Chris called, yay! I got to practice my half-baked Cantonese with him for a while before I called my parents. Unfortunately, they weren't in :/ Went downstairs for a while and spent some time with Miranda, Becca, Heather and Joyce. Spoke to Asha and called my parents again. Dad's thinking of selling Audrey's car, if not trading it in. Hrm. *shrug* We didn't get to talk for long, because they were busy. I guess I'll call them again some other time. The good news is that mom's feeling loads better. Am going for breakfast with Di tomorrow, so I should sleep early.
Sign that guestbook if you haven't already :P
Currently listening to: Xzibit's Paparazzi (Jungle Remix)
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I placed about 30 pieces of condoms outside the door at 9-ish and when I got back at 12 they were all gone :P
Been pretty worn out the past few days, and being sick doesn't help. I don't know what I'd do without my friends downstairs, and the few that live across the quad (*waves at Kris, Nessa and Tanay*). Ah well.
Among other things, two super individuals signed my guestbook after my complaint in the last entry, lol. No Jan Ee, I'm not going to sell my blog to you for a dollar :P What's Illusion btw? And the lovely lady always leaves wonderful words that make me smile *hugs Ruth* So you drink SubZeros eh? *grins cheekily* I love that favourite alcohol question. It lets me see how many vodka drinkers there are out there, and I learn new stuff along the way, heh.
Did anyone notice that I've put a photo section up? *looks around* Just thought I'd point that out :P
Currently listening to: Moffatt's I'll Be There For You
Current emotion: .
Random observation: gaah, I haven't listened to the Moffatts in years!
I hate today,
I'll suffer tomorrow
On borrowed time
Temporary sorrow.
'tis better to
not hate,
not think,
not feel.
I've thought of an alternative!
but I won't/can't follow through.
Currently listening to: Sum41's In Too Deep
Current emotion: .
Random observation: lalala...nobody signs my guestbook *sulks*
Have been so caught up with things in school that I haven't spoken to quite a few people of late. *makes a checklist*
1. Call parents
2. Call sister
3. Call brother (haven't spoken to him since October-ish, eek) :(
4. Call Kai (he says I never call him)
5. Call Sharon
6. Call sooks
Anyone else? :P Leave a note and I'll call. I feel like catching up on news. Can't believe I haven't spoken to Colin in months. All I ever hear from mom is that he's fine and is doing well in school. I miss that crazy brother of mine sometimes. He's an odd one, heh. To me anyway. Always out with friends; they were more important than family in many ways to him. Even so, he was my brother. I've never recalled missing him, but today I do. Ever since I was a child people always thought I was the older sibling. Hell, even my parents referred to him as my 'younger' brother, when in actual fact he's older than me by three years. I feel bad for him sometimes; having to put up with two ridiculously independent sisters which forced him to either a) be equally independent or b) seem like the black sheep of the family.
We're funny, the three of us. Audrey is a complete extrovert, loves children to bits and spends almost all her time with our nieces, nephews and cousins. Colin prefers the company of friends over family and treats us as such; you hardly see him at family gatherings unless he was told specifically to show up. Me? I'm a half and half I guess. Audrey and I have our moments; we get along really well, but there are many times when we fight because she rubs me the wrong way. Like Colin, I have a bad temper, and like Audrey, I can be a smartass. Audrey is dad's favourite, and Colin mom's. My parents spend a lot of time defending their favourites to each other, lol. I took the easy way out and left the country :P
So there you go. A bit more about my family :)
Currently listening to: George Michael's Father Figure
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I'm getting ridiculously sentimental as I grow older.
My knees are a wonderful shade of purple, heh. *pokes knees* Ouch.
Had lunch at East Side Mario's today with Kayla, Chris, Susan and Michelle. Nice American-Italian eatery. Came back around 3-ish and hung out with Asha for a bit. Everything else is a blur. I think I mooched around my room a bit before heading back downstairs. Oh, and Alice called; she's heading to England for a week with Jorge for Chinese New Year. Spoke to Sharon and Kai on the phone for a bit too. Take care of yourself Sharon. I hope things will get better for ya soon :\
Asha thinks I should write a book. I wish I could, and who knows, maybe someday I will. Kayla and Sarah are already planning out the dedication list, lol. According to them, I can't have too many names on it 'cause then it would be meaningless, but theirs have to be in it. We were trying to picture ourselves ten years down the road, but the funniest was trying to imagine Kayla's wedding. We'd have Kayla going, "Hell no!" when the minister tells the groom to kiss the bride (she's not a fan of PDA) and Susan, Di, Sarah and myself tying Asha down before she starts swearing at the groom for taking 'her shoulder' (Kayla's shoulder apparently belongs to her) away. We cracked up so hard trying to picture that, lol.
Spent two hours editing more articles for deviantMAG (forgot to do it yeterday). Thinking too much for my own good. Sooks told me she's mailing me some stuff from home, yay sooks! 10 more weeks and the school term'll be over, phew. House-hunting's already begun, and we've two places we're looking into so far. Am excited about moving off-rez.
I'm tired.
Currently listening to: Matchbox 20's Bed of Lies
Current emotion: .
Random observation: A person is smart, but people are stupid.
I was just reading my last post, and realized how it can be taken the wrong way so easily. Relax, I'm ranting. You may even find bits funny (I know I did). If you have a problem with that, don't come back. This is my blog, and I can write wtf I want, so long as it's not slander. Hell, I could even write that, because it's my thoughts on my page. However, to reassure friends, I'm fine. I just need to learn how to grow a thicker skin. I may be bitter, but it's just another lesson from Human Behaviour 101- Unleashing the Cynicism & Bitterness in You. I swear I'm gonna get an A on this course :P
Currently listening to: Queen's Another One Bites the Dust
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Gullibility lies in the fact that one trusts too easily.
What's the point of holding someone's hand when they cry, when they simply kick you the moment you turn around? What's the point of being kind, when not only does it go unappreciated, it comes back with a slap in the face? Like honestly, what is the point? Do I have to start being a bitch to everyone, so that I can justify all this dislike and gossip? I never realized that trying to sort my personal mess was wrong. I never thought that taking time out for myself meant that I was 'neglecting' others.It seems that when I do that, it automatically means that I'm a self-centered bitch.
I never realized that when I signed my name on the dotted line, it meant that I was not only signing for a job, I was signing away every single right I had to be a person, a student, in this school. I was signing away 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 8 months just so I could be bitched at for every single thing that went wrong in residence which affected the girls (I laugh when I tried the word 'women', 'cause that would hint maturity) who lived with me. I'm suppose to clean every mess, both literally and figuratively, while maintaining an aura of god-liness (with a touch of humanity so that I don't intimidate people). I am perfect. I have no feelings or emotions whatsoever; I am here only to listen, to help, to complain to. What, you mean she has feelings? No way! School? C'mon. She doesn't go to school.
Q: What is the one good thing that's happened to you because of donning?
A: I realized what real friends were.
So yeah. Let it be said that I'm the ultimate bitch who cares naught for anyone but me. I use people, I ignore people, I kick them when they're down. I step on others for fun, I'm never around to help and I relish the thought of seeing people cry. Fuck you.
*curtsies, grins and walks off*
Currently listening to: Five for Fighting's Superman
Current emotion: frustrated
Random observation: For those who completed my little quiz and clicked on 'blogs when stressed', give yourself an extra point. I don't feel like re-arranging furniture right now. I want to break them.
Oww *groans* My knees hurt, my butt hurts, my feet hurt and I have a headache. Sore, ugh.
Woke up at 10 and played broomball. Fell a few times on the ice, but I had fun. Unfortunately, I'm gonna be black and blue all over by tomorrow. Dons' team lost to the Plaids 2-7, lol. We suck, but hey, at least we're proud of it :P Had lunch with the girls before I headed to the guest suite with Kayla to help her clean it up and watch some cable tv. Dance practice went for three hours in the Athletic Complex; we finally finished choreographing and practicing the whole joget thing, so all we have to do now is learn it by heart. Wei Lynn came back with me and we edited the song a little. La la la. Am gonna be sick of that song soon, hehe.
Among other things, we had celebrities crash in the Nunnery last night, hehe. Yup, Baby Blue Sound Crew, an upcoming Canadian rap group, were in Peterborough for a show last night. One of them caught sight of Sarah and wanted to meet her. Next thing you know, they gave her, Di, Asha and Gurkche a ride back to campus and hung out till the wee hours of the morning. Talk about mad, hehe.
Waiting for the girls to get back from shopping. I might be baking some brownies tonight if I'm bored enough. I think I'll go nap now or something.
Currently listening to: Meredith Brooke's Bitch
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I can think of quite a few, ahah! :P
So yeah, it's been a crazy day. Spent the afternoon running around the university getting my stuff done (which, in all honesty, was nothing much, because the damn offices were closed early). Met up with Erica at 4 and headed to OC with her for dinner around 5-ish, joined by Heather, Becca, Miranda and Kayla. Hung out with Roger and Kayla for a bit before I came back and did some editing for deviantMAG.
Spent part of the evening listening to old CDs, among them Europe ('82-'92), PJ & Duncan ('94), Bon Jovi ('96) and Pop Is Dead? 3 ('93). Who remembers Radiohead's High & Dry, Blur's Charmless Man and Everclear's Santa Monica? Ah, early '90s rock; 'tis fantastic stuff. Okay, I feel old now, hehe.
Chris is here, so I gave him a taste of curry-flavoured Maggi. He finds it spicy, lol.
With the exception of Chris and Kayla, everyone's out. Me? I'm on duty 'cause it's Winter College Weekend, and whadaya know, the bathroom floods and I have to clean it. Ah, if only mom could've seen me; she would've been so proud of the way I wielded that mop, hah! [/sarcasm] Donning is a thankless job I tell ya.
Playing broomball tomorrow, woohoo! Watch me break an arm or something.
Off to go drink with Chris.
Currently listening to: Europe's I'll Cry For You (Acoustic)
Current emotion: .
Random observation: It takes all kinds of people to make this world.
"Care bears stareeeeeee..!!!"
wee! I love Care Bears. I watched it religiously when I was a child, and I borrowed Sharon T's Care Bear movie and watched it every other day for 3 months when I was 16. Maybe more.
Which Care Bear Are You? My favourite Care Bear was Grumpy, if you really want to know :P Cheer Bear's just too happy sometimes. Goddamn happy people. I like the rainbow tummy though ;D hehe. What am I saying? I love em Care Bears.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Hard Habit To Break
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I am the eternal procrastinator.
Thought-filled day. Excellent evening spent with excellent company, namely Anne, Asha and Kayla.
Penned for a friend, but words I hold true.
No words
Just thoughts
blesséd be
dreams hand-wrought.
in pain,
but wash away
with rain
of tears;
Conquered fears.
Dream of sunshine,
shooting stars,
broken bars.
No more chains!
Sweet memories.
Bittersweet present;
once in sorrow,
but no more.
It's a beautiful tomorrow.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Will You Still Love Me
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I miss listening to my Chicago album.
'To Do' List:
1. Head to JBC to turn in Add/Drop form
2. Finish Classic lit. paper
3. Call Yimin (Winter College Weekend; can't leave campus)
4. Shop for groceries
5. Dons' meeting @ 6pm in SCR
6. Ask Cliff to fix vacuum
7. Get Kamana's roommate's new number from Scott
8. Call parents
9. Call Alice
10. Dance practice on Saturday.
Present from Chris :) Thank you *hug*
Send a Blooming Basket!
Currently listening to: Semisonic's Closing Time (Acoustic)
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I have a dried pink rose next to my window *smiles*
Just another day, more than another day. I will blog some other day, because I feel and think too much today.
For Mari, a shooting star that planted/granted smiles, poetry, dreams & hope. I never knew you, if at all, but you still made me smile.
Infinitely, forever.
Rest in peace.
Ruth, if you're reading this, take care lovely lady. My thoughts are with you. *hugs*
Currently listening to: Sarah McLaughlan's I Will Remember You
Current emotion: .
Kris smelt weed outside the halls, so I went down to check. The problem with me is that I don't even know what weed smells like in the first place, urk. Dragged Di out of her room (sorry Di) to see if she could smell where it was coming from. There was definitely something floating around in Green Section, but Di said it was probably incense. 'sides, it's in Green Section. Why should I care?
'cause I just do. *shrug* Whatever.
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Superman
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I need to sleep.
My first time live over the radio, heh. Did a short programme with William at the Trent Radio Station; we called it "Malaysia - Unique (Just Like Everyone Else)". I said 'crap' over live broadcasting, ahaha! It was a great experience. Who knows, I may apply to do my own show next year :)
Spent the afternoon catching up on news with Yimin, my Singaporean friend. Made plans to spend a night at her place just so we can yak like we used to. Will be cooking for Althea, Nontobeko and the rest of them on Sunday. That should be fun. Malaysian Chinese rendang, vegetables, brownies, and possibly, a strawberries & cream cake in the works, yay! Here's crossing my fingers that things won't go wrong before my nice weekend comes by (although I have a strong hunch that something or someone's gonna screw my plans up as usual).
Just collected a set of pictures we took over the term last year. I already have them up on my wall; some are just so funny! I think my favourite is the one with me looking up at Kayla and her looking down. We just had the funniest expressions on our faces, lol. There's one where Roger's wearing my gloves over his ears; that one's priceless, hehe.
Should start taking pictures with Kris and Tanay, as they are seriously lacking in my collection :P
Quote of the Day (courtesy of Kris):
When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy - Anonymous
Thanks Kris *hugs* <3
Currently listening to: Cardigans' Erase/Rewind
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I'd like to say a big *insert cuss word here* to the people who take others for granted. Thankie.
Just came across this personality test on Cathy's page. I am the Idealist (yay Cathy! heh).
The Idealist Portrait
All Idealists (NFs) share the following core characteristics:
Idealists are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom.
Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic.
Idealists tend to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials.
Idealists make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders.
Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self--always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.
Idealists are rare, making up no more than 8 to 10 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.
The four types of Idealists are:
Healers (INFP) | Counselors (INFJ) | Champions (ENFP) | Teachers (ENFJ)
Lalala. *munches on blueberry muffin* Idealist. Pfft. *points at self* Self-declared Cynic, thankie.
Currently listening to: Creed's With Arms Wide Open
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I need to find a container big enough to send those cookies to Wai Wai.
Got back from classes downtown a while ago. Stopped by to visit John in the library; it was great seeing him again. I can always go to him and just blurt all my frustrations out, and he would understand and be supportive without making me feel like a failure. I wish he and Rox were still donning in LEC :\ A bunch of us bought him and Rox a waffle iron for Christmas, so they want us to stay with them for the weekend again sometime next month to 'test' the iron out, heh. Am looking forward to that heaps.
I'm trying very hard to put things in perspective, but it's not that simple. Sometimes it's so easy to just say "f*ck everything" and give up. But pulling through is what makes life worthwhile I suppose. Looking back, the whole Christmas break was just another way of procrastinating the inevitable; the confrontations, the disgust with the politics, the frustration. 'cause really, everything just came to a head once school started again. I could no longer put off what was waiting in the sidelines when I left in December. I tried to forget, and I admit, I did a pretty good job of it for the most part. Pfft. I hate politics.
Wipe the slate clean. :\
John's right; in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't all that bad. Or at least, I shouldn't let them be.
Hugs to Ruth, Kai, Uncle Ben, Chris & Dalwen :)
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Made to Heal
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Someone said I've grown a lot more serious lately, pfft.
I'm tired. Had a nap this afternoon, but I still am. It's been a crappy day, and I'm in a ugly mood. Had dinner with Tanay, Kris and Catherine downtown; I was lousy company. Had my section meeting. Details? Maybe later.
I just want to rant and rant and rant. And then go home. Or be alone. Whichever. Whatever.
*sigh* Someone please tell me it's all in my head. And yeah, pass the vodka over.
Currently listening to: Verve Pipe's Freshmen
Current emotion: crap as hell
Random observation: I didn't lose my temper till April last year. Guess things are coming to a head earlier than I thought.
I want to go home. Actually, what I really want is to see dad and mom. For two weeks. Then come back to school. And everything will be okay after that. That's all I want. 2 weeks. 'cause any more than that and I'll start screaming for .ca.
Currently listening to: Creed's Higher
Current emotion: homesick
Random observation: People ask me how do I deal with being away from home all the time. I'll tell you how: by whining on my blog *shrug*
It's been a surprisingly busy day. Woke up at 9-ish and cleaned my room a bit and sat around before heading to OC with Di, Kayla, Anne and Asha for brunch. Had my meeting with Bob and Pauline which went overtime, so I was late for dance practice. Wei Lynn was ready to throw a fit when i showed up. Pfft. Three hours later, popped by to see Kris; poor girl's had a rough 24 hours or so. Nessa's been sick and had to go to the hospital the night before :\ Good thing she's better now. Anyway, had dinner with Therese, Harvey and Anne after that. Chatted, and we're meeting at 10 in my room just to hang out, have some coffee and yak some more. Came back, did my laundry and made some soup before bringing it over to Nessa's in North. Finally, a short breather to my day.
Am feeling rather sleepy now *yawns*
Currently listening to: Sugar Ray's Fly (my anthem when I was younger, lol)
Current emotion: alone
Random observation: Amazing how words and words alone can evoke emotion, instill hope and dreams, tear down the soul and burn the imagination.
I am so poor :( Paid the rest of my school fees yesterday afternoon, gaah. Signed away almost 6000CD, urk. (I feel sick). So yeah, aside from feeling poor...
Woke up at 1am and did nothing (something). Had breakfast with Kayla as usual before I did some reading for my theatre class. Yakked all afternoon with sooks and Bryan. Took some time off to go pay my fees, and yeah, trust me to pick the time when it's snowing the heaviest to traipse to Julian Blackburn Collge, bah. It was gorgeous out though; everything blanketed in fresh snow :) So anyway, at the office I tried to pay my fees using my bank card, but there were problems because of my cash limit (totally forgot about that). Bloody hell. Had to walk back to LEC, call my bank and get some stuff sorted before running to JBC (again) before it closed.
Came back and sooks was stll there, yay! We were checking out the latest cell phones. Damnits, Nokia comes up with the coolest shit, tee hee. See this and this and this. This is (or was) mine back in KL. It doesn't work in North America, so my sister is using it for the moment, pfft. Cell phone technology in Asia is insane. You don't see half of it here in the States, or at least not that soon anyway. Anyway, sooks bought herself the 3330 as a temporary phone before she leaves for Aussie.
Amazing how in Canada I don't give two shits about carrying a phone, but back home it's almost a necessity. Probably because I don't live with my friends in KL :P
Spoke to Mica for a bit; he's funny, heh. William e-mailed to see if I was interested in doing a radio show with him, woo! 'tis just for one show, but first I gotta see what we're supposed to do. Am not committing myself to anything for the moment. Was supposed to go for dinner with Kayla, but I was bloody sleepy, so I opted to stay in instead. Went to bed at 6pm, woke up at 2am. I'm so messed, bah. Watched Cayote Ugly. Just realized that in the bar scene, where she first meets whatshisname, The Calling was playing in the background! Now, how weird is that? Also, near the end where her name was published in the papers? I saw Vertical Horizon and Eve 6 as well, hehe. Details, details.
I really don't have that much of interest to say. Just another day in the works. Are you bored yet? lol. Ah well. This blog is for me anyway.
Think I'll go sleep a bit more. Joget practice (yeahyeah, laugh!) at 2pm. Meeting with Bob & Pauline at 1pm. Cooking dinner at Althea's at 5 (unconfirmed). Finish writing CLLI and 205 essays. Argh.
Almost forgot, added Pearly, Laura and Bryan to my links. Yay them! :)
Currently listening to: O Town's All or Nothing
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I have to clean my desk, ugh.
Ahahahaha!! omg, I'm having a laughing fit over this, hehehe. sooks helped me change my background to that stunning pink you see now, and all for the benefit of Uncle Ben, lmao! And unlike Uncle Ben's, I have to say mine doesn't look half as fugly as his new one (sorry Uncle, but I have to be honest. Your new site's colours would offend a blind person, let alone us!).
'tis the Fellowship of the Pink, ahaha! Pearly and sooks both have pink sites, and Chris and I have decided to temporarily adopt this funky colour for Uncle Ben's benefit. We're still waiting for him to pull out the pink tutu though :P
*lmao all over again*
Kay, I have to go pay some bills now.. *snickers*
Currently listening to: Tantric's Mourning
Current emotion: totally amused
Random observation: I'm gonna be dirt poor in 1/2 an hour, bleh.
I think I messed up my sleep time bad :\ Went to bed at 6.30pm yesterday, woke up at 3am. Yada yada yada. Kayla got me to check some e-mail which scared the hell outta me; I screamed, lol. We had breakfast before she went for class and I came back. Kai called and I forwarded the mail to him; he screamed too, lmao (like a girl I might add ;)).
Got ticked off in the afternoon, headed downtown and did some errands. Came back, had lunch with Asha, did nothing productive. Returned Roger's Trent hat and stole his NHL one. Oo, he got mad at me after that. Returned the hat with cookies as an apology. I still feel bad. I'm sorry Ra Ra :(
Fell asleep at 7 and woke up at 1am. Burned a CD for Kris. Been surfing the 'net since. My site's down.
Partial Rant (the rest is saved on my HDD for personal reasons):
...just don't fucking touch and contaminate me with your "I'm more 31337 than j0o" shit.
There. I feel better now :P I'm PMS-ing I think, lol. To end this blog on a good note, go here. Funny stuff. Thankie sooks :)
Quote of the Day:
As a HUGE fan of the guillotine, and public flogging, I say we haul him to the town square, draw & quarter him, then see if we can't get a few bucks from his remains to finance the calendar that everyone seems to want - tat2doc
Currently listening to: Limp Bizkit feat. DMX & Method Man's Rollin'
Current emotion: bitchy
Random observation: lol. I typed that over an hour ago and forgot to post :P
Another one of those days/nights when I don't sleep and work my butt off to finish my paper. Can't believe I had to write a 12 page paper based on 6 novels, bleh. Sarah and Faye threw pebbles at my window at 3am, lol. There was a quick meeting with the other student dons at 9.15am over breakfast before I went back and slaved away at my desk till 2pm. Headed to the library after that and went for class. Two hours later I was exhausted but relieved; 2 more papers to go and I'm done for the moment *phew* Fell asleep in Kayla's room watching The Simpsons; she had to wake me up so that we could head over to OC for dinner. Bumped into William whom I haven't seen for ages! Talked to him for a bit, yada yada yada. Just got back with Kayla; I think I'm gonna go sleep now.
Currently listening to: Will Smith's Miami
Current emotion: exhausted
Random observation: I've been up for the past 29 hours. *passes out*
Busy day. Had breakfast with Kayla and Di. Prepared for my presentation all afternoon which turned out okay. I was the only presenter, but I'd picked Dionysos and my prof happens to be very opinionated about him, so that went well. Still have work to do. Way behind on my schedule.
Currently listening to: Train's Something More
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Roses smell so sweet.
Poor mom got fooled by my voicemail *grins*
Voicemail: Hi. Now you say something! *beep*
Mom: Tiffany? *pause* Tiffy? *another long pause* *hangs up*
She called back the second time prepared :P Sorry mom!
Currently listening to: Shawn Stockman's Visions of a Sunset
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I like my voicemail message :)
I'm tired, and it's cold tonight. Past few days are rather blurry, but I remember Kayla coming up and us just hanging out, talking to Sarah and Jason for a bit, working on my paper, worrying about my grades, pfft. Kai and Sharon called (thank you) and Kris, Nessa and Tanay came by with a pink rose for me :) (It's sitting in a vodka bottle now, heh). It was Marianne's birthday a few days back; HAPPY (belated!) BIRTHDAY MARIANNE *hug* Slipped my mind when blogging earlier, oops.
Godawful grades, so I'm dropping Drama Before the 20th Century. Have to remember to speak to Prof. Conolly about that. Tried calling mom this morning but I couldn't reach her. Need a good half-credit course for the remainder of the year. Am thinking of taking a classics course in Egyptology, eek. I was thinking of Cult & Religion, but it's a full year course, which means I can't take it now. Cult & Religion sounds like a wicked course though. Maybe I'll do a course overload next year? I need at least 1/2 credit in Anthropology for my degree if I want to get into teacher's college. Not too sure if I want to switch my major from Cultural Studies to Classics, bleh. If I had things my way, I'd be able to take all the subjects I want without thinking of papers and grades and just learn for the sake of learning.
Idealism, bah.
Krista came by to talk and check on me (to make sure I wasn't dead yet :P), and I was kinda defensive at first, bleh. I think she noticed that, but oh well. She was really nice though, and I haven't spoken to her since November-ish, so it was good to update each other a little. I wish the donning team got along as well as we did at the beginning of the year. Everyone's so nice, and yet. Differences, bleh. :\
People tell me everyone stumbles and falls, but they pick themselves up and keep moving on. I'm the kinda person who prefers to start from the bottom all over again than to pick up where I left off. I find it hard to just keep going. I'm glad I have people who encourage otherwise though. It helps. A lot.
Enough of that. Funny joke of the day :) Haven't slept for 26 hours, so when Kayla came to get me for dinner I wasn't exactly wide awake. She had to hold onto my coat as we walked to make sure I didn't hit a wall or fall, hehe. I was that out of whack, eek. Thanks Kayla :P
Off to either sleep or work. Still can't decide which. Mmf, and for those who left a note or a shout, thankies.
Currently listening to: All Saints' Pure Shores
Current emotion: .
Random observation: In a state of slight defunct.
I thought dinner was gonna be a 'get there, eat and leave' kinda affair, but boy was I wrong. Appetizers alone took an hour and a half (I admit, I was keeping an eye on my watch) before dinner was served. Yay. Good food, but it took us almost three hours to get through the main course and dessert (rum cake!) before lingering over wine and whatnot. Don't get me wrong, I like dinner parties, but I really just wasn't in the mood. Aside from the cake, I abstained and stuck to water, thankie. I think the last few shots yesterday kinda killed my taste buds. I thought it was hilarious the way Pauline kept offering me drinks though. By the end of it, she was tipsy, and Kris and I had a good laugh about that. Overall, it was an okay dinner. Not bad, just very long. And all that talk about Asian regions just made me miss home.
I think I'll go call daddy now.
Currently listening to: REM's cover of Wet Wet Wet's Love is All Around
Current emotion: missing parents :(
Random observation: I hate it when I get all emotional and shit, pfft.
So sleepy. Woke up 9-ish and was on MSN and ICQ for a bit before Kayla called. Ran downstairs to see Sarah's boyf wearing her pajama top, lmao. We just hung around talking and stuff before Chris drove us to Wendy's for lunch as promised. Chris is our pimp now, 'cause according to Kayla, whenever he drives there's always a bunch of girls with him, hehe. Lots of laughs, no hangovers, yay us! I must say, Chris drives like a maniac :P
Poor Asha's down with a fever :\ Hope she feels better soon. I have dance practice, but I skipped 'cause I'm sleepy and tired and grumpy and I just don't feel like it. There's a dinner for the student dons tonight too; almost forgot, bleh.
Memorable moments:
- Drinking vodka & grape juice from my Winnie the Pooh cup
- Waving to Bob (the don) with an almost-empty wine bottle as he walked by
- seeing Kayla'a fridge packed with assorted drinks and bottles
- Chris's face when he saw the alcohol arranged on Asha's desk
- Di emptying almost half a bottle of Amaretto in her make-shift mug before topping it with Coke.
- Sarah singing "I am so smart, S-M-R-T!"
- watching Chris complain about alcohol and hot drinks while drinking a mug of hot chocolate laced with rum :P
...and more.
Will update later. My bed is calling.
Currently listening to: Valerie Andrews & Ryan Toby's Pay Attention
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: No more drinking after tonight for the next month or so :P
Last I checked, Asha and Kayla were in bed and Susan's logged online from Di's computer. Our final drink for the night; hot chocolate laced with a shot of Malibu rum. Will be finishing the rest of the alcohol tomorrow night. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, Chris drove up from Waterloo to join us, yay Chris! He promised to take us to Wendy's for lunch tomorrow *grins*
Alcohol left: 6 bottles of Smirnoff Ice, 1/2 bottle of Absolut Kurant, 1 bottle of Zinfandel wine, 1/2 bottle of Malibu rum, 1/4th of Amaretto, 1/2 bottle of Kahlua, 2/3rds of Peach Schnapps and I can't remember what else.
I think I'll go sleep now.
Currently listening to: Shania Twain & Elton John's The Way You Look Tonight
Current emotion: happy
Random observation: Sarah and Di aren't back from the club yet.
Bah humbug! Went down to the liquor store with Sarah and Susan, and I got carded. S'okay, cos I can deal with that, but then the man tells me he doesn't recognize either my driver's licence or my student card, and as such, refused to give me my vodka! *pulls hair* The LCBO hates me *sobs* Sarah had forgotten to bring her ID, and because Susan was with us, she couldn't buy any either. We're all almost 21 damnits! (for those not in the know, one is legal at 19 in Canada). So anyway, Susan went back later with Michelle while the rest of us waited on pins and needles up here on campus. And we had such a lot of stuff picked out too. Poor Susan has to carry all those bottles up by herself, eek. Still waiting.. *fidgets*
Woohoo! It's here! *runs off*
Currently listening to: Naughty by Nature's Jamboree
Current emotion: .
Random observation: My vodka has arrived!!!!
Drool-worthy. Check the polished frame and blue iridium lenses. I need 275 US. Any offers? :P Or maybe this for 155 US.
I wish I earned USD instead of RM. Okay, I wish I was earning money instead of being in debt while in school *wails*
Currently listening to: Enya's Orinoco Flow
Current emotion: okay
Random observation: Am drinking from my new orange Winnie The Pooh cup with swirly straw.
Nothing like parodies to crack ya up. These guys are funny as hell, hah! Was watching 'em with Asha and Kayla.
I'm gonna watch Dogma now.
Joke of the Day:
...well I don't count being forced to kiss the person your first kiss, it should be sperm of the moment...
lmao. Found that on a forum thread; I've seen many words mis-spelt, but that one takes the cake! 'Spur' mistaken for 'sperm', lol... I admit, I had to correct some other errors on it before posting as just bugged the hell out of me *smacks self on the forehead*
Currently listening to: Robbie William's Supreme
Curent emotion: semi-pissed off
Random observation: Less than 24 hours before we party *grins*
Nothing productive today, unless you count my cleaning the room and re-arranging the furniture (yet again). My room's now relatively clean, so long as you discount the piles of books and papers on my desk. Have finished rearranging my Absolut ads and added the new ones on the wall along with the bottles and the book; will take a picture sometime soon.
Lost 2 hours of my life watching the final episode of Survivor with Kayla. Heather gave me some pictures that we took in the fall; will scan and put them up along with those of my room when I have the time. Several e-mails from the boss about residence stuff, yuck. I hate lockup duties, and I just found out that we're not allowed to take off during Reading Break:
Please note that the week of February 18th is a "Residential Reading and Laboratory Week" and everyone is expected to be present and "on duty".
Which means my plans to head to Massey and/or elsewhere have to be scraped. FUCK.
Will blog later when I'm in a better mood.
Currently listening to: Lunatic Calm's Leave You Far Behind
Current emotion: pissed off
Random observation: I need a new pair of shades.
It amazes me how everyone has a problem with selective reading, lol. All I see are messages along the lines of "Tiff, you're getting laid?!".
I'm the traumatized individual here! Please read the last post again; I've made minor adjustments for better understanding.
On another note, tis hilarious how everyone gets so interested when the word 'laid' is used, lol. All you perverted people :P
Currently listening to: M2M's Don't Say You Love Me
Curent emotion: indignant
Random observation: I have insane readers, haha!
I'm on a sugar-high, wee!! The assemble-the-candy-bar party was a success, but I had too much peanut butter, sprinkles and chocolate cookie bits, urk. We watched Smallville (it's Superman in his teenage years) and Di was screaming through the gory parts while I hid behind the door. Chicken I know, blah.
Was talking to Uncle Ben for a while and gave him an idea as to what to get his gf for their anniversary. In return he traumatizes me with his comment about him getting laid thanks to my idea, argh! DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT DAMNIT!! *covers face*
I shall go hide under the covers and think of Tom and Jerry now. Sei Uncle Ben *kicks!* You owe me vodka for this trespass!
Currently listening to: Madonna's I'll Remember
Current emotion: traumatized
Random observation: I've been suffering from "Too Much Information" lately, blek.
Had breakfast this morning with Kayla, Di and Asha in the caf before finishing up on The Forever War for my science fiction class. Lecture today was eeww, because the prof. showed us an excerp from the movie Starship Troopers, and it just made my stomach turn *makes a face* Yakked away with sooks on ICQ as usual for a bit. It's funny how I talk to her more often when I'm in Canada than when I'm back in KL. Weird, hah! Had a nap before going for dinner with the girls, and it was a fun evening, 'cause we were being silly, hehe. Kayla was slightly deaf because of her cold, and 'hurricane season' became 'herpes season' (??). Di smacked me in the foot with the door, and Sarah chased Kayla across the bridge with a snowball, lol. Jenn was complaining about the girls upstairs, and all I could think of were her threats to hire a hitman last semester! *grins*
Kayla, Sarah L. and I will be getting a house for the next school year, and it was a unanimous decision that we should each have a) a Caucasian name (in honour of Kayla), b) a Native Indian name (in honour of Sarah) and c) a Chinese name (because of me, yay!). Since we already had Caucasian names, we had to pick the other two for each other. The current list is as follows:
Native Indian Names
Sarah - Running Bear
Kayla - Crazy Horse
Tiff - Little Horse/ Little Bear (on alternate-day basis)
Chinese Names
Sarah - Ping Pong
Kayla - Kay Lah
Tiff - Yin Peng
Extra tags for Tiff (my ever-growing list of nicknames *rolls eyes*):
Official Kayla Brohart-given Name
Little Alcoholic Malaysian Friend (or LAMF for short)
Official Roger Lee-given Name
Official Chris Pope-given Name
Five-foot tifosi (shortened to Five-foot for the heck of it)
Sarah H. just bought me a huge cup of French Vanilla cappucino, yum! Will be assembling a chocolate bar with Kayla in a bit; it's a self-assemble kit with a chocolate shell, Reese's peanut butter, white icing and sprinkles. Now that should be neat :)
Quote of the Day:
It's not a drive-by shooting, it's a run-by snowballing! - Sarah L & Kayla
Currently listening to: The Calling's Wherever You Will Go
Current emotion: chipper
Random observation: Nothing like warm fuzzy blue slippers to make me smile.
Just realized that I'd forgotten to mention the evaluations. Yup, evaluation sheets have been sent out, and the dons will probably get the results some time next week. Am rather nervous, but the worse case scenario for me is that I'll lose my RA position. I can deal with that. Well, at least I hope I can. Talking to Sharon earlier made me realize how distinctly different my blogs are between term time and holidays. I truly have been unhappy the last few months, and Christmas break has done me a world of good. Sharon thinks I should prepare myself for the downhill time, lol.
Currently listening to: Sammi Cheng's Feel 100%
Current emotion: .
Random observation: 'tis true when we say that it's at the face of adversity that you find out who your real friends are.
Didn't sleep and headed for 205 with Kris, Nessa and Asha. Nessa was very excited because she'd received an e-mail from an up-and-coming ska/punk band she liked. I think the band's called Cheap Suits (had to call Kris to clarify). As promised Nessa, I blogged it for ya *grins* 205 was a doozy as usual, and we stayed back an extra hour for the literary essay writing workshop. By then I was already slightly mad because of lack of sleep. The girls were amused, hehe.
Checked my mailbox after class thinking that it would probably be empty, especially after my bonus packages yesterday, but I did get mail, and it was a fantastic surprise too! Ruth sent me a lovely sky-blue toque and Christmas card all the way from the Phillippines *sniffles* Thank you so much Ruth; you totally brightened my day! *hugs!* I'll have you know I wore it immediately, and I had a silly grin on my face all afternoon, lol. This brings my total number of toques to 6, wahey! 1 more and I'll have one for every day of the week. Now how cool is that? *grins*
Spoke to Professor Storey about my presentation and found out that it was scheduled for next week, so I have plenty of time to get it done. He was so nice; he offered to help me run over my stuff next Monday, woohoo! He's the best prof ever :) Slept at around 3, and woke up 8-ish. Read the news, ate and called Sharon. We talked for almost an hour, and it was hilarious because Sharon seems to have forgotten most of her Malay and Cantonese, lol. It was great talking to her, and yes Sharon, admit it, you've been 'Canadianized'!
My turn to do lockup this week. Bloody cold at night, but it's still a lot milder compared to last year. Uncle B's been fooling around with my chatterbox, lol. I know it's you :P And 'basket' seems to be the word to be used, hehe.
Currently listening to: Rockapella's Lion Sleeps Tonight
Current emotion: blur
Random observation: Pringles' Spicy Cajun chips are addictive.
Just spoke to Merv on the 'phone for a good 30 minutes, and he laughed and scolded me for being 'Canadianized'. I am not! *sulks* I will blog in Manglish for the next two minutes just to prove that I'm Malaysian and proud of it :P
Where got Canadianize la? Talk in proper English only mah, like that also kena. Too much man. Simply scold only defler, hehe. Celaka, nag me summore about being awake. If not awake how to call and talk to him hah? And he kept making short jokes, basket! Melebih-lebih! *piaks Merv!* Sui jai, hmph. *grins* Oklah, I admit, he was giving me sound advice. Got to talk to his mom and sister for a few minutes too. Wah, this bugger like my mother's godson edi, ahaha!
Okay, that's about as much as I can complain about Merv at 5am, hehe. See Kayla? There are many different intonations we use. I'll teach you how to use the exclaimation 'basket' soon, it'll be fun! lol.
Currently listening to: Go West's Track of My Tears
Current emotion: thankful
Random observation: I really do have the most amazing friends, and it makes me wonder why I'm so lucky *confused look*
Missed my classes today, eek. Not a good start to the term *shakes head* It's been a great day so far though. Received three packages from the Book Fairy (he's actually Miranda's godfather, and he sends magazines and stuff to us for the heck of it): I received four hardcover novels, a bag of chocolate-covered cranberries and several magazines, wee! Have to remember to send a thank you card *pokes self*. Also received a card from Lisa and an Absolut ad from Susan (it's titled Absolut John & Yoko, but I call it Absolut Porn :P). Also got my DA bear today, word! Will take a picture of it with my vodka bottles soon :P Thank you Frank and Steve :)
Spent the afternoon catching up on news with Susan; we decided to have a party this weekend and started listing out the stuff we wanted to drink. Went downstairs where we held a 'meeting' of sorts with Sarah, Kayla, Asha and Di, and so far, our shopping list is as follows:
Absolut Mandrin
Absolut Kurant
Zinfandel (wine)
Peach schnapps
Smirnoff Ice
Malibu Rum
Blue Curacao
Orange juice
Grape juice
Hot chocolate
We're shopping for the stuff on Friday, wee! It'll be an all-girls night, unless Roger decides to join us. Then again, Roger's one of the girls anyway *smirks* Fun fun fun! Can't wait :)
Phone call from Gwen to check on some new guy who just moved into Catherine's section. Bugged Mark for a while; he's got gerbils which I'm not supposed to know about (because of the Residence Agreement), but he's got an amazing cage, and I was just mesmerized. They are so cute! Stole my Absolut book back, mwahaha! Jan Ee should be back at Purdue by now, Asha's asleep and I have some prep to do for English 205. Last I saw, Ottawa was leading 4-3 in the game with Toronto.
Almost forgot! Allow me to introduce you to my alcoholic pixies *grins*
Currently listening to: Collective Soul's Listen
Current emotion: okay
Random observation: Uncle B's blogs always make me laugh, hehe.
It's been a busy day, and a slightly crazy one at that. Went to sleep at 7am and was up by 2. There were several new international students who'd just arrived, so I spent most of the afternoon helping them move and settle in. The girls were back (although I've yet to see Asha) and it was just hugs, squeals and chattering left, right and centre. Madness *grins* Had dinner with Kayla, Miranda and Heather in Otanabee College before making my rounds and stuff. Spoke to Jan Ee and Sharon for a while.
Received an interesting phone call from Andrew (he's the Housing Don for my college); he wants me to consider applying for the position of Senior Student Don for the next school year. I'm flattered, but I don't know. After my crappy term last year, I'm seriously looking forward to staying with Kayla and Sarah in a proper house with a kitchen and whatnot without having to think about other people's problems. However, the perks that come with the position are definitely attractive. Andrew wants me to think it over at the moment. Will have to wait and see.
Faye gave me a lovely card, and Jenn brought back an Absolut mini-menu with several cocktail recipes for me, wee! Kayla gave me Absolut Fantasy to add to my ever-growing collection, and we watched The Simpsons for a while. Kris came by for a visit, yay Kris :) Stole Roger's hat, and he retaliated by stealing my book again, damnits. I still have his shirt though *smirks* He's hooked up a notebook to his desktop, so we messed with his 'puters while beating each other at intervals. He calls me 'thief' now, lol. Am off to harass him again.
Currently listening to: Joydrop's Sometimes Wanna Die
Current emotion: cheeky
Random observation: I'm a lucky bugger I am :)
Three cheers for sooks and! :P
Currently listening to: Penn Off The Beat's cover of Ben Fold Five's Brick
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Acappella rocks my world :)
Caught Shean Min online after godknows how many weeks and chatted with him for a bit. He's leaving for Melbourne pretty soon, and unfortunately, he's not heading back to KL for summer :( I called Norman on a whim and Shahnon picked up the 'phone. Shahnon's coming back to Canada this Tuesday, and Norman won't be leaving till June for Melbourne. It was good to talk to them both again; crazy brothers with the same perverse sense of humour, lol. Norman's first few words to me were "It's bloody hot here--I'm wearing nothing but my boxers", lol. Too much information Norm :P Shahnon was no better though; he'd lost his luggage on his trip back, and he felt that it was very important that I should know he'd lost his "new shirts, new shoes and new underwear!". *shakes head* These two..!! Crazy people, hehe. Good to know that Norm's quit smoking already, yay! Everything's fine, according to them both, with the exception of the fact that it's bloody hot in Malaysia.
I miss home.
Currently listening to: Son By Four's Cuando Seas Mia
Current emotion: tad homesick
Random observation: It's January, and it's only -2C. wtf is going on?! I wanna make my snowman dammit!!
It's great having Kayla back. She woke me up at 2 and gave me my present, wee! We hung out together, had dinner at Tim Horton's and basically just wasted the day away gossiping and such. Found a funny game at the Molson's Canadian (Beer) website; fun stuff, that. We decided to have a couple of drinks later and ended up finishing my vodka and her Amaretto, yay us! 7 shots each and we're still standing, hehe. We're planning to do this this again on a much larger scale sometime next week or so with the others. Can't wait.
Sharon says my new hat's pride colours, lol. Heck, I just think it's colourful :P And Sharon? The questions you asked could be interpreted in many ways, hence the slightly blurry answers, hehe. Anyway, off to see Kayla and maybe watch a movie or something.
Currently listening to: Kai's Something Inside of Me
Current emotion: happy
Random observation: You can only be there for someone for so much and for so long before something breaks.
Kayla's back! *jumps up and down* and she gave me a fantastic present: a rainbow-coloured toque to match my gloves! *twirls around in glee* It's red and orange and yellow and blue and green andandand eee!!! *squeals* I have a rainbow-coloured toque!!!
(Can you tell that I'm excited? lol).
Currently listening to: Hokus Pick's I'm So Happy
Current emotion: Ecstatic!
Random observation: I love Kayla! *grins*
Woke up this afternoon and chatted with sooks and Wai Wai for a while. Wai Wai got his dose of abuse as usual, hehe. Read a bit of The Two Towers and watched the second disc of The Emperor's New Groove again before I fell asleep. Kayla called and left me a message; she's back in Peterborough, yay! Will probably see her tomorrow or Sunday.
Anyway, I made some soup and got to work fixing my 'About' page. Chattered away with Uncle Ben and Chris. It was hilarious fun talking to them both on ICQ. My present from Uncle Ben:
lol! Am 100% certain that he stole that picture from sooks and doctored it before 'giving' it to me. I'm still expecting you to mail me a bottle of Absolut Mandrin, Uncle :P Chris even helped me find another comments' box after I lost blogback, hehe. Yay for Chris!
My silly mouse is acting up; am tempted to just throw the damn thing out the window, bah. Added Cathy to my links; re-arranged the list a bit. 'tis almost 5am, eek.
Stanza of The Day (in reply to Scott's message on my dA page *grins*):
'tis lonely on the moon.
Life grows cold, one grows old
too soon, too soon.
But wait.
Think of sunshine and skies cornflower-blue
Think of a rainbow and its brilliant hues
Think of a hug and people who care
Think of bunnies and teddy bears
Perhaps these things will make you smile?
If not, maybe something else worthwhile?
Happy thoughts, a cheeky grin
I'd think of more but my mind's in a spin. :P
Currently listening to: Monica's Don't Take It Personal
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: I have an awful short-term memory
Just came back from checking Tanked!, and it seems I kinda rattled Kris with my comments on Harry Potter. Yes Kris, my little note about 'to each his own' when writing my commentary was with you in mind, haha! I know you love Harry Potter (as evident by your Harry Potter curtains and sheets and comforter and whatnot!), but remember, I did not say that it was a bad book; I just thought it was a lot like Enid Blyton's. Content-wise, I thought it was good, but not super, that's all. And yes, I know annoying characters are there for a reason, but they annoy me, which brings back the 'personal preference' point. 'Amazing' to you, 'okay' to me. There is no need to change anyone's minds or opinions, heh. I'll take you up on your offer for the fourth book though. And Nes, you crack me up, lol.
Currently listening to: UB40's Reggae Music
Current emotion: sunny
Random observation: I get to see Kayla and Jenn tomorrow!
Called my parents to reassure them that I was alive and well. Mom's being her typical loving-overprotective-nagging self, and daddy's short and to the point as usual.
Daddy: *to mom in the background* Small girl aa?
Me: Hi daddy
Daddy: Hi girl. How's everything?
Me: Everything's fine lorr.
Daddy: You mother woke you up again [this morning] aa?
Me: Yah, hehe.
Daddy: She aa. You're okay? Got enough money to spend or not?
Me: Yes daddy. Back in Peterborough already.
Daddy: Ah, okay. Anything you want, call home you know.
Me: Yes daddy.
Daddy: Okay, bye.
Me: haa? 'kay, bye daddy.
*daddy hangs up*
I''m not kidding, that was our conversation, lol. I figure the ratio of minutes for mom to daddy is about 10 : 0.5. *shakes head*
Tried calling Shean Min, but I couldn't reach him. Oi, your number change to eight digits already aa? E-mail me the new number please. And sooks, you too. I can't remember where I left it. Damn eight digit numbers, pah. Makes surprise phone calls so much harder to pull, hehe.
Currently listening to: Rick Price's Walk Away Renee
Current emotion: blah
Random observation: I'm 20 years old, and my parents still call me 'small girl', ahaha!
It's been a surprisingly good day. Finished reading The Fellowship of The Ring and wrote a few notes and e-mails. Jenn called, wee!! We talked for a bit (she's coming back on Saturday) before I left to do some grocery shopping downtown. I bought Pringles *grins* It was nice to walk around aimlessly for a bit by myself. Got back around 6-ish and downloaded a couple of episodes of The Simpsons. Spent the evening doing laundry and watching the episodes I downloaded as well as Moulin Rouge and Cayote Ugly. Cleaned my room, yay! At least now it doesn't look as if a tornado hit it, and my linen smells nice. Cheers for Bounce sheets!
Was reading some blogs earlier, and Uncle Ben's (yes Chief, you've been promoted to 'uncle') just made me laugh so hard, haha! He was complaining about LOTR (this is the same guy who deduced that Frodo would make out with Arwen) and he had a picture of Merry and Pippin with the words 'Let Them Die" scrawled across, lol. A short clip of his rant: doesn't make life any better when i learn from derrick that the next of the trilogy is about them finding the two captured hobbits.....WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT THEM?????? just let them die....they are useless anyway, they just steal carrots from other people's plantations and steal gandalf's fireworks......why cant frodo just destroy the ring???? people called pipin took and merry brandybuck do not deserve to be saved!! new years resolution is to boycott episode 2 of LOTR...."kill the two useless hobbits" let them die!
lmfao. I'm sorry, I just found it bloody hilarious, hehe. I was laughing hysterically when I read that and saw the image. You take the cake, Uncle Ben *grins*
Among other things, Sharon plans to cook for the gang during our next trip to Genting in summer. That's fine so long as she doesn't poison me :P When we were in college two years back, Sharon and her gf brought me to a vegetarian place for dinner, and I fell sick after eating there. Poor Sharon was panicking the next day when I didn't show up for class; she thought she'd killed me, rofl.
Yes sooks, the button looks very nice against a black background :) But no, I don't think anyone's gonna make a movie of Diablo anytime soon, heh. And Shao Yi, we start scrolling from the top, not the bottom, lol. Will be developing some pictures soon, among them Kai's 'compromising' shot which I have to send to Cathy *grins* Fun! Poor Kai; his semi-good name has been dragged through the mud thanks to me. *feels no remorse* Hah! Am arguing with Roger over his shirt now (as usual). Am not giving it back, so there! :P
Hmm. *pimps Chris's site* Lalala...
Off to watch The Emperor's New Groove and laugh some more. *hugs everyone* *smacks a few people!* *makes a face and runs off*
Currently listening to: Ace of Base's Happy Nation
Current emotion: bubbly
Random observation: It's gotta be illegal to laugh so much in so short a time! :)
Almost 9am and I haven't slept a wink. Was talking to Mica and sooks for a bit as well as catching up on my Artist Watch on deviantART. Finished reading Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, and honestly? I can't see what all the hype's about. It's a good book, I'll grant it that, but no better than Enid Blyton's Mallory Towers or St. Claire's. In fact, with the exception of references to magic and stuff, the description of life in the dorms was very Enid Blyton-like, to me anyway. With all the attention and media frenzy one would have expected something mind-blowing, but I just didn't/couldn't see it. I could see why some people would think it promoted Satanism though, lol, but we'll not go into that :P May I just say that I'd like to smack the crap out of several characters in the book for irritating the hell outta me. And to all you Harry Potter fans, I say to each his own, okay. Just because I don't find it spectacular does not mean that it isn't; it's all just a matter of personal preference.
Mom just called; she wanted to know why I didn't call home, pfft. Well, it probably had a lot to do with the fact that I just got back yesterday and didn't have the chance to pick up a calling card from downtown [/sarcasm]. Bleh. *makes a face* I should go get some sleep.
Currently listening to: Hootie & The Blowfish's Hold My Hand
Current emotion: grumpy
Random observation: Reason #4573 to live alone: Absence of nagging.
I duwanna fix anything anymore. I'm sick of looking and clicking and changing and reloading *makes a face* I need food. Eek, past 10pm.
Kai called a while ago; seems he and Cathy came to see me off at 2pm, but I'd already left, eek. Sorry :/
Was looking at some old pictures from college days: Shao Yi getting ready to smack Jeremy, some shots of everyone just laughing, BBQ at my place, the guys' "compromising" photo, prom, choral speaking, graduation. We had some fun times :)
I just thought of a resolution for the new year: Get the gang sloshed in July at Genting, ahaha!!
Currently listening to: Blues Traveller's Run Around
Current emotion: blah
Random observation: It's amazing how we take for granted our linguistic skills, speaking a jumble of Malay, English, Cantonese, Hokkien and whatnot with no problems switching from one language to another, knowing that we'll be understood anyway.
Fixing up my links and stuff. It's too quiet. I'm hungry. I need a shower, urk. Hey Evan, if you're reading this, send me a link to your site will ya? Thankies.
Currently listening to: Spin Doctors' Little Miss (Can't Be Wrong)
Current emotion: bouncy
Random observation: Bright colours against a dark background looks funky.
Back in Peterborough already, yikes. I had a fantastic New Year's, what about everyone else? A lot to blog, so be prepared, hehe. Heck, I have to make up for lost days, yknow!
Reached Toronto around 6-ish on Sunday and met up with Kai and Cathy. Marianne joined us after dinner, and we headed to a small pub called Bedford Academy near Trinity College. Had a few drinks, and we just talked and laughed about old times; had loads of fun filling Cathy in on Kai's 'geeky' life back in college, haha! Marianne has a thing for one of the guys who work there, so several trips were made to the bar for shots. She was tipsy before the night was over, but insisted on walking to an internet cafe nearby to check her mail (her school system was down because it had been hacked into) so I obliged her while Kai and Cathy went home.
Marianne bought me the first book in the Harry Potter series for Christmas, while I gave her a small bag made of satin-like material. She's determined to get me hooked on Harry Potter, lol. I'd told her a few weeks before that I refuse be suckered into reading them, but she plans to convert me and the book is the first step *shakes head*. Crazy woman, lol.
We headed to her sister's place the next day to help prepare a turkey dinner for their parents. Sometime in the afternoon Kai and Cathy joined us and we decided to catch Lord of The Rings on IMAX (their screens are three times the usual cinemas' size). We checked out Eaton Mall on the way to Queens Street, and bumped into a friend of Marianne's who decided to tag along. We bought the tickets before heading to a little café called Wish for coffee to kill some time as the movie didn't start till 6. Cathy's friend Laura joined us, and by the end of the movie she was smitten with Legolas (who was referred to as "that archer boy"), rofl. I kept nudging Kai whenever Legolas came onscreen, haha. It was great to watch it again though, 'cause I'd read the production notes after the first time and paid more attention to the sets and costumes. On a screen three times the usual size, one gets to appreciate the finer details of the uh, movie *grins* (right.t...). The funny part was when Boramir died: I could hear people sniffling, and when I looked to my right, Kai was teary-eyed, which was fine, but when I looked to my left, so was the tough-looking guy sitting next to me. I was stuck between crying men, ahaha! I'm sorry, I just had to share that *giggles* Anyway, it was almost 10 when we had dinner in a little bistro called Peter Pan's; semi-fancy, very nice overall. We were given glasses of champagne to celebrate the New Year, heh. After that, it was back to Bedford Academy for more drinks (and for Marianne to see her bar-boy, hehe). Laura and Marianne spent the next hour or so (learning to) tie cherry stems with their tongues while Kai, Cathy and I just laughed and chatted for a bit. Laura left around 2-ish, and we went back to Marianne's room to play some chodaidee, with vodka shots as stakes. Kai didn't want to play at first (I'm supposedly good at the game *makes a face*), so we agreed that for every two shots he took I'd take one if the odds weren't in his favour (chicken!). It never reached that stage though, 'cause by her fourth shot Marianne was ready to be sick, so we stopped the game and watched a movie. It was pretty even, as Kai had two shots (I wasn't keeping count; that's his score according to him!). I lost three games in a row, eek. We were up till 5.30 before finally hitting the sack.
Yesterday was spent with Marianne, her sister Maureen and their parents in Markham, where they shopped and stuff. We had dinner at the Malaysian restaurant before heading back to downtown Toronto. Marianne wanted to go to Bedford A. again, but it was closed, so the both of us sat at a coffee shop and played chodaidee and 'tarot' cards instead. We watched several episodes of Friends, That 70's Show and The Simpsons when we got back to her room before going to bed.
I don't make resolutions because I either never follow through, or I forget it before February rolls around. This year is of no exception, heh. So yeah, besides recoiling from the fact that I'll be 21 in five months' time, wondering if I'll survive the rest of the school year and wishing for world peace, all is good. Can't wait to see Kayla and the rest in a couple of days' time. Blogged too much; will run off and clean my room now. Happy 2002 everyone. Hasta :)
Currently listening to: Ice Cube & Mack 10's cover of The Clash's Should I Stay Or Should I Go
Current emotion: thoughtful
Random observation: I haven't seen sooks since the end of July, eek!