October 30, 2023
Sheer stupidity

I lost my glasses.


And they're fuckin' new, too. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. I lost my geeky glasses, ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I feel like such a dork. :(

I want my geek glasses back damnit!

Posted by Tiff at 10:31 PM
October 29, 2023
The mouth vs the brain

Ever had one of those days when everything you said just came out so wrong?

For example:
"Kayla, do you still want to get that book for your mom? 'cause I'm short, and I want free shipping".

As if that's not enough:
*discussion about 20th century theatre*
"...and it's not natural because it has a happy ending..."
"Yes, but we all love happy endings. What's the difference here, that which makes it denaturalized?"
"It's..uh..happy happy?"

And then...
"Hey, it's Harry Potter! Wow, he looks so much better now!"
"Yeah, when he was 10, he was just geeky. But now that he's 12, oh baby!"

And then...
"I saw the cutest guy today!"
"Wow, you actually thought someone was hot?"
"He was wearing a baby-blue toque, and he sat next to me, and that toque had a Care Bear on it!" *swoon!*
"Is it the man that wears the toque, or the toque that wears the man?"
"Hmm. Debatable."

Blonde moments. It must be spreading *looks at Kayla and Sarah!* Hiaks. ;D

Currently listening to: Tupac's California Love
Current emotion: .
Random observation: We're getting boozed up this weekend, lalala...

Posted by Tiff at 07:21 PM
October 28, 2023
Home for Christmas

I had the worst panic attack last night, bar none. Didn't/ couldn't sleep till 3, but I made it for my 10am class anyway. Have been sourcing for tickets most of the day, between classes and stuff. Yep, I'll be home this Christmas, come hell or high water.

sooks, I'll see ya in December for sure.

Among cheerier news, I had a good evening with Sarah and Kayla, just sitting around, yakking, cooking, studying and relaxing. We watched some tv, I did laundry; it was nice.

Currently listening to: Five For Fighting's Superman
Current emotion: .
Random observation: .

Posted by Tiff at 09:41 PM
October 27, 2023
Lacking the positive

So Bryan showed up at 4am Saturday to see Sarah, hehe. And yes, we were both up, just mooching around our rooms and enjoying the last of Reading Week. I called Merv today, 'cause he wants me to buy some DVDs for him, and I haven't spoken to him in ages anyway. It was nice to catch up, although I did give him hell for not updating me on his social life :P Yeah, I always get the bad news first, but when it's good, I don't hear about till a freaking month later, hmph. Just goes to show, I'm only good for break-ups or something. I think I lack the positive touch when it comes to relationships.
We went out in the afternoon to shop, and I bought another pair of pajama pants, pink this time, with skating penguins all over it ;D I love flannel. Also picked up a crate of clementines, mm. They're a cross between mandarins and oranges, and taste oh so sweet. Yummy.
Bryan was great: he bought us dinner at Swiss Chalet for no reason in particular, aww. And after all the abuse I hurl at him too. He once told Sarah he could never bring himself to kick my ass, because I'm so little next to him, ahaha! As such, he simply sticks to name-calling. Current favourites of his include "nerd" and "shorty". Whatever, geek :P
Server's down, so I'm blogging on Notepad till everything's fixed. La la lil la.

Currently listening to: Sister Sledge's Frankie
Current emotion: relaxed
Random observation: In my conversation with sooks, I have deduced that men are prototypes towards perfection (i.e. women), and as such, are naturally flawed. ;D

Posted by Tiff at 09:43 PM
October 25, 2023
Shopaholic me

I knew holding out instead of buying at the spur of the moment would do me good! I've been wanting to buy myself a new pair of slippers ever since I got back, but since everything was $15 and over, I held out in the hopes that Ardene's would have that crazy 70% off storewide sale it had last year, and they DID! That's right, I bought myself a new pair of fuzzy blue slippers! I'd also wanted a mini-organizer badly, and I managed to grab one for three bucks; it's got a really nice furry purple, blue and pink cover, eee!! Yes, I'm ecstatic over my purchases ;D

Kayla says it's as if we're married now, all five of us, seeing the way we do things, lol. We "work hard" to maintain the closeness of last year, made more difficult by the fact that we live in different parts of town. We don't see Di and Punky as much, and we miss them. But yeah, we're odd that way.

The three of us went shopping today, and Roger came with us (actually, we forced him to). After a quick coffee break in Haasalton's (yummy mocha milkshake, mm), we bough groceries, I mailed a small parcel to my siblings and bought a pair of crystal earrings from Tribal Voices for my sister for Christmas. Yes, I'm Christmas shopping already :P

I just got off the phone with sooks, and I think we were yakking for a good hour or so, hehe. Rather expensive, but worth it for sure. I hope that I'll be going home in December, 'cause I really want to see that girl. Who knows, maybe she'll come to Canada for a visit after graduation ;D

Currently listening to: Dave Matthews' Band's The Space Between
Current emotion: .
Random observation: My pajama pants match the bedspread and quilt!

Posted by Tiff at 09:45 PM
Crazy, lazy fun

So Sarah's right across the hall from me, but we're so lazy we still ICQ each other anyway.
She's got me searching for Vin Diesel pics for her, so I hopped over to sooks' site and punked some links there, 'cause I know of sooks' little obsession, hiaks ;) Ugly bald guy, if you ask me, but I digress.
Was feeling rather oatmeal-ly, so I had a bowl of apple and cinnamon oatmeal. Yum. I could live off it and it alone. Or maybe not.
Called the parental unit, and I got to talk to Audrey too, bonus! I miss my sister. We don't understand each other, but we love anyway.

Radio show was today, and as usual, I burn the CDs just before the bus shows up, skip dinner, hotfoot it downtown and spend the next 45 minutes scribbling my script away before going on air. It's a bad habit, but I enjoyed myself a little more today than I did in my first show. Still nervous, but slightly better *cough* I suck at public speaking.

I think I should go to bed, or something.

Currently listening to: Take That's How Deep Is Your Love
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I said "ass" over live radio! ;D

Posted by Tiff at 12:24 AM
October 24, 2023
Drawing a blank

I can't for the life of me think of something to write, or say. It's a jumble of emotions in motion, a blend of feel without touch.

Look, if I don't talk to you, it boils down to the fact that there's simply nothing left to say anymore. I can't keep pushing and questioning when you and I don't want the answer. And don't tell me it's supposed to be that way, because that's just bs.

Every day, you learn a little more, and idealism just fades like storm-washed skies; clearer, and beautiful in a cynical way. You know it doesn't last, and you know it'll darken again, as it always does.

Say what? Say who?
There's nothing left
but me and you.
alone in our thoughts,
hollow dreams
that slowly rot.
Stay on your side
and confide
but don't build hopes
around the impossible,
not unless
you're willing to speak

Do you hear me out there?

Currently listening to: Course of Nature's Caught in the Sun
Current emotion: bleak
Random observation: madness.

Posted by Tiff at 11:32 PM
October 23, 2023
Bookshelf adventure, party after

I had to drag my ass outta bed and hotfoot it downtown to meet Daniel this morning. After sleeping in for the last few days, getting up at 10 is such a chore.
It was off to Home Depot to pick up wood and stuff for my shelves and Daniel's table. Yup, he's bulding a mahjong table, and the first session is this Friday night. Anyway, it was interesting shopping there :P We got back to his place around 2-ish, and he set me to work sanding the planks outside in the freaking cold, pfft. I took off as soon as I was done before he could get me to do anything else, hah!
Sarah's new 'puter was here, so we spent the afternoon fiddling with it. Went for a swim before coming home to hang out with Roger who was over for a visit. We miss him; there's no one whom we can bully with such familiarity. Kayla's 'puter's busted, so he tried fixing it for her. In the meantime, he also harassed poor Shahnon over MSN, and Kayla kept egging him on :P
Mareeka, Lexie and I cooked a big dinner for everyone, and Hannah and Anyale showed me how to dance the Trinidad way, lol. Anyway, the food was great, and I learned something new.

I enjoyed the day. Busy, funny and eventful; tis not ordinary.

Currently listening to: Jennifer Love Hewitt's Barenaked
Current emotion: drowsy
Random observation: Ra Ra got us CABLE TV!

Posted by Tiff at 11:06 PM
October 22, 2023
The Space Between

It's not like I didn't try.

It's just "...the space between what's wrong and right".

Posted by Tiff at 11:16 PM
Chocolate peanut butter fudge!

We had a house meeting today, and one would have thought we'd start seeing changes soon after, right? Wrong. I don't see much change at all, but hey, maybe I'm expecting too much too soon.

Key word we all have to freaking remember here: CONSIDERATION.


Sarah and I went grocery shopping today, and I made spaghetti sauce when I got back. Had a craving for sweets, so after my walk with Sarah to the landlady's, I made a huge tray of chocolate peanut butter fudge, mm. Sarah and Kayla wouldn't stop fighting over it ;D Three cheers for candy!
Among other things, remember those books I ordered a while back? Yeah, bloody Chapters has a problem with my credit card, so things are kinda screwy atm. Pisses me right off, actually.
Daniel called, and I'm meeting him tomorrow to shop for stuff so that he can (finally!) build me a bookshelf, yay! I can't wait. I'd like another nice big bookshelf to stick all my stuff in.

Y'know, humanity isn't all that great. We shoot, we kill, we fight, we love yet hate. Am talking to Shean Min right now, and he just told me some student in Monash Clayton went crazy and starting shooting people on campus.

Just another reason to write off this pain in the ass we call humanity.

Currently listening to: Rik Waller's Something Inside So Strong
Current emotion: bitter
Random observation: E is a burden on the S.

Posted by Tiff at 10:36 PM
October 20, 2023
Home again

I'm back! Yup, after city-hopping the past two days or so, it's nice to set foot on the Patch again, drama and everything.
Waterford was, in a word, FUN! Sarah's place is great, and I love her pets, especially the cats. We missed Pumpkin Fest because of crappy weather, but made up for it by going shopping ;D I bought new clothes, yay! Flannel pyjama bottoms with fun prints on 'em (there's a red one with little penguins, eek!) and fleece slacks for school, rah! Sarah, Bry and Vikki also brought me to Trappers, a bar/club about 45 minutes away from their place. It was nice; a lot more laid back and relaxed in comparison to the clubs in the cities.
On Saturday, Sarah and Bry drove me to Waterloo to look up Shahnon and Jaya. I got there 2-ish, and since it was Octoberfest, we started drinking pretty early. Come to think of it, Jaya and I actually drank a lot yesterday... from Vanilla Smirnoff and Sprite in the afternoon, to SoHos at The Mongolian Grill in the evening, and Ceasars and Screwdrivers after that. Met Jaya's and Shahnon's housemates and friends; really nice people :) Shahnon and his housemate taught me to swing dance somewhere in between, hah! It's a good thing we didn't break stuff ;)
Didn't go to bed till almost 6am, and woke up in time for lunch with the guys in a Vietnamese restaurant before catching the bus back to Peterborough via Toronto. The guys were pissed that I paid for lunch, pfft. They called me all sorts of names, hah! Yes, I'm evil, manipulative and conniving, so there!
It was lousy weather in the Patch, and I walked to Di's before catching the bus home around 10pm. The house, unfortunately, was a major mess when I got back, but I'm too tired to care right now. Actually, I lie. I'm pissed, but whatever.

Watched plenty of movies over the weekend, including 40 Days and 40 Nights (absolute PORN!), Shallow Hal, First Wives' Club, Vertical Limit and Ali G (hilarious crazy stuff, heh). Nice. Also managed to catch Black Adder on Shahnon's digital cable. Brit humour rocks ;D

Off to watch the CDs Shahnon burned for me.

Thanks Shahnon! *hug*

Currently listening to: Five For Fighting's Easy Tonight
Current emotion: pissed
Random observation: Lessons in consideration are in order here.

Posted by Tiff at 10:50 PM
October 16, 2023

Have you heard it lately?
The sweet, gentle sound
that sweeps and touches
your soul
into a whole
new different place
where all is possible
and there's nothing
but smiles and laughter,
a certain joy in forever
in you.

and wispy clouds
float in sky-blue skies;
twinkling stars
and whisking comets
that fall and rise
with every breath
and everything:
a rising crescendo
does your heart sing;
Have you heard it lately?

Posted by Tiff at 11:36 PM
Plans and a toothache

Woah, it's almost time for the first Reading Week of the school year, which means we're at the halfway mark for the semester (already?!). Like most breaks, it'll be spent mooching around in the Patch. Unlike my usual breaks though, I'll be taking the weekend off (starting tomorrow) to see a little of southern Ontario (specifically, Waterford and Waterloo), and I'll be back Sunday.
I had originally made plans to go to New Jersey to visit family, but due to mad-ass expensive tickets and not enough time to make it worth my while, I had to drop it :/ Am rather disappointed, because I really wanted to see George and Alice. Ah well. Guess I'll just send a care package to them to make up for it.

Shahnon just called, yay Shahnon! I'll be seeing him this weekend too (at Waterloo). Can't wait to bully him as usual :) He told me it's Octoberfest this weekend, which means beer and drunks littering the streets. Oh joy. :P

My wisdom tooth is giving me hell at the moment. I should have had it pulled out before I left KL back in August, but I kept putting it off, thanks to my first lousy experience back in '00. I still remember looking like a bloody chipmunk, swollen cheeks and all, playing mahjong with my cousins (!!) despite the pain. I also remember the soup and porridge diet I had to undergo because I couldn't chew. No thank you, not that again!

I need to fix my Bloody Printer (it's like Damn Chippy now).

Kayla's still bitter about Thanksgiving (because I didn't follow her to Massey). BITTER!

Currently listening to: Southern Sons' You Were There on repeat
Current emotion: .
Random observation: So, SO BITTER! :P ;D

Posted by Tiff at 09:46 PM
October 15, 2023

Was talking to the ah beng a while ago.

I'd rather turn gay than change sex! - Jan Ee

Nice. I really needed to know that :P Hiaks, you'd be Ah Lian then ;D

Thank you for calling :) *hug*

Sarah just came in laughing her head off. She was thinking of my last baking mishap, complete with laughs, screams and 'corners' fixed with globs of icing. I can still hear Punky in my head, telling me to shape the cake with whatever chocolate I had left, and Sarah, calling for the corner packed with icing. She got it too! lmao.

Currently listening to: P.M. Dawn's Looking Through Patient Eyes
Current emotion: bratty
Random observation: I busted out the winter jacket today.

Posted by Tiff at 09:41 PM
Nerd alert: books everywhere!

I just signed off Chapters a while ago, a little over a hundred dollars poorer from all the books I purchased *smacks forehead* All I had to do was buy over $75 worth, and I'd get free shipping, so after I finished with my (still incomplete) booklist, I picked up Confessions of a Shopaholic. I've seen sooks and Pearly rave about it, and since it was on sale, I figured, what the hell. Can always count on sooks to get a hold of good Brit humour; I have faith in her taste!
Also picked up Kafka's The Metamorphosis and Other Stories as well as a volume of Chinese Folk Tales. I still haven't purchased all the books I need for my courses, but everything's out of stock, which really sucks. In one of my odd little buying sprees, I decided to get a dessert book that was on sale too, hah! More cooking for me, yay ;D Punky and I have already discussed this: we're going to have a Super Sugar Saturday, where we bake and eat desserts all day and go hyper crazy. It should be quite a sight, heh.

Yes, I'm poor now, but considering how much I save buying from Chapters instead of the Trent Bookstore, it's not too bad. Hell, if I don't buy clothes, CDs and junk, I might as well buy food for the brain, right?

I am obsessed with online shopping now, hehe. I have currently set my sights on this. Hiaks!

Currently listening to: Sarah McLaughlan's Adia
Current emotion: loopy
Random observation: Must.stop.buying.

Posted by Tiff at 05:05 PM
October 14, 2024
Blood and piercings


After typing out such a nice blog, mom makes me check some site for supposedly cheap tickets online, and my 'puter subsequently crashes. Oh, and if that weren't enough, I find out (another!) earring is missing, and my ear had started to bleed profusely.
Why the hell did I pierce my ears?!
I suppose the one good thing about being older is one's higher tolerance of pain. It's another good thing I have so many pairs of earrings, at the rate I'm losing em :/

Anyway, talked to the P.U for a while, and before I forget, a quck Reminder to self: send CDs to A & C asap.

Funny Random Moment (before the blood):
woozstah (11:23:26 PM): hey, if i'm coming back, you want me to bring anything for ya? (aside from pizzas; am NOT delivering :P)
K (11:24:29 PM): bring me a date? ;)
woozstah (11:25:10 PM): a date? i dunno, i don't think i'm allowed to bring fruits and/or veggies across the border... :P
woozstah (11:25:30 PM): ...but if it's only one, maybe i can hide it or something!
K (11:26:02 PM): was thinking more along the lines of a woman
woozstah (11:26:10 PM): oohhh. THAT kinda date
woozstah (11:26:16 PM): do i look like a pimp to you?!
K (11:26:55 PM): you have to be a pimp to set me up with someone?
woozstah (11:27:13 PM): YES

Thankie, thankie. That was completely stupid, but I happen to find that amusing all the same, so there!

Need to sleep now. Have stuff to do tomorrow.

*hugs to the ah beng!* ;D

Currently listening to: Tantric's Mourning
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Need cash to fly to Jersey and home.

Posted by Tiff at 10:53 PM
Bring out the turkey, y'all

First things first: Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Ah, it's so good to be home. Not that I didn't enjoy my weekend retreat (I had a great time), but home still rocks, even if it is in Bumblefuck, Canada.

Saturday morning was spent rushing about doing some last minute chores and packing before heading down to Althea's and Punky's to drop off some cookies. I woke Bubba up, and wouldn't let him go back to sleep by jumping up and down on his bed. Not too sure how much he really appreciated that, but Punky couldn't stop laughing, hehe. He finally had to resort to drastic measures, and I had to run off anyway, so I let let him be.
Caught the Greyhound, and it off to Di's for the weekend. I met her family (such nice people), Draco (one of the best doggies in the world!) and Jumpy (killer rabbit). It was GREAT!
Mrs Hong taught me to bake a dump cake ( you literally dump the ingredients in), and I spent a good part of the weekend vegging in front of the tv with Julia, Victoria and Debra while Di was working. We watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (not bad), Murder by Numbers (creepy), The Simpsons, and Monty Python and The Search for the Holy Grail: Special DVD Edition (priceless!). Oh yeah, I bought some foodstuff at Pacific Mall, too. It was packed, so Di and I didn't bother to linger.
I bought a new ink cartridge for the 'puter, and we helped prepare Thanksgiving dinner. Di and the rest weren't kidding when they said there would be a lot of food *shakes head* Met the rest of Di's family Sunday night, and her grandaunt cornered me and started yabbering away in Cantonese, lol. She was really nice though. For the rest of the evening, I was known as "Di's friend from school - from Malaysia - speaks Cantonese!". ;D

Anyway, Di's parents drove us home today, and after being home for a full five minutes, Kayla, Chris and I went out to Swiss Chalet for a late lunch/early dinner. Mareeka was the first to be home, Sarah just got back a while ago, and it's back to the grindstone for everyone.

I miss Draco.

Currently listening to: Blue's Best in Me
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I don't blog anymore; I just narrate the day-to-day stuff.

Posted by Tiff at 08:22 PM
October 11, 2024
Sweet lord, I have cable!

YES! Cable internet has finally arrived (in my room)! *cheers!* Kayla's cousins showed up this evening and got it all hooked up. There are pretty blue cable wires running up and down the hallway now, so RAH! ;D

Am listening to the extended remix of Elvis vs JXL's A Little Less Conversation. Kayla made me download Our Lady Peace's new track, Innocent, and it's one of those songs I know I'll be listening on repeat for the longest time. I love OLP <3

Have the house entirely to myself tonight, as Kayla, Eren and Chris have gone back to Massey. I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon for Toronto, but for the moment, am alone, and the quiet isn't bothering me half as much as I thought it would.

Among some of the 'rules' Kayla set for me:
1. no baking stuff without her and Sarah around
2. no burning the house down (not until we get insurance anyway)
3. no jumping up and down in the living area stark naked just because I can (?!)
4. no parties
5. no boys
6. no sex (ahahahahaha!!!)

I lost track what else she said. Baked a batch of choc chip cookies, and gave her some as a snack for the long drive back. She's spoilt, heh *rolls eyes* Yes Kayla, you know you are!! ;D

Am so sleepy. Went for class like the good kid that I am, and I've been running around for most of the day, so I'm tired. Just spent the last two hours watching Canadian Air Farce and some stand-up comedy programme.

Think I'll go shower.

Currently listening to: Dixie Chicks' Wide Open Spaces
Current emotion: relaxed
Random observation: Lookit, Sarah & Kayla, I have a hick song!!

Posted by Tiff at 09:32 PM
October 10, 2024
On air

"Welcome to The Teddy Bear Punch Hour - where the title of the show has nothing whatsoever to do with the music I play. My name's Tiffany, and I'll be spinning a selection of contemporary accapella, live and acoustic tracks ranging from the popular to the virtually unknown..."

...and so starts what will be a fortnightly programme aired over 92.7FM on Thursdays from 7 to 8. ;D Yup, after a super basic training session which ran for less than two hours, I was sitting behind the console in the studio (all by myself!) yakking away like there was no tomorrow. I was nervous as hell, as Kayla, who tuned in via the 'net, told me. Here's crossing my fingers it'll get easier after a while.

Yay, Chris just told me he tuned in all the way from Waterloo! Thanks Chris! :)

I'm so tired, I could fall asleep right here right now, heh. I've been running like a mad person around school and downtown all day, and I'm beat. Sarah left today, and Kayla takes off tomorrow for home. I won't be leaving till Saturday for Di's, simply because I'd like to try and get some work done and chill for a bit.
One more class, and I'm done for week, wee..!!

Currently listening to: N'Sync's Lion Sleeps Tonight
Current emotion: exhausted
Random observation: Oral narrative was really cool today..!

Posted by Tiff at 10:04 PM
There is no Utopia

We had a debate in class today. There are so many cynics in this class, lol. I felt, disconcertingly, at home with these cynical, untrusting people who believe in individuality and dreams, but who realized that dreams are but that, dreams. We believe in curiosity, and the human condition that makes us seek to improve and change all the time. But we also believe that there is no such thing as utopia, no such thing that can live up to the ideal of "perfect".
We believe in dystopia.
We prefer chaos, if chaos means freedom. We prefer the good and the bad, wars and starvation, riches, love and corruption. If that's what it takes to realize and appreciate how good life can be, so be it.

There is no perfection in this world. Perfection is but a figment of your imagination. The only "perfection" that exists is the perfection in flaws. Without society today, you wouldn't even be able to imagine and conjure this utopia in your mind.

Stifle individuality, and you stifle the future.

We are born with an inherent human condition, one that breeds a curiosity which seperates those who live from those who simply exist.

Currently listening to: All Saints' I Know Where It's At
Current emotion: cynical
Random observation: thanks for the talk and insight, Sarah.

Posted by Tiff at 12:10 AM
October 08, 2024
Smile! ;D

It's been a good day.

I got to talk to sooks (finally!) last night; it was great catching up with her :) After our conversation, I got cracking on my drama paper. Worked on it till 1-ish, before getting some sleep. Was up at 9 and finished it an hour before class, yay!
Stopped by Trent Radio to drop off my second proposal before rushing home after classes. Had a quick dinner because I was starving (was sick in the morning, and forgot about lunch in my haste to get to class on time). It was off to campus right after that for British fiction. I swear, Prof. Eathorne is the one of the nicest men alive. ;D
Got home around 9 and checked my e-mail: I have my own radio show!! *jumps around excitedly* It's officially known as The Teddy Bear Punch Hour, aka Mrs Parkes Is A Bitch to the household :P I air Thursday nights from 7 to 8 on 92.7FM. Oh yeah, and we're also broadcasted over the internet, eh? Must get the link sometime.
Or maybe I won't :P

Hehe. Yay, my own radio show! Am so excited ;D

Need my sleep now.

Quote of the Day:
We are all so afraid, we are all so alone, we all so need from the outside the assurance to exist - Unknown

Currently listening to: Jagged Edge's Goodbye
Current emotion: ecstatic
Random observation: What is it with guys and facial hair?

Posted by Tiff at 11:53 PM
October 07, 2024
Damn printer

It's just one of those typical Mondays where you just don't want to get up and (literally) run to class because you're late (again!).

I've procrastinated all weekend, and all day today too. Bloody hell, I just wish my damned printer would work :/ Something tells me I have to spend 70 bucks buying an ink cartridge, and that the 50 I spent on refills back in KL was for nothing.


Bloody bloody hell.

Must go back to my Chekhov paper. The joy. Pfft!

Currently listening to: Five for Fighting's Superman
Current emotion: grumpy
Random observation: this house watches a lot of Oprah :P

Posted by Tiff at 09:33 PM
October 06, 2024
Pothead possibility

In one of my random conversations with a friend, I mentioned how my brain was half-baked and thus, not functioning properly. His response?

"So you smoke weed now?"

Hell no. Then I learnt that the term "baked" refers to being high. Ditto with stoned. At this moment, I'd like to point out my ignorance in pot-lingo, and when I say stoned or baked, I mean non-functioning and impaired by lack of sleep and/or tiredness. Nothing more, nothing less.

I am not a pothead, thankie :P

Now that we've got that out of the way...

Didn't make it to Punky's BBQ thing after all, simply because the buses were packed with drunks heading downtown for even more booze. Now, as much as I enjoy the company of Punky and friends, the prospect of hopping onto a bus, packed, no less, with several alcohol-induced individuals who may or may not possibly throw up at any particular time, holds no appeal at all.
...and so, my housemates and I stayed in and watched Bridget Jones' Diary instead. Hehe.

I was suppose to work on my essay today, but procrastinated (as usual!) by cleaning the house, watching Cinderella, Toy Story 2 and The Simpsons.

Shame on me :/

Currently listening to: Collective Soul's Gel (acoustic - live in Morocco)
Current emotion: ashamed
Random observation: I can call sookie!! but her 'phone's always busy :/

Posted by Tiff at 10:23 PM

I received the word I was waiting for, and the relief I feel is, indescribable.

Nothing much today aside from sleeping in, finishing Bridget Jones' Diary with the girls and threading a choker for myself.

I've been feeling rather morbid, but let's not talk about that. It's just meandering thoughts of an odd little mind, too old and too cold.

I sent you a 5k e-mail, and plus the 3 I sent earlier, that makes it 8, so you better be happy! lol. <3

Sleep. Sweet sleep, that takes us away, from everything.

Currently listening to: Blue's If You Come Back
Current emotion: .
Random observation: It never ends.

Posted by Tiff at 01:45 AM
October 04, 2024
Scottie rocks!

Today I rediscovered the little things that make a day so much brighter. It started really sucky too, seeing as I couldn't sleep at all last night :/ Woke up late and rushed about like a mad thing. Was late for class, and left my yogurt in the seminar room without eating it. It's bloody cold out, so as I traipsed home in the miserable weather, I was thinking what a crappy day it was turning out to be. Lo and behold, things took a turn for the better when Scottie the bus driver, upon seeing me trudge home, stopped the bus at a cross junction and picked me up. Aww! He's the best, is Scottie. Am gonna bake him some cookies for sure :)
Managed to get some reading done in the afternoon, and burned a CD for Bryan as well. He took us grocery shopping later, and even stopped by Reid's Dairy so I could buy my ice cream cone and chocolate milk, lol.
Watched a bit of Bridget Jones' Diary, but I was falling asleep. I think I'll finish it some other day. It's Head of the Trent tomorrow, the largest rowing regatta in North America, also known to Trent students as the boozing weekend, what with all the beer tents around. Punky's having a BBQ party at her place, so I'll probably bum around there, if not at home.

I'm so tired, it's not even funny. I know I owe you an email, but I really need to sleep. I promise to write tomorrow! <3

Currently listening to: Duran Duran's Ordinary World
Current emotion: drowsy
Random observation: I miss the parental unit.

Posted by Tiff at 11:50 PM

I never looked at the sky.
I never thought to,
until you reminded me
that to be pinned
by its sheer vastness
was freedom
in itself.

Breathe, feel
and savour
the blank canvas
that covers
and holds you
in its infinite arms.

Lean back
and taste
an emotion rare,
even as
the clouds
gently move on,
and the skies
darken a little more.

Perhaps being trapped
isn't so bad after all.
Not when you have
open skies
to dream with.

Posted by Tiff at 12:48 PM
October 03, 2024

Aye, I was supposed to be in bed an hour ago, but I received a rather "urgent" email that required my half-baked brain's attention.

Reply sent off. Thankie, and good night.


*falls asleep at desk*

Posted by Tiff at 11:53 PM

I slept through my classes today :( Woke up too late for oral lit, bah. Was up till 3 last night catching up with sooks and Andreas, y'see. Bad Tiffy *pokes self*
Must sleep early tonight; 9am class tomorrow.

Had my second meeting with Barb from Trent Radio, and got some stuff sorted. Visited Althea and Harold, and she's got some maggot of an idea in her brain about "spreading the joy". Pfft! Brought some cookies for her and the guys; Gathoni was there and was ecstatic, lol. Everything was gone in under five minutes *shakes head*

It's Mareeka's birthday tomorrow, hence my baking mishap last night. Yeah, that chocolate cake I baked was for her, and because it wouldn't come out of the pan right, I had to get "creative" putting it back together. It was funny as hell, as Punky and Sarah will testify, hehe. Anyway, she had a dinner party tonight, and cooked up a storm. There was enough food to feed over twenty people; she's crazy. We had to get her to turn down the music a bit earlier, 'cause some of us still have classes on Friday (i.e. Kayla and myself). We are such geeks *sigh*

Among other things, I spilt some ink while trying to fix my bloody printer, Bry made a surprise appearance for the weekend (thereby eliciting crazy-loud screams from Sarah ;D) and I returned a textbook today 'cause it was too bloody expensive.

Shit, I just remembered. I have an essay due next Tuesday. @!^#&!!

Somebody shoot me now.

Currently listening to: Eve's Who's That Girl
Current emotion: blur
Random observation: haiyah, forgot what I wanted to say edi.

Posted by Tiff at 10:45 PM
Maybe later

There's stuff I want to remember, but it all seems so unimportant at the moment.

1. Baked cake
2. Cooked dinner
3. Wrecked cake
4. Tried to fix cake
5. Result = odd-looking cake

I suck at baking, I really do.

Currently listening to: Rick Price's Never Alone
Current emotion: troubled
Randon observation: write back damnit!!

Posted by Tiff at 12:14 AM

and wondering,
slowly choking;
"what if he never comes back?"
please, no.

A word right about now would be pretty good.

Posted by Tiff at 12:04 AM
October 01, 2024
Sweet Home Alabama

Let's just say, it was worth 6.50 to hear Punky whisper excitedly, "The hicks are bonding!".

Today was a relatively sucky day, but the movie made up for it. Am staying over at Di and Punky's with Kayla and Sarah. Yeah, slumber party in the middle of the week, woohoo ;D

Sleep sweet y'all.

Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: .
Random observation: "Save Tib-bit!" Di :P

Posted by Tiff at 11:10 PM