July 26, 2024
Miss me?

A'ight, it's not like I went on strike or anything, so rest easy. I haven't logged on in ages, thanks to the fact that my brother killed the 'puter. No, seriously. It's dead. You turn it on, it blinks, whirs, emits a loud *BEEPBEEPBEEP*, and next thing you know, it's kaput.

Bubye 'puter, it was fun while it lasted.

Am logging in from cafe (need to get sooks' shopping list) and things have been mad around here. No time to talk about it, as I have to go home asap. Among other things, I pierced my ears, yay!

I got your message Punky & Kayla, but you'll have to wait till Sunday (we're getting a new 'puter at the PC Fair). Will write back soon.

Scott!! ;D

Right, I have to run. Thanks for leaving a message. Will be back Sunday!! As for now, hasta.

Miss y'all :)

Currently listening to: people playing CS around me
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I hate the flu.

Posted by Tiff at 10:57 PM
July 21, 2024
Money in, money out

It's 4.30am, and I've never seen blatant spending till today. Actually, it wasn't even spending; it was gambling. 1.6K gone in 3 hours *shakes head* Amazing.
It started out as usual, with me waking up with less than the necessary hours needed to function (read: 4). Had a quiet breakfast before driving to Kelana Jaya with Audrey to pick up our glasses. Yes, I'm wearing my ultra-geeky black frames right now, thankie.
Spent the rest of the day bumming around before the family got ready for Mei Ling's dinner in some Chinese restaurant at Bukit Jalil. We had a great time, and my cousins suggested that I go hang out with them after dinner. They drove over to my place, and we took the Hyundai out for a spin. My cousin suddenly announced that he felt like gambling, and the next thing you know, I was driving towards Genting Highlands, lol! It was madness, but we did it anyway. Walked into the casino decked in a tee and ripped jeans, ahaha! Watched people play Roulette and slot machines, mainly. I don't get those slot machines; they make absolutely no sense to me.
I didn't gamble, but people-watched instead. Wish I didn't, but it's too late for regrets now. I'll say this: you learn a lot by people-watching, heh.
So yeah, we drove up 12-ish, and I got home past 4 in the am, lol. Nuts.

Think I'll go sleep now.

Currently listening to: Janet Jackson feat Missy Elliot's Son of A Gun
Current emotion: .
Random observation: It's really not that cold anymore in Genting.

Posted by Tiff at 04:27 AM
July 19, 2024
Still pissed.

Yes, I'm still ticked off at you, you bastard!

Finally bought my little plastic container thing for the crystals from Carrefour, and was at the shop with the 'rents the whole day. Spent the last 4 hours typing Colin's and his friend's assignments for them, yay me.

I hate numbers.

I hate assignments.

And I'm still bloody pissed off!



Currently listening to: Blur's Song 2
Current emotion: pfft!
Random observation: Joshi's an Afro-dog, according to sooks ;D

Posted by Tiff at 12:53 AM
July 18, 2024
Ah crap.

It's just one of those days when you wish you never woke up.

Got dragged to the hospital, had to skip my lunch date with Tse Wei and Irene, slept in the afternoon. Went out for the last time with Shao Yi and Guru, as Shao leaves early Saturday morning for Melbourne. Lots of accidents on the road tonight; bloody Malaysian drivers KPC sial, and caused the Federal Highway to be jammed at 11.30pm. Stupid, stupid drivers.

Bubye Shao; have a safe flight back to Gippsland.

Currently listening to: U2's Walk On
Current emotion: grumpy
Random observation: Nahbé fishsticks...

Posted by Tiff at 01:11 AM
July 17, 2024

Oi, tired sial.

Audrey's car broke down last night (Colin was driving it), and the whole family got dragged out of bed at 2am and headed out to the Sepang highway to pick him up. I didn't realize what had happened till everyone came home, heh.
We sent Audrey to work today, since her car was out of commission, and had breakfast at Merv's family's coffee shop. Yummy curry ;D
Dad and I spent the better part of today driving back and forth between Sungai Buloh, PJ and Subang Jaya, picking up spare parts and stuff. After that, I left dad at home, picked Audrey up at the shop and drove her to Kelana Jaya to get her a new pair of glasses. In the process, I picked up a new pair myself, since I haven't changed mine in 4 years. My new frames are rectangular-ish, black stainless steel, and rather geeky-looking, IMO, lol. They're fun though :) Bloody expensive, unfortunately, but still cheaper than buying 'em in Canada.
sookie called, yayness! We yakked for a while; it was good to hear from her. Will be sending her a little package sometime, just as soon as I get her shopping list and address. I miss her lots; there's no one to go crystal-shopping and lepak with :/ No one like her, anyway. Yup, sooks r0x0rs ;D
Poor Bronson was rather insulted when I called him a few days ago and asked about Benji and not him, ahaha! Sorry Bronson! Look on the bright side, sooks was amused when I told her, hehe.
Got home, had a quick shower, and it was off to the shop again. Kai came over and we headed out to Damansara to pick Norman up. We caught Scooby Doo in 1 Utama, since the guys haven't had the chance to watch it. Ryan was good enough to supply us free tix, yay!
Just got back from a short yumcha session after the movie; am ready to drop, but I have to help Steve type his homework for tomorrow. Silly me for volunteering, bah!
I forsee another long day tomorrow. *collapses*

Currently listening to: Ashanti's Foolish
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Petrol is bloody expensive in Malaysia.

Posted by Tiff at 12:30 AM
July 16, 2024
A mother's opinion

Couldn't sleep till 4, so I didn't send Audrey to work today (dad did it instead). Followed him to Sungai Besi around 10 in the Hyundai, as he was taking Colin's car in for repairs, and I had to send him to work after he dropped the car off. Mom decided to to come along, and in the span of 45 minutes she'd talked to me about siblings, growing up, and how many grandchildren she wanted from me (?!). I choked on the last one, and after giving her my censored opinion on the subject, she adamantly insisted that I HAD to have kids. Right.

Keep dreaming, mom. :P

Came home, puttered around the house and took off to Bangsar to Merv's in the afternoon. Met up with Uncle Azuan (who shaved his head) and Henry. They were playing mahjong, and I'll be damned if these guys aren't crazy, lol.
Got back around 4-ish and brought dinner out for my parents. Audrey went back to KL with mom to do some shopping, so I hung out with dad in Jaya. Kai came by, and after we closed the shop, Kai and I picked Shao Yi and Guru up before heading to a nearby mamak stall for a short yumcha session. Melissa called; I might be seeing her and a few other ex-TPians tomorrow night. Have arranged to meet up with Tse Wei Wednesday afternoon. Oh yeah, and I'll be catching a movie or two with Norman and Kai, sometime in the week.


Currently listening to: India Arie's Video
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I need sleep.

Posted by Tiff at 01:18 AM
July 15, 2024

Bloody limited internet access and screwy 'puter has me all ticked off and shit. I hate you deviantMAG for flooding my mailbox, hmph. Same goes for all the free porno, lonely naked women and penis enlarger spams. I'M FEMALE, YOU HEAR ME?! I HAVE NO PENIS THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


A'ight. Still alive, went shopping with Audrey, been working, made a couple of bracelets, blablabla. KLCC is packed, I love Baskin Robbins, am still homeless. Watched MIB II, yumchar-ed with Levin, met up with Mei Fun. My nephews drove me crazy today, and I've been SMS-ing sooks. I need Tse Wei and Irene's numbers. Anyone got 'em? Let me know.

I hate being homeless.

Been feeling the stress, so I took off by myself this evening for a little while. I wish sooks was here.


Currently listening to: Nelly's Hot in Herre
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Why keep talking when there's nothing to say?

Posted by Tiff at 02:27 AM
July 12, 2024
Home again

Back in KL, safe and sound :)

Was up till 5 playing cards with the guys and just bumming around. Woke up late and couldn't visit Vic Market for the last time :/ Stephanie picked me up at 1, and after saying my goodbyes, it was off to the airport.
The flight was pretty good, seeing as the plane was practically empty! I thought I'd lost my passport at one point, but found it in a little compartment I'd stashed it in absent-mindedly. Phew.
Mom's ecstatic over the cookies, and Audrey wants to know why I didn't buy her more stuff. Because I didn't have money, that's why!!


I'm back in KL *does a little dance!*

Currently listening to: Sum 41's In Too Deep
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I feel as if I haven't bought anything, lol.

Posted by Tiff at 12:43 AM
July 10, 2024
Hey Melbourne! Remember me?

...and two weeks flew by in a blink of an eye.

We spent our last day in Sydney at the Aquarium as planned, and Raymond brought us to a little stall where they sold yummy chicken and mushroom pies with mash on top for lunch. The Aquarium was excellent; we got to see sharks, a platypus, seals, the works. I loved it!
For our last meal in Sydney, I cooked dinner for the guys. Chicken stew and vegetable soup from scratch, yay me!
Shean Min, Heng Han and I caught the train for Melbourne at 8.45pm, leaving behind us a fantastic city and loads of funny memories. Thank you Raymond, for being such a great host and friend; it was certainly a trip to remember :)

Quotes of Sydney:
"You like that, don't you, you sick bastard?!"
"Look, a drifter!!"
"You a ho!"


The train ride back was okay, but it was bloody cold back in Melbourne, especially at 7am! We took a cab to College Square and went back to sleep for a few hours more.
Shean Min left at around 2 to meet his uncle, and Heng Han and I left for the city not too long after. We developed the photos from the trip and walked around Chinatown before meeting Shean Min for dinner. His uncle joined us, and we took the bus to Johnston Street for Thai food. It was yummy! The guys paid for my food (hiaks!) and after we got back to Lygon, I had my last gelati before buying all the cookies my mom had ordered.
Heng Han just tested his new espresso machine, and it makes pretty good coffee (before it went "BOOM!", that is). Yes, Heng Han didn't fix it properly, and there was a loud bang before coffee spewed all over the kitchen counter, lol.
The machine's fine, and so is Heng Han :)

Anyway, off to play my last night of Russian poker with these mad people. If I don't blog again within the next few hours, thanks guys, for being such cool hosts, and thank you Australia, for being bloody excellent!

Currently listening to: Chad Kroeger's Hero
Current emotion: .
Random observation: wah, poker with vodka as stakes!!

Posted by Tiff at 10:23 PM
July 08, 2024
Walking on sunshine

The weather's beautiful in Sydney; it doesn't even feel like winter here!

We've been busy running around the city checking out the sights, and Raymond's a great tour guide. Yesterday, we went to the Rocks which, coincidently, was having a coffee festival by the harbour (drool, Kai, drool!). Stalls were set up, and they were selling different kinds of coffee for a buck a cup, mm. The almond biscotti I bought to go with my cappucino was delicious! Heng Han went absolutely mad, and had six shots of espresso that day. He was feeling kinda woozy-headed later, lol. He also bought an espresso machine, and is currently broke, ahaha!
We took lots of pictures, and on our way to the Rocks, we lost Lillian, only to find her ogling at the jetty. We asked her what she was doing, and in a very loud tone she said, "I'm checking that guy out!!" We cracked up when the object of her interest turned around to see who'd exclaimed so loudly. I have to say though, Lillian has good taste! ;D
There was a live jazz band, lots of interesting stalls and a delicious coffee aroma that wafted along the streets. Couple that with a fantastic view of the infamous Sydney Opera House and the city skyline, and you have yourself a gorgeous picture as if painted on watered silk.
The next couple of hours were spent browsing crazy little knick knacks and enjoying the music and the view. Lillian and James took off early to catch the Hillsong concert, so it was just me, Shean Min, Raymond and Heng Han hanging around the harbour. I think my favourite part was the jazz band; they were simply amazing!
Anyway, we took the bus back to Raymond's place in the evening and had take-out from a little Taiwanese restaurant. We played cards and turned in early.

All we did today was walk our legs off, ugh! We left the apartment by 12, and walked to the Fish Market about 20 minutes away. I detoured off to buy some colourful socks, hee. Couldn't resist, y'see.
We ordered a huge seafood platter there and stuffed outselves silly with shrimp, calamari, fish, oysters and clams, among other things. James and Raymond went as far as to buy themselves lobster, since James had never had any before. It was quite funny seeing him savour his very first ;D Raymond was nice enough to treat us to some fresh scallops as well, yum. Walking around outside the fish Market was rather funny, and there were huge pelicans on the jetty. Lillian squealed and ran whenever one came close to her, lol.
After an amazing lunch, we walked across town to catch the bus to Bondi Beach. The guys were hoping to see some naked chicks (fat chance, seeing as it was winter), and Lillian and I wanted to see surfers ;D
The beach was, in a word, amazing. We walked along the shoreline, and my shoes and socks were soaked (I couldn't help but yell "F*CK" when the tide rushed in and soaked my shoes before I could run) because I had stubbornly refused to take them off. I finally did in the end, and the sand and water were really cold! James almost lost his shoes to the sea, and we couldn't stop laughing when he screeched and ran after them, lol.
On the way back to Market City, I discovered that my bottle of body spray broke, and my bag was soaked with the scent of magnolias, eek.
We had dinner in a little Vietnamese restaurant before walking to Star City, a casino about 25 minutes away from Raymond's place. There was nothing much to do, so we bought ice creams in a nearby convenience store and strolled back via Darling Harbour.

I'm all achy and tired. We have to wake up early and check out the Sydney Aquarium before heading back to Melbourne tomorrow night.

Currently listening to: everyone chattering around me
Current emotion: exhausted
Random observation: I love watching waves rush to shore!

Posted by Tiff at 10:56 PM
July 06, 2024
Simply Sydney

Yay, we're at Raymond's place!

Took the train last night and reached Sydney a little over 12 hours later. Raymond picked us up and brought us to his place, which is located just five minutes away from Darling Harbour and Chinatown. Excellent location!
We dropped our stuff and checked out Paddy Market, as well as checking out the apartment building Raymond was living in (very posh!). Later in the afternoon, we joined Sonia, Grace and their moms to Paddington, where there was a flea market of sorts with scores of talented people and beautiful artwork for sale. We had lunch in a little Italian café before exploring the stalls a little further.
Got back to Raymond's around 3-ish. The guys passed out, while I caught up on Season 8 of Friends. Last I saw, Rachel gave birth and Joey accidently proposed. Sweet. Can't wait for Season 9.
We took off around 7 and caught the Sydney Concert Orchestra's performance of Hollywood hits (among them, theme songs to Superman, Star Wars and the Baby Elephant Walk [bloody cute!]) out on Darling Harbour. The fireworks display after the performance was beautiful. We walked around, enjoying the sights and fine weather, and I couldn't help but marvel at what a fantastic city Sydney was. Now I understand why sooks likes it so much more than Melbourne; Sydney is simply bursting with culture and the arts and breathtaking beauty. I love it!
Lillian and James joined us just before the fireworks display, and we all had ice cream at Passionflowers. Extremely yummy mango sorbet ;D

Am currently taking a break and catching up on blogging while the rest plan the next few days' activities.

Currently listening to: Raymond and the rest yakking away
Current emotion: pleased
Random observation: I'm in love with Sydney!

Posted by Tiff at 08:36 PM
July 05, 2024
Toe socks and penguins

It was off to Vic Mart today to pick up my yummy toe socks; had to drag Heng Han out of bed to take me, but it was bloody worth it.

Been coming to grips with the fact that Kayla, Sarah and I are homeless, hard it may be. Everyone's been fantastic, and the e-mails from Roger, Punky and Kayla have cheered me up to no end. Thanks guys :)

Han, Shean Min, Agnes and I actually made a trip to Phillip Island the day I found out about the situation. 'twas a good thing I found out after I got back, otherwise, it would've just ruined the whole bloody day.
It was a fantastic trip; we rented a car and drove to Monash Caulfield to pick Lillian up before heading out to Phillip Island, which is about two hours away from the city. We reached the island in the afternoon, and our first stop was the Information Centre, where we purchased tickets to catch the Penguin Parade that night. I also bought some souvenirs (including a penguin wind chime, aww!). Everyone had to drag me out of the souvenir shop, as I was close to taking everything in sight (so much penguin stuff!). They surprised me with an adorable pair of penguin mittens that I really wanted, but was out of my budget. *sniffles* Am spoilt I know. *hugs everyone!*
After the Info Centre, it was off to Woolamai Beach. The water was bloody cold, but the view was gorgeous. We took pictures, I wrote a little, and we just enjoyed the fabulous view.
We had a quick lunch in a town called Cowe before heading to the wildlife reserve nearby to see wombats, kangaroos, et al. We even got to feed the animals, and Agnes was "attacked" by the kangaroos, lol. It was pretty funny seeing the kangaroo munch on the brown paper bag it had snatched from her :P We were soon surrounded by a bunch of 'em, including a mother of a 'roo, and fearing for our safety, we ran away. The koalas were sleepily adorable, and the taz devils were just plain mean-looking.
It was off to see the Penguin Parade late in the evening, and while it was bloody cold, it was worth it seeing the Little Penguins waddle in little groups up to the beach. You could hear them mating, but it was too dark to see, darn :P
All in all, the Phillip Island trip was a fantastic success. We had loads of fun and laughs, and it's certainly something I'll remember in years to come.

Anyway, I leave for Sydney in a few hours, so I'd better go pack.

Currently listening to: Coldplay's Trouble
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I'm the guys' official cook, pah.

Posted by Tiff at 03:05 PM
July 04, 2024
Guys *shakes head*

Right, so I just sat down and logged onto MovableType, when Heng Han pipes up from behind in an extremely whiny tone:
"Tiff, when you wanna cook?"

I don't even get a choice?!
Alright, alright already. I get the hint!

Guys, bah. *shakes head*

Posted by Tiff at 07:12 PM
July 03, 2024

In one word, I'm probably most afraid right now. I have no place to stay when I go back to Trent, I don't even feel like going back to Trent, and nothing seems to make much sense anymore.

I really, really want to take the year off. Only two reasons have held me back: a) my parents, and b) the house. I was going to live with Kayla and Sarah, and that in itself means I've made a commitment, and one that I plan to keep.

Now we have no place to stay.

So what now? Go back early and try my luck? Can't afford to. Mom wants to bring D-Day forward to August before I leave, so that I can help take care of dad. I don't even know if D-Day exists in the first place.

Rock. Hard place. Me.

So apt.

I'm confused right now. I'm tired, on the verge of giving up, and I'm totally, completely confused. I don't want to leave dad. But Canada is home now. But "home" seems to be pretty figurative at the moment, since we really have no place to stay. I want to take the year off school, to find my love for books again. No chance of that happening.

Someone shoot me now.

Posted by Tiff at 03:03 PM
July 02, 2024

...and to think I was having such a great day.

My landlady just screwed me and my housemates over.

I feel like crap now.

Posted by Tiff at 11:46 PM