September 30, 2024
Random moments

Missed class for the first time this school year. Got caught in the rain. Made it for oral literature. Wrote a letter instead of paying attention to the prof. Walked in the rain summore. Bought stuff. Sent cookies. Sent letters. Visited Kris. Got caught in the rain (again!). Received package from Andreas (yay!!). Listened to new CD all day. Sniffled randomly.

Had a crazy-ass weird dream last night, which has my English literature-oriented and brainwashed mind thinking of possible metaphors which lead to certain conclusions I do not like at all. Nuh uh.
My housemate stuck a burning hollow candle in her ear today. It was quite interesting. He ears were blocked, and she was using a little-known traditional method called candling, introduced to her by some lady at the health food store downtown. I got to hold the flaming thing in her ear for a good 10 minutes. It was quite a sight actually, this burning hollow stick held over her head, and one end stuck inside her ear. It works too! Good thing we didn't set fire to her, or the house for that matter. I can see the headlines now: Student Sticks Burning Candle in Ear; Sets Self and House on Fire! Hiaks.
Went to campus in the evening with Kayla for Joel's little talk thingie in the LEC caf. It was over in an hour, so he gave us a ride home. Finished reading my books for CUST370. Very proud of that. Oh yeah, borrowed Bridget Jones' Diary from Sonia. Must watch it soon.
Catching Sweet Home Alabama with Di and Punky tomorrow at the cinema, I think. Maybe not, if things don't work out. Have too much homework.

Must. write. essay.


Oh wait. Where the heck did that come from?! *smacks forehead*

Tired. Headache. Thinking too much.

Currently listening to: Roberta Flack's It Might Be You
Current emotion: grumpy
Random observation:

Posted by Tiff at 10:44 PM
Growing up

There's a certain growing up in a person as time passes by. Experiences mould, frame and build changes in us, sometimes overnight, sometimes over years. The term "growing up" is relative; there are some who choose to maintain a child-like mentality, those who try to mature gracefully, and those who look through eyes older than their years.

Which are you?

Posted by Tiff at 09:52 PM
September 29, 2024

Stumbled out of bed this morning and headed downtown with Sarah and Bry for breakfast at Wimpy's. We picked Di up along the way and had a great meal before coming home.
Chris took us to Staples in the afternoon to pick up a hub. We bought a nice little hubby for fifty bucks, yay! He also took us to Reid's Dairy, 'cause I was craving ice cream, and I had a scoop of maple walnut, yum. Sarah and I also bought 4 litres (!!) of chocolate milk between us, which expires on the 4th. Now THAT's gonna be interesting.
Sarah and I walked around University Heights after dinner. It was nice, and I feel much better, and a whole lot more optimistic about things. Di has invited me back to her place for Thanksgiving, and I'm probably taking her up on it. I'm suppose to impress her parents with my (very) limited Cantonese, heh.
Cleaned my carpet and took some fuzzy/grainy pictures of my bookshelf surrounded by Absolut ads. I really should invest in a better webcam or something, but not at the moment. Have better things to do with my money right now.

I bought some yummy-smelling conditioner and moisturizer yesterday. Mostly berry-smelling stuff, and it's so sweet. I love fruity stuff. Everything I have smells fruity: strawberries, peaches and cream, rasberries, citrus. From soap to shampoo and conditioner, moisturizers, body spray and candles! I can't resist buying them, even though I really shouldn't. Heck, even my vodka smells fruity :P It's my little obsession.

Haven't spoken to sooks in ages, which sucks. I see Merv on ICQ once in a while, and Uncle Azuan, never. Come to think of it, I haven't spoken to my brother and sister in a while either.


I wish I could log on and post this, but the 'phone line is being monopolized. I can't wait for cable!

Okay, she's done.

Currently listening to: Weeping Tile's Dogs and Thunder
Current emotion: .
Random observation: It's gonna be 25C tomorrow.

Posted by Tiff at 11:07 PM
September 28, 2024
Joint, anyone?

I learned how to roll a joint today!

Posted by Tiff at 10:48 PM
Lost it

I dropped a stud on the floor, and now I can't bloody find it. It was such a nice blue pair too. This sucks.

Last night was fun. A little too much booze, but fun. I've only had five hours of sleep, gaah. Guess I'll take a nap later. I think Kayla and the rest plan to head downtown to the Vibe again tonight, but I'm staying in. The return of the geek, hah! Nah, I just have too much work and not enough time (as usual) to do them in, bleh.

Got soaked in the rain yesterday, as I I had to hand in some documents to the school. I swear, if I keep this up, I'm gonna have a permanent cold all year round :P
I want my earring back damnit! :(

Write later. Need to hunt for it.

Currently listening to: Kenny G's The Moment
Current emotion: frustrated
Random observation: I have a 5 dollar bet and mission for the weekend, issued by Chris.

Posted by Tiff at 09:37 AM
September 27, 2024
Punky out in the cold? Never!

It's too early to blog (10am!) but I got a ride home from Simon after my nightmarish 9am class, so there was no need to trek home in the rain, yay Simon!

A response to this post:
no tiffy, i wasn't so worried about starving! didn't i say you'd see an ugly cry on my face?? not cause i'd be hungry, but cause you have to be around for when we're old and grey and still live in that house and have a porch built for all our rocking chairs so we can still gossip and bicker! and i'd like to point out that i didn't even have a room in that place, simon was the 4th!! =( whatever, i'm not so sad, i'll sleep with the pony... - Punky


S'okay Punky, you can marry Simon too. After all, if he's gonna be a bigot, what's one more wife? Maybe we should make him change his religion. Muslims get to have four wives y'know.


Good mornin' world :)

Currently listening to: Blue Canttrell's Hit 'Em Up Style
Current emotion: lively
Random observation: I can't wait to dance tonight..!

Posted by Tiff at 10:04 AM
September 26, 2024
Cookies and stuff

Got into one of my moods again, and whipped up a batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies for the house. Baking rocks. I wish we weren't paying for utilities though, 'cause then I'd go really mad, heh.
Sarah and I took the lawn chairs out and sat on the patio for an hour or so today, just reading and enjoying what little sunshine there is left. Still reading Three Sisters; the Russian names just confuse me.
Managed to catch the season premiere for Friends this evening; it wasn't too bad. Trent was featured on the 5 o'clock news today, because of the rowing regatta next week. We didn't see Simon on tv though :P
Kayla's having a bunch of friends over for the weekend, and Bryan's coming too, so the house is gonna be packed. TACSU party tomorrow night, rah! Can't wait to go dancing ;D I've been such a geek, but Kris is showing up for her very first TACSU, so I promised to be there. It'll be fun. Bubba's spinning I think.
School's been relatively okay, though I have to admit, I'm being buried by all the books I have to finish for class, ugh. 14 for Utopia, 12 for drama, another 12 for modern British fiction, 2 for oral narrative (thank God for small mercies!), a textbook for early romantics, and a few others after Christmas break that I don't want to know about.
Had an interview with Trent Radio yesterday; I'll probably be hosting my own show after I run through a couple of tweaks with the programme director and get some in-studio training next week. I've got another interview to attend tomorrow, pfft.
Some nice news though: I have a couple of new Absolut ads for my wall! Kayla gave me two, and Roger's letting me cut up his precious Maxim for one. I really should take a picture of my room. The theme consists of Absolut (bottles and ads), teddy bears and penguins, my favourite combination! I call it Absolut Tiff ;D

Need to shower and go to bed. 9am class tomorrow, yuck.

Currently listening to: Eve vs Fatboy Slim's Cowboy on repeat
Current emotion: complicated
Random observation: "...where mah niggas at? What?! Where mah thugs at? What?! Where mah niggas gettin' sex? You know where we at!"

Posted by Tiff at 07:16 PM
September 24, 2024
Just tired

The day didn't start off all that well, thanks to some bad news and a messed up call to the International Programme office. Bloody hell; the bitch who picked up the 'phone told me I had to show up for a Scholars' meet at 11, or else I'd lose all my money (and any possibility or hope that I'll get it back in winter), so I hauled ass and ran to school (sounds familiar?) only to find out that it was for students on a full scholarship, not partial. Bitchbitchbitchbitchbitch. I was bloody pissed off, obviously.
Met Sarah and Punky while waiting for the bus, and Roger hopped on at the JBC stop. Sarah had class, so Punky, Ra Ra and I went home. Cooked some lunch for the three of us and just yakked for a bit before Punky walked back to school, and Ra Ra and I went downtown. We stopped by the bank and the post office, before I helped Ra Ra carry some of his groceries home. He showed me the blowup doll he got for his birthday, ahaha! He'd dressed it in one of his jerseys, 'cause it was naked, lmao! For tradition's sake, I stole his Maxim mag and Trent cap before running to class. I tried to locate the fuzzy shirt I stole last year, but couldn't find it :/
The lecture and tutorial was okay. After three hours, I still have no idea what Stanislavsky really thinks about realist theatre, but that's just me.
Got home in good time and had a quick dinner before heading back to campus for Modern British Fiction. Since I can't get into Modern Poetry, I might as well do fiction instead, even though the books in that course really do nothing except set me back about 120 bucks or so.
It took me a good fifteen minutes to locate the class, but I finally did in the end. The prof is a wonderful man; he's so gentle and funny, that even though I dislike Joseph Conrad's works with a passion, I sat through his two hour seminar with good grace while the class dissected "The Secret Agent".
Walked home by myself in the dark; must remember to bring a flashlight the next time, just so I can look out for the skunks :P It's cooled down considerably the last day or so; must remember to bring jackets and sweatshirts now.

I'm going to drop if I don't log off now. Late nights are rather scarce nowadays.

Currently listening to: Barenaked Ladies' Pinch Me
Current emotion: achy
Random observation: There's a picture of me and sooks when we were 17 on my desk, heh.

Posted by Tiff at 08:55 PM
September 23, 2024
This sucks.

I didn't get into Modern Poetry.

I feel like I've been slapped in the face.

Currently listening to: Savage Garden's Crash and Burn
Current emotion: disappointed.
Random observation: :/

Posted by Tiff at 07:12 PM

They drew a diagram today. A diagram of their future house. It's huge, and split into four equal parts, with four seperate entrances. Right in the centre will be a massive kitchen, with a glass ceiling two stories high, and a catwalk across and around it. This will enable them to visit one another without walking through the kitchen. There will be an Olympic-size pool, with a deep and shallow end, and a diving board, so she can jump off it all day long. There will also be a hot tub, a waterfall, and a pool house off the side. A tiny pool house, mind you, only equipped with a bathroom after the request was put in. There will be a barn, filled with all kinds of animals. There will be a peanut dispenser for the chipmunks, always full.

Yes, my housemates have concocted what they deem to be a marvellous idea. After one of our dinner parties a few weeks ago, Sarah declared that both she and Kayla want me to cook in their houses. Since they can't split me, they decided to be neighbours and share me instead. I'm not allowed to die at 30 as planned, because Punky and Kayla say they'll starve, and I owe it to them to stay alive.
According to Sarah, I am to be a part of her prenuptial agreement with her future husband, and should they divorce, I'd have to go with her. Simon, upon overhearing their conversation, decided he'd like a share in the deal too. Di jumped in right after, so there are four of them. Kayla figures there will have to be a same-sex marriage in the household, unless Simon believes in bigamy and marries all three of them.
Tonight, out of sheer boredom and lack of work, Sarah and Kayla drew the first of a series of diagrams: the future house. I'd like to add that the pool house, which Kayla has so kindly offered me, is smaller than the kitchen they have in mind. According to them, this because I'll be spending most of my time in the kitchen anyway.

"We'll get us a horse each. And we'll get you a pony, Tiff" - Kayla

They've posted the diagram up in the dining area. Pictures to follow include detailed drawings of the house, caricatures of their future children, and whatever else comes to find for them.

These people are crazy. And the scariest part? I live with them!

Currently listening to: Glass Tiger's Don't Forget Me When I'm Gone
Current emotion: amused
Random observation: I've spent about 400 bucks this month.

Posted by Tiff at 06:48 PM
Cable? Cable!

We finally ordered cable internet today, rahh!! ;D It'll be here in a weeks' time, and meanwhile, we need to buy a hub. I can't wait for cable *big grin*

I've been trying to get organized. Am almost done with Thomas More's Utopia, and after that, it's on to Sean Kane's Wisdom of the Mythtellers. Also have to get ready for Veronica's theatre class tomorrow. Work's starting to pile up already, pfft.

Off to check my laundry.

Currently listening to: Celine Dion's That's The Way It Is
Current emotion: antisocial
Random observation: I've been elected to talk to Mareeka *sigh*

Posted by Tiff at 03:29 PM
September 22, 2024
Damn Chippy

After our movie last night, we just yakked till 3am. Got up early this morning, and Kayla's parents showed up for a surprise visit. They took us to Canadian Tire, where Kayla and I picked up a movable drawer set each, for our rooms. We walked to school soon after for a swim, and Kris taught me to dive, hah!
Joel stopped by, and we're helping him with his college/class info session next week at the LEC caf. Should be interesting.

I rearranged my room today, and I like the new setup. Then again, I usually redo the place whenever the mood strikes, which is about every month or so.

After about three weeks, I can say that we've pretty much settled into a rountien of sorts. We have a chipmunk outside the house that Sarah feeds everyday, and I've decided to call it Damn Chippy, hiaks! ;D Damn, because that's what I say all the time when it runs away, and Chippy for chipmunk (duh). It's cute :)
The telephone's a major pain right now, simply because everyone's on it. You can barely call in, especially in the evenings, heh. I guess that's what happens when there are four girls in the house. It's the worst at night though, 'cause the phone never stops ringing between calls. Let's just hope that when cable gets here, things will improve. Poor Alex has been trying to call me for the past week or so, and he's had no luck so far.

Mareeka's driving us up the wall, and it's not even with major stuff, bah. My pet peeve's the kitchen, which I like to keep relatively clean. She's pretty good with the house overall, but everytime she leaves the kitchen, it's as if a hurricane hit it. Kayla's just frustrated, but Sarah's been taking it pretty well, 'cause she's the most patient of the three.

"'s as if she's having a fight with the kitchen, and the kitchen's losing!" - Kayla

I swear, we're gonna have some kickass bitchfights soon, hehe.

Currently listening to: Def Leppard's Armageddon It (acoustic)
Current emotion: semi-ticked off
Random observation: I'm just waiting to see the blood.

Posted by Tiff at 08:06 PM
September 21, 2024
I Am Sam

Di is spending the night at our place, and she brought "I Am Sam" up with her. Sean Penn is an amazing actor, and this movie makes me cry in buckets *sigh* Yeah sooks, if you thought me sobbing while watching Evita was funny, you're gonna get a kick outta this one :P

It's definitely worth watching though.

I gotta get back to the movie. I just came up for some Kleenex, and a break, heh.

Posted by Tiff at 08:17 PM
Bad cold, new shoes

Damnit, barely back in school for two weeks, and I'm down with a bloody cold :( It's probably because I was left waiting in my bathing suit for a good 25 minutes at the gym yesterday, 'cause my locker was stuck and the lock had to be cut open.
Bloody hell. I hate colds.
Good news of the day is that I bought not one, but two pairs of shoes, yay :) They're casual runner-type, backless shoes, and I got them at a steal of 9 bucks a pair, wee! Yup, it was originally 25 bucks, but after dropping the price to 16.99, there was an additional 50% off, so I bought a pair in black and another in bright red. They're fun :) Am ecstatic about the buy, even though my nose feels like it's about to fall off. I also saw a denim skirt I like, but it's expensive, so I'll just wait around and see if I really want it before I do anything.
While at Lansdowne, Sarah and I bumped into several people. I got to see Miranda, Heather and Becca while at the BodyShop. Was supposed to join them for dinner, but I didn't make it, and Becca leaves for Paris tomorrow. Also saw Matt, Eren and Tanay at the bus stop. Matt, who's back for a short visit, as usual, abuses me mercilessly, while Tanay is his typical smartass self, heh.
Sarah and I stopped by Di's place after shopping, and Di cooked for me 'cause I was feeling shitty. She also gave me childrens' chewable tablets and hot soup, mm. My friends rock ;D We watched Clueless on cable before going home. Sarah, Kayla and I watched a little of The Emperor's New Groove before I fell asleep.
Woke up feeling slightly better, so I cooked some dinner for myself. Called mom, 'cause it's her birthday (I almost forgot!) and talked to her and dad for a bit. Mom also spoke to Sarah and Kayla, hehe. Now that was funny ;)
Kayla has got it in her head that she'd like to kiss me on the cheek, so now she comes close and gives me funny looks all the time. Basically, she just likes to see me squirm, bah. Here's crossing my fingers she'll get sick of doing that soon :P Sarah just laughs and says we're crazy, hehe.

Did I tell you how much I love my friends?

Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Somewhere Out There
Current emotion: light-headed
Random observation: I wish I could smell my peaches and cream candle :(

Posted by Tiff at 07:00 PM
Relax, breathe, dream.

I just want to lean back and chill today. Had planned to sleep in, but the 'phone woke me up, bah.
Yesterday was mad crazy. After a lousy night of sleep (or the lack of it) and my 10am class on campus, I rushed down to Trent Radio to turn in my proposal which I'd spent the hour in class filling. Stopped by Di's, missed the bus and waited a good 25 minutes for the next one to come along. Got home, changed and headed to the pool with Sarah. Sean thinks I'm nuts, especially since I was ready to drop when I got home, heh.
Anyway, we walked back from school and basically collapsed on the sofa at home. Di wanted us to make a trip to Toronto for the day with her, and Sarah was all up for it. I just wanted to chill though, so I declined. Two hours later, Sarah was back; the Greyhound was packed, and she couldn't get a seat. Most of the freshmen went home for the weekend, it seems.
Punky came by, and we were suppose to go downtown and buy groceries. I was lazy, so I called Joel and asked him for a ride downtown. He was studying, but promised to be over by six. Kayla was home, and by five, the four of us were starving. We were also tired and didn't want to cook, so on the spur of the moment, we decided to eat out at Wimpy's instead. We called Joel again, and I told him if he was busy, we'd just head on downtown by ourselves. He started whining about rearranging his schedule only to have us ditch him, lol. We were so hungry and impatient that we walked partway to school to so that he didn't have to drive in and waste even more time, hehe. According to him, dining with four hungry girls wasn't something he got to do all the time :P He didn't eat, because he had a dinner date with his "biatch" Simon, lol.
After we got home, we yakked and yakked for the longest time, until Sarah and Punky headed out for a spot of clubbing. Had considered boozing the night away, but in my state, I would've been out quick. Kayla and I were up till 2 though, just talking about stuff, 'cause we were the only ones home. I downloaded two songs, and it's painful watching dial-up. I want my cable damnit!

I just have to do some reading and start working on my essays today. Sarah and I might head down to Lansdowne to do some shopping, too. It's my weekend to recuperate, heh.

Currently listening to: Puddle of Mudd's She Hates Me
Current emotion: a'ight
Random observation: home alone, and the house is too quiet

Posted by Tiff at 07:05 AM
September 19, 2024
The Teddy Bear Punch Hour?

I'm tired as hell, and I still have to finish filling my programme proposal before I go to bed :/ Kayla and Sarah have been trying to help me come up with a name for my show, and I'm liking Kayla's suggestion right now, hehe. I added a little byline to it too; "The Teddy Bear Punch Hour - where the title of the show has nothing whatsoever to do with the music I play!"
I hope I get to do it *sigh*

Among other news, Sarah and I were walking to school this evening, and we saw a moving shadow cross our path. It was black, and to our horror, had a white line down it's back! Sarah couldn't decide if she should make some noise and scare that damn skunk away, or if it would come and attack us. We almost turned and walked home, all prepared to tell Kayla that "the skunk wouldn't let us hit the gym", lol. Finally, it moved far enough away from the path so that we could scurry across the path safely. After our swim, as we were walking back, Sarah was muttering about shooting "the little shit", hehe.
Mareeka's friends we're over, and she fed us 'cause we were starving. The girls started dancing along to soca, and I couldn't stop laughing as one of them tried to explain the songs to me. I was feeling exhausted, and offered Ryan 15 cents to carry me to my room, lol. He was really nice and was about to, ahaha! I crawled up and made it by myself though.
Oh yeah, my chatterbox is busted :/ Will have to fix that, but I don't feel like it at the moment.

I wanna go sleep.

Currently listening to: Incubus's Are You In?
Current emotion: grumpy
Random observation: everyone's feeling bitchy today

Posted by Tiff at 08:31 PM
Read? Bah.

I don't read enough anymore.

"I don't read for pleasure, but because I have to. I bullshit my way through tutorials, filling others' ears with what they want to hear, what we all know. I regurgitate information and snippets of insight provided by professors blinded with self-importance, and pretend that I believe the same"

I took a walk with Sarah yesterday evening, and as we strolled along the paths, I glanced at the sky and realized that it's been a long time since I did that. It was a clear, gorgeous summer blue, with little puffy white clouds streaking by, creating a pattern of sorts.
Now I understand why sky imagery is so powerful. The vastness of it alone is awe-inspiring.
You should look up sometime :)

Currently listening to: Creed's One Last Breath
Current emotion: .
Random observation:we saw a fluffy puffball of a cat today!

Posted by Tiff at 11:15 AM
September 17, 2024

I really should pay more attention to my timetable. If I did, I would've realized that class was at 2, not 1, and I could've cleaned up my room a bit more instead of hauling ass and getting to Traill College early *sheepish grin*
Had a nice dinner with Kris, Nessa and Sarah at home today. Nothing fancy, just leftovers and stuff. We caught up a bit on gossip and news, such as who slept with who, who did what, who sold drugs on campus, went crazy, yada yada. Basically, it was stuff we couldn't talk about last year because of our contracts. Very interesting, hehe. There's no life like rez life, and damn are we glad to be out of it! It's great being updated though; if I thought my section was melodramatic, heck, the whole college was a soap in itself :P

My room smells like a mixture of green apples, flowers and whatnot. Am burning candles (another big no-no last year) and enjoying them guilt-free, yay.

Kayla and Sarah were here, and we just yakked about stuff. Kayla helped me put up my Malaysian and Canadian flag on the wall; my room's pretty much complete now. I'm still looking for a bookcase or two; Daniel said he'd build me one, but I haven't seem him in a bit, and I think he's kinda cheesed off about that, eek. But yeah, I'll take a picture soon :)
Oh yeah, Long called and told me he'd spoken to the head programmer at Trent Radio; he told her about my idea for a programme, and she's really interested *grins* Now I have to get my ass into gear and fill in the necessary info and stuff, pfft. I need a name for the show. Ideas, anyone? Please?

Ah well, time to sleep. Have to be up by 8 tomorrow.

Currently listening to: Scarlett's Independent Love Song
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Someone was selling crystal meths in rez last year..!

Posted by Tiff at 10:18 PM
September 16, 2024
Routine; Christmas plans

Just another Monday down the drain. Am getting used to this house business; wake up, clean up, have breakfast, stare at the wall, do the dishes, change, run for the bus.
Got to my Romantics class in good time, and walked back from school after it, 'cause I got sick of waiting for the bus. Cleaned my room and caught the bus with Sarah to Traill for Oral Lit. Walked downtown after that and met up with Sarah who was shopping, and we came home. I watched Dogma, Michelle came by to borrow some books, da da dum.
Received a surprise phone call from Alice, and she yelled my ears off for not calling her, oops. After apologizing profusely and soothing her ruffled feathers, we yakked for a bit before I called the parental unit. Burned a couple of CDs for my siblings while talking to them.
Anyway, I'm expected home for Christmas this year, which is gonna throw me in for a loop, because not only is it expensive, it's a bloody long flight to boot *sigh* Mom's adamant that dad wants me home, but I've yet to speak to him, so we'll see what happens.
I hate having to adapt to weather changes :/

Among other news, poor sooks has had a rough couple of days. Hope things improve for ya sooks *hug* Will call you after I log off, which is in about 2 minutes :P

Currently listening to: Abba's Dancing Queen
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: My pink clock matches my pink hairbrush, and I don't even like pink.

Posted by Tiff at 10:26 PM

Shimmering crystals in light
that dance across the water
the peace that holds
one and all

Speak not of hurt
but glance at the silence;
savour the quiet
and remember
that jewelled dreams
can be made into reality
after all
if we would but
answer its call.

Deny contempt and the cynical
rather than
forgo the whimsical
that make us human:
slightly surreal,
but truth we feel.

Posted by Tiff at 06:25 PM
September 15, 2024
OD on shrimp

Mom called this morning, and woke me (and the rest of my housemates) up. Hehe. Poor Sarah. She gets it the worst, 'cause the 'phone's in her room. Tsk.

We had lunch at the Red Lobster today, and overdosed on shrimp, lol. There was a promotion; 30 shrimp for CD13.99, so we just went crazy. Being the hungry growing adults that we were, we got appetizers as well, so by the time our main course was served, we were full. Chris and his 45 shrimp, ahahha!

Hey sooks, guess what? That note you sent me last year, with the stationery and stuff? It's on the wall :)

Blessed are we
who are grateful
for all that comes our way.

Currently listening to: The Other Guys' Prayer for the Dying
Current emotion: loved
Random observation: Penguins: next 5km! ;D

Posted by Tiff at 03:04 PM
Absolut fun ;D

It's been a packed day, filled with shopping, collecting stuff back from the ex-landlady, and most importantly, DRINKING ;D
I woke up ridiculously early this morning, and being bored, cleaned the house. We went shopping in the afternoon, with Chris as our driver, and picked up lots of stuff, including a bottle of Absolut Mandrin and a mickey of peach schnapps, yay! Chris also drove us to our ex-landlady's to pick up the last of my boxes, books and whatnot. My Absolut posters are up, and most of my books are neatly stacked on the shelves. My room's still in a mess, but it's a controlled mess, so nevermind :P
Joel, Benjamin, Mark and Eren came by later, and we just chilled for a couple of hours. They love the house, lol. According to Joel, it's the perfect place to chill and relax, and I have to agree with him. They also wiped out what was left of the cookies!
Chris and I started drinking 8-ish, and kept at it till about 1. It was fun ;D Everyone was relaxed and had a good time, playing SuperMario and/or just yakking away. Kayla, Sarah and I had a major gossip sesh while Chris and Bryan played video games. I cooked omelettes and we snacked on it while laughing our asses off about the craziest things. It's so nice to just chill with a bunch of good friends, laughing, getting tipsy, eating and basically having fun all the way. These people rock ;D

I'm so tired, but I can't get this huge grin off my face. Everyone's great, and we just had so much fun this evening! We didn't even have to go out or anything; we cooked simple meals, just sat around and joked and debated the whole evening away. Bryan brought Sarah's tv down, so we have a nice 20" telly in the living area now.

I'm going to bed.

Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Life
Current emotion: half-asleep
Random observation: Here's your plug, Chris!! ;D

Posted by Tiff at 01:26 AM
September 14, 2024
Happy Friday the 13th!

It's been a typical Friday the 13th; things go wrong, accidents happen, bad luck, blablabla. But you know what? I'm still happy ;D
Woke up 8-ish for class, and walked to school with Kayla. I was 15 minutes early, and I waited. And waited. And waited. No one showed up, so I figured class was either cancelled or moved. Went back home berating myself for my stupidity, only to find out that my class was in a different building, doh! My Trent e-mail account was screwed, so I called my prof's secretary and left a message apologizing for the mix-up.
I called mom and talked to her for a long time. It was a good conversation, and I think mom's not as worried as last year, 'cause she told me she could tell that I was happy and smiling, even through the 'phone, heh.
After lunch, Sarah and I took the bus to Di's, because we had a bunch of shopping to do. As Sarah and I sat out on the porch, I saw a bunch of pennies on the floor. Sarah told me to pick it up for our money jar back home, and I was about to, until I counted thirteen pennies. Not a good sign, so I left it there (will get it tomorrow, hah!). We walked to Bubba's and back, before going down to Price Chopper to pick up groceries. My bag was crazy heavy, but we made it back in good time. I tripped while walking back and hurt my ankle, but the pain wore off after a while.
I started cooking once I got back, and baked a cake, choc chip cookies, made curry chicken, stewed peppered pork, fried fish in sweet and sour sauce and a small thing of grilled chicken covered in cream of chicken. I was in the kitchen for five solid hours, and being the typical stressed individual that I was, I got into a really bitchy mood, which thankfully wore off after I had a long cool shower. Eren came by and made pasta with a thing of beef, which, according to the girls, was yummy (I don't touch beef, but damn it looked good!).
Everyone came by around 7-ish, and it was great. The food was demolished in good time, with the exception of the curry, which everyone but the girls found to be "too spicy". Poor Simon had tears in his eyes, ahaha! Benjamin and his friends really liked the food, heh. I swear, it's easy to make anything look good once you've been through the caf's :P
We had a great time, but I'm beat. Had a headache which promptly went away when Chris suggested we drink, lol. He brought out a thing of chocolate liquer, but I think it sat for too long in his car, since it kinda solidified, hehe. So much for alco *sigh* That's okay though, 'cause Chris and I are gonna make up for it tomorrow and drink twice as much :P It's Ra Ra's birthday too, so yah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RA RA! *hug*
Yeah, I'm ready for my vodka again, I think.

Kayla, Sarah: we throw awesome dinner parties! ;D

Quotes of the Day:
"The next time I find you girls sleeping in my bed, you'd better be naked, no exception!" - Ryan

"...she comes near me, I'm gonna kill her, or me, whoever's closer!" - Punky

So last year I was the insomniac, this year I'm the cook... - Tiff
And next year you're Fffuh! - Chris

Currently listening to: All Star United's Baby Come Back
Current emotion: dead tired
Random observation: Is it so hard to believe that some people are nice just because?

Posted by Tiff at 12:03 AM
September 13, 2024
Giving cookies, feeling good

I've had a great day. After about four hours of classes, I paid my tuition fees, bought myself a new binder, visited John and gave cookies along the way.
It's a fantastic feeling, giving cookies. Home-baked cookies emit a feeling of warmth and home, something many seem to forget in day-to-day details. I gave a cookie to the lady working at the post office today, and she positively beamed. I could see the surprise and delight in her eyes, and it made me wonder, how many people just buy their stamps and post their packages, ignoring the person behind the counter, who, like us, have family, friends and feelings too?
I offered a cookie to the lady at the financial office, so busy that she had to have her lunch at the desk while meeting the students and sorting their financial details. She declined, but she was amazingly nice, and I could sense the appreciation in response to that simple offer.
So yeah, offer someone a cookie or a smile today. It may not be returned, be brushed off, rebuffed, but know that you've done what you can, and don't let others dampen your day or spirits.

I walked to the library from JBC today to see John; it was great catching up on news with him. He's bought a new house with Rox south of the Patch, and we're hoping to organize a get-together sometime soon. I can't wait ;D
Eren came by in the afternoon; he's thinking of moving into our basement, heh. He's going to try to get out of rez this or next week and move in with us, lol. It'll make rent cheaper for sure, and he's a nice guy. We'll see what happens.
The girls are partying tonight, but I have a morning class tomorrow, and I'm tired anyway. Kayla and I feel asleep on the couch watching Will & Grace, heh.
Di and Punky visited, and we watched MiB. We're excited; it's our dinner party tomorrow! ;D Called some people the confirm, and the funniest was Benjamin, who asked how many people he could bring to our house. I told him not to invite the whole rez, just his two friends :P I don't think we can handle gatecrashers. But we're excited, wee..!! *dances around!*

I have a good feeling about this year. I haven't felt this good in a long time, and today, which should have been just any other day, I Free to smile and laugh, knowing, not just hoping, that all is right and well, that everyone's happy, that I'm happy; it's amazing. I feel free of headaches and sleepless nights, that with determination and focus, I will complete this school year well. Yes, I'm confident, heh.

Let's hope this feeling lasts for a good long time ;)

Currently listening to: Tony Rich Project's Missing You
Current emotion: content
Random observation: I LOVE my housemates! ;D

Posted by Tiff at 10:48 AM
September 12, 2024
Busted bugs

The house got sprayed today, and I'm bloody pleased about it. We left at noon so the pest control guys could do their thing, and when I got back at 5-ish, all you could see were dead bugs all over the floor and carpet. Kinda gross when you think about it, but you can't imagine how happy I am, heh. Damned fleas. Had to do a whole bunch of laundry after that though, but it's well worth it.
Utopia was okay; the prof is just as boring as I remembered from last term, but I like the books, so I'm still alright. Was late for modern poetry though, because the buses were packed, grr. Am crossing my fingers that the prof will let me in, seeing as I didn't pre-register for the course, bah. He's amazing though; I swear, if I can just recite poetry the way he does... ooh. He's funny too; while describing stage fright, he said "...and the fucking thing is DELETED from your memory!"
I love it when profs aren't afraid to show that they're human too.
Anyway, saw Joel, DJ and Ryan after class, and hitched a ride with Joel who was heading downtown with his brother. I gave them cookies, and Benjamin was ectastic, lol.
Baked a batch of brownies tonight, and read a bit of Thomas More's Utopia. I can't wait to get cracking on 1984 and Brave New World. The prof sucks, but I love the selection of books for the year, even if it is 14 books for one course.
Among other things, Ryan got us a salt and pepper shaker for the house, "borrowed" from the caf. A few days ago, he also got us a napkin dispenser, courtesy of Tim Horton's :P Crazy people!

It's cooled down considerably today; soon it'll be thick sweatshirts and heavy coats again! I like winter though. It's dark, but pristine and clean at times.

Currently listening to: Counting Crows' Forty Years (acoustic)
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Teddy bears make everything look good, including vodka :P

Posted by Tiff at 12:08 PM
September 11, 2024
Happy birthday Punky!

Just another day in the life of a university student. Woke up and had a breakfast of oatmeal, grapes and blueberries while yakking with Sarah over the dining table. We're normal, yay! ;D Did the dishes and washed the tea towels, all the while thinking how mom used to yell at us for not putting the dishes away after we were done. I have new respect for mom who kept the house spick and span while holding a full-time job and raising three kids. It was as if she heard me though, because the next thing you know, Sarah was yelling at me to pick up the 'phone downstairs, and it was mom! I talked to her and dad for a bit, before she passed the 'phone to Audrey. I miss my sister. Sure, we fight like hell, but hey, it's a sibling thing.
Anyway, went downtown with Sarah to buy stuff, and I bought baking goods, yay! I didn't head for 370, as I'm thinking of dropping the course. Kayla and I went for a swim, and damn it felt good! It's was such a bloody hot day, and the pool felt fantastic. Did I forget to mention, we have a pool just outside the apartment? ;) I digress. Baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies from scratch for the fun of it before we took the bus down to Punky's for dinner. It's Punky's birthday! Happy Birthday hun *HUG* So yah, it was a nice quiet gathering, with just the five of us. I cooked, and halfway through, we set off the smoke alarm, lol. No, nothing was burnt; the alarm was just super-sensitive. Really! It was funny watching Di and Kayla on chairs waving and fanning a bunch of newspapers underneath the detector though.
Althea joined us a while later, and it was really nice to just sit back, chat and laugh. It's Althea's birthday tomorrow; we're throwing a dinner party Friday (the 13th, no less) and Bubba's throwing a barbeque party Saturday, so it's a packed week. I'm excited :)
Spoke to Daniel awhile ago, and I'm thinking about hosting a radio show. Possibly, maybe? It would be fun. I was thinking of live, acoustic and accapella music. Any thoughts?

The house gets sprayed tomorrow, thank goodness. I'm tired of being a walking meal for the damn fleas.

Currently listening to: Jars of Clay's Love Song for A Saviour
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Future fiction tomorrow, woo..!!

Posted by Tiff at 09:34 AM
September 10, 2024
Impromptu party & school

I was dead tired yesterday, and for a good reason too! We were suppose to head downtown for dinner at Punky and Di's, but Di called around 6.30 in a panic, because she didn't know what to cook, lol. She brought all the raw foodstuff up, and I started throwing things together. Next thing you know, we're feeding eight or nine people an impromptu Malaysian dinner. There was Sarah, myself, Kayla, Di, Punky, Joel, Eren, Simon, Ryan... and a few strangers too. It was fun, albeit slightly stressful! Simon plans to stop by often for dinner now :P
Almost everyone went off to smoke up after that, and things got kinda sticky when Mareeka's parents showed up unannounced! Luckily, everyone was smoking in the backyard next door, so we pulled the sliding door and curtains shut, and hoped against hope that they couldn't smell the stuff. It was an interesting wrap-up to end summer I suppose. Crazy people, hehe. And no, Merv, I was not smoking with them *slap!* :P ;D

First day of classes, and I almost woke up late. Got up with plenty of time to dawdle without realizing it, hence my 100 metre sprint to the bus stop. Got to school with 25 minutes to spare though. Had to hunt my class down, since it was in OC and I wasn't familiar with the building.
I love my classes already. This year, I'm gonna learn how to read a poem out loud and tell stories :P Oh shutup, I'm an English major, so leave me alone. I see you smiling! Wipe that smirk off your face! *evil look*

I got to see lots of people on the bus today. Harvey, Therese, Faye, Michelle, etc. Bumped into Deandra, Nina and Althea at the college office; it was nice to see everyone. Bought more stuff downtown, and being the idiot that I am, I hopped onto the wrong bus and ended up taking a scenic side tour of Peterborough which brought me nowhere near my house, lol. Finally got home around 5, and cooked for Di, Punky and myself.

We're all roasting right now, as it's unbearably hot in the house. We even turned off the lights with the hope that it'll cool the place down, even if just a by a little. Kayla took pity on my internet-less state, and loaned me her account, so three cheers for Kayla! ;D Oh yeah, and before I forget, I stand corrected: we're not just futon bitches, we're sexy futon bitches :P Thanks for reminding me, Kayla.

Anyway, I should go read up a little for class tomorrow. Be back later I guess.

Currently listening to: Josh Groban's To Where You Are on repeat
Current emotion: miserable (stupid heat..!!)
Random observation: So much has happened.

Posted by Tiff at 10:11 AM
September 08, 2024
Last day of summer

Sarah's here, wee!! The house is complete! ;D

She got here two days ago, and we've been helping her move and unpack. Yesterday, after meeting our landlady and shopping for some stuff downtown, we assembled Sarah's new futon. It took us a while, but by the end of it, Kayla declared us futon bitches, lol.
Eren stopped by for a visit, and showed us the barcode tattoo he had at the back of his neck, done over summer. Barcode boy, hah!
The house is, I'm glad to say, fully furnished. We're only lacking a toaster now, which I think Mr Morris will be providing by next week *crosses fingers* It's a student house for sure, with a mishmash of oddball furniture pieces, fun plates and glasses, a theme for the kitchen (we're going farmyard; there's a pig in the fridge that snorts when you open the door, and assorted cow stuff) and just the usual, you know. I love it :)
The fleas are still around, and the house won't be sprayed till next Wednesday, ugh. But as Kayla says, hopefully we'll look back on this a month from now and laugh :P
School officially starts tomorrow, and mom has already given me one of her usual morning calls, hehe. I called her 4 days ago, and already she's complaining that I don't call enough. Aiyo... It's a mom thing I guess.
It's the last day of summer already, eek. Where did the days go? Meh. Hey Kai, if you see this, hope all is well with ya :) E-mail me your number, will ya? Thanks for being around over summer, and ditto for Unca Azuan, Lisa and Merv. Let's hope I'm better at keeping in touch this year :P

Anyway, it's about time I hit the road and trek to school for registration.

Currently listening to: AK1200's Drowning
Current emotion: .
Random observation: You know you're living in a an all girls' house when there's a pretty blue carpet-like cover on the toilet seat ;D

Posted by Tiff at 10:33 PM
September 06, 2024
Furniture, ooh..

Rahhhh!! I have FURNITURE! ;D

This rocks (aside from the bug bites that prevent me from sleeping, that is...). But no more! I have a BED! And a DESK! Andandand BOOKSHELVES! I love my bookshelves!

I'm just too excited about this, hehe.

Went grocery-shopping with Kayla this afternoon, and bought foodstuff for dinner tonight. We had our first dinner party *grins* Mr and Mrs Brewster came by with Punky and Di to move my stuff in, as well as two armchairs and a dining table for the house. I cooked up a storm, and so far so good, no complaints (yet!).
Just spent the last two hours getting my room sorted. Am in Kayla's room right now blogging, while Mareeka is sorting through my mp3 collection. Chris is here, three cheers for Chris! Yah, he stopped by before he heads off for school, and he brought us a microwave for the house, so rah for Chris ;D

I'm happy. My Absolut shrine is partially up, some of books are on the shelves already, and I don't have to sleep on the floor tonight. Bliss!

Hey sooks, send me your number yah. I miss yakkin' with you :(

Currently listening to: Paul Van Dyke's For An Angel
Current emotion: cheerful
Random observation: I hate fleas.

Posted by Tiff at 12:10 PM
September 05, 2024
Yay, we moved in!

We made it to Peterborough, yay!

It's been a crazy week, what with all the moving and running around. In brief, Punky and I got to the Patch around 10pm and camped out at Bubba's for two days before moving into our house on Sunday. It was a good weekend, 'cause we got to see Steve, Bubba, Althea, Francis and Malcolm, among others. I cooked dinner for the guys Saturday night as a thank you present, since they let us stay and all that. DJ took Punky and I out for McDonalds sometime, heh. It was nice to see him again. Also saw Tanay and Sunday when we were at school.
Anyway, the new house. Yah, we've got good news, and bad news. First things first though; we have a lot of stairs! I swear, by the time the year is over, everyone's gonna have nice legs, lol. We've been hooked up to dialup (well, Kayla is anyway) for a few days, but I really didn't have the time or heart to write. We're hoping to get cable once Sarah gets here tomorrow or something.

So, bad news first.
1. The last tenants had pets who have fleas, and the house is infested, ugh.
2. Am covered in gross flea bites from sleeping on the floor.
3. Our ex-landlady who had all our stuff upped and moved away (with our stuff!!)
4. That bitch has my 'puter!!! :(
4. In less than a week, I collected two burns, a busted toe, a blister and a scraped thumb.
5. Am broke.

But hey, all's not doom and gloom! Some good news :)
1. After walking around the neighbourhood knocking on every door available, we managed to locate that errant ex-landlady of ours.
2. Joel was a peach and helped me get my stuff back.
3. Current landlady's gonna help us sort the flea business.
4. I have my 'puter!!! ;D
5. The house is really nice (i took the tiniest bedroom)

Yeah, it's been an eventful few days. Roger and Antony were great on moving day, as was Punky. I got to see Kayla, yay! Everything's flea-infested, but I bought a huge thing of Raid, and we're gonna kill those buggers, hmph. Mm, and I'm ticked off, 'cause the ex-landlady scratched my monitor :( Bitch!!



We've been eating healthy. Lots of fruit, veggies, juice. There's a pool nearby, so Kayla and I had a swim yesterday after traipsing back from school (got to see Katherine Curle and Cliff). I received photographs from Agnes, yay! Thanks Aggie :) Will put them up in my room after the rest of my furniture arrives.
I bought 4 novels at the bookstore for school, and it set me back 50 bucks, eek. Each class requires about 14 books, so I'm gonna be dead broke for sure, argh.

Overall, I'm thinking things are okay. I remember panicking when we found out the ex-landlady moved; the reason why she didn't want to rent the place to us anymore was because she sold the house, and she couldn't/didn't even tell us, ugh. but what the hell. I guess all that matters is that we got things sorted in the end.
Anyway, I should go answer some long overdue e-mails. For those who want my new number, send me an e-mail and I'll get it to you :)

Hi everyone *hug*

Currently listening to: Violent Femmes' Blister in the Sun
Current emotion: a'ight
Random observation: Can't wait to hook up my 'puter!

Posted by Tiff at 04:36 AM