Still awake and feeling slightly bemused. I was supposed to help out at the shop today, but seeing as I didn't go to bed till almost 7 in the morning, it obviously didn't work out *sheepish grin*
Was up around 4 and headed out with Mei Fun for dinner (!). She's trying to rope me in for some multi-tiered marketing scheme, but I'm not keen on it. Mom always did say I have lousy business sense :P
Spent the evening at the shop with mom. Audrey came by after work, and we picked up a couple of pairs of sunglasses from Chris's shop. Am thinking of getting my ears pierced, hmm. Worth a shot, no?
Crystal and Donovan were visiting again, and this time they bugged me over and over to bake them a chocolate cake (this is after they insulted my banana walnut loaf, mind you). I gave in anyway, and they wolfed down the icing, minus the cake (which was still in the oven at the time). Kids *shakes head*
Dad and I took them out to Ravi's after that, just to give the aunts and cousins some peace and quiet while they played mahjong till their hearts' content.
Just finished watching Tom & Jerry Kids and The Addams Family. Punky and Andreas e-mailed, and I'm reminded of what a lousy friend I am, seeing as I never write, heh. I still owe Di and a couple of others mail *smacks forehead* Sorry, guys :/ Will try to rectify that asap.
Oh yeah, Senegal kicked France's ass 1- 0, lol.
Currently listening to: Kid Rock's Only God Knows Why
Current emotion: sian
Random observation: I heard Ryan say "I damn te edi..." and could hardly believe my ears; it's been a long time since I heard that expression!
Such a contrast to yesterday! Went to bed at 4-ish and was out of the house by 2pm with sooks. We headed to downtown KL to pick up some Swarovski crystals before going back to my place. Locked myself out of Audrey's room (again!). sooks and I spent a few hours making bracelets and stuff while yakking away. Yours truly sucks at it, ugh. By the time sooks finished her 6th or 7th, I'd barely completed my second (which had to be taken apart in the end, because I messed up somewhere). It was fun though ;D
Audrey's birthday today, so a whole bunch of us headed to Port Klang for seafood, yum. After that, I drove Audrey (!) to Sunway for her yumchar session with some friends. Got back 1-ish, and instead of going to bed, I baked two cakes instead, and finished around 4. Have just spent the last hour or so yakking away to John; I'm buying a couple of prints from him, yay!
Before I forget, the second issue of deviantMAG is finally up. Check it out if you haven't already :)
A pretty good day overall, except for the fact that Joshi chewed sooks' sandals without us knowing, eek. Sorry 'bout the shoes, sooks :/
Currently listening to: TLC's Unpretty
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: I'd be watching The Simpsons' right now if I was back in Canada...
Oi. Bored outta my skull, bummin' around the house :/
Oh yeah, someone just left a set of the entire Harry Potter series at my parents' shop. Would be great if I actually enjoyed reading it, but I don't. What a waste.
Harry Potter, HAH! Pfft.
Currently listening to: Boyzone's A Different Beat
Current emotion: blah
Random observation: I need another job.
At the moment, this is what an e-mail or letter from me would sound like:
Dear (insert name here),
I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a long time. I was never good with mail, even though I know very well what a pleasure it is to receive 'em. How are things back in (insert town/city/country here)? I hope all is well with ya.
Things have been mad ever since I got back, but I'm enjoying parts of it. I'm looking forward to returning to Canada as soon as possible, albeit unlikely before August, at any rate. I'll be heading to Australia at the end of June, so that's definitely something to look forward to :) What about you? How are your plans for summer/winter/school break? Anything new?
Anyway, I was just writing to:
[X] say hi
[X] tell you I miss you
[X] see if you're still alive
[X] let you know I'm still alive
[X] remind you about the 10 bucks you owe me
[X] console myself that I still have friends
[X] kill time
Right, that's about it. Hope to hear from ya soon. Hasta!
Told ya I was bad with mail, hiaks ;D
I feel like shit.
That aside, everything's great! I don't have to work for the week, I've been driving a bit, baked lots, watched tv, read enough junk to keep my brain in a state of mush, the whole works. Haven't had the chance to log online, hence the lack of updates. I'm currently functioning on Canadian time (not a good thing)-- when will I ever be normal? *smacks forehead*
My weekend was excellent. Aside from catching Fame, I spent lots of time with my dad and even headed to the local library to get some work done. Unfortunately, the books I need are nonexistent, so I'm currently counting on Pei Yee to get books out of the University Malaya library for me. So much for the public library system...
My aunt and godbrother were here for the weekend from Teluk Intan, so mom stayed home and entertained while I bummed around the shop with dad. The house was a cacaphony of screams and laughter when we got back late Saturday night, thanks to my niece and nephew. At one point, I caught Donovan and carried him upside down till he stopped screaming, hiaks. I'm known as the mean one around the house :P
Was at the shop for most of Sunday. Stopped by the local pasar malam with Colin before heading home. Watched Woman on Top while baking a cake for one of my aunts. sooks came by later and we yum char-ed till 2am with Bronson at Ravi's, as Rafi's was closed, damn. It was nice to sit outside with a Neslo ais and just yak away though.
Found my copy of The Complete Chronicles of Narnia. Am hoping to finish it sometime these few weeks, along with the dozen or so novels I have lying around. Audrey's birthday is coming up, and I still haven't thought of a decent gift yet. Any suggestions?
Right, I think I'll log off now. Hasta.
Currently listening to: Dakota Moon's A Promise I Make
Current emotion: meh
Random observation: Haven't been able to blog regularly, and I doubt I'll be able to anytime soon :/
I got to watch Fame - The Musical yesterday :) My dear brother decided to con my parents out of their hard-earned money and purchased tickets (the best seats in the house, no less) for us two weeks ago, yay him! If left up to me, I'd never even consider asking my parents to fork over the cash. As it is, Colin never did have qualms about asking for money :P
I loved it; it was such an energetic and impressive show by the Aussie crew, and we even got to meet the cast after their performance. Chris Pickard rocks, as does Luke whatshisname. Such nice people :) Colin's now obsessed, and I bought him the pewter keychain as a keepsake. He splurged on the CD and the book, tsk tsk. Ah well, so long as he's happy.
Currently listening to: Smashing Pumpkins' Ava Adore
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I've been wearing skirts lately, can you believe it?!
Default's Wasting My Time is on air in Malaysia; go Canada! We got to see them live, eh Sarah? *big grin*
And just before I run off, congrats to Kai for the internship with NST; go you! :P
People are cruel, taunting, heartless. People are judgemental, prejudiced, stupid. People are evil, self-centred, selfish.
You think the world revolves around you.
You think you're better than everyone else.
You think the different are lesser than you.
people can also be kind, loving, peaceful. People are caring, honest, faithful. People are resourceful, open-minded, helpful.
You reach out for the impossible.
You try to understand that which is alien to you.
You be the best you can be.
People are vast contradictions; opposites, mirror-images, a mixture of good and bad. Some a little more, some a little less. Argumentative, opinionated, shy; simple yet complicated.
So tell me something I don't know, heh.
I watched Powder today, among other things. I thought it was a very interesting story, one that made you review and reflect the values and judgements you make in everyday life.
Still lacking sleep, still doing a lot of thinking.
Quote of the Day:
Technology has overtaken humanity.
Currently listening to: Oasis's Don't Look Back in Anger
Current emotion: thoughtful
Random observation: Weekend's almost here!
I just discovered that it's not exactly normal to stay up all night and sleep all day. But hey, who ever said I was normal in the first place?
I clocked a little over four hours of sleep before heading for work. Honestly now, I don't even know why the school bothered to hire me, as there was absolutely zilch to do. Meh. The one nice thing that happened today was seeing Nadja and Caroline, kids who used to be in the class I worked in two years ago. They still remember me, and Nadja even ran up and gave me a hug *sniffles* ;D
Spent the afternoon with dad running errands, including buying spare parts for the car and picking up the tickets for my trip to Aussie in June, yay! Actually, with me working now, I can afford to help pay for the ticket, so I don't feel half as bad.
I promised the school receptionist some chocolate, so I baked a cake tonight with icing and everything. It looks yummy, and I decorated it with walnut halves too.
Just got back a little while ago from SJMC. My uncle was admitted this morning, so we stopped by to see how he was doing. It was weird walking through the hallway; my uncle's in the CCU, which was where dad stayed a few years back. An odd case of déja vu; you see, when my dad was in hospital, I stayed there with him every night, walked to college in the morning and slept in the afternoon. Those halls became very familiar, as did the sickly smell that permeates all hospitals, ugh. I still remember Audrey and I using aromatherapy and all kinds of air freshener to get rid of the smell, lol. We had the best smelling room in the whole hall, let alone the whole building! I still remember us carrying in all kinds of stuff to make the room feel less antiseptic for dad, including bringing in our own sheets, pillows and blankets for him, lol. We never did things half way, I can tell you that :P
Ah well.
I really should try to get at least six hours' rest :/ Lates, all.
Currently listening to: Trik Turner's Friends & Family
Current emotion: reminiscent
Random observation: I'm finally talking to Di over MSN, yay!
I think my grasp of the English language (grammar, vocabulary, etc.) is getting worse by the day. I'm a disgrace to English majors everywhere, pfft!
I got to watch the Care Bears movie not once, but twice! ;D Yup, Astro decided to air the movie over the Disney channel, so yours truly got to watch 'em bears in action last night and this evening. I love 'em bears, heh.
Trooped to work today with barely 4 hours of sleep in my system. Found out that I was being transferred to another class because Vijaya is back, so g'bye Reception and hello Year 4. Lucky me, the kids there are sitting for exams this week, so all I have to do is the little stuff, like preparing stationery and putting up displays (my favourite). Spent four hours working on a board to make it resemble a football field for the "World Cup Fever" display, yay me!
sooks came by today, so we got to hang out for a while. Her mom gave me a bag of vanilla cookies, hehe. Thanks auntie ;D
Mm, forgot to mention, seems that I'll be working till June. It's good news, but I just hate waking up at 6 in the morning, pfft! Ah well, beggars can't be choosers; at least I'll be employed.
My mom is driving me nuts.
Currently listening to: Care Bears theme song stuck in my head.
Current emotion: bah humbug.
Random observation: Colin bought me a little penguin to carry around with my cellphone, hiaks ;D
I need a friend.
...but even if I had a friend sitting beside me right now, I wouldn't know what to say. Went to bed around 4.30am, and was up by 6.30. Worked, came home and cooked a late lunch for dad and myself. Decided on the spur of the moment to clean my old room, and...
I found my prefect's tie, the one which I wore when I was 12, and has the signatures of all my friends at the back of it. I found the Cookie Monster tee Di gave me for my 16th birthday, that which I thought I'd lost. I came across letters and photos from him, those that I'd forgotten about. Badges and name tags from friends in high school, all kept safely in a little brown box. Letters that I wrote but never sent, Interact Club notices saved between pages of old notebooks, with "Yours in Interact" penned with a flourish. I.U Director, lol. The girls used to call me I.U.D. :P Cards and letters received between the ages of 12 to 16, all saved in an old tin box. Tee shirts that I used to wear religiously when I was in my teens, ripped and torn, but never thrown out, heh. My Kemahiran Hidup apron, last worn when I was 14. The Canada tee shirt, with a red Maple Leaf emblazoned across the front, a present from the CPU staff when I was 18. All stored away in my old room :) I truly am awful with things.
Memories in each and every article I saw, sorted into piles to be kept, thrown or given away.
Currently listening to: quiet hum of the fan
Current emotion: disturbed
Random observation: More to clean tomorrow.
Another crazy weekend down the drain.
Saturday started off relatively quiet, with me watching Cartoon Network all afternoon as usual. It was then off to 1 Utama, where Audrey and I watched (the second half of) Star Wars again for free, just for the heck of it. We had seafood for dinner, courtesy of Ryan, since it was his birthday. An impromptu drinking party soon followed, and Audrey headed to the closest mall to buy more booze. Long story short, Ryan finished 2/3rds of a bottle Absolut (among other things) within the span of two hours, and passed out. Colin, Steve and I were up till 5 making sure he was alright (just like back in rez, heh). It was funny though, 'cause for every shot he took, we got him to recount an incident in his life of said number, hehe.
Anyway, today was spent reading, sleeping, or playing with Joshi. Oh yeah, I finally watched Star Wars - The Phantom Menace *grins sheepishly* It was okay.
Have downloaded MSN Messenger after ages, so yay, I'm back on MSN ;D Am talking to Shean Min, Shao Yi and Kayla. Guess it's time to sleep now, as I have to be up at 6 for work. Oh, and before I forget, hey Jane :)
Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: I called Di a few days ago ;D
Second day off work, and I'm still feeling kinda under the weather. Yes Kris, I saw your notes, but aside from what I write here, I really don't have that much to say about home life *grins* I'll write soon, kay? I always was bad with mail, pfft. Bear with me. I miss ya too! *hug* :)
Spent the last few days with dad; as always, I always learn more than I want to know. Sometimes I get sad, sometimes angry, but always, always, I hold him in high regard. I found out from him that my paternal grandfather (whom I've never had the chance to meet) knew how to speak Tamil and a smattering of other languages, and that he was a translator, lol.
So yeah, I have a chocolate cake baking in the oven, while I sit here yakking away to Kai and Mica over AIM. Headache. Have finished reading Cooking for Dummies from cover to cover. I'm ready to take over the kitchen now! ;D
Ooh, I forgot to mention: was at KLCC with Audrey yesterday, and she bought me a bottle of peach schnapps for my birthday pressie, hee. 'tis Ryan's birthday this weekend, and he's bringing the vodka :P
Just before I sign off, Happy 22nd Birthday, Sharon! *hug* Hope to see ya soon :)
Currently listening to: Splender's I Think God Can Explain
Current emotion: sniffly
Random observation: Home alone again, pah.
Got home a little while ago; Star Wars wasn't as bad as I thought :) The first 2/3rds sucked, but I liked the little Jedis-in-training and the sheer massiveness of the armies near the end. And might I add that Yoda kicks ass? *big grin* I'd really like to give that guy a lesson in grammar though...
As always, C3P0 gave the best line. From now on, I'll address idiots as "My little obtuse friend..." ;D
Just when I thought I'd succeeded in adjusting to Malaysian weather without getting sick, I get bitchslapped overnight with a bad cold and throat, ugh. It's ridiculously hot in KL at the moment, and since I work with children and can't afford to get them sick as well, I stayed home (ooh!). My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton, blah.
Hmm. Have tickets to see Star Wars - Attack of the Clones tonight. Should be feeling more excited, but I'm not. Never was a huge Star Wars fanatic...
I think I'll go get more sleep.
Currently listening to: Flying Pickets' Under the Bridge
Current emotion: ill
Random observation: I hate being sick.
Didn't get to bed till past two last night, so I paid for it today, ugh. Kai called, and we yakked and joked about stuff; can't wait for mamak sessions, woohoo! Have to drag Sharon down to KL soon.
Work was hell today, but I got through it. Came home and baked my frustrations away with a banana walnut loaf, yum ;D It's pretty damn good, if I do say so myself *big grin*
Am currently making Shean Min's life miserable over ICQ by guilt-tripping him for forgetting my birthday, hiaks! He promises to make it up to me when I get to Aussie. I want my bottle of Absolut, you hear?! lol. I miss harassing him and the others, heh.
Haven't seen sooks since Saturday, and she's leaving next month, argh! So much to do, so little time. Merv's another one who's packin' up and leaving the country in a bit :/
Parents just got home, and they're wondering why I'm in, seeing as my siblings are not. I have no life, that's why :P
I miss talking to Kayla, Di, Punky and the rest :( *sniffles a little*
So, who wants cake?
Currently listening to: myself, singing along (off-key) to Mayfield Four's Eden
Current emotion: semi-happy
Random observation: I'm feeling Kayla/Di/Sarah/Punky/Asha-deprived :/
Tired *yawns*
Sunday was spent just lazing around and recovering from the day before. Discovered more bumps and bruises before the day was out. Umm, ouch?
I knew Monday was going to be a bad day when I woke up at 6.45am for work. Was late, and I had to spend a good two hours sewing with the kids. I was ready to get up and quit right then and there, I was so frustrated. Whoever says I'm patient has got to be kidding :/ I was ready to throw everything in the bin, as it was driving me nuts. The only good thing out of this whole mess is that the incident has cemented my belief that a) I cannot teach kids and b) I should not/ will not have kids.
Hilarious moment of the day was when I saw a little boy and girl holding hands. One of the other TAs told me they were 'dating', lol! It was so cute to see the little boy (he was about 5) run up the the girl, kiss her on the cheek and hear him say something along the lines of "you look so beautiful today. Did you like the present I gave you?". I didn't know whether to be amusingly horrified or horrifyingly amused at the thought of 5 year olds dating *grins*
Another hilarious anecdote involved a few kids from my class. Wesley had brought a ballpen to school, and over lunch, he and three others decided to write their names on each other's back. When questioned by Ms. Humphreys, their reason for doing so was because they thought it would make identification easier when swimming. Ms. Humphrey's face was priceless, lol.
audrey picked me up after work and left me at the Summit Mall while she met up with a client of hers. I wandered around aimlessly and read my book till she picked me up at 6. Had a late dinner with my parents (around 10pm) and spent some time with them.
Ah, and before I forget, thanks so much for the lovely journal entry you made, Ruth. I didn't deserve it :) *hug*
Time to hit the sack; it's another long day tomorrow.
Currently listening to: Tiff's (off-key) rendition of Westlife's When You're Looking Like That
Current emotion: cheerful
Random observation: Anne mailed me some pictures today; thanks Anne! *HUG*
It's official, I'm 21 *groans*
Friday night was great; we danced, we boozed, we got home sober and in one piece. Audrey even got the DJ to wish me happy birthday, hehe. Saturday was an entirely different story. I got wasted, hah!
It was purely a family affair, with a few friends at most. Colin and Steve cooked up a storm, and everyone raved about the food, yay! Oh, and I discovered that the curry I usually cook for the girls is actually Indian-style, not Chinese *grins*
Anyway, one of my aunts asked me to open the bottle of Absolut half way through, and from then on it was either neat, on the rocks or mixed with Sprite. sooks and Bronson showed up, and we ate and yakked and drank. sooks made me a bracelet and gave me a bottle of Kristoff, lol. It didn't last I tell ya.
There were several calls for "Bottoms up!", and right after we cut the cake and most of the cousins, aunts and uncles had left, the rest of us just drank like there was no tomorrow. I headed to the bathroom and threw up, fell down, and went to bed. Or tried to, anyway. I was in bad, bad shape.
Woke up at 9 feeling fine and had breakfast with dad. He was amused :P
Last night was fun, and I enjoyed myself tremendously, minus the bruises I woke up with. A night of madness and pure irresponsibility.
A memorable 21st indeed. Thanks to Di Teoh, Azuan, Lisa and Sue for calling all the way from Australia, and Sharon (who's still stuck in Penang!) :) And to everyone else, thankie *hugs to all!*
Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: amazed
Random observation: I think I'll lay off the booze for a while...
Wednesday, 8th May 2002.
I spent the day with Colin and Pei Yee, roaming the streets of KL. We walked around Petaling Street and covered several malls along the way. Our mission? To find the 'perfect' coin purse for Pei Yee. 6 hours and countless "Fail or pass?", followed by a resounding "FAIL!" later, we found it in a touristy little store in Sungei Wang Plaza. Along the way, we stopped by the arcades and Colin successfully swiped a stuffed toy at one of those pick-a-toy-with-a-clamper-thing under thirty seconds. Yay Colin! ;D
Picked Seng Wee up in the evening and had dinner before heading to mom's shop. It's been renovated (at the expense of Scholl's Malaysia) and we helped moved the furniture around till past 11. Received a 'phone call around then from my aunt, who said I was expected to be in school at 7.30am the next day *groans*
Thursday, 9th May 2002.
I didn't sleep till 2-ish and was up by 6.45. Met all my old colleagues, and a few new ones as well. Met all the little ones, and slowly got back into the hang of things. I have the cutest class ever! ;D I was teaching the kids to sew, and Ahmad took my hand and said, "I'll help you get to know the class, and I'll take care of you, so you can call me big brother!". I couldn't stop laughing when I heard that, lol!
Colin picked me up after work and we shopped for baking ingredients with Steve. We got back around 6-ish, and Shiau Chen came by to visit. Yakked with her for a bit before Marianne called; she was back in KL and wanted to go out for the night. We harassed Norman and he finally came out with us, heh. Headed to a mamak store nearby in Subang and we talked and laughed for hours, catching up on news and stuff.
Friday, May 10th 2002.
Headed back around 12, because I had to work the next day. Couldn't sleep, even though I was exhausted, and finally passed out around 3. Was up again at 6 and it was another day at work. Bumped into Michelle, a junior from high school-- seems that she's working at AS too, heh. Spent most of the day teaching the kids how to sew; it takes a hell of a lot of patience I tell ya. Felt stressed just helping them tie the knots and thread the needles, over and over and over again, lol. I was glad when the day was over.
Days have picked up again, and I sleep an average of 5 hours a night. So much for catching up on sleep, yah? ;D Let's just hope it's a temporary thing. Yes Kayla, I'm still alive, although not so near the computer nowadays. I need a break from the radiation :P
I've been busy working, and spending time with my brother (surprisingly). I don't see dad as much as I should, but at the moment, it can't be helped. Yup, I've taken the position offered to me at Alice Smith's, and I'm currently taking care of 22 very active four and five year olds. They run me ragged I tell ya, lol.
Got home around 3 from work and finally had a nap. Will be going out tonight, as my sister and brother kickstart the beginning of my step into adulthood (hah!) with a night of clubbing and boozing. It's gonna be a crazy day tomorrow; you can count on it :)
I'll be back to write more later.
Currently listening to: *click clack* of the keyboard
Current emotion: so-so
Random observation: Still can't access my e-mail, grr.
I knew there was something I wanted to write, but for the life of me, I can't remember what *confused*
Things at home seem to have taken a rather explosive turn :/ Audrey and mom have declared war upon one another, well woop dee doo. Yours truly is the ref as usual, go me.
Received free tickets to catch Spiderman (again), so it was off to Sunway Pyramid with Audrey, Mei Fun and Rajesh to catch the show. More time to appreciate the CGI and cringe at the 'love story' thrown in. Also, I got to ogle at those lovely lenses sponsored by Oakleys'. Have you noticed all those passer-bys with their super-cool sunnies? Can you tell that I noticed? hehe :P
Didn't get to see sooks, so I spent the day reading and getting started on some research for my essays. Hope to head to the public library sometime soon.
Hey Yimin, thanks for the e-card; much appreciated :) My email crashed; hope to write to ya soon.
And before I forget:
Di, Happy 21st Birthday girl! *hug* For all those crazy moments that are so inherently you (and us! lol), may we share even more madcap times next term ;D Have a great day, and here's to an even better year *hugs again!* Will bake you a cake when I get back in September; you can count on it!
Currently listening to: hum of the air conditioner
Current emotion: meh
Random observation: Wish I could log onto MSN and yak with the girls... damned 'puter *kicks it!* :(
Nothing much's been happening, since I hardly ever step out of the house, heh. Saw sooks last night (finally), so that was good. We watched Ace Ventura - Call of Nature and yakked for a bit before she took off for dinner with Bron's family.
I got into one of my baking moods again, so I whipped up a batch of brownies for my family and Colin's friends who came over. Colin plans to enlist Steve's help to bake me my birthday cake this weekend, lol. So long as it's liberally covered in walnuts and almonds, with no cheese in sight, I'll eat it. Seng Wee, Pei Yee and Colin wanted to take me to Coffee Bean last night, but I declined, opting to spend time with dad instead.
Received a 'phone call this morning from 7th Aunty; Alice Smith School wants me to work as a temp. TA for 2 weeks. Will most likely take the job, simply because my brain is starting to rot, and as much as I enjoy bumming around, there's only so much I can take. By this time last year I'd already started working, heh. I like the break though. The only problem with the job is that I'll be working with four year olds, eek. I have a feeling those kids are going to run me ragged, lol. Ah well, it's still unconfirmed anyway, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
sooks was supposed to be here three hours ago; hope she's alright. I'm off to read my collection of Mallory Towers, for old times' sake.
Currently listening to: Newsboys' Entertaining Angels
Current emotion: slightly worried
Random observation: It's rained every day without fail, ever since I got back.
So much for uninterrupted, blissful sleep. I've been rudely awakened every morning since I got back, bah.
Finally caught Disney on Ice this evening; it was great :) Hey Kayla, they even had an ice hockey session, lol! Something about ice hockey players having the grace of ballerinas *smirks*
While in the stands, I counted no less that 15 little girls walking around in frilly pink dresses. Honestly now, frilly pink?! Ugh *gags* Sure they look cute and all, but I'll be damned if they don't look the same :P
Colin and I went for a mamak session last night with Pei Yee and Seng Wee; it was good to just sit outside and have a teh ais or two and yak the night away. I most definitely miss my mamak sessions *grins* Got home 2-ish, and Kai called at 3.30am 'cause he was bored, yay him :P We just killed time talking 'bout plans for the summer; he won't be back till June, bummer. At least he'll be back in time to hang out with me in sooks' and Merv's place *grins*
Was at Ravi's awhile ago with dad and Colin. Had my first roti ever since I got back, hiaks. Yes, it's a special moment :P
I've been watching too much tv, bleh.
Think I'll go sleep now.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Walk Away
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Cookie's looking at me funny.
I don't seem to make much sense in the last few posts; I'll just put it down to sheer tiredness. Spent the day at home before heading out in the evening to catch Disney on Ice with my nephews and cousins. Found out that my godsister was pregnant with her third child, eek. It's become some sort of tradition that I come home every year to find that I have a new niece or nephew... :P
Unfortunately, tickets for the show were sold out, so we headed to Megamall instead for dinner. My cousins wanted to catch Spiderman, but the cinema was packed (obviously, since it was a Saturday night). We ended up walking around before heading home around 10.
I find myself to be getting rather impatient with family members :/ The questions and constant nagging wear me down and out, and it frustrates me how they forget I've lived independently for the past 8 months without killing myself. As odd as it sounds, I hate being babied and pampered when I can live perfectly well without the next three months of my life mapped out for me.
I'm expected to come home for Christmas, but I don't know. It really seems pointless to me, simply because my parents will be busy with the shop anyway. We'll see what happens I guess.
Currently listening to: Quiet humming of the fan
Current emotion: frustrated
Random observation: I never seem to be happy, do I? :P
That was the longest belated post I've ever made, eek. :/
Blogger's being evil these last few days *grumbles* Anyway, here's hoping that things will get back to normal soon. Oh yeah, and I haven't been able to access dA. Oh well *shrug* Hasta.
Currently listening to: Westlife's Uptown Girl
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I haven't been sleeping as much as I should have, heh.
I've been busy, and tired. Have recovered nicely from jetlag (not much in the first place; at Alice's, I slept all day and was up all night, hence making it easier to revert to Malaysian time). Things have been mad the past few days, and I'm still trying to (coherently) piece parts of my life together in words.
Friday, 26th April 2002.
Seeing as I didn't go to bed till 6am, I woke up at 2 and rushed my ass to NYC to pick up my ticket. It was a mad dash to get to the office before it closed, but I made it. Also realized I got my dates mixed up, which meant I left Sunday morning instead of Saturday as originally planned. Shoot.
Got back to Jersey around 6, and it was off to Queens to see my super-distant 'relatives' and have dinner with them. I remember laughing at how it was a serious case of "chicken and duck talk"; the relatives spoke no English, and Jorge understood nothing of Hokkien and Cantonese. Alice took the opportunity to poke fun at him while he grinned uncomfortable the whole time. *shakes head*
Saturday, 27th April 2002.
I couldn't sleep, so I started cooking curry and Chinese fried rice at 4am for Alice and Jorge for lunch. Finished cooking and cleaning at 8am, before sitting down and writing stuff. I went to bed at 10am, and woke up at 4pm. Finished shopping for whatever it was we were supposed to buy, and picked up a copy of "Cooking for Dummies" for the house next year *grins*
Packed, and I spent a good hour or so swearing at Alice as she brought out more and more things for me to carry home. I was really ticked off, as she had promised me that there was nothing to carry back, only to be faced with two bags that were almost as big as me, to lug home. I was not a happy camper.
Sunday, 28th April 2002.
Was up all night watching tv and reading. Did some last minute editing for Eric for deviantMAG and was talking to Ruth till 5.30am over AIM. I left the house at 6.15am, and it was pouring. Bought Colin's Eternity and a New York shotglass. Hopped onto the 'plane and slept for most of the journey to London. Virgin Atlantic has some very funky cutlery :P
Reached London 15 minutes ahead of time, and I walked around the duty-free shops, picking up cookies and stuff for mom and her friends. I was feeling very disoriented, but when I came across the perfume section and saw the array of Gucci Envy's on display, I laughed to myself, thinking of that crazy Turkish boy and his mad, mad ideas. Unfortunately, I didn't pick up my bottle of Absolut Mandrin, because it was going for 14 pounds, and I didn't have the money. I thought it was rather pricey, anyway.
While collecting my boarding pass, I was told by the guy behind the counter that I had "a great smile, but there's a cheeky look there too". I thought he was hilarious, lol. Me, cheeky? Never :P He was really nice though; he moved my seat up to the front, where there were at least two other empty seats next to me, so that I could sleep comfortably on the 'plane. I guess it pays to have that cheeky look, hah!
Flying back was great. It was long, but thanks to the extra seats, I got to lie down and sleep comfortably. One of the air stewardesses yakked with me for a while. She thought I was 17, and was wondering why I was travelling alone. Come to think of it, I really like travelling alone. Ruth said I should have a companion of sorts to help me carry my stuff, lol. Honestly though, if it weren't for the luggage, travelling alone's fun, 'cause you just do what you want to do. That's just me though.
29th April 2002.
Reached KLIA safe and sound at 5.15pm local time. It was hell getting the bags, but I managed. Bought me a bottle of regular Absolut, since there was not Mandrin for sale :/ I wish I flew home via Dubai! *sobs*
Merv picked me up and we headed back to my house, only to find it locked up with no one at home, shoot! It was pouring too, so the roads were awful. Got to my parents' shop at around 8pm, and we were so afraid that they had gone out. I found them in the Cable Car Cafe though, and mom and dad were totally surpised, wee!! ;D Good thing mom didn't start crying her eyes out like she did last summer ;)
We got home around 10, and Audrey was mad because I didn't buy stuff for her. She soon got over it though *phew* Colin was totally ecstatic about the cologne, hee. Unpacked and went to bed at 3am. And no, I still don't have a bedroom :/
30th April 2002.
Mom dragged me out of bed at 7.45am, argh. Went to OUG with her and dad for breakfast, and while she was at the market, dad and I talked. He knew that there was only one reason why I went home as early as I did, and he was mad that mom made me worry. *shrug* I needed to be home anyway.
Mom stayed at home, and I went to the shop with dad. Talked till 2 before I went to sleep in the storeroom, as I was exhausted. Mom showed up an hour later and woke me up (again!). Ugh.
7th Aunty came by in the evening, and I had dinner with her before we went home. Siew Peng showed up and insisted that I play mahjong with them, bleh. Left home at 10.30pm and headed to 1 Utama to catch the sneak preview of Spiderman with Audrey, Colin and their friends. Fantastic movie, that. Audrey wanted me to go out for a few drinks with her and her friends after the movie, but after I reminded her that I just got back the night before, she took me home. We got back around 2am and I tumbled right into bed.
1st May 2002.
So I woke up at 10 and had breakfast with my parents. My 2nd aunt and uncle came by and have been here ever since. 7th Aunty had stayed the night, and I had to remind my mom repeatedly that I just got back two nights ago, and had no idea what Audrey had been up to the week while she was away in Shanghai :P Was supposed to have lunch with Merv and Azuan, but was cancelled at the last minute. Bummed around at home instead.
Nothing much to say about the last few days, aside from the fact that I've been watching a lot of TV and I've been playing with the dogs. Sharon called; she's back in Penang, yay! :) Aside from that... there really isn't much happening.
I finally have a little time to come online and update, and think, and write. I miss the girls a lot, especially when I talk about them to my family. I tried to explain some of the jokes and nicknames we have and laugh about, but nobody gets it :/ It's sad that way.
Will write more later I guess. So yeah, it's official: I'm home! :)