A little less than two hours and I'm outta here. Will be staying with Marianne (I owe you!) and meeting up with Kai and Cathy, word! Don't think I'll be blogging in Toronto, so Happy New Year everyone.
Currently listening to: Paul Oakenfold's Speed
Current emotion: cheerful
Random observation: Amazing how I can make a mess in 10 minutes or less, eek.
For laughs and future reference:
woozstah (1:46:40 AM): *smacks the wai wai*
LoRd RiGGY (1:46:57 AM): yay!!!!!
woozstah (1:46:57 AM): wakey!
woozstah (1:47:02 AM): yay??
LoRd RiGGY (1:47:02 AM): smack me more!!!!
woozstah (1:47:06 AM): uh oh
LoRd RiGGY (1:47:16 AM): me love smackeys
Now we know something's wrong, lol.
Wai Wai and sooks never fail to send me into fits of hysterical laughter, rofl.
Currently listening to: Fuel's Hemorrhage (In My Hands)
Current emotion: amused
Random observation: drunk people are just so funny to talk to, haha!
My first ICQ message from Kayla after 3 weeks:
You have received a message!
are you in TO?
how was NJ?
did you ever wake up at ground zero and proclaimed a hero by Rudy Giuliani and all of New York's residents?
I swear, she's on crack or something, haha!!
Currently listening to: Backstreet Boys' Drowning
Current emotion: amused
Random observation: Archives are brilliantly hilarious yet sometimes sobering things.
Back in residence (for the night anyway). Getting through customs this morning was, ah, an experience. What with them army people parading their shotguns and being stopped every 10 paces and questioned repeatedly in the line *wipes brow* Understandable though, considering what happened a few days ago with that guy flying in from Paris. They even stopped some of us upon boarding the plane, inspecting luggage and whatnot. 'tis unfair that they go by stereotype though.
Was rather disappointed about being unable to pick up a bottle of Absolut at the duty-free shop in Newark, because the store was closed (??). Who ever heard of a duty-free store being closed at 11am?! I'm guessing Someone's trying to tell me something *looks upward* Okay okay, I get the hint! *sulks*
Reached Toronto around 3pm, and didn't feel like lugging all my stuff with me to Marianne's, so I decided to head back to Peterborough at the spur of the moment. Got back around 8pm and unpacked a bit. Will leave tomorrow afternoon for Toronto and spend a few days there. Heather's invited me to crash at her place after New Year's; will see how things go. I've missed my room and all my junk. Got my mp3 player hooked up, wee! It's so neat; I love it! Downloaded some music; will watch a movie before going to sleep.
Currently listening to: Five for Fighting's Superman
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: You never know what you miss till you leave it.
Sleepy. Went to bed at 5 and was up before 10 to head to NYC (on my own, yay!). Met up with Wai Wai and gave him his vodka and cookies as promised. Bought Jenn's stuff at Origins before we traipsed around with no particular direction. Walked to the New York Library, Central Park and around, and I don't know where else. We really did have no direction, so we just kept walking. I remember the Disney store (with its ridiculously overpriced paintings) and some other toy store with its very own bear corner with an assortment of bears all shapes and sizes *swoons*. Found a Barnes & Noble and a copy of Orwell's 1984, but the line was so long I decided not to get it then (which I really regret now). We stopped for coffee around 2.30 at a Starbucks in Times Square and just talked shop for a good hour before I caught the train back to Jersey. Thank you so much Wai Wai, for being the ever-patient tour guide to a blur individual such as myself who doesn't pay much attention to detail but finds time to smack you for your smartmouth comments :P
Alice brought home Godiva chocolates, hehe. Had dinner with my cousins before heading to B&N; with Jorge to find my book, and I'll be damned if we didn't go to two seperate stores and they both did not carry a copy *sulks* And to add insult to injury, one of the guys working in the second store kept insisting that there was a copy. I told him explicitly that it was my third visit and they still did not have it, but did he believe me? Of course not. He came to look for me 10 minutes later to apologize, and concocted some bizzarre story about there being two copies just the day before, as he saw it. I was there barely a week ago, and there weren't any, and unless there's some mad rush for Orwell's books that I don't know about, it should have been there if he'd seen it. Personally, I think he just didn't want to look bad, 'cause I'm pretty sure he saw Animal Farm and thought it 1984. After that, instead of leaving me alone, he start bugging me over the LOTR section where I was trying to check out some production notes of the movie. Had had enough, so I found Jorge and dragged him out of the store. Am never going back to that B&N; again, hmph.
Spoke to my parents for a bit, and my niece as well. Am tired :\ Off to pack my stuff now, as I leave tomorrow morning for Toronto, woah. Talk about time flying by.
Reminder to self: overalls + Hush Puppies (black) = me lol
Currently listening to: Kid Rock's Forever
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: Nothing like swapping childhood stories to make me laugh.
My blogback's gone *sniffles* Just when I was getting used to having it there too. Oh well, let's hope it'll come back soon *crosses fingers*
Sharon won't be joining us in Toronto after all. Am disappointed, to say the least, but it can't be helped, so we'll just deal. At least Kai's confirmed, so I'll see him and Marianne on Saturday.
Don't feel like rambling today.
Currently listening to: Foo Fighter's The One
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Orange light just makes everything look eerie.
Almost 4am and I'm still up, which means I probably won't be able to get up in time to catch the train to head to NYC. Guess it was a good thing I didn't call Wai Wai after all, hehe. Will head there on Friday instead, methinks. Actually, I have to go on Friday, 'cause I need to pick Jenn's stuff up before I leave, and give Wai Wai his stuff. Shouldn't have called mom earlier, bleh.
Currently listening to: Ludacris's Rollout
Curren emotion: .
Random observation: 'tis so easy to guilt-trip me.
Spoke to mom for a bit, and called sooks as well, since I haven't spoken to her over the 'phone in ages. It was good to talk to her again. Feeling a tad homesick. According to mom, things at home are alright, for the most part. Daddy's been... I dunno, but my niece and the family dogs have been keeping him busy, so he's okay. Mom's still recovering from appendicitis (she refuses to rest when she's supposed to) and Audrey and Colin have been busy with work. Basically, the family's been pretty occupied, and no one's exchanged presents this year. Then again, Chinese New Year is less than three weeks off, so I'm not surprised. Too much to do and too much money to be spent in preparation for that to bother much about Christmas.
Triggered Memory of the Day:
Was watching MTV and they played an old track from the early '90s which cracked me up, 'cause I remembered playing that song when I was dee-jaying for one of them Interact Club functions (who remembers Interact and Leo Clubs?? If you're Malaysian, you'd better!). I was 15, and it was the club's International Understanding Day. We were selling dedication slots for/during intermission, and some guy told me to help him pick a song for a girl he liked. Unfortunately, he was really rude about it and pissed me off, and I was a bit of a smartass at that time, so I recommended Ugly Kid Joe's Everything About You. Now, if you know anything about the song at all, you'll realize it's not something you want to dedicate to any girl, let alone the one you like. The title is very misleading, and I was very convincing (in selling the uh, benefits of the song), so the poor sucker took my recommendation. I didn't see him again after that day, and for his sake I hope the girl didn't hear the lyrics properly *grins* If he was lucky she wouldn't have heard the song at all! I know I know, I was mean... *rolls eyes* Sure as hell had a lot of fun though, hah!
Currently listening to: Fat Joe feat. R. Kelly's We Thuggin'
Current emotion: amused
Random observation: "I'm under the alfluence of incahol" is actually a common joke, but people give me credit for it. I'm honoured, haha!
Nothing much today besides heading to Livingstone with Alice to shop in the evening. She bought two bears for her collection (we stood in line for a good 45 minutes, bleh) and I bought another fleece sweatshirt from Aeropostale, eek. I've overspent this break, bleh. My fault, that. :\
Got in touch with Kai and Sharon, and it's all settled: we're meeting in Toronto instead of Montreal, as all of us have to head back to our respective schools earlier than expected. I'll be heading to NYC for one last time tomorrow to get Jenn's stuff from Origins and to give Wai Wai his vodka (not that he knows it yet :P). I've gotta go call my parents now. Be back later.
Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: .
Random observation: There's nothing like having a cat fall asleep on your lap while watching tv.
Things have been very quiet in comparison to yesterday *phew* Spent the day just chatting with Alice and watching old videos. Alice has sworn off vodka, btw. She didn't appreciate the hangover :P We watched Disney cartoons all evening before she abandoned me to spend quality time with Jorge.
Four more days and I'll be back in Toronto. Sharon can't make it to Toronto (she's currently in Quebec City), and Kai and I aren't too sure about making it to Montreal, for various reasons. So we're kinda stuck right now, but I'll be back in Canada on Saturday all the same. Breaks always fly by so quickly. It'll be good to go back and see everyone again though :)
Currently listening to: Faith Hill's This Kiss
Current emotion: .
Random observation: No matter how often I say "I used to believe that people were inately good", deep inside, I still believe. I'm just too stubborn to admit it.
*looks at last blog* I could still spell-check manually last night, haha! Although I have to say, very scattered thoughts put together.
I'm still tired after yesterday, bleh. Jorge and I left around 10 and took the train to NYC so we could buy some stuff for Christmas Eve dinner and check out Ground Zero. People-watching in the subway stations yield much thought. Visiting Ground Zero was a very sobering experience, not because of the rubble (most were cleared away) but because of the little things people leave behind: flowers, notes, words of strength and encouragement, of love and loss. Many left with tears in their eyes, from what I could see.
Anyway, Jorge and I walked all over Lower Manhattan, buying the stuff Alice had sent us out to get. I thought I was bad when it came to crossing roads; Jorge is worse!
Me: Dude, what the hell are you doing? It says 'Don't Walk'!
Jorge: This is NYC; when they say 'Don't Walk', it means 'Walk Faster'!
(after being almost hit by cars for the 15th time)
Me: Don't you guys get arrested for jaywalking??
Jorge: Yeah, and I'll put the blame on you
Me: I speak no English *makes a face*
Jorge: what??
Hehee. Madness, pfft. We got back around 6 (alive and in one piece, thank you!), and Jorge and I drove to the liquor store to buy wine and stuff while Alice prepared dinner consisting of lobster, shrimp, chicken and whatnot, woo! Came back with two bottles of wine, a mickey of peach schnapps and a bottle of Smirnoff I'd bought for Wai Wai. We finished the wine rather quickly, and started on the vodka Alice had bought before. Ran out of orange juice, so Jorge and Alice went to get some while I spoke to my parents. They came back not only with juice, but with three more bottles of wine as well, eek. Jorge doesn't drink, so it was just me and Alice. We just talked for hours, laughing so hard that tears came to our eyes. I know for sure the alcohol had something to do with it, 'cause some of the jokes really weren't that funny :P Anyway, we finished off two more bottles of wine, the peach schnapps and the vodka before Alice went to bed. As for me, I sat in front of the 'puter and spoke to sooks, Kai, Pascal and Bryan for a bit. Did the dishes before going to bed.
No hangover today, yay! Wish I could say the same for Alice, hehe. She was throwing me dirty looks the whole morning :P 'twas a good Christmas Eve *grins*
To all my friends and family, Merry Christmas everyone *hugs*
Currently listening to: Blessid Union of Souls' Hold Her Closer
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Cinnamon gum tastes funny.
Jorge and I spent the morning and afternoon traipsing Manhattan, and I was bloody tired by the time I got home at 6pm. Alice and I started drinking, and it's not a pretty picture. Between us, we finished four bottles of wine, 750 ml of vodka and a mickey of peach schnapps. Alice is drunk, and I don't think I'm that far off. I called mom and daddy, since it's Christmas already in Malaysia. I miss daddy very much. Merry Christmas everyone *hugs* Alice has passed out, eek. I bought Smirnoff for Wai Wai, since I could find no Absolut. Sorry Wai Wai :(
Currently listening to: Bon Jovi's It's My Life (live)
Current emotion: intoxicated
Random observation: I get sleepy when I'm drunk.
Watched Lord Of The Rings - The Fellowship of The Ring this evening; it was worth every cent to see the trilogy brought to life and the gorgeous sets on the big screen. Allow me to say that pointy ears are very cool, and Legolas Greenleaf is extremely drool-worthy. Who needs swords when you've got an elegant archer with pointy ears? Go watch it.
Currently listening to: Gorillaz' 19-2000
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Having the ability to act like a moron does not license you to be a moron.
Alice went to work instead of going to Pennsylvania with us, so Jorge and I managed to shop with a minimum of fuss. I didn't sleep till 5-ish, and had to be dragged out of bed at 9. Bought my jeans as well as a bag, and we were back in Jersey by 3pm, yay us! Pretty good timing, considering the fact that it was a two hour drive to the place, and another two to get back. My rule of thumb for shopping: If you want something, get it and get out. I seldom see the point of browsing for the hell of it if you're not gonna buy it. That said, we managed to buy my stuff and hang out at the bookstore nearby for a good hour before coming home, hehe. Now, if Alice had joined us, she would have dragged me all over the place and made me buy stuff I didn't particularly want or need, just to satisfy my parents that I was being well cared for, pfft.
Had a short nap before helping Alice cook dinner. Blockbuster night; we watched Swordfish and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and I watched Beauty and The Beast after that. Swordfish was kickass; Travolta made the perfect villain, and Hugh Jackman was great. I really enjoyed the plot and idea of the movie, although it got rather bloody at several points. Watching The Grinch made me cry *sniffles* What can I say, I'm a sucker for happy endings. No, I didn't cry when watching Beauty and The Beast. I just sniffled a little *makes a face*
Watching Christmassy shows (overdose of it on cable) makes me want to go home to be with family, especially dad. And I just found out that Chinese New Year's on January 11th. My second year in a row of not celebrating it; that sucks. Last year was the worst though, 'cause everyone was home, including Alice and my cousins who are currently studying in Aussie. I was the only one away, bleh. Am gonna miss out for the next 6 years, bah. :(
I'm just grumpy 'cause I miss daddy. I'll deal.
Currently listening to: Creed's With Arms Wide Open
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I prefer to sleep on the couch than any bed other than my own.
I'm still up. *yawns* Methinks I'm gonna sleep in the car.
Currently listening to: Sydney Forest's Once In A Blue Moon
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: Fred Flintstone's a sexist pig (and I must be really tired if I care).
I should be in bed, but I'm not. Have to be up by 8 and I can't sleep, damnits.
Currently listening to: Blessid Union of Souls' That's The Girl (I've Been Telling You About)
Current emotion: grumpy and disturbed
Random observation: My hair's grown about 4 inches since I left home.
Slept, finished reading some trashy romance novel and watched Jerry abuse Tom. Alice came home early today, so we cleaned the house. Jorge gave me an early Christmas present, gift vouchers to Barnes & Noble, yay! The only problem is, that was exactly what I bought him for Christmas, lol. The irony of it all :P Anyway, we headed to B & N after dinner to buy stuff, seeing that I only have one more week to go before I left for Toronto. I bought three books; Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, Isaac Asimov's Faeries and Edith Hamilton's Mythology. Decided against buying Bullfinch's Book of Mythology because all the stories were in bits and pieces, and I wanted the original versions. Not to mention it barely covered Norse and Chinese mythology, pfft. I figure I'd buy the proper unabridged novels one by one. Am looking for George Orwell's 1984; will go hunt for it over the next few days. I saw a couple of leather-bound volumes of Shakespeare, Whitman and Homer, to name a few. Nice *grins*
Alice and I finally baked our strawberries and cream cake, and yes, it's every bit as yummy as it sounds :P (although I have to admit, can't stomach too much of it, as the cream makes me sick, eeww). To think that Alice added extra cream on top of her slice *shudders* To each his own :P So yeah, Kayla and the rest of the girls can look forward to eating something else besides cookies and brownies when I get back *grins*
Found out from Jorge that we're heading to Pennsylvania for the day tomorrow, which means NYC has to wait till next week. Wai Wai, if you're reading this, I'll call you Sunday or something. Can't believe I've been here for almost two weeks already. Two more to go before I head back to school. Umm, yay? *makes a face* Ah well, at least I'll get to see the girls again. So yeah, am going shopping tomorrow. All I want to do is pick up two pairs of jeans, but knowing Alice, I'm in for a long day, bleh. Right *checks watch*, Cartoon Network is calling.
Currently listening to: Tantric's Mourning
Current emotion: .
Methinks I'm coming down with a cold *sniffles* Been sneezing incessantly for the past two days, pfft. Or maybe it's just those late nights, bleh. Am supposed to wake up at 9 tomorrow for the plumber to come check the pipes or something like that. La la la. Bored. Am wearing my new sweatshirt to cheer myself up :P One thing I hate about having too much time on my hands is that my mind starts to wander, and I begin to think too much about the little things and forget the big picture. *shakes head*
On a different note, has anyone seen the latest Dave Matthews Band's video clip for Everyday? You should try to catch it, if you haven't. It's just this guy walking up and down the streets hugging everyone. I think it's cute, hehe. People should hug more often. Hugs are good for the soul. I miss the hugs I get in rez, pfft. Could always count on Asha, Susan, Heather and a whole bunch of others for those :) What else? *thinks* Creed's My Sacrifice, if not for the video, the song. Very surreal, that.
I'm too tired to write about anything else. I want to sleep, but my mind keeps running over and over the last four months, bah. I'm outta here.
Currently listening to: Jay Z's Big Pimpin' (Acoustic)
Current emotion: .
So sleepy *yawns* Went to bed at 5am, and was up by 10 'cause the landlady was stopping by to check out the place, bleh. She didn't show up till 12-ish *growls* and by the time she left, I couldn't sleep, so I ended up watching hours of Tom & Jerry and MTV. Jorge got back early, so we headed to Macy's at Livingstone to do more Christmas shopping. Stopped by Aeropostale's to get my ghetto-ish sweatshirt, only to find out that it was gone, eek! :( Didn't panic; saw a different sweatshirt (which was also black) and bought that instead. I have a new hooded sweatshirt *hugs shirt and grins* I love sweatshirts :P Am thinking of heading back there to grab another one if I don't see anything I like in Pennsylvania next week.
Decided to start baking after dinner and made a batch of cornflake cookies. I thought it was so-so; would have been a lot better if I had all the stuff I needed. Just realized that I'm the kind of person who bakes by the book when it comes to utensils, i.e. I must have the proper trays and bowls and mixers etc., otherwise I don't function well. Pfft.Picky, hehe. Didn't get to bake my strawberry cake, as Alice went to bed at 9 *makes a face* Maybe tomorrow? :(
I forgot to plug Chris the last time; it was while visiting his blog that I found the chatterbox. So yah, here's your plug Chris *grins*
The road trip's still kinda screwed, but either way I'll be seeing Sharon, if not Kai, for New Year's. Right? Right?! *crosses fingers* :\ I miss them. And I haven't spoken to Shean Min in ages, ever since he started working, pfft. *smacks Shean Min* Oi! Where you be? :(
I want my 'puter back. There are so many things I can't do on this stupid notebook *sulks*
Kay, ranted enough. Be back later (unless I fall asleep) :P
Currently listening to: Filter's Take A Picture
Current emotion: .
Thanks to Chief Bling Bling (tis a catchy Indian name, no?) I have Blogback, wee! Thankies Chief *salutes and kicks you before running away!* :D Yay comments! Comment comment comment!
Ouch. Too much excitement. Headache. Ouch. Yay anyways :P
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Miracle
Current emotion: .
So much for baking this evening. Instead, Jorge and I headed out to do some Christmas shopping under the guise of picking groceries up for the house. We headed to Campmor to buy a pair of nice gloves for Alice, and at Toys R' Us I bought her a bunny and a teddy bear for her collection. I wanted to keep the bunny for myself, it was so cute and soft, lol. But nah. Almost bought one for Pascal, since he raved about bunnies all the time, hehe. But if I did, I might as well keep it for myself, no? :P
We headed to Barnes & Nobles as well to check out some books; I found a whole Mythology section I'd die for. Bullfinch's Book of Mythology is ridiculously overpriced, in my opinion. Jorge bought some magazines, and we stopped by a grocery store nearby to buy some stuff for my baking project tomorrow, as well as some flowers for the house. Am currently torturing Wai Wai with images of cookies and cakes with whipped cream and melted chocolate; he's not taking it too well.
woozstah: ima bake strawberries and cream cake tomorrow!!
LoRd RiGGY: oooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
LoRd RiGGY: *drools all over keyboard*
woozstah: don't get so excited
woozstah: i didn't say you were getting any
woozstah: rofl
LoRd RiGGY: then why do you tell me
LoRd RiGGY: TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10 minutes later]
LoRd RiGGY: PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
LoRd RiGGY: I need cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woozstah: why should i? :P
LoRd RiGGY: please!!!!!
LoRd RiGGY: cause wai wai nicee!!!
woozstah: lol
woozstah: poor wai wai also desperate :P
LoRd RiGGY: yes that too
I just love torturing Wai Wai, hehe. It would be even more fun if sooks was around to help me, lol. Hey sooks, haven't seen you online in ages :( Pfft. Ah well, guess we'll just torture him at different times for the moment. Damn, and almost forgot.
Another reminder to self: buy vodka for Wai Wai.
Kayla's home, and she met her new cat! Now to wait for news from Asha. And the rest of em, lol. Can someone send me Roger's e-mail address? rlee@trentu doesn't work, and I don't remember his hotmail one. Bleh.
*rubs forehead* Headache.
Quote of The Day:
...evil!!!!! all 5 foot nothing of you is evil!!!!!!!!!! - Wai Wai
Am gonna beat you for that, Wai Wai :P
Currently listening to: Third Eye Blind's Deep Inside
Current emotion: .
After my short stint with Snorland, let's welcome my chatterbox, tee hee. Please ignore the questions posed below the box though. 'tis nothing to do with me, and if I could I'd take it off, but it's embedded in the script, so I have to live with it. Am still looking for a comments thingie to replace the one which died on me :(
Currently listening to: Live's Dolphin's Cry
Current emotion: .
After listening to Norman and Shean Min rave about The Man Show last year, I finally caught an episode. I have one word for you Norman: typical :P *shakes head* It's so you, hehe.
Acme Hour, Bugs & Daffy Show, The Jetsons. Yay for CTNT.
Currently listening to: Ronan Keating's If I Don't Tell You Now
Current emotion: .
Got my ticket stuff sorted and finished editing an article for DevMag; now to wait for feedback. Received an e-mail from the Urban Village Chief (there's your plug Chief!) telling me to stop defending the Chieftess so much, hah! That made me laugh, hehe. Sorry Chief, but unless you start acknowledging the village penguin more, you're gonna get your ass kicked. And no, am not gonna switch camps; I'm loyal to the Chieftess :P
Baked angel food cake with Alice. I swear, she's the only person I know who'd complain about the lack of colour in cake, and actually do something about it. She decided to add some red and peach colouring, and make layers, lol. Ah well, whatever makes her happy, pfft. She's eating the cake anyway *makes a face* So yeah, the cake turned out fine, and is better than edible, so that's cool. I'm supposed to bake cookies for Wai Wai (still considering it), and Alice is going to teach me how to bake strawberries and cream cake tomorrow, wee! Seems that if I do it right, it'll taste like strawberries and ice cream, ooh. It'll be fun :) Better than sitting here doing nothing all day, bleh.
Currently listening to: Firehouse's Here For You
Current emotion: .
My mp3 player is here! The only sucky thing is that the 'puter here has no USB port, and so I can't use it till I get back. Which makes me want to go back to my room in rez even more :P Thank you Kai for forking out half; tis a cool present, and will not go unappreciated.
E-mails from Heather and Kris, yay! Poor Heather was flipping out at the idea of me heading back to school early to work, hehe. Chill girl, it was just a thought :P And Kris, fail them kids, fail em! *cheeky grin* I'm just kidding. (Kris is teaching high school kids for her practical unit).
Spoke to my parents for a while today; mom's already planning my summer for me (??) and dad's not doing so well. *rubs forehead* Don't know anymore. Maybe it was a mistake to come here instead of going home. Pfft. Nevermind.
Wonder, worry, wonder summore. Am sick and tired of worrying and wondering about people. New Year resolution: don't bother so much, 'cause it's just a waste of time. And while many people are worth it, sometimes it's just not.
Off to do some editing.
Currently listening to: Default's Wasting My Time
Current emotion: fed up
Just cleaned my mailbox for the second time in a month. Deleted almost everything, woo. I'll probably regret it tomorrow, but for now, I see no point in holding onto memories. You can only hold on for so long before something breaks.
Sarah L and John e-mailed, yay! There might be another trip to John and Rox's place next term (which means good food, fun times and lotsa alcohol, word!). Am excited about that. Kayla and Jenn should be done with exams tomorrow. You get to go home and see your cat, Kayla :) What else? *thinks* Work to finish when I get back, but whatever. Hmm.. probably gonna see Wai Wai this Saturday, if things work out. Will be heading to NYC again to get some stuff sorted, plus, Jorge wants to check out Ground Zero. Am thinking of leaving my hair as it is, instead of going mad again with colours. I figure if I really want to do that, I'll do it over summer. My road trip with Sharon and Kai is on shaky ground at the moment, as there are things to be sorted. But if it doesn't work out, I'll probably invade someone's space for a few days before heading back to school. Am thinking of going back early to work anyways. We'll see what happens.
Currently listening to: Boyzone's Baby Can I Hold You
Current emotion: .
Was reading sooks' blog, and realized I haven't spoken to her in the last 2 or 3 days. Hope to catch you online sometime soon girl.
I need to sleep badly.
Currently listening to: No Doubt's Hey Baby
Current emotion: disturbed
Long day. Tired. Spent the day with Alice and some 'distant relatives' in Queens, NY. Typical older folk: they wanted to play mahjong, and guess who had to fill in the fourth spot? Good thing they underestimated me, and I walked away with $15 at the end of three hours *grins* Unfortunately, now they want to play again to win their money back, eek. Ah well.
Been rather disturbed for most of the day. I hardly remember dreams, but this morning I did, if only a small part. I dreamt that I was back in residence, and a friend had left a note on my door, saying that he needed to talk. I went to his door, only to find another message to me, which reitirated that something was wrong. Now, this wouldn't be half as disturbing if it weren't for the fact that my friend doesn't even go to my school! *shakes head* I'm just worried if this is some sorta 6th sense thing, and that something's wrong, and yada yada yada. :\ Or maybe I've just been thinking too much? Maybe I'm just making a mountain out of a molehill out of pure boredom. Hmm?
Goddamnit. Give me a break and I try to mess it up myself, lol. *smacks self on forehead* I should go to bed or something. Maybe I'll go bother the cat...
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Best I Ever Had
Current emotion: troubled
Just got back a little over half an hour ago. I'm tired, but I had such a fabulous evening that I'm still kinda hyped :) Cousins dragged me out of bed at 10am (even though I went to bed at 4), their excuse being I could sleep all I like over the week, but weekends I had to spend with them, lol. Did nothing special over the afternoon except return movies and just read papers, talk and clean the house a bit. Oh, and Kai called; it was good to talk to him for a while. We left at 5.30 for NYC, walked around Times Square and stuff, including this huge Toys R' Us (I wanted so much to get lost in there, lol) before heading to Broadway at 7.
The show was simply breathtaking--I can find no words to do it justice. We had great seats; centre, and close enough that you could see the details on the performers' costumes and take in the whole effect. The set and costumes were awesome, and watching Beauty and the Beast come to life on stage makes me want to believe in fairy tales again :) My absolute favourite was Lumiere; he simply stole the show away with his witty lines and comical banter. I think the best set was probably the most simple; the Beast on his balcony, with a simple backdrop of 'stars' so bright and twinkling as to make you believe that wishes can come true should you wish upon them. *shakes head* Pure magic.
The show didn't end till eleven, and we headed to a nearby Thai restaurant for a late dinner after that. Fab food, and was still slightly euphoric over the show. After dinner, we stopped by the Rockefeller Centre to see the Christmas Tree all lit up, as well as Saks Fifth Avenue, which was just across the street, to check out the window displays (every Christmas they have a little "story" set) which was really cute. Walking down the streets, we saw several sidewalk artists, but the one which drew my attention (and many others) was this one guy who used regular cans of spray paint and metal parts to create the most awesome pictures. It amazes, and yet saddens me, to see such talent go unrecognized.
As we were driving out of NYC towards Holland Tunnel, I couldn't believe how busy the streets were at 1am. It boggles the mind and yet, isn't NYC called the city that never sleeps? 'tis definitely not an exaggeration there *grins*
Came back and had a drink with my cousins to unwind. Got online and found mail from some of my favourite people at school; Kayla, Asha, Sarah L and Susan! Just icing on the cake, that *smiles happily* Thanks for letting me know you're still alive, if not kicking, Kayla :P And Asha, s'okay, you just hang in there.
Just found out we're having guests over tomorrow, and I'm suppose to wake up at 10. ARGH. Oh well *shrug* :) I'm so thankful for my Walkman, pfft. Am talking to Mica on AIM, and the weirdest thing was when he asked me how I was. I thought about it, and I could honestly say I was happy. And now that I think of it, it's been quite a while since I was this cheery. *tilts head to one side* 'tis a good thing :)
Currently listening to: Alien Ant Farm's Smooth Criminal
Current emotion: tired but happy
Songs to listen to, MTVs to keep an eye out for (and stuff for me to download when I get back):
Jagged Edge's Goodbye
Creed's My Sacrifice
Dave Matthews Band's Everyday
Puddle of Mudd's Blurry
'tis worth listening to, that. To me anyways. Can't sleep, pfft. I think what I miss most about being away from school is my independence. Bah. Tomorrow's gonna be one helluva day. Kai, if you're reading this, call me.
Currently listening to: Lifehouse's Hangin' By A Moment
Current emotion: .
Can't believe it's Friday night already. Where did the time go? Went out for a movie with my cousins at the spur of the moment; we watched Ocean's 11, and I'll be damned if that wasn't a funky flick. Jenn and Kayla are right, the wardrobe itself is enough to make it my money's worth, but add lotsa good looks, plenty of conspiracy, laughs and intrigue, and you've got one helluva kickass movie sitting on your plate. Definitely something I'd go back and watch a second or third time :)
Am currently consuming my second vodka orange with my cousin yelling at me to get off the computer, pfft. I feel like time's passing all too quickly, so quickly that it feels surreal. Need something to snap me back. Was watching the news just now, and it just plain pissed me off, but let's not go into it, for peace's sake. I'd probably start some major flaming, lol. Ah well. Off to check my idiot box for something to turn my brain to mush. Hasta.
Currently listening to: Marilyn Manson's Tainted Love (damn freaky MTV...)
Current emotion: .
Did nothing except sleep, watch Cartoon Network and go online. Mailed some friends, spoke to sooks for a bit on AIM, and am chatting with Wai Wai now while watching Acme Hour. Found out from Bryan that I won the Fantasy Poem contest, which means I get a DA Teddy as well as Daily Poem, word *smiles* Totally unexpected.
Rented a couple of movies with my cousin, among them Shrek and two others which he picked out. Bored, argh, hehe. See, I wish I could be this bored in rez, with my friends, minus all the usual stuff. Now that would rock *grins* But hey, I'm thankful for my time off. It feels good to be able to say "I'm bored" and actually mean it.
Currently listening to: Linkin Park's Crawling
Current emotion: .
Tom and Jerry kicks ass :) I've been watching the Thanksgiving episodes (which I first saw when I was about 6) and man, it brings back so many memories. I think my favourite's not Tom or Jerry though; it's Jerry's nephew who's the cutest, lol. Especially seeing him run around in his diapers, haha! Also caught Beetlejuice and Grease II, not to mention several music specials and reruns of SNL and stuff. Getting my overdose of tv to make up for the last few months *grins* Called a few people today, among them Mica, Wai Wai and Kai. Will be meeting Wai Wai in NYC sometime next week, and he's afraid already, lol. I promise not to beat you too badly Wai Wai :P
I miss my friends back in rez, but I'm definitely glad to be away from campus at the moment. Can't wait for Saturday (am off to watch the Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast); am very excited :) Aside from that, am looking forward to seeing Kai and Sharon in Toronto and celebrate New Year's with them. Mm, and a reminder to self: buy vodka for Wai Wai *grins*
Anyway, blogged enough. It's back to my cartoons.
Currently listening to: Jerry's nephew saying "Bad pussy cat!" in fake French accent
Current emotion: .
Looky world! I'm back!
I slept, I ate, I watched Cartoon Network for 10 hours and the best thing ever? I fixed the computer! *evil laugh* And you thought you got rid of me for the month, hah!
Kay, gloated enough for the moment. I honestly thought I was going to be internet-deprived, but all I had to do was wipe out the harddrive, reinstall Windows 95 on this monster and ta da! So, who missed me? *grins*
It feels great to be out of Peterborough, but I miss my friends already, lol. I was seriously bored by the time 4pm rolled around, what with being at home by myself with only the cat to accompany me. Left at 6.45 am yesterday, met up with Marianne in Toronto and spent some time with her before heading to Pearsons Airport. Reached Jersey with little hassle around 3-ish; couldn't buy alcohol because the duty-free stores were only open to people departing Newark, grr. The good news is that Alice already has a bottle of Absolut Mandrin waiting for me in the fridge, lol. Anyways, it's great seeing my cousins again. They gave me a pair of fuzzy black slippers as my "welcome home" gift, hehe. We headed to a mall for dinner and just to hang out; already saw a ghetto-ish sweatshirt which I plan to buy. It's black with a red dragon emblazoned across the front and reaches my knees!
Anyway, time to sleep. Will blog more tomorrow.
Currently listening to: Tom chasing Jerry on Cartoon Network
Current emotion: .
Ah, thanks to sooks for pointing out the cooler sites my way. urban village is a neat community of people spread worldwide with personal blogs, and you get cool names too. sooks for example is the village chieftess, while yours truly the village penguin just made official, haha! I'm the only representative from Canada at the moment too *grins*
Anyway, off to Toronto and New Jersey. Don't miss me too much (all two of you). My loyal readers, sigh. Hehe. Cheers Kayla and sooks *grins*
Currently listening to: 112's Someone to Hold
Current emotion: .
Unless I manage, by some chance or miracle, to fix my cousins' 'puter, it is highly likely that I'll be offline for a good month or so, ack! *groans* No internet for a month, ugh. So yeah, just in case such should happen, I'm gonna wish everyone an early Merry Christmas yah? So much left undone and unsaid, but time is pressing, and with every moment that passes by, I learn more and more how insignificant many things are in comparison to the big picture.
Roger's loaning me his fuzzy towel-type shirt for Christmas break, lol. He really didn't have much of a choice: he tried to take it off me and I started yelling, so he took my Absolut book as a bond instead :( I'll only get the book back so long as I return the shirt in one piece in January. Bad Ra Ra :P But I get to bring the shirt to Jersey with me *grins*
So yah. Merry Christmas everyone *hugs to all* Take care, be well, and don't break anything :P
Currently listening to: Sugar Ray's When It's Over
Current emotion: .
Tired. Headache. Now I know why I don't watch TV in school; there are more than enough dramas and comedies taking place in residence as it is. I swear, my life's like a bloody soap opera, lol. Roger and Asha just came in. They're making me laugh, hehe. Roger wants his shirt back, so I put it on, and now he can't take it, hah!
Absolut People of LEC (according to Roger and Asha):
Tiff - Absolut Thief (for stealing Roger's shirt)
Roger - Absolut Crap (for simply being)
Asha - Absolut Paki (Roger's request)
Kayla - Absolut Boring (because she goes to bed at 10)
Di - Absolut Bedhead (for sleeping 24/7)
Sarah - Absolut Drunk (hahaha!!)
Susan - Absolut Giggles (hmmm...)
George - Absolut Loud (he's like a megaphone)
Currently listening to: Sister Hazel's Change Your Mind
Current emotion: .
Why couldn't everyone in this world be asexual? Then we'd have no problems, right? Right.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Everything You Want
Current emotion: .
Cleaned my room, and now cleaning my mailbox. Deleting old stuff, with the exception of some e-mails which I like to look back on. Found this, among others, heh. It's from my brother.
Subject :bad news..
Date :Sun, 01 Oct 2024 14:05:29 GMT
hi tiffy..
kor here.. i have some bad news for you but i hope u dont take it so hard.. "Coffee the Hamster" has passsed away peacefully on 29 september 2000.. i buried him in the back yard with the other hamster.. well he was gettin too old anyway..
will inform u later about other stuff..
lotsa luv
I remember Coffee. Do you guys (back home) remember Coffee? :) My very first hamster, and my present from Levin for my 17th birthday. He was shades of light brown with white fluff, and he endured all the tortures of being my first hamster. When I think of Coffee, I think about my other hamsters as well. I remember Cappucino (the female) who was traded in for Cappucino The II (the male), and how Levin fed him beer and he died a few days later of alcohol overdose. Susu (that's "milk" in Malay), my first Albino hamster who was a first class escape artist and liked to jump off the table 3 feet off the ground. In her final escape, she was pregnant, and never to be found again. Mocha and Earl Grey, the incestuous pair who multiplied over and over, making me the proud owner of close to 30 hamsters in the short span of 4 months. I don't really remember the rest, 'cause by then there were just too many. I gave away a few, and the rest got eaten by cats (we'd moved the cages outside because dad was ill, and the cats knocked the cages off the table and it broke open) which was kinda traumatic. But Coffee was my first and last hamster, and I loved him best of all. The very first to join the family, and the very last to leave. When I was working as a TA, I used to bring him to school so as to bribe the six years olds to be on their best behaviour. He was always so gentle too, as he never bit the children, and they loved him. By the end of the term, he was the class mascot, and all the kids wanted a hamster, lol. Coffee, running around the house in his clear plastic ball, making a mess ever so often which I had to clean up. He died a month after I left for Canada. He was a little over two years old. I miss him.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Best I Ever Had
Current emotion: .
It's already Saturday night. A little over 36 hours and I'm outta here *grins* I'm gonna miss the people, but not the problems. Heather gave me a book of Emily Dickinson's poetry for Christmas, and Jenn gave me a little bag of stuff which included a really cute candle holder with my name on it. Thanks guys :)
Jan Ee called from Indiana today, and we talked for a bit. It's been ages since I spoke to him, so it was good to catch up on news and stuff. Spent the afternoon doing some reading for my papers and chatting with Ruth and Mica. Just got back from dinner with Di, Sarah L and Asha. Kayla's gone to babysit her cousin for the evening, pfft. Think I'll procrastinate a little more before getting to work.
Joke of The Day (Kev: for the love of God, don't turn into this!):
Comprehending the I(nformation) T(echnology) Guy
An IT guy was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week." The IT guy took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to his pocket. The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you for a week and do ANYTHING you want." Again the IT guy took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, that I'll stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?" The IT guy said, "Look I work in IT. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog - now that's cool."
I love silly jokes. *grins*
Stanza of the Day:
While dark thoughts cloud your mind
And tears blind your heart
Out of this pain, salvation you find
No more will hurt around you bind.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Send It Up
Current emotion: .
It used to be that I was the cynical one, and she the believer. It used to be that I had little faith, while she overflowed with trust and love and dreams of wishes and hopes pinned upon stars. There were times when I mocked these dreams, because in my mind, they are just that, wishful thinking of something that will never be, that doesn't exist. These last few months however, I saw a change so complete and so opposite of what she used to be, that I could only watch from afar in disbelief. We talked, and slowly, I observed as her faith got chipped away a little more, every day, while I stood by, helpless. Tonight, I saw the full extent of hurt and pain so deep; feelings of betrayal and anger: the lack of self-worth, the desperation to discount all emotions she once believed in so strongly. Bitter. So, so bitter. I never thought this would happen, and I have to say, it hurts when people tell you that the cynicism you believe in is right. That all those things you hold in distrust is actually true. There is no love out there. And to think I held on quietly in the hopes that someone would prove me wrong.
I hope you'll heal soon, and that you'll learn to love and trust again. Wish upon a star tonight; I pray that it'll come true for you.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Shackled
Current emotion: .
I dub today Absolut Day! *big grin*
Received a package in the mail from Wai Wai; he bought me the Absolut Book! I could not believe my eyes, and even as I sit here I still can't really believe that the book is sitting beside me on the bed. It came with a really cute card and a short message which made me laugh. Thank you so, so much Ricky. I truly appreciate the gift; I guess that bottle of vodka that I owe you has to double in size to compensate now, eh? :)
Am now wearing my *ahem* new shirt which I stol.. I mean, which Roger gave me *cheeky grin*. It's nice and fuzzy, hah! Plus, Ra Ra gave me another Absolut bottle for my collection. Yay me :P
Damn, can't believe I almost forgot to say, Kai's helping me buy an mp3 player :) He's paying half as my Christmas present, hehe. Was on the phone for a an hour with him yesterday; I was harassing him, lol.
I love my new shirt.. la la lil la.
Currently listening to: Incubus's 11 AM
Current emotion: .
Had a very disturbing conversation with a friend over dinner. At times like these I wonder about people, you know. How different they are when time and situation changes: the facade we wear and take off, the layers which make us the way we are. It's sad when someone you thought you knew turns out to be someone so different. :(
On the lighter side of things, spoke to Pascal on the 'phone for a bit :P Marianne called, and so did Alice (to remind me that in 4 days I'll be in Jersey). Called Kai too, but only managed to speak to his machine. Went by to see Roger and gave him candy in return for his fuzzy towel-like shirt (well, actually, I stole it and ran off, hehe). Spent the last hour or so thanking him over ICQ, and all he can do is yell "no" over and over. Pfft. Try to be polite and thank them for a present, and they get all touchy, the nerve *cheeky grin* Received Christmas cards today, yay.
Currently listening to: Radiohead's Idioteque
Current emotion: .
Spent the afternoon with sooks fixing up my page, getting a stats counter and whatnot. Widened the blog area so that it didn't look too squashed (seeing that I write so much) and messed around a bit with HTML (sooks' private tutorial, lol). Thanks sooks :) And yah, before I forget, that little disclaimer underneath the comment box was not placed by me (sooks says it sounds like something I'd write though *grins*).
I love Vertical Horizon :)
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Send It Up
Current emotion: .
Yay, now I get feedback off my blog *grins* See that new comment button? Yah, click on it :P 'tis a pity they don't let you customize the thing, though. The green doesn't match, does it? :P But ah well, beggars can't be choosers *shrug*
Currently listening to: Ewan McGregor & Nicole Kidman's Elephant Love Medley
Current emotion: .
Last day of classes for me, so school's technically over, but I still have papers to write. Di french-braided my hair, but it got messed up the minute I put my toque on, oops. Finally got my "Writing" page up. Have yet to fix and add some links. Will do it later. New picture in the "About" section. Headache. Need Tylanol. Need sleep. Don't want drugs (i.e. Tylanol). Sarah offered to let me raid her alcohol stash this afternoon. Thinking of vodka in fridge. Alice called yesterday; she bought me vodka, wine and champagne I think. We're supposed to get drunk once I reach Jersey. Yay for cousins who don't give a damn about legal ages, hehe. My vodka. *sighs*
I feel like eating oatmeal.
Quote(s) of the Day:
The alarm clock is just a suggestion... - Kayla
Hey lookit! It's my alcoholic ass! - Kayla [Ed. note: she meant it literally :P]
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Miracle
Current emotion: .
Five more days. Five more papers, 2 more hours of class, 162 things left on my to do list. Five more days. I can deal with that.
Currently listening to: U2's Elevation (Tomb Raider Remix)
Current emotion: .
'tis a new day.Time to work on essays, get ready for my presentation for my sc fi class. I feel awful for worrying the my friends here, pfft. I'm sorry guys. I'll be okay.
I'm trying to look at things from a different perspective, but all I see is void now. Still have a bad headache, bah.
On the lighter side of things, Sarah and Roger got drunk last night, heh. Was supposed to join them, but I'd taken a couple of Tylanols, so it was not a good idea (No Mica, it's not a good idea!). So yeah, passed out around 9-ish and woke up at 2 somethin' to see 15 ICQ messages from Roger. Hehe, Sarah always leaves me funny ICQ messages when she's drunk, and last night was no exception. And I'm gonna be living with this girl next year *grins*
Currently listening to: Jars of Clay's Love Song For A Saviour
Current emotion: .
Long day, bad day. Broke down, cried, feel a bit better now. Poor Kayla, Sarah and Susan. I walked into Kayla's room, closed the door and started crying, blek. The girls had no clue what hit them, heh. Came back, talked to sooks and Mica, cried summore. Went for class, came back.
6 more days, just 6 more days. I can deal with that.
Bad headache.
Currently listening to: Jars of Clay's Sinking
Current emotion: .
Quote of the Day:
You know things are bad when your student don loses it - Terri Gillespie
Yup, us student dons are demi-gods; we feel no stress, we have super powers, we have no problems, we live to serve, we are all-knowing. [/sarcasm]
pffft. Excuse me while I throw up in disgust.
Currently listening to: Annie Lennox's Why
Current emotion: .
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm very thankful for my friends, especially those who know me well enough to stand up for me. You guys know who you are. Thank you.
But even more than feeling thankful at the moment, I feel very sad. Sad, because I've realized that no matter how nice you are to people, there will always be those who'll go out of their way to screw things up just for the hell of it, regardless of all that you've done. I'm sad, because today, it hit very close to home how callous some people can be, and I'm so tired, so very tired, of being the scapegoat. I'm sad, because for a moment, I lost my faith in the good in people. And in that one moment of absolute desolateness I felt awful. Aren't people naturally good? I always thought so. I guess the keyword here is thought.
Quote of the Day:
There are two kinds of bitches: the dumb, stupid, pointless one, and the sophisticated one. - Jenn DeNeef
Currently listening to: American Hi-Fi's Another Perfect Day
Current emotion: .
I used to blog about my sometimes interesting, but usually boring days here. Share jokes, funny anecdotes, etc. Now all I do is rant, pfft. I don't like all this negativity *makes a face* Just goes to show where my mindset is taking me. It'll be good to be offline for a month starting next Monday I think. Yah, early note to all. I'll be leaving for Jersey on the 10th, and won't be back till I don't know when. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to blog in Jersey, but am not putting too much into it. Damn, can't wait for my break to start.
Stupid death wish.
Quote of the Day (hey Kayla, this is for you!):
Incestuous ducks! - Professor Leonard Conolly
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Miracle
Current emotion: .
There really is nothing to say now, because once I start writing, I don't know if I'm gonna stop. So you know what? I'm not gonna even start.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Miracle
Current emotion: .
Joke of the Day:
Someone worships me, haha! Received this note on deviantART.
Subject: Enjoy?
Date: 12/02/01 at 13:38:28
Enjoy, I dont think enjoy is the word....lol.
You are seriously the best poet I have ever seen on Deviant, and close to the best poet I have seen in real life. You are truly amazing. But I gotta ask, are you really six as your personal page says?
I have a fan :P Who thinks that there's the slightest possibility that I'm six years old. What does that say about me? lol.
Currently listening to: David Usher's Black Black Heart Version 2.0
Current emotion: .
Whoever said that rez life was boring must be stupid or oblivious, heh. Cooked for Sarah H. cos she was hungry, did some work and headed down to Peter Northrop's to prepare for the dons' 'performance' thing. Half-way through, someone started banging on the door. It was Kayla, and all I heard was "Tiff - Allison - collapsed!". Ran out back to South to find Allison on the floor. She'd fainted. Seems that she's been sick all day and had nothing to eat. But yeah, we got her back on her feet, got her some food, etc. But man, it was a head rush. I was so afraid something bad had happened. Kayla was laughing at me, cos she said she'd never seen me run that fast, lol.
What can I say. I was scared. I was so, so scared.
Currently listening to: 112's Someone To Hold
Current emotion: .
You know you lucked out in the friends' department when you head to her room and announce that you're tired before crawling into her bed just as she's planning to go out. Instead of being surprised or mad or asking you to leave, she will cover you with several blankets, tuck you in, hand you the remote controls for her tv and VCR, give you full permission to raid her fridge and basically, take over her room, with the reminder that you're allowed to watch any movie you want from her collection if you couldn't sleep. I am lucky, because I have one such friend. Thank you Kayla *hug*
Currently listening to: Aerosmith's Cryin'
Current emotion: .
Miranda fed me real Chinese food yesterday, hehe. We watched American Sweethearts; hilarious movie, that. John Cusack kicks ass. Re-coloured my red streaks, wee! Poor Heather has pink hands now *grins* Thanks Heather *hug*
Went to bed around 12 and was up by 3 again, bleh. My biological clock sucks now, as it wakes me up at every other hour, which means I don't get much uninterrupted sleep :( Festive Dinner tonight; dons' are suppose to do something, pfft. Plus, we're supposed to dress semi-formal, which sucks, cos as most of you know, I hate dressing up. Am not looking forward to it, bleh.
Things to think about, things to do. It's gonna be a long day.
Currently listening to: Jars of Clay's Love Song for A Saviour
Current emotion: .
Mm, almost forgot. My new wallpaper :) [link] 'twas a present.
Currently listening to: Madonna's Rain
Curren emotion: .
There are two things in life which I hate most: feeling helpless, and confrontations. Yesterday was probably one of the worst days of the term, what with finding out about mom, my fight with Audrey, knowing that my friends were at the end of their ropes, pfft. My afternoon was a busy one, working on my essay and getting people to sign up for Secret Santa. Peter Northrop stopped by to hand me some letters which were sent out to the OC girls, and I knew something shitty was gonna happen before the day was over. Had dinner with Kayla, Sarah and Di, so that was nice. Chris drove down from Sarnia again, so we headed out to some dairy place for ice cream. So yeah, that was cool too. Sarah went mad on the way back and was yelling at pedestrians, lol. Came back, and Jess was waiting outside my room in tears. ARGH. I was ready to collapse by then, as I was so tired, but I had to deal with her AND the girls who received the letter. Pfft. The good thing was that they really didn't have much going for them in the first place, so the, umm, discussion was rather short and to the point. Basically, it's their problem to solve, not mine.
Crashed out around 12 and was up by 3-sh. Hrm. Did some reading, fell asleep again, woke up over and over. Headed to OC with Amber around 10. Puttered around my room till 2 and headed over to the Athletic Complex for dance practice (it's for the Cultural Outreach show in March!). Bleh. Am very tired now, and I have a headache.
Currently listening to: 112's Crazy Over You
Current emotion: .