes shadowed, sometimes bright
Emotion, pictures, a painting fine
But words paint vivid
A photograph for the blind
Though only in the mind.
And a link to my joint-project with savis and seblon, my friends from devart, entitled The Memory Within.
I'm tired. Was out the whole day with Poh Lin and Shean Min. We had lunch at Genki Sushi (I had this mad craving for tempura udon) before we headed to 1 Utama. Gosh, it's been ages since I was there, but it looks the same to me. Walked around and window shopped for a couple of hours. Poh Lin tried on a whole selection of dresses while Shean Min and I sat outside (we were her 'consultants' on part-time basis, although I didn't really see the point of making a comment, since she insisted that her boyf had see it before she bought it in the first place :P). Anyway, bought an Abercrombie & Fitch tee for about 10USD. Bloody cheap, that. Thanks to Shadow, I no longer have nice tees, since he bit holes in all of em *growls* Damned dog..!!!
I'm off to Penang tomorrow with unca Azuan :) Will be doing some last minute shopping and stuff; should be fun.
sooks just sent me to this really funny site [link] where they give you a definition of "the goddess in you" or something like that. All you have to do is type your name in, and the one thing I noticed is that all the letter Ys stand for 'youth' or 'youthfully' or some crap like that, lol.
Here's a few:
Tiffany - Truly Independent Friend who Feels Absolutely Neverending Youthfulness
Stephanie - Sensibly Truthful Enthusiast who Practices Heavenly Amusement and Nurtures Intensely with Empowerment
Shao Yi - Selflessly Humorous Aspirer who Opts for Youthful Insight
Sharon - Selflessly Humorous Aspirer who Represents Open Niceness
Kayla - Keenly Admired Youth who Loves Amazingly
Heather - Humorously Edgy Adventurer who Teaches Highly Enthusiastic Radiance
Is it me or is there some sorta repetitiveness in the whole thing? Anyway, don't have the time to run through the whole list of names, just a couple of people i'm speaking to online at the mo'. *grins at sooks* Thanks :)
P/S: Heyyy, notice that S-H-O is automatically followed by "Selflessly Humorous Aspirer..."??? *roflmao*
Been home the whole day, reading and watching cable, 'cept for dinner when Audrey and I picked up Yih Ch'ng and Wei Ch'ng (my nephews) as well as Mei Fun and headed to Gengki Sushi. Unfortunately, most of the stuff was out, so we ate at A&Ws; instead (??). Was at Coffee Bean with Poh Lin for a couple of hours after that, she had a serious crisis of sorts and needed some sorting out. I've been online for the past 2 hours talking to Yi Kai, Shean Min and Poh Lin about the upcoming weekend. Jan Ee just told me there's a BBQ this coming Friday. Unfortunately, the Taylor's College Alumni dinner is on the same night, so I'm a bit clueless right now.
Word, many thanks to Yi Kai for helping me fix the imood thingie. Doesn't it look cute? :) I love it already.
Stanza of the Day:
Dance up and down
Backtrack, no sound
Swing a little, to the groove
Forget your problems, your body move
Throw your hands up in the air
Wave em like you just can't care
Let your hair down, move your feet
Just keep dancing to the beat..!!
Quote of the Day:
"In you I find what I seek, and therefore you are beautiful" - Virtue and Vice
Just checked sooks' blog. I'm sorry I didn't call sooks :( My only excuse is that I've been out all day, and my phone was barred. Sorry. Will try to call you soon.
It's 6.15am and I'm still awake, ack! Poh Lin just left my place 25 minutes ago; we were having a long chat while my mom and cousins played mahjong right till sunrise, bleh. Crazy people *shakes head*.
It's been a busy day. Mei Fun called at 12; she wanted to know if I'd join her for a shopping spree, so I agreed. We headed to downtown KL and spent a couple of hours at Sungei Wang Plaza before heading to the Midvalley Megamall for dinner at Little Penang. Fantastic nasi lemak they serve there..!! Oh, and how could I forget? My phone decided not only to get barred when I needed it most, the battery died to boot. So basically, I was carrying a paperweight in my pocket for the day. Was supposed to call sooks and Azuan; so much for that *sigh* Anyway, after walking around aimlessly for another hour or so, we headed to Mei Ling's place in Puchong to get the kids before going on to Sunway Pyramid for the last leg of our shopping spree (don't I make it sound like a sport? *grin*). After 2 1/2 hours of pushing my nephew in a weird looking lil' plastic car-trolley thing, it was off to Rafi's, my regular mamak corner, with my old college buddies. We left at around 2am, and Poh Lin and I have been talking ever since. Guess it's time for bed now. Forget about stanza of tha day; I need sleep..!!
Neat, now Heather says I can spend Christmas with her and her family too. Thanks Heather. Talked it over with mom and dad just now; sure it would be real nice to come home for Christmas, but paying over 4000 bucks just doesn't cut it. I'm gonna miss my friends tho', cos most of them are leaving next February for Australia. I tell you, come summer and I'll be totally friendless :P
I decided to put down "Chronicles of Narnia" for the moment. Am now half-way through with Kipling's "Puck of Pook's Hill", it's really quite fascinating actually. I've noticed that the last few books I've been reading seem to centre around the theme of religion, gods and myths. Not that I'm complaining, but I can't help but think there's something about something which I can't quite put my finger on...
Stanza of the Day:
Why we steal, pretend and lie
Why we live, hurt and cry
Why we suffer, dream in pain
Why we still believe in vain
Why we cover our eyes from truth
Why we tend to act obtuse
Why friends matter, why even care
Why try pretending that life's even fair?
Why the false smile and fake cheer
Why act as if you have no fear
Why associate tears with being weak
Why think that love is the only thing we seek
Why deny all that makes you whole
Why keep yourself bitter and cold
Why not try and grasp a cloud
Why not take pleasure and not doubt
Why not try to not second guess fate
Why even bother to say "too late"
Why write a poem when you could be asleep
Why not take the chance, of faith you leap...
1.42am, 3rd August 2001.
Just finished watching Dogma again. I love this movie. It may be comic satire, but some points raised are so true. Besides being a star-studded cast with the likes of Salma Hayek, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, the chemistry's right, the storyline's a beaut and basically, everyone's fantastic! Also watched Scooby Doo on Cartoon Network and Whose Line Is It Anyway on StarWorld (this show never fails to crack me up; Ryan Stiles rocks!).
"It doesn't matter what your faith is. What matters is that you have faith..." - Dogma
Alright, I just asked if anyone wanted to take me home for Christmas 5 minutes ago, and already Kayla says I'm going home with her. Kayla, I said I'm not sure yet! But thank you for asking *hug*
Almost forgot to mention, I finished Book 3 already.
I just found out that I don't have a ticket for Christmas break, which means that it's very likely that my Christmas will be spent in Canada/US instead of home. Am I happy? Am I sad? All I can say now is that I'll have to make the best of whatever comes my way. Soooo, anyway care to take me in for Christmas? *grin*
Stanza of the Day:
There’s no place of my own
I can’t find room to breathe
The place which I had known
No more my place to live.
Thought of the Day:
To what extent is life about choices, and if we say all, does that mean that fate has no part? Is there such thing as 'fate' in the first place? Was Sartre right when he said that we are responsible for who we are, what we are, and every thing we do and say, including 'accidents'? Is life really but a stage, as mentioned by Shakespeare? Am I really ranting for no particular reason but for the sake of ranting alone..!?
[See what I mean by thought of the day? *grin*]
Haha, I'm happy! Finished the 2nd book already, so that's 2 down, 5 to go! Marianne woke me up at 9 today; I was suppose to meet her at 10 in Taylor's College, but I only got there at 10.30, eek! We went around terrorizing the teachers and Ms Janice, the admissions officer (and my old boss) till 12. Shean Min and Shao Yi showed up around then, so we had lunch at Shade's.
Quote(s) of the Day:
"Yeah, if I can't get a job I'll write scripts for porn..!!" - Shao Yi
"I don't believe in love at first pants are falling!" - Shao Yi
"...I bought the soft one and she bought the hard one..." - Shao Yi (Ed. note: Think perversely :P)
lol. I love Shao Yi!! She makes life so interesting!