In my desperation to actually get some work done instead of falling asleep at the desk every day, I moved my 'puter and myself downtown to Di and Punky's for the night. That's right, we're pulling an all-nighter, and we're gonna keep each other awake and focussed (or so goes the plan).
Just found out I have a stupid exam tomorrow, which totally scares and pisses me off at the same time. Am nowhere near prepared for this stupid exam, and my prof just told me about it a few hours ago, blah.
Damnit damnit damnit.
I hate crunch time.
Moving my stuff downtown wasn't easy, so this better be well bloody worth it. I called home a while ago, 'cause I miss Sarah and Kayla already :/ Kayla was asleep, and Sarah was watching telly.
I wanna go home!!
That's right, I'm so accustomed to having my girls around that my being away feels weird, heh. So dependent *smacks self on forehead*
I want to sleep, but I have to work. Is school really worth all this trouble?!
Currently listening to: Weezer's Undone (The Sweater Song)
Current emotion: blah
Random observation: Stupidstupidstupidstupid..!!
Little squirrel, what is it that you do?
I see you hopping from branch to branch,
and for a moment, I thought you flew!
As you munch on a nut or a bit of fruit
Like an acrobat you balance on thin fragile twigs
and all the cares of the world, you don't give a hoot.
Little squirrel, share some wisdom in those large eyes of yours
as you observe the ever-passing world beyond and before
you, even as you scamper off and away on all fours.
Aye little squirrel, if only the world
had half as much wisdom as you
We'd live a different life, that we would do.
*smacks forehead*
...and the little black squirrel with her big bushy tail ran away into another day.
Currently listening to: Shawn Stockman's Vision of A Sunset
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: Idiocy in the bloodstream, hiaks.
Pull on your mask
and cover your fears,
Complete your task
and ignore your tears:
Let them fall, unheeded, down your cheek
Bitter laughter, even as salvation you seek.
A prelude to a suffering
of madness, inspiring
words, not healing
wounds, but stealing
strength, hence weakening
the soul - a sickening.
"If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten" - Unknown
So close, yet so far. Every day, I can't help but wonder, what the hell am I doing here in school? I always knew this day would come, this time when I would start questioning if all this "education" was worth it. Book-smart my ass. It was the same in high school, and it's happening all over again now. Four, five years is just too bloody long for me to focus on that "finishing line". To tell me that I am to work all these years for one bloody paper qualification just drives me insane. I think the one reason why I completed my CPU relatively well was because it was so short. Just a year of my life to obtain my OSSD.
I admit, I have a short attention span. So there.
Currently listening to: A1's Make It Good
Current emotion: despondent
Random observation: I feel like a bloody failure.
Stressed as hell, and things won't be lightening up for another week or so. Bleah..! School sucks. :/
In an attempt to relax a little, the girls decided to go out to The Junction tonight. Chris and Bry were visiting, and Sarah and Kayla had a ball getting liquored up beforehand. For the first time in a long time, I abstained, heh. See, Alex? Told you I could do it if I wanted to! :P
Anyway, it took a lot of pressure to get Kayla to agree to go out, and I got dragged along after she made me her one condition. Punky figured it would be the last outing as a group before the term broke up, so I gave in. I'm glad I did, 'cause I like the place a lot, actually. It didn't have a sweaty-meat-market feel to it, and the couches there are some of the most comfortable I've ever sat on. The only thing I didn't enjoy that much was the smoking; there were even a couple of people passing a joint around behind us at one point.
Probably the best part of the night that made everything worthwhile was seeing Sarah, upon noticing that Di and I were being bullied by some idiot behind us, dance right up and elbow the idiot, ahahah!! It was priceless, that look on the guy's face! ;D
Now I understand what Sarah means when she tells me to "start throwing elbows", hehe.
Aside from that, watching Chris lip-synch to Missy Elliot and Jennifer Lopez was pretty good, too. He finished 1.5 litres of wine by himself, and Kayla sobered up pretty quickly after I told her, lol.
It's 4am. I really should go sleep and work tomorrow.
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Somewhere Out There
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I made a dumb/dump cake, and it's sweet like candy ;D