kayla says:
hey tiffy!!!
Little insomniac cookie monster says:
kayla says:
I bought a cow for our house
Little insomniac cookie monster says:
you WHAT!?!
Shame on me for forgetting Merdeka Day. Thanks to sooks & Joe for reminding me.
Hats off to all Malaysians out there, past and present, who made a difference. I may bitch about the weather, the pollution and the driving, but I'l be damned if Malaysia doesn't kick some major ass all the same.
Happy 45th birthday, Malaysia. May the Jalur Gemilang fly high and proud for many more years to come.
Amazing: ever since I got back, I'm in bed by midnight and am up by 9, MAX. I hardly wake up every hour or so anymore too! Could this be the end of the insomnia? *insert dramatic music right here*
hiaks. As if :P
Have almost finished reading The Message by Eugene H. Peterson. It's a rather odd book, seeing as it's the New Testament written in modern day language.
Yeah, I'm getting a full dose of the Bible before I go back to school. It's an interesting piece of literature, after all. There are a few Enid Blyton books at Punky's as well, but I finished reading them when I first got here. It's been quite a while since I sat down and read without distractions. Must pick up the habit again.
Yesterday was pretty quiet; only went out in the evening with Mrs Brewster to pick Punky up at the Scarborough Town Centre after her haircut. It looks really nice :) We had dinner in a little restaurant nearby before coming back. Punky and I walked to Shoppers to "just pick up a hairbrush", and came back with shampoo, soap, moisturizers and the rest of it, lol. We found a really fun new range called Caribbean Collection: they have body wash, lotions and moisturizers, smell yummy and are named after alcoholic drinks, hah! I bought the Piña Colada set, which comes with the Super Hydrating Body Sorbet (can you tell that these guys are good at Marketing!?), a tube of body wash, flip flops and a blow up pillow, wee..!! It smells so good, mm ;D
We called Bubba (he's back from his trip to England) and Althea to see if we could crash with them Saturday night. However, due to some changes, Punky and I will be taking the bus tonight instead of tomorrow. She's excited to see Bubba, lol.
We're going back to the Patch tonight! *hops around!*
Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World's Sweetness
Current emotion: excited
Random observation: Piña Colada body sorbet, mmm...
Yesterday was, in a word, interesting. I couldn't sleep much, so I was done with the Story Bible by 9.30am. Spoke to Mr. Brewster for over an hour about religion: Christianity, Catholicism, the Mormons, Buddhism and even Scientology. It was one of the most detailed and dedicated talks with no bias whatsoever which I've had the fortune to sit through, and I have a much better understanding on where certain religions take off and diverge from one another. Thanks Mr. B :)
We went grocery shopping at Loblaws soon after, and Roger came to pick me up around 12 so we could head to the Pacific Mall. He bought some blank CDs and stuff before I dragged him all over the place in my search for a novelty phone. I found an okay looking Garfield phone for CD30 (tax inclusive), a really cheap-ass looking Hello Kitty for CD20 (tax inclusive), and stand-up Snoopy for CD40. I really wasn't that happy with any of them, so Roger brought me to the Scarborough Town Centre and checked out Telephone Booth. I found the Winnie the Pooh phone I was drooling over online, but it's going for CD60, excluding tax. What am I going to do?? :(
Anyway, couldn't make up my mind, so I got back, relaxed for an hour and even filled in a personality/gifts test Mr. Brewster had found for me. Caught the 4.30 bus down to Yonge St. to meet Punky and her colleagues for drinks. We went to a really fancy place called Moxie's, and it was great! Everyone had Bellini's, which tastes and looks like fruit slushee, and has rum, peach schnapps, champagne and sangria in it. YUMMY!~ Move over Screwdrivers, the next favourite drink is in town!
Punky and I got a lift from Arlene and headed to another mall so Punky could get a haircut. It didn't work out, so we walked around for a bit before going home. Called the parental unit and spoke to them for a good 10 minutes.
Anyway, here's the deal. I really would like everyone's input on this 'phone business, so here's a list, take a pick and leave a comment so that I'll know what to do.
1. buy CD60 Winnie the Pooh 'phone (which I really like)
2. buy CD30 Garfield phone (which I think is okay)
3. buy CD40 Snoopy 'phone (which I think is okay)
4. Get Audrey to ship my Panasonic 'phone to me (which would cost about CD30/40)
Currently listening to: U2's Walk On
Current emotion: undecided
Random observation: I'm psycho, aren't I?
omg, look! Look! LOOK!!
I want I want I want I want...!
Anyone out there with an eBay account?
Oh wait. Screw eBay. Look at Amazon!
It's been a relatively quiet day, with most of my hours spent reading the Story Bible, heh. Don't ask. I enjoyed it, but several questions come to mind, as expected. Have a better understanding now though, compared to when I first read it (I was 8). Picture bibles, no matter how thick, are different :P Only read the New Testament in its original form when I was 14, and yeah, one gets a different perspective every time. Have finished reading the Old Testament, and am just moving onto the New. Hopefully, I'll finish it by tomorrow.
Punky cooked dinner tonight (yum!) and we went out for bubble tea (!!) with Di after she'd finished work. It was great seeing that Whi-nese again ;D Caught up on news a little, and just yakked away. Learned new words, new jokes, and laughed so hard at all the psycho things said and done. I swear, we're gonna be living in a madhouse this year, and I just can't wait!
Punky's parents are godsend. Not only are they providing me free furniture, but they're helping with the moving and everything. I really don't know how to repay them, eek. Guess for starters, I'll be Punky's slave/cook for a while, lol. But I do NOT do bathrooms, windows or floors! You hear that, Punky!? ;D
Currently listening to: No Doubt's Spiderweb
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I want that Winnie the Pooh 'phone...
Little insomniac cookie monster says:
ra ra, what are we gonna do for fun when you're living so bloody far awayyyyyyyyy :(
* ÇùJس ® (I'm done work!!!!) says:
i know!!
* ÇùJس ® (I'm done work!!!!) says:
who's shit r u gonna steal!?
Little insomniac cookie monster says:
Little insomniac cookie monster says:
this is so depressing.
* ÇùJس ® (I'm done work!!!!) says:
u better time it right so the bus is right outside when u steal!
Little insomniac cookie monster says:
Currently listening to: Missy Elliot's 4 My People
Current emotion: amused
Random observation: Re-live Spring 2002! *bounce!*
Slept for a few hours before getting back online while waiting for Punky to wake up. Spoke to her parents for a bit (such nice people :)) and just yakked about home and family for a while. Punky and I left for downtown Toronto in the afternoon to window shop.
Just realized how poor my Cantonese really was when this nice old Taiwanese lady asked me for directions to Spadina via Dundas. She lived in the outskirts of Toronto and seldom went downtown, so she was unsure of the way. We chatted for a bit, since she was alone. Got her to Dundas, which was where Punky and I were heading to, but that was about it, seeing as neither of us were really familiar with downtown TO.
Walked around Eaton Centre for the longest time, checking out stores, sales and stuff. We had an early dinner at Greenjeans, and dear lord did we stuff ourselves silly! We indulged in dessert, and couldn't finish it because the servings were huge. Definitely worth the money, heh. We were stuffed, ugh ;D Walked the food off by checking out some of the streets of Toronto. Some street artists were loitering around, and one of them asked me for the leftovers I was carrying, so I gave it to her. Hey, better than just giving them money, right?
The sun was barely setting at 8pm. We went back into the mall and looked around for more stuff; I saw this cute Winnie the Pooh telephone I really would like to get :) Poor Punky had to drag me away.
I bought three tall glasses for the house at CD5.75, yay! It was on sale, and it's really pretty, with purple geometrical shapes all over. Just think of all the cocktails I can serve in them ;D
Punky and I finally got home around 9-ish, and on the way back, there was the cutest little boy in to subway who kept grinning at us. He would look our way often, grin and and spent a good twenty minutes cheering for his daddy, lol. His dad must be a marvellous person for this kid to love him so much. I thought he had a very kind face, and was so patient with his little boy who chose to chant at the top of his lungs, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" I told him he had a #1 Fan, lol.
Anyway, am bloody tired, and I'm about to crash. Lates, y'all.
Currently listening to: Creed's One Last Breath
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: It doesn't take a lot to be kind.
Back on North American soil, wahey!
Travel was a bitch, seeing as every single flight I hopped on was delayed, grr. Had packed till 4am before crashing for three hours or so. Woke up, threw everything else into my backpack, and left for the airport at 9. Dad missed the turnoff to KLIA, so we drove all the way to Seremban instead, lol. My final adventure with the 'rents before I left ;D Mom and 7th aunty were panicking, dad was speeding, and I was left to reassure everyone that I was not going to miss my flight (seeing as the plane didn't leave till 12.40 :P). Yup, mom made us leave home almost four hours in advance, hah! It was probably because the last time I left the country, I almost missed my flight, hehe. Anyway, back to story. So dad was speeding like a maniac, mom was grumbling to herself, and I was half asleep. We finally got to the airport with plenty of time to spare (we got there at 10.40) and after checking my bags in (56kg!!), we had breakfast at McD's. Phew.
Said g'bye to the family, hopped onto the 'plane and promptly fell asleep. It was packed, and the flight was delayed by over 30 minutes *grumble* Tell me, what is it about the Chinese that they don't like to queue up? After two years of flying back and forth, I'd figured that people actually boarded the 'plane in a orderly and sensible manner, instead of squeezing in like there's a chance you'd be left behind! but I digress. Touched down in Hong Kong about four hours later, and walked about the duty-free area. I have no idea what's the RM - HKD exchange rate was like, so I didn't buy anything, although I did see a pair of shot glasses I'd like for my collection. Will pick it on when I get back, I guess.
Killed over two hours just walking around before I boarded the plane for another long haul - about 14 hours - to Vancouver. Made friends with the guy I was sitting with (don't know his name); seeing as we were both travelling alone and heading to Toronto, we decided to watch out for each other. The crowd at the Vancouver airport was insane, and Kai was right when he said they were really strict about baggage and stuff. Almost had a heart attack when one of them asked me what was inside a huge box wrapped in plastic, lol. I had Daniel's games, spices and kitchen utensils in it. The games would have put me in deep water, but luckily, there were so many people milling around that he let me through without much hassle *phew* However, it still took us a good two hours to get through the lines, check-ins, security measures and whatnot before making it to the departure gate.
Transferred our bags and boarded the 'plane after a 20 minute delay, due to some other flight heading to Toronto being cancelled. To top it off, the 'plane flew off course because of bad weather, and we got to Toronto late. As if that wasn't bad enough, someone pushed the emergency button at the baggage claims area and stopped the carousel, hence another delay before I could go see Punky and her dad. Bloody hell, the whole trip was one delay after another! :P
Good news is, I'm now at Punky's place, still awake but feeling pretty good. We got back to her place at about three in the morning, eek. I miss the family, but it's great being able to catch up with Punky about summer and stuff. Can't wait to see the others.
Things I left at home:
1. Panasonic 2.4GH 'phone
2. Cooking for Dummies
3. home-made fruit cake for Christmas (*sobs*)
4. Penguin-shaped aromatherapy kit
I want my stuff!! :(
Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Need someone to bring my 'phone over for me!
Amazing how I never learn my lesson: I leave in less than 12 hours, I have yet to complete my packing (as usual!), and I still have a ton of stuff leftover that I really want to bring, but doubt I'll be able to. Pfft!
I woke up to see the computer desk covered with tiny bouquets of flowers *sniffles* Colin had spent the whole night doing flower arrangements with his lecturers for today's graduation ceremony in KDU, and had made extra little bouquets for me *sniffles some more* Do I have the best brother or what? I didn't get to see him though, as he'd passed out from pulling the all-nighter.
Spent the day in KL doing some super-last minute shopping with Audrey. However, we took some time out to join my cousins at a kareoke lounge, hah! After over 3 hours of wailing into the microphone, I finally dragged my sister away and rushed back to Jaya, amidst torrential amounts of rain and stupid traffic jams.
Mom and dad weren't exactly peachy-keen to see us, seeing as we'd forgotten to do some chores and I was still under fire for the credit card fiasco.
Waited for my godparents to arrive, before we walked over to TGIF's for dinner. Yummy food ;D Godfather was evil, and lied to the staff that it was my birthday. As such, I was made to stand on the chair, use a ketchup bottle for a mic and make a speech (sounds familiar, sooks? The exact same thing happened when I turned 15!). The only good thing out of the whole situation was the poloroid photo they gave us after the whole super-enthusiastic singing and screaming performance. I felt like such a fraud, lol.
It was a nice picture though :)
After dinner, Audrey and I drove to Carrefour to pick up more last minute stuff. Got home and started packing under mom's eagle eye, and she just wouldn't let up about some things, bah. Am still half-packed, and it' already 2.30! Have to wait for Audrey to come home, as I left some stuff in the car. Just realized that I didn't get to say g'bye to a lot of people, but it can't be helped, I guess. Too late.
Colin just came in and gave me a new hand-made anklet to replace the the old and tattered one (which he also made). I'd never taken it off; the threads finally gave way, lol.
Thanks, kor.
I sure as hell am gonna miss my siblings, even though we do fight an awful lot :/ Then again, Audrey told me that only real siblings who really loved one another fought often, lol. Right... :P
Off to pack summore. 'bye peeps. Take care yah? <3
Bubye blog. Next time I log in, it'll be from Scarborough, ON, Canada.
Currently listening to: Incubus's Warning
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I can't wait to see Punky!
Today has got to rank right up there with the rest of those sucky days that have beset me this year. Not only did I misplace my credit card (found it, but it's been barred), I scratched dad's car, was late for lunch, lost 10 bucks at mahjong and got my shoes soaking wet when I went out for coffee with unca Azuan.
Bah humbug.
It started off just like any day. Woke up, took a shower, and drove to my godmother's to pray with Colin and Steve. We were late, and had to stay back to help clean up. This in turn made us late in picking up my other aunt whom I'd promised to take out for lunch. Got to Jaya around 2, and we headed up to the Cable Car Cafe. Realized my credit card was missing, but thank goodness I was carrying enough cash to foot the bill.
Rushed back to Subang Parade, since the last place I'd used my card was Royal Selangor. As I was hunting for a parking spot, I scratched dad's car while driving through a narrow pathway. I think I almost threw up when I heard the godawful screech.
Was in a daze after that, but managed to park the car, collect my (now barred) credit card from the store while thanking the management profusely for keeping it safe, and drove back home. Called dad, who was very understanding, which made me feel even more of an idiot than I already was.
I slept.
Woke up to hear my cousins harassing me to play mahjong with them, which I obliged. Unca Azuan came by, and after an hour or so of mahjong, we headed out in the pouring rain to hunt for someplace dry for food. Coffee Bean it was, where we yakked for over an hour about anything and everything. I have new respect for my uncle, heh. Really.
The other things really don't bother me as much as the credit card fiasco and the scratched car. I can't help but feel like an ass everytime I think about it, ugh. Superstutious or not, this should teach me a lesson: however much you don't believe it to be true, it doesn't hurt to take precautions. No more mamak sessions during the Hungry Ghosts' Festival!
To top things off, mom was in tears a while ago 'cause I'm leaving.
Somebody give me strength.
Currently listening to: Josh Groban's To Where You Are
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I didn't mean to make you cry, honest :(
It's started.
My final (big) obligation out of the way, I only have the little things to do before leaving on Sunday for Toronto, via Hong Kong. Little things like packing, saying goodbye, last lunch and dinner appointments to keep, shopping, etc. At times like these, I wish I started packing earlier, lol.
The trip to Penang with the family was good, albeit bumpy along the way (both literally and figuratively speaking). We ate, shopped, and just spent time pretending to be a regular functional family that did the vacation thing all the time. In those three days, I truly believed my family was almost normal, hah!
Perhaps the most memorable moment of the trip was when Audrey starting waxing lyrical her personal view on relationships (largely influenced by her work in the business community), much to the consternation of the parental unit and my amusement. If memory serves me correctly, she said (and I quote!), "Relationships are like closing a sale. It has to be a win-win situation!". Considering her line of work, I found that hilarious, as did Colin. Mom, of course, chose to see it as an offensive, cynical remark and opinion that had to be altered drastically to sooth her ruffled feathers, which made it all the more funny.
I swear, between the three of us, mom just ages dramatically, lol. If she only knew what her other two children thought...
We got in late last night, seeing as we stopped by Ipoh to see one of my numerous uncles who had just bought a new house in Menglembu. Everyone had to see the place, and the houses surrounding it (all still under construction, of course) before we could leave. I actually thought the place was neat, aside from the district's name, that is. C'mon now, Menglembu?! Menglembu + direct translation = cow-ing? Yes, cow as in "moo". Well moo-hoo for you :P Honestly! Tsk tsk.
Today has been a good day. Regardless of the fact that it's the official day for the Hungry Ghosts' festival, everything's turned out pretty good. I slept, was pinched of 300 bucks by mom while still half-asleep, bought 9 pairs of earrings (I was on a spree of sorts!), bought the pewter Bob and Pauline asked for, and had a yumchar session with Merv, Lisa, Azuan and Kai. Punky has furniture for me (how will I ever re-pay her?), Scott and Laura stopped by, there's a stanza in my comment box (thanks, S *hug*), Audrey bought me Famous Amos cookies...happy happy joy joy :)
I suppose the mamak session was a tad sad, seeing as I had to say goodbye to Lisa and Kai, both who are heading up North (seperately) for various reasons. I'll miss them for sure, especially since they were of the very few whom I spent my summer with. You guys take care, yah? *big hugs*
I miss them already.
Mm, almost forgot; I cut my hair today *wails* About 6 inches chopped :( It was because of this that I sought retail therapy, lol. I used to have my doubts, but I'll admit, it vertainly takes ones mind off things :P The earrings I picked from Chris's were really nice, all 92.5 silver, seeing as I'm allergic to nickel. I feel better just thinking about 'em ;D
Colin surprised me tonight with a new bag (!), two new pairs of earrings (!!) and the latest Josh Groban CD. He bought me unicorn earrings and Steve chipped in with a pair of 'tiger's eye' stones. Can you say "spoilt little sister"? lol. I <3 my brother ;D
Among other things, I fixed some links. Will work on the site and the rest of it once I get back to .ca.
So yah. 2 days, 9 hours and counting.
...and I stared up the blank canvas
that was the sky
and dreamed a dream
that all pain would die.
I reached and touched
angels with wings;
I felt blessed
when I heard them sing.
Soaring, resounding
with heartbeat strong
I knew right then
It was more than a song
Again I looked
at the stars of the night
I wished a wish
by a comet's light
Maybe it'll come true.
Currently listening to: Oasis's Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Can't write worth nuts.
If I leave you now
it doesn't mean I love you any less;
it just means that time beckons
with gentle hands,
it tugs me away
and I pretend
that all is fine and right in this world,
that everything's okay
even as dreams unfurl
to fall, disjointed, lying a messy heap
the perfect example
of destruction complete.
If I leave you now,
It just means I'll be gone
Maybe forever
or just a while
I won't say never
but don't forget to smile.
If I leave you now,
be strong and know
I may be gone
May not come back
This my final song
in life's soundtrack.
But remember this, and remember well
this one last thing, you I tell:
I'll still love you tomorrow.
woozie (10:27 PM) :
whatcha up to?
ShawnC® (10:27 PM) :
notin, just watched a korean show, called my sassy girl, not bad, have u seen it?
woozie (10:29 PM) :
who's your sassy girl?
you have a sassy girl?! why didn't you tell me?!!?
ShawnC® (10:29 PM) :
the show is called MY SASSY GIRL!
woozie (10:31 PM) :
I just love messing with him ;D
Cooked, slept and packed today. Watched some telly in between, and spoke to Punky and Kayla online. I can't wait to see Punky next week! I swear, seeing these girls make leaving home worthwhile. Really.
We're slowly but surely getting lists set up, with things to bring to school and stuff. Good ol' Punky got us a couch for the living room, I think. Three cheers for Punky!!
Have bought some kitchen stuff already, and I'll have to start thinking about bedroom furniture. Desk, chair, lamps...oh yeah, and the bed *sheepish grin*
Am feeling rather pleased these last few days, seeing as I managed to catch seveal friends I haven't spoken to in months online, including YiMin, Daniel and Asha. Roger e-mailed, yay! He'll be helping us move in on the 1st, yah.
Did I tell you I watched Lilo & Stitch? I love Stitch! I want a Stitch! Damnit, I want a little pet alien that goes around terrorizing others, does Elvis impersonations and can dance with the best of 'em! I want I want I want! :P
"This is my family. I found them, by myself. It's small, and broken, but still good. Yah. Still good".
Currently listening to: Puddle of Mudd's She Hates Me
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Orange-flavoured Vitagen, yum.
It's as if I've forgotten how to blog, heh. All I do is make mental notes to myself, and then forget them. Yes, I make mental notes to myself all the time, sometimes attaching little mental post-its filled with questions, obtuse answers and muddy reflection to it, like little strings coming apart from a frayed piece of cloth.
Forgive the drifting mind.
Was supposed to have a final drinking session last night with family and some friends. Cancelled at the last minute, since there was to be a mahjong session instead. Oh yeah, and Audrey had plans. Colin didn't. Me? I'm "flexible".
I spent the whole of yesterday driving mom and her sister around Subang and PJ. After a late lunch at the Little Penang Cafe, we traipsed around Midvalley, buying stuff for my imminent departure the following week.
I hate leaving. I feel as if there's a tonne of things I've left undone, and I was reminded of that again today, when dad and I visited his youngest sister, and I went to pray at my grandfather's house. The hour spent trying to converse with my aunt, while trying desperately to remember what little sign language I learnt when I was kid, made me realize how I've (very cowardly) avoided visiting her more often, because I usually ended up being frustrated , since I barely understand her. This is the lady who had a fair share in my upbringing, who taught me how to cook Maggi when I was but a young 'un, and made me realize from an early age that not everyone was blessed with the power of speech or hearing, that certain things in life we take for granted, and should not.
I'm buying her lunch next Friday.
Me and my big mouth *smacks forehead*
Ah well, no regrets for this one :)
Where was I? I can't believe how I run all over the place when writing, pfft. What the hell, reminder to self: take up classes in sign language this fall!
Every day, I tell myself, "tomorrow. I'll go see them tomorrow". I swear, one day tomorrow won't show up, and I'll be left stranded on the highway with one shoe on and the car a wreck.
Do I make sense to you?
List of things to do before leaving:
1. Take godparents out for dinner
2. Take mun ku out for lunch (Fri.)
3. Buy sarongs
3. See Norman and Shahnon
4. Buy Bob & Pauline's pewter
5. See dentist (yuck!)
6. Get hair cut (bubye, locks :/)
7. Mail last batch of letters
8. Send sooks more pastilles
9. Buy more crystals
10. Pack!!!!
That's all I remember so far, pfft.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Love Me Tomorrow
Current emotion: overwhelmed
Random observation: It's as if time picked up her skirts and decided to sprint the last 100 metres!
You know you're not meant to blog some things when you spend a good half an hour typing, only to click on publish and have an error screen in return. Go back, and it's nothing but a blank slate.
So I'm back online for the week, thanks to Audrey's new laptop, yay! The old 'puter is still busted, and Unca Azuan is kinda/sorta working on it. Right, Unca Azuan? :P I like this notebook; it's nice and new and shiny, and fast to boot. Hehe. Niceeeee 'puter *touchtouch* ;D
...wonder if I can talk Audrey into letting me carry it back to .ca, hiaks! (Fat chance!)
Among other things, we have a house, woohoo!! Before I forget, I stand corrected: much thanks to Kayla for finding the house, hehe. However, Punky's been doing a fine job throughout summer, so what the hell, much love to Punky too :) And yes, reminder to self: bring sarongs back for the girls! Am heading to Penang next week before I leave, so I'll grab a couple, as well as some fine curry powder for those spicy-till-you-cry meals I plan to whip up for them ;D
What have I been up to the last few weeks? Aside from two trips to the casino in Genting (don't ask, lol), helping the 'rents look after the shop and an odd mamak session here and there, I really haven't been doing anything of interest. Jewelry-making has been fun, and one of my aunts paid me to make half a dozen leather/crystal necklaces for her. It's all done, phew.
Mm, Audrey took me shopping a few weeks back, and I bought skirts, lol. Was tired of being nagged constantly about dressing like a "lady" (which I'm not), so what the hell, skirts it was. Nice, long cotton skirts that still allow me to run around the place, haha! I think mom regrets opening her mouth now, seeing how I usually team it with a regular tee and running shoes (that does nothing to make me look any more feminine). *cheeky grin* Hey, I play fair! (technically, anyway).
Fulfilled my filial duty as a dutiful goddaughter and took my godmother out for lunch a few days ago. Will have to do the same for my other godparents this weekend, eek. So, so broke, pfft. Oh yeah, not to mention that Japanese dinner that rendered me penniless a few weeks back with my niece, argh. I really should start keeping my mouth shut instead of offering to buy lunch/dinner left right and centre. No control whatsoever *smacks!*
Hmm. Pitiful financial state aside, I've also been reading trashy romance novels and watching Cartoon Network in my free time. My sleep is still totally messed (mom suggested a visit to the neurosurgeon at one point) but hey, who needs a doctor to tell me I'm an insomniac? Heck, the whole on LEC diognosed me of that last term!
So yeah, mom came back from a trip to Melbourne with her sisters last week. She bought clothes and stuff for Audrey, Colin and dad, and loads of socks for me. I still laugh when I think of all those socks she bought! Including those I picked for myself when I was there, I now have a grand total of about 20 new pairs of funky and colourful socks, lol! The good news is, three of 'em are rainbow striped toe-socks *big grin* Mom picked up two more for me since I gave one of mine to Audrey when I first came back. I <3 toe-socks!
Am making a family trip to Penang come Monday, and I take off for Toronto that weekend. I can't believe 4 months have already pass me by. There's still a slight possibility of me returning in December, but I'm not betting much on it. Christmas at my place (alone) sounds pretty good right now, especially since Colin baked a fantastic fruitcake for me to bring back for the girls, heh. You hear that, Kayla, Punky, etc? My brother actually baked a fruitcake from scratch for us! lol. Colin's been an absolute gem these last few months, and I'm glad to know that he's really, really happy with what he's studying right now. Who knows, perhaps next year I'll see him in the States, if all goes well. Am crossing my fingers for him. Oh yeah, and I just found out that he's been dating regularly for the past three years, lol! Good to know that there's at least someone in the family who is still idealistic enough to believe in relationships. Nice goin', kor ;D
Woah, long post. Ah well, have to make up for lost time, y'know :) Coming up next: dumb customers, idiot drivers and stuff.
Currently listening to: Weezer's Keep Fishin'
Current emotion: .
Random observation: the "P" doesn't stand for "Probation", it's for "Psycho".
You know... you're tired when even sleeping seems like a chore.
Right, just a quick note to all that the 'puter's still not here, the other's still busted and I've been busy.
Thanks to Punky, I have a house to go back to, yay! Have sent out enough mail to make me broke (snail mail; amazing what you can find time for when you can't log on the internet), I think I'm going slightly crazy, and I've been making jewelry like a mad person (it's all your fault, sooks).
I miss you guys.
Right, there's a million and one things I'd like to write this moment, but due to time constraints, I can't. Whoever's got hold of Heather's address, please e-mail it to my absolutely-fuzzy account, 'cause my hotmail one is kinda busted. I'll be back in another two weeks or so, if not sooner.