June 30, 2024
What's cookin'?

Everyone passed out this morning around 6, and poor Agnes had a rough time in the bathroom after all the ice cream she'd consumed later on, lol.
It's been a nice, quiet day, just reading, watching tv and cooking. Shean Min refused to get up, even when we poked and prodded him for a good 10 minutes.
Agnes and I watched Beauty and the Beast and Three to Tango, before I cooked dinner for everyone. So far so good; no one's sick (yet!). The guys are currently watching footie, Agnes is doing her work, and I'm bumming online.


Quote of the Day:
Okay, I know this is going to sound really stupid-- but I feel that if I can do this, if I can actually do my own laundry, there isn't anything I can't do - Rachel, Friends

Currently listening to: Alanis Morrisette's Hands Clean in my head
Current emotion: pfft.
Random observation: Only the simple-minded find all things amusing. I am simple minded ;D

Posted by Tiff at 08:08 PM
Ice cream overdose

I've been having a great time with my friends, just hanging out, yakkin' and laughing hysterically at the weirdest things. Our word of the trip is "PROTEST!", and I think I've (literally) kicked Shean Min enough to last a few days, lol.
He arrived yesterday, and we spent the day roaming the streets and grocery shopping at Victoria Market. I saw lots of cool stuff, including sharks' teeth, toe socks (which I definitely plan to get!) and sheepskin rugs. Heng Han went on another shopping binge, and I bought myself a really nice black fall sweater along the way. The guys bought me dinner at Corretto's, an Italian place down the street, yum :) I wanted gelati for dessert, but was too full at the end of the meal to even think about it!
Agnes and I talked till 6am, catching up on news with each other about anything and everything. We both woke up really late, and headed to Han's place for dinner. He cooked (ooh!) and we hung out for a while before catching the second half of the match between Turkey and Korea downstairs in the common room. Turkey beat Korea 3 - 2, darn.
Walked back to Agnes's place, and we played Russian poker for hours with ice cream as stakes. The deal was, for every card left on hand, we would consume a scoop of ice cream.
Shean Min lost the first three rounds consecutively.

"...butbutbut, mommy say cannot eat ice cream at night!" - Shean Min

I soon 'caught up'.
"How many cards you've got there?" - Shean Min
"...f*cking 11..." - Tiff

Heng Han had a lot of fun laughing at us before he got fried in two rounds and was on equal footing with us, lol!
"...me and my f*cking bright idea..." - Heng Han

Agnes was doing really well for the longest time, before I fried the three of them in one round. Since they forgot to see who had the next largest card at hand (and had to take the forfeit), they decided to draw lots the Malaysian way (lat ta li lat ta li tam plong!), and Agnes lost, causing her to curse in frustration:
"Fishsticks!" - Agnes

Shean Min, being the smartass that he is, interjected:
"Don't act innocent-lah! You wanna say mahai chau hai saylah. What fishsticks fishsticks?!"

As the evening drew to a close, Heng Han emerged the biggest loser, and as typical losers go, he ranted:
"I eat 10 scoops you add 9 scoops, I eat 5 you add 4, how to finish?!"

Yes Heng Han, that's what happens when you don't know how to play :P Losah! ;D

The four litre tub of ice cream dwindled to nothing, and we swore we'd never touch that stuff again.

Tiff, at beginning of evening: "I wanna eat ice cream!!!"
Tiff, at the end of the evening: "Ice cream?!" *gags*"

The things we put ourselves through *shakes head* I guess there's a little masochism in all of us :P Testing our boundaries and all that shit...

Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: sick
Random observation: Nah be fiddlesticks!

Posted by Tiff at 03:39 AM
June 28, 2024
Long day

Oh wow, look at the time *grins* 4.25am, and I'm still awake! (like that should surprise anyone...)

Right, yesterday was bloody tiring, but fun all the same. We spent the day roaming the streets, catching up on news and stuff. Visited Sharon's and Heng Han's pads at College Square. We had dinner at Crowns before heading home, because I was falling asleep at the table.

Slept in till almost three (eek!) at Agnes's before meeting Heng Han at Elgin Street. We took the bus to Smith Street and checked out the outlet stores. Initially, our plan was for me to shop for a sweatshirt, but the trip turned out to be a farce for me, and a spree for Heng Han, lol. He bought a football, shorts and a pair of shoes. Agnes bought a skirt, and I left empty-handed, hah!!
Actually, come to think of it, I did leave with something; Heng Han bought me a lovely little teddy bear book ;D Am definitely bringing it back to Canada with me. Thank you kai ma! *hug*
We grocery-shopped and cooked dinner at Heng Han's place(since we're all on tight budgets!). Spent the rest of the evening playing cards and talking. Let's just say, we re-discovered our friendship all over again :) Am still at Han's place actually: Agnes is fast asleep on the bed, he's planning the rest of my trip on the floor behind me *grins* and Shean Min shows up tomorrow! And the best part? We're going to Phillip Island to see THE PENGUINS!! *jumps up and down in excitement!*

I can't express in words how glad I am to be here.

Currently listening to: Five for Fighting's Superman
Current emotion: ridiculously happy
Random observation: Everyone says I haven't changed a bit, lol.

Posted by Tiff at 02:56 AM
June 26, 2024
Hello from Melbourne, Australia!

Me brain function so not well; too tired, but happy.

Reached Melbourne at 7am, and Agnes and Heng Han picked me up. Spent the day with old high school friends I haven't seen in years, basically Sharon, Mun Ching, Ee Ann, Jacqie and Peggy. We had mad fun walking along the streets of Melbourne, just catching up on news and stuff. We took lots of pictures ;D

I can't think right now. Will write more later. Need sleep.

Posted by Tiff at 08:08 PM
June 25, 2024

My one long-ass post after a few days, and the bloody 'puter dies on me.


I leave tomorrow. Will write later.

Posted by Tiff at 04:09 AM
June 21, 2024
Kai > Gaucci, lol.

Yay, Kai is here, and sooks is safe and sound in Brisbane, Australia :) Drove Kai nuts since I couldn't give him directions around KL, and we looked for Shao Yi around 10-ish in the hopes that she was back from Melbourne. No such luck; we'll see her tomorrow I guess. We had dinner in DJ Uptown, and yumchar-ed later at Rafi's. Our original hangout has closed down and moved to a different part of SS15 :/ I think I scared Kai with my reckless driving, lol.

Just read the news regarding Ahn Jung-hwan's sacking by the Italian club Perugia, and all I can say is, Luciano Gaucci is a goddamn childish ass for taking Italy's loss out on the striker. So what if he scored the winning goal? It's the World Cup for god's sake; of course he's expected to bloody play the best he can, regardless of which team or country he represents.
Gaucci said*, "He was a phenomenon only when he played against Italy. I am a nationalist and I regard such behaviour not only as an affront to Italian pride but also an offence to a country which two years ago opened its doors to him". I say Gaucci's a sore loser and should be shot for being such an idiot; his response alone makes me want to kick him in the nuts. Ruined Italian soccer? Oh please. I thought players in the World Cup were above childish actions, but obviously, I'm mistaken. Here's 50 cents, Gaucci. Now go play far far away. Really.

[Gaucci's quote courtesy of Reuters]

Currently listening to: Matchbox 20's Push
Current emotion: ticked off
Random observation: Please, please say Ian received my essay *sigh*

Posted by Tiff at 02:22 AM
June 20, 2024

Expressive drops of soul
trickle, flow;
gentle, soothing, healing.
Touch, whisper, dream
in heavenly peace
where no pain resides
and we search for sweet release.

Complication arises,
as bitter denial colours
in stormy greys and blues,
tainting the rich hues
of the rainbow we sought.
In that moment
we realize,
- everything -
can be sold and bought.

In words,
we find all
and nothing.

Posted by Tiff at 01:45 AM
"Procrastinate" is my middle name.

I suck.

I should've been done with my work, but I'm not. Libraries here are so bad, I can barely lay my hands on the books necessary for my research. Also, I can't seem to grasp the motivation necessary to get started. I am royally fucked, bah.
Among other sucky news, I scratched the Hyundai today :(
Thank goodness for small mercies. Pei Yee's gonna get some books out of the UM library for me, and Kai's driving down from Penang tomorrow.
Am currently arguing with Shean Min about the Korea - Italy game. It was not rigged, you hear me?! *PIAK*

Let's hope tomorrow turns out to be a much better day.

Currently listening to: Four Seasons' Walk Like A Man
Current emotion: .
Random observation: The fridge was fixed today.

Posted by Tiff at 01:08 AM
June 19, 2024
Bubye, sookie :/

sookie's left for Australia/ New Zealand today, and I didn't even get to see her off :/ Safe journey, sooks. Miss you already. I'm sorry I didn't get to see ya at the airport. Don't forget to write.

Finally sent the car in for servicing this morning (we've been putting it off for the past 3 weeks or so), which was why I never made it to KLIA. Been stuck in house all day, ugh.
Just spent the last hour or so editing files with bloodshot eyes. My black plastic bracelet that I've worn faithfully for the past 3 years finally gave out on me.

Currently listening to: Westlife's Swear Again
Current emotion: .
Random observation:Skunks are cute without the smell.

Posted by Tiff at 12:53 AM
June 18, 2024
Yay, new stuff!

Ooh, Movable Type! *touchtouch!*

ooh... *stands back in awe* So pretty... *touchtouch summore*

Haha! Thanks for everything sooks; it looks really funky, and the penguins are a nice touch ;)

Been shopping for more crystals with sooks today; I really am dead broke now. We took Benji the ShihTzu to the vet after our shopping expedition, and I still feel like throwing up when I think of the maggots, YUCK. Benji so cham :( You owe us big time, Bronson! You hear me?! *KOK*

I have over 670 posts, ahaha! Poor sooks had to convert each and every file last night, oops.

My last three blogs didn't show up, since I didn't realize we'd changed from Blogger to MT last night. Nah. Please excuse the language *grins*

[6/16/2002 1:23:20 PM | Tiff. L]
Blablabla... (making up for lost blogs :P).

Can't sleep. Might be crystal-shopping again with sooks tomorrow. Am dead broke. Cheque came in, but I've yet to cash it. Deadline for papers looming closer and closer. E-mail from Kris made me smile (thanks, chica!). Note from Punky made me sad, 'cause I miss her and all the other crazy people I left in Canada.
Eyes hurt (perhaps it was all that cross-eyed threading, sooks...). Need to start packing. Kai coming soon, yay! sooks leaving very soon, boo! :( *sniffles a little* Can't believe she's leaving for Bumblef*ck, NZ. So far so good, we have Bumblef*ck Canada (Peterborough), Bumblef*ck USA (Ithaca) and now, Bumblef*ck NZ (two hours away from Wellington; whatitsname again, sooks?). We're taking over the world I tell ya :P

I'm rambling.

One day, some day, I'm gonna type any and every little thing that crosses my mind, just for the hell of it, hiaks!

I recently discovered my favourite word while driving!

Me, on the Federal highway with psycho M'sian drivers: F*cker!
Me, slamming on the brakes (for any number of reasons): damned f*cker!
Me, almost in an accident: what the f*ck?! F*CKER!
Me, reckless behind the wheels:(under breath) f*cker...
Me, with cab driver in front being an absolute bastard: F*CKER!

Yes, I have limited vocabulary. Can you tell that I'm a foul-mouthed driver? ;D Oh yeah, and this only happens when I'm alone, heh. In good time, perhaps I'll learn to pepper my rants with expletives like celaka sial, nia seng, mahai and b*tch. From there, I will slowly but surely learn to mix and match to produce the most eloquent and creative of expletives for my driving needs.

*cheeky grin*

Currently listening to: Westlife's Seasons in the Sun
Current emotion: amused
Random observation: Share with me your favourite expletive when driving ;D Please? hehe.

[6/16/2002 12:58:07 PM | Tiff. L]
I feel like the ultimate heel for forgetting Father's Day. Guess I'll have to prostrate myself on the floor and kiss my dad's feet to make it up to him in the morning *groans* Alternatively, I could also just take him out for lunch, hiaks. Bad Tiff, tsk tsk.

What are the chances of him believing that I'm still functioning on Canadian time? *sheepish grin*

Happy Fathers' Day, everyone.

[6/16/2002 12:27:49 PM | Tiff. L]
Just when you think all is well, life throws you a curveball and you come back down to earth with a bump.

Haven't had much time to blog; went crystal-shopping with sooks on Friday, was at the shop the whole of Saturday (minus a couple of hours that I took to learn the art of bracelet-making from sooks), yumchar-ed with Merv, caught a movie, went mamak-ing with Audrey's friends and basically didn't get home till 4 this morning, yay me.
Among other things, England kicked Denmark's ass 3-0, I've already finished making 2 bracelets, didn't get to see Fatboy Slim, Scooby Doo was mostly blah, a cat sneaked into the house (thus freaking my sister and mom out completely), and finally, I'd like to fly back to Canada tomorrow .
Oh yeah, the fights. Ah. Let's just say change is inevitable, and being peacemaker brings nothing but trouble, a lot of trouble. My attempt to remedy things between family members have united them alright, united them into channeling their anger and frustrations on me! A fine negotiator you turned out to be, Tiff *smack!*

And to think I was having such a great weekend too. :/

Kai, get your ass down to KL quick; sooks leaves me in 2 days, and I need friends :P

Currently listening to: Tina Arena's Burn
Current emotion: testy
Random observation: Mailbox flooded, lousy grades, headache: can this day get any worse?

Posted by Tiff at 01:39 AM
June 17, 2024
First post!

Got the bulk of Tiff's website up. Bet there are some broken links, but that'll have to wait till I have time to fix it. Pots, you are welcome to help. I've only ever seen the inside of MT today. I know the date should be more obvious, as well as some other things.. but pfft. I need sleep! :)


Posted by Tiff at 01:55 AM
June 13, 2024
Me = parents' driver ;D

Me = parents' driver ;D

Drove my parents to work, brought food out for mom, picked daddy up for lunch, sent him back to work, took them out for dinner, drove them home... wah.
sooks came by today, and we had a good time yakkin' and stuff. Unfortunately, our evening had to be cut short 'cause I had to head over to Jaya with dad. Like I said, me = driver. However, I much prefer this status over that of a passenger any day :P
Anyway, as I was saying, sooks and I spent a good two hours just yakkin' away, and she's redesigning my site for me, yay sooks! ;D I can proudly say that it takes me the least effort to revamp this site, simply because sooks usually does all the work for me, lol! Hey, I'm HTML-stupid, alright? No, scratch that. I'm 'puter-stupid. So sue me. *phbt!*
Lucky me to have a 'puter-savvy pal like sooks *twirls around* You're the best, sooks ;D *hug!* So yah, to all two of you, expect some ups and downs with the site for a while.

I actually got my password mixed up, and gave sooks the wrong one *smacks forehead!* Stupid, stupid... *bonks head against wall* Bah humbug. Sorry, sooks!


Oh, you know what? I was swimming yesterday, and I found myself comparing swimmers in their lanes with cars on the highway, hiaks! *scratches head* I really don't know wtf is wrong with me. Too much of Driving 101 from dad and Audrey, maybe ;) I find that I'm much more confident at the wheel without constant instructions from Audrey and dad. True, they're both really experienced drivers (dad's been driving for 35 years, while Audrey's been at it for 8) but honestly now, the barrage of orders they dish out just makes me want to drive all the way to Tanjung Harapan and check myself in :P (Tanjung Harapan's the infamous local mental institute, hehe).

Haiyah, we deal. *grins*

Sharon left for .ca today. Have a safe flight, take care, and keep in touch, girl *hug* We miss you already.

Currently listening to: Blue's If You Come Back
Current emotion: full *burp*
Random observation: I've been eating mangoes every day for the past 3 weeks, eek.

Posted by Tiff at 11:38 AM
June 12, 2024
Swimming in the rain

It started to rain five minutes after I left the house, but I swam anyway, hiaks. Am so out of shape, ugh. I think the last time I swam was almost two years ago, eek. Blah.
It's been a great day. I quit my job, I swam, I drove around (no, not in circles, smartass! :P). And to round things off, Kayla, Di, Sarah, Shean Min, Sharon and Agnes are all online at the same time! *grins* Among other things, Shean Min just said he way gay and wished he was a woman (??), Kayla's starting work at the park next week, Sharon's back to her explicit self, Aggie's kinda silent as usual :P
Can you tell I miss these crazy people? heh. I do, I do.
Fatboy Slim's in Malaysia! *gasp!* Audrey's given me the choice of either seeing him perform, or catching the sneak preview of Scooby Doo. How ah? I'd love to catch Fatboy Slim in action, but I have a feeling the crowd's gonna be godawful. Pfft. Will let Audrey decide I guess.

Currently listening to: Uncle Cracker's Follow Me
Current emotion: ecstatic
Random observation: Hey Punkilala, "Hello Cookie!" ;D

Posted by Tiff at 02:01 PM
Unemployed at last..!

I am finally unemployed, wee..!!

I know I know, I should be more than grateful for a job that pays so well, but thanks to my status with the university, I really do have to buckle down and get to work on my essays instead of earning money :P
Before I forget (as I'm liable to do), Happy Birthday Bronson! Sorry I couldn't make it last night; tiredlah. I would've offered to bake a cake for you, but since you don't like cakes, it saves me the trouble, no? *cheeky grin* Have a great day anyway. Ei sooks, tell me when you're free to yumcha :P
Yah, work's been mad, but I went to AS this morning and told my boss very politely that I wasn't coming back. It was off to downtown KL with dad after that to deliver some shoes.
Drove mom and dad to work before taking the car (ooh..!) to the now-defunct Valley Club, @#$^! I'd wanted to go swimming, and nobody told me the bloody club was closed, BAH. Came home and slept instead, hee. Driven by the sudden urge to swim, I headed to another public pool nearby, but it was closed too. This is just not my day, hmph.
Right, I'm gonna go back to the pool again and see if I can get a few laps done before it starts to pour. Wish me luck!

Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Give You Back
Current emotion: content
Random observation: nia seng, skies damn dark already :(

Posted by Tiff at 05:40 AM
June 10, 2024
Back in KL.

Aiyah, back already.


I refused to wake up today, even though Sharon and I had planned to have breakfast before making our trip to the Kek Lok Si temple. Finally left the house 12-ish, and we bought even more souvenirs at Air Itam. I'm getting better at this bargaining thingie, hiaks! Bought a couple of wind chimes for mom, and Sharon picked up some chopsticks and tee shirts. Yes Kayla, I bought chopsticks for the house too ;D
We had a small mishap when leaving Air Itam: while backing out of the makeshift parking lot in a narrow alley, we managed to put part of the car into a drain, ahaha! Okay, it really wasn't that funny at the time, but it sure as hell strikes me as funny now, heh. Anyway, Sharon called her parents, but while we were waiting for the tow truck to show up, some very nice people stopped their bikes and helped carry the car out. We're ever-grateful to these wonderfully kind people :) It's nice to know that amidst all our complaints and cynical views of how many seem to carry about them an apathic air, there are still others who prove otherwise.
After our little 'adventure', we picked Kai up and had our last lunch surrounded by roadside stalls in Lorong Selamat. They saw me off around 3.40, and it was a long and slow bus ride back to KL, thanks to scattered showers throught the trip. Not that I noticed, really, since I slept most of the way back.

I think the only bad part of the trip was losing my sunglasses :/ I've only had them for about two weeks, and being the careless idiot that I am, I probably either dropped/left them somewhere, or someone picked my pocket. Pfft. At least I still have my cellphone and wallet.

I had so much fun :) It's nice to know that, even after not seeing each other for such a lot time (Sharon, anyway. I got to see Kai quite a bit, since he was closer geographically), we could pick up where we left off, and while we've grown up quite a bit, we really haven't grown apart.
Words are inadequate to express the kind of thanks required for a friendship that's beyond description. I suppose we're lucky that way, because words aren't necessary in the first place.

Currently listening to: Michelle Branch's All You Wanted
Current emotion: thankful
Random observation: Shao Yi's coming back on the 20th, yay!

Posted by Tiff at 12:27 PM
June 09, 2024
Yay Penang!

It's 3.40am and I'm sitting in Sharon's room, catching up on notes from deviantART, writing a little, and yakking away to Sharon while doing so.

I've had a fantastic time ever since I got here at 1am this morning; Sharon and Kai picked me up, and after sending Sharon home, Kai and I headed to a nearby mamak stall to catch up a little on news. We continued our conversation at his place, where we yakked till almost 4am. Didn't sleep till 6, and was up by 10. Sharon came by around 12, and we spent the rest of the afternoon cruising around Penang Island, finally settling in Gurney Plaza's Coffee Bean for the next 5 hours or so. Managed to catch a bit of the lion dance competition being held in the mall before we had dinner, speaking of old times and laughing at remembered first impressions, crazy jokes and dramatic turns in our lives. After raiding Ferringhi for cheap CDs and souvenirs for Sharon to bring back to Canada, we stopped by Gurney Drive for a drink before heading home.

I haven't written a stanza in ages.

Stanza of the Day:
I miss you
and the talks we used to have;
of a shattered mind
that hid behind
a wall of cynical dreams.
I've lost all
and everything
except pride
that which inside
I stay: empty, hollow,
(the bitterness I swollow)
but safe.
Perhaps someday
I'll tell you.

Currently listening to: Goo Goo Dolls' Here is Gone
Current emotion: nostalgic
Random observation: Sharon's room is bloody cold :P

Posted by Tiff at 03:04 PM
June 07, 2024
Ah fuck.

...there I was, all happy and excited, rushing to get stuff completed, thinking that it was my absolute last day at Alice Smith. Even skipped both my breaks to get as much as possible done, when lo and behold, just before I took off at 2.45pm towards freedom, my boss stopped me and requested that I come in the following week, "just for a few days more".



Ah well. Was at Chilli's Bangsar with Audrey and Isabel after that, and tried to drown my sorrows in iced lemon tea. Got home around 5 and passed out for a couple of hours. Caught the first half of the game between England and Argentina; thanks to the penalty shot, it ended 1 - 0 in England's favour. Booyah!
Made up my mind to skip work Monday; will be heading to Penang tomorrow night to see Sharon and Kai, yay! Have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon, and I'll be in BSC with sooks for a bit sometime between packing and stuff.
Am talkin' to Ra Ra over MSN; I miss bullying that bugger :/ lol, he just told me he missed being bullied, ahaha! I'll keep that in mind the next time he starts whining ;D

Currently listening to: Madonna's Don't Cry for Me Argentina playing in my head
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: I need a good recipe for oatmeal cookies. Anyone?

Posted by Tiff at 03:49 PM
June 06, 2024
Bak kut teh, yum!

First things first (before I lose the mood and forget to rant about this): damn you dM for bloody flooding my mailbox! Celaka sial, send so many mails for what?!
Now that we've got that outta the way... hmm. Was enlisted to help sooks make boxes yesterday, so we did that for a couple of hours after I got back from work. Cracked the silliest jokes while we hunched over irritatingly square pieces of blue paper that we coaxed into boxes. I swear, it takes a lot of patience to sit there and fold 'em things. sooks left around 7-ish. Watched some tv and went to bed around 9pm. I'm so boring, eh? :P
Today was much more fun! Went around PJ with dad after work to run errands and stuff (even managed to get a quick trim) before rushing home to take a shower. sooks came by a little while later and we headed to Sunway Pyramid to buy her a pair of wedges to replace those that Joshi chewed. Found it, bought it, and we lepaked for a while.
Headed to Old Town soon after for a yummy bak kut teh dinner (one that neither of us has had since I left for Canada almost two years ago). We stuffed ourselves silly, and even managed to feed some stray cats along the way. We yakked about the most inane and laughed a lot; it was fun ;D
I got home just in time to watch the second half of France vs. Uruguay, which ended in a draw of 0 - 0. Checked CNN for updates, and Senegal has been kicking some serious ass, ooh..! (just remembered that Senegalese joke sooks told me over dinner... ahahaha!) Anyway, it's been a great day. Had hoped to hunt Merv down later in the evening, but he was busy, so the plan was scratched. I should go sleep now.

Currently listening to: Tantric's Breakdown
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Last day of work tomorrow, yay!!

Posted by Tiff at 01:03 PM
June 04, 2024
I hate pollution :(

Thanks to weird weather and wonderful, beautiful pollution [/sarcasm], my eyes are bugging me again. It's hard to restrain myself from trying to gauge my eyeballs so that I can wash them (out of sheer irritation and desperation!).
Been working for the past two days (when will my contract ever end?!) and moving furniture at home. I finally lost my temper and moved all of the parasite's things out, yay me! Packed all of Audrey's clothes and put them upstairs in my old bedroom, and today we moved her (extremely heavy) queen-size bed as well. I rearranged the furniture that's left downstairs (sounds familiar, girls? ;D) and am pretty pleased with everything so far, albeit rather tired.
Sharon called this afternoon; Kai's back, woohoo! Am finalizing plans to head up to Penang for the weekend to see them before Sharon takes off.
Nothing else to say, 'cept I'm missing a lot of people.

Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's The Story of 100 Aisles
Current emotion: reminiscent
Random observation: Nike's football ad over Astro is hilarious ;D

Posted by Tiff at 01:46 PM
June 02, 2024
Just another blah...

Today's shaping up to be a pretty good day. Kayla sent me the funniest picture ever, I managed to catch Punky online today (for two minutes or so), and guess who bought teddy bear pillowcases, huh? Huh?! *does a little dance* ;D
Marianne called; she's leaving for .ca on Tuesday. I am feeling envious. Have a safe trip, ah ma :) Kai's gonna be back soon, and I'm probably heading up to Penang this coming weekend to see him and Sharon, 'cause she's leaving next week for PEI. Am looking forward to seeing them :)
Still have work to do, but at the moment, I'm trying not to think about it.

Currently listening to: Eminem's Without Me
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Thank you Blogger for supplying me with my daily dose of Kayla & Di, Amen!

Posted by Tiff at 01:48 PM
June 01, 2024
Party for Audrey..!

The surprise birthday party organized for Audrey went off without a hitch, yay! Colin and Steve cooked most of the stuff, but Isabel wasn't slacking, either. As usual, we ended up with more than enough food to feed the hungry people :P
Audrey got egged and flour-ed later in the evening, which resulted in a standoff between her, Sam and two other friends. She finally settled for throwing an egg on Paul's car as they drove away. My poor sister, heh. Ah well, it was funny.

Currently listening to: Luke Hunter's Bring on Tomorrow
Current emotion: pleased
Random observation: I can barely drive standard now :/

Posted by Tiff at 03:14 PM