Thursday, June 24, 2024


Leaving in t minus 4 hours.

Will be back in a week and a half.

Pearly, I forgot to bring your number with me, so if you could email it over that would be great!

Dear world,

I am the ultimate scatterbrain.

...but I'm a scatterbrain on holiday, hah!

P/S: Will respond to peanuts when I got back. Sorry, am running out of time as it is.

Posted by Tiff @ 09:30 AM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 22, 2024

E-mail and pictures

Decided to open another gmail account for hatemail and such. I can now be reached here. The more legit account shall be reserved for school and stuff. And no uncle, highmaintenance@ does not belong to me, heh. That's fuzzy's lah. By the way, I kept a gmail invite for you; let me know if you want it.

Ah, and class pictures. Well, it was Barb's presentation, and she went all out with decorations, costumes, gifts and a feast to boot. Lucky me had a camera in hand, so it was snap-snap-snap 'til class started. Here's a select few:

Group photo; am too lazy to name everyone.

"Sir Gawain", "The Green Knight", Gord and "King Arthur", also known as Clarke, unidentified child, Gord and Patrick.

Amber, "Dame Ragnell" and Kendra.

Food! This was before I hit the table for strawberries and cookies; taken during the lecture, which probably earned me a dirty look from Kendra, hiaks. I studiously avoided eye contact :P

Who said summer classes were boring? ;D At the end of the lecture and presentation, Barb gave "medieval" trinkets out, and I picked a little jewelry box for keeps.

Am trying to keep photos to a minimum, as I don't want to burden sooks' hosting costs. As such, old links will be removed periodically.

I have extra gmail invites up for grabs. Leave a peanut or an email.

Time to get back to work.

Currently listening to: Counting Crows' Accidently in Love
Random observation: So much to do, so little time.

Posted by Tiff @ 11:24 PM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 22, 2024

Found it!

I have my passport! ;D ;D ;D

...and as my luck would have it, it would be in the very last box I own, packed in the deepest part of the room with a whole bunch of heavy crap blocking and piled on top of it.

But I don't care, because I have my passport, which means I'm flying to Jersey this Thursday, so THERE!!

*does a little dance around the room!*

Okay, I need lunch before I get cracking on my paper.

Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Only Hope
Random observation: Thanks Asha ;D

Posted by Tiff @ 03:22 PM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 22, 2024

Ho hum.

I'm sick and tired of waiting for my landlord to make up his bloody mind as to when I can access the house and find out once and for all where the hell my passport is.

*bangs head on desk*

So I finished Stanzaic Morte Arthur, but damn if it wasn't a hard read. I love it; it was a myth, yet real and human, and you don't find many tales like that anymore. I was up till almost 7 finishing it (kinda hard when all you want to do is close the book or hide under the covers). I didn't want to see Gawain and Arthur die, read of the knights who fought a war they didn't want in the first place, watch Camelot crumble. The mind wanders on its own, takes a walk past paths dark and light even as it tries to decide if it should fall again.


Having to choose between company of others vs company of self isn't as easy as I would like. I miss some people on days like these, and yet I revel in moments where I am alone, because I feel... safer this way. Fickle. Whittled away, little by little, as actions and words leave me all the more disillusioned and disbelieving. Some days I feel as if I've lost all hope in humanity, that everyone's just out to screw everyone else over. On other days, I just don't want to believe it, and sometimes I persuade myself that I don't.

Once broken considered sold.

Decided to head downtown to make a copy of the house key for Asha who's coming back today. Walked past Chumleigh's, and decided to head in and pick up a CD for the heck of it. Bought Train's Drops of Jupiter album. Went to my old place to see if the neighbour was there to let me in, but no luck.

Walked home humming along to Train, thought a little, a lot about anything and everything. Dreary day filled with dreary thoughts, but sunshine peeks through and a smile grows from within with contemplations wrought from nothing but possibilities, and even as reality takes its turn, I still smile anyway.

I have pictures from medieval romance class to post. Maybe later.

[Edit: extended entry for Yvonne; smoothie recipes!]

Currently listening to: Rich Price's I'm On My Way
Random observation: Had to house a runaway for 24 hours over the weekend ;)


Posted by Tiff @ 02:11 AM GMT [Link]

Sunday, June 20, 2024

Stanzaic Morte Arthur

It's hard to read. Not because it's in Middle English (everything's easy after Sir Gawain & the Green Knight), but because of its content: betrayal and brotherhood, loyalty to lord and lady, family and friends.

It's a brilliant story, but the movie's going to stink, I just know it. The jokers ripped it apart and now it's just stupid.


I'm such a sucker for sad endings. Had to put down the book at the battle betwixt between Gawain and Launcelot. I don't want to pick the book up again, but I must, since my essay is based on it. Gawain is going to die :/

I can't do this!

People. No right, no wrong, just decisions that fall upon one another and lead towards a domino effect; no evil, no good, just pain and sadness and tears through death and dying, for pride and honour, love and trust.

Give me sunshine again.

Currently listening to: Train's Ordinary
Random observation: stupid text.

Posted by Tiff @ 11:36 PM GMT [Link]

Saturday, June 19, 2024

Brain damage

Some days I really wonder what the hell has happened to my brain. Selective memory coupled with a fading short-term one has me going in circles and crashing into walls, not to mention typing sentences filled with errors and lacking sense.

No sooks, I haven't been drinking :P

(I wish I have!).

Am getting a tan without even trying.

Feeling kinda pissed. Sharon just told me about Rock The Island; it's a 10 hour concert and they're featuring Train and Five For Fighting, and fuckitall, I can't bloody go because of summer classes. Damnit damnit damnit.

Suffering from ADD. Struck by heightened narcissism. Please ignore extended entry.

*bangs head on desk*

Currently listening to: Train's My Private Nation CD
Random observation: pms-ing


Posted by Tiff @ 06:06 PM GMT [Link]

Saturday, June 19, 2024


Yvonne, to answer your question in regards to my sister's hair colour ;D

For Scott & Sarah. A bunny and a damn chippy, respectively.

Brendan Boyd of Incubus, live in Malaysia.

Macro shot, Cullen Gardens & Miniature Village.

Colin's 26th birthday; a fraction of the family. I'm the short one hiding at the back. Lookit Kayla, 'Poke Me & Die!' ;D

My favourite bitches!

Forgot to unload more pictures off Audrey's notebook. Will get it when I hit Jersey next week. That is, if I find my passport. *sigh*

It's been a long day, and I'm tired.

Currently listening to: Maroon 5's Sweetest Goodbye
Random observation: *yawns*

Posted by Tiff @ 02:49 AM GMT [Link]

Friday, June 18, 2024

A remarkable woman

A'ight, so it's still no work done, and no sign of the missing passport either. Went to 704 this afternoon, but it looks like the landlord's away. E-mailed them; am crossing my fingers that they'll be in over the weekend at the very least.

*pulls hair*

It hasn't been a bad day though. On the contrary, in fact.

Was going to stop by 210 on my way over, and coincidently bumped into Althea and her mom who were heading downtown. Ended up joining them for a quick lunch before we walked back to 210.

Althea gave me one of her graduation photos for safekeeping, and I whiled away the afternoon talking nineteen to the dozen with her mom. She's such a nice lady; she was an English major, and a teacher by profession, and probably one of the very few people who... just has a quality about her. We talked for hours, and what struck me immediately was her love for not just people, but humanity as a whole. People weren't just random faces, or a figure on TV and in the news; people were individuals with families and loved ones, individuals with dreams and hopes and pain, and it was a marvel to meet someone who could speak so compassionately for strangers, for a community, for others.

I was, quite simply, blown away.

You don't meet a person like her every day.

I probably made any and every faux pas imaginable in our conversation, and I blame it entirely on my lack of communication with humanity for the past three weeks, aside from random superficialities and class time ;)

Wisdom truly comes with experience, and Mrs. Joyce Wilson reminded me that compassionate people, individuals with respect and humility for self and others, people who truly care, who have strong morals, a conscience and ideals, still walk this earth. That we are not all cynical, that we can still believe in the good of many, that there is a power uncorruptable, in all of us.

I felt very young talking to her.

A month ago, I met Althea's mom. Today, I met a remarkable woman, with a daughter who will no doubt walk in her footsteps.

I feel, oddly, blessed, to cross paths with them.

Currently listening to: U2's Walk On
Random observation: too much caffeine today.

Posted by Tiff @ 02:03 AM GMT [Link]

Thursday, June 17, 2024




I can't flippin' find my bloody passport.


Posted by Tiff @ 02:36 AM GMT [Link]

Wednesday, June 16, 2024

Cravings and mind games

Am faced with a sudden craving for something sweet, like ice cream. Come to think of it, when was the last time I had some?


There is no way I went two months without eating ice cream... ahah! Dinner at Hot Belly Mama's. Right? Right. Woah. That was back in.. April! Shit. And all the stores are closed at the moment. Hmm. To make a run to Mac's or not?

Just booked my flight to Jersey. That's a big no to Mac's then. Super-short trip for 400 bucks; must make the most of it.

Roger sent me this link, and it took me a good 40 minutes to figure the damn thing out. Playing this helped a lot, as the initial pictures in the article confused me.

Currently listening to: Better Than Ezra's Desperately Wanting
Random observation: I spend too much :/

Cravings update:
I love my blender. Superthick peanut butter banana smoothie, ahhh!! ;D

Posted by Tiff @ 11:08 PM GMT [Link]

Wednesday, June 16, 2024

Bradburn adventure

...actually, it was just laundry, but looking for the laundry room in that building is an adventure in itself ;P

You'd think the washing machines and dryers were made of solid gold studded with diamonds and rubies the way they were hidden behind numerous fire-escape doors, deep in the caverns of its spooky-looking basement.

Imagine this: unlock the main door to get into the building. Climb up a set of stairs and make a left. Go past the first door, and walk down the flight of stairs. Cut across the room to another fire safety door, and you're in the common room. On the opposite end of the room is, surprise surprise, another fire escape door. After that, turn immediately to your left and take the first door on your right. Walk down another flight of stairs, and open another door. You're now in the basement, and a creepy one at that (especially when you're alone). Go past another door, and another. I don't remember which side. How many doors have we passed already? I've lost count. But there's one last one before you find the washers and dryers. Congratulations, game over, please insert coin(s).

However, it only cost me 1.25 for wash and dry, so I'm not complaining ;D

I only got freaked for a second when I bumped into a scary-looking dude on my way back up from the basement.

Roger was mad that I didn't do his laundry for him, lol. Yeah, like that's going to happen! Well, maybe, if I'm in a good mood. But no. Maybe. I don't know. Screw you, do your own laundry! Ahh, okay, fine. One day. We'll see.

And there you have it. A whole post dedicated to laundry. Clean clothes, yay!

Currently listening to: hum of the fan
Random observation: have to start on my paper tomorrow afternoon.

Posted by Tiff @ 02:49 AM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 15, 2024

Mm, booze.e...

Meet Papa Absolut, Mama Absolut and Baby Absolut.

I still like Baby best. Mama comes a close second, but when Papa's infused, he da man ;P

This is where I spend almost all my waking hours besides school.

...and what's booze without the bear?

I'm going to bed *hits post*

Posted by Tiff @ 02:23 AM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 15, 2024

Aced it!

Three good things ;D

1. I've got gmail! (well, you should've gathered that from the last post). Thankie sooks ;D
2. After a technical mix up, I finally aced a quiz; perfect score, yay!
3. Rearranged my room again, hiaks.

Okay, so the quiz is only worth 5% of my final grade, but I'm still happy, heh. It was a glossary test, and I received a 4.5 initially, but after some quick checking (and with Clarke egging me on) I decided to try my luck with Kendra. I was using a different edition of the text, hence a slightly different glossary, but since it was still edited by Tolkien and Gordon, she relented and gave me my remaining .5%, wee!!

Feel like I actually accomplished something today.

We had another quiz tonight (our last, thank goodness). Have a 3000 word paper due next Wednesday, and I have yet to sort my travel stuff, bleh. I seriously need to do laundry; am running out of clothes!

Had a very enlightening conversation with Peter, caught up with Katherine Curle (I love this woman!) and even popped by to thank that dude in Admissions who fasttracked my letter and stuff to me ;D

*hums to self*

It was a hot and muggy day today, so I traipsed around Peterborough in shorts and a tee shirt. Unfortunately, I forgot that the Patch has screwy weather, and the sudden temperature drop in the evening had me scrambling for cover after class.

I feel like a banana smoothie with some Absolut Vanilia thrown in.

Currently listening to: Frank Sinatra & Bono's I've Got You Under My Skin
Random observation: Kayla, I still can't get that song! :/

Posted by Tiff @ 01:46 AM GMT [Link]

Monday, June 14, 2024

Fun with names

Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
will never be able to use that for job apps tho
[email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
yeah, like THAT will get me a job
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
that sounds like some ah lian trying to pick a type of vodka at the bar!
[email protected] says:
"absolut lohhh"
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
[email protected]
[email protected] says:

[email protected] says:
so what shall it be
[email protected] says:
Stephanie V : [email protected] says:
tiffanyl sounds like a prescription med
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
i was about to say!

[email protected] says:
Dear [email protected], I am going to bed now, so I wish you good day and good night. Signed, [email protected]


Steph : [email protected] says:
[email protected]
[email protected] says:
[email protected]
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
i just saw your comment, ahahah
Steph : [email protected] says:
Steph : [email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected]
Steph : [email protected] says:
[email protected]
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:


Posted by Tiff @ 12:55 AM GMT [Link]

Sunday, June 13, 2024

Of friends and flashbacks

NB: This post has spun out of control into something I can't define, but armed with my licence to ramble, I post and publish anyway.

In the span of one weekend, I managed to catch up with not one but two people who walked in and out of my teenage life. One's engaged, they're *both* heading to the UK to further their studies in September, and we used to be friends. I say "used to", because I suck at keeping in touch, and as time goes by cynicism allows little trust to infiltrate relationships, or the belief that a friendship can surpass so many things.

Yeong Lih and I got back in touch via friendster; I have to say, as much as I hate that place, it's certainly put me back in contact with grade school and high school friends. Until this morning, I haven't had a decent conversation with her for the past...8 years? Heh, that's pretty much how long it's been. I *did* see her back in January, when some TPians had a small reunion of sorts, but we only exchanged superficial pleasantries then. It probably has a lot to do with just plain awkwardness: how do you pick up from where you last left off, when there's so much that's happened, so much that's changed? Between the ages of 12 to 15, we used to hang out all the freaking time. There were slumber parties at Ee Ann's, meetings before, during and after school, just plain hanging out doing what kids do. And then, quite suddenly, we just stopped hanging out. The group fell apart as everyone was divided right down the middle between the Interact Club and the Leo Club, both highly competative with one another; you had to choose a side, and it was hard. Another year later, we were sorted into streams after PMR, and being an Arts student left an invisible stigma and lower self-esteem which led to cutting school and avoiding what used to be an essential support group.

Ruth came into the picture as the incoming President of the Interact Club of Subang Utama. As incoming I.U Director, I made the effort to attend some function of theirs held in Subang Parade, and we soon became fast friends, traipsing all over the Klang Valley attending functions, stealing badges and generally making a pest of ourselves. We organized get-togethers and pushed for full support for one another's clubs; I still remember rallying as many Interactors as possible to attend their functions, and vice versa. Again, loyalty and support were the key, and our lives pretty much revolved around the club and functions, hehe. The last time I spoke to her was just before I left for .ca back in 2000.

In between all that was the discovery of the Internet, and the family I soon accumulated over the years. Yumchar sessions, hanging out till 4 or 5am just watching Southpark, random trips to Genting and stuff. Big brothers, uncles, disowned-but-still-a-semi-brother :P A family of individuals who did the techy talk and led a surprising blend of simplified/complicated lives peppered with philosophy, obsession with technology and poking fun at penguins and short people *ahem!*

Some days the mind runs like an old video cam, with reels of film set up cartoon-style, and I see myself sitting by the projector, the brain open and hooked up even as I watch moments flash by and marvel at the madness.

Am currently talking to Sharon, and she sent me some pretty hilarious videos and what is some of my absolute favourite pictures of that trip to Penang, hehe. It's a fuzzy shot taken at a Swatch store in Gurney Plaza (they had funky mirrored ceilings), but it accentuates the laughter that comes to mind (plus it does wonders for anonymity ;P).

Aside from sooks, I probably disconnected myself from everyone in my last two years of high school. Then college hit, and I had to fortune to come across a bunch of madcaps and dirty-minded individuals *looks at Sharon and Heng Han!* who thought nothing of sitting under a tree for 4 hours thinking of what to do, then realizing that we've just wasted 4 hours and there's no time left to do anything :P We were like-minded in so many ways, yet completely at odds as well. We bummed, procrastinated, played cards for freakin' hours! It was like brushing your teeth or combing your hair; a daily task you do so often it's automatic and requires no thought. At least three people? Look for a place to park our asses, pull out a deck of cards and deal. The only thing that marred college life was when dad was in hospital, but aside from that, life was at its sweetest and its best.

...which brings us to now, and the girls who never fail to make life all the more interesting.

So here's to memories, to friends old and not so old, to hilarious moments. Of bitching and laughing, abuse and senselessness.


Posted by Tiff @ 05:30 PM GMT [Link]

Sunday, June 13, 2024

Lazy day Part II

I have another hour to kill. Tickets on sale at Jetsgo at 2am; have to start getting stuff organized for my trip to Jersey in less than two weeks. I get to go camping and check out NYC in summer, woo!

Well, here's a day completely down the drain. Got no work done, slept lots tho'. I can't watch Ali G without thinking of Shean and Norm and how they think it's the shit, hiaks. Don't even know why the hell I'm watching it, but it's cheap entertainment, rah.

I'm so damn bored.

Random updates:
1. Made banana-berry sorbet.
2. Dad's thinking of selling the Matrix.
3. Michael Moore just got that free gun from the bank.
4. It's 7C out.
5. Need to do laundry.
6. Just got jipped by Jetsgo.
7. Going to bed now.
8. ...and it's over an hour later, but I'm still here.

*hits 'Add This Entry'*

Posted by Tiff @ 02:58 AM GMT [Link]

Saturday, June 12, 2024

Lazy day

It's 2pm and all I want to do is nap.

Chilled with Roger yesterday; he loaned me three spindles of movies, and we watched a little of X-Men 2. I also got the keys to his building so that I can use the laundry facilities there (and feed his cat when he gets one). So yay Ra Ra!

I should go do laundry now, but I'm sleepy.


Got my paper back; am still debating if I want to re-write it.

Finished Finding Nemo, it's onto Lilo & Stitch now.

Currently listening to: Lilo & Stitch the movie
Random observation: lalalala...

Posted by Tiff @ 02:09 PM GMT [Link]

Thursday, June 10, 2024


I laughed so hard when I read the following line ;D

"Jimmy... I pray to god for you to get good results and a girlfriend. So if you get good results and a girlfriend, you must start to believe in Jesus ok?"


Consider yourself linked, Jimmy :P

Posted by Tiff @ 06:37 PM GMT [Link]

Thursday, June 10, 2024

Just another word

After thinking it over for the past few days, I've decided to make an official (and public) retraction on my favourite and most stubborn conclusion: there is no (romantic) love, only lust.

Bear in mind that I came to this conclusion at the "I am invincible!" age of 18, and around that time I also believed that going at the age of 25 was a pretty damn good idea. Of course, 25 was altered to 30 so I could get my PhD and refund my parents for all they've spent on me in my lifetime. And lookit, I'm already 23 and nowhere near completing my 7/ 12 year plan! Not to say I still don't think it's a fine idea, but I digress. Hehe, come to think of it, we had some pretty fun arguments back in the day, and my stubbornness always held out against the onslaught of reason from the people surrounding me. In the words of Norman, "...but just think of how many times anyone could win an argument with u. aah.." *cue rolling eyes*

...and thanks, Mung, for pointing out this annoying factor :P

Now, to say that "there is no love, only lust" may sound harsh, but hear me out. Love, at the end of the day, is but another word we use to describe the things we do and the emotions we feel. After all, everything feels safer and less alien when identified and pigeonholed, right? Or maybe that's just me. Either way, The whole concept of love, in definition, to me, is a whole lot of like coupled with major heapings of tolerance, patience, and even more tolerance. But maybe it's just that, I'm a stickler for definition.

Why the sudden retraction?

Well, maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. But for me to insist that *my* conclusion is the only explanation for such a phenomenon would require a supremely large ego, a generous helping of stupidity and sheer bravado.

I make up in bravado where I lack ego, and while I may have stupid moments, this ain't it. At least, I hope not, heh.

I am older, and possibly, a little wiser. Perhaps more cynical, more set in my ways, but I'd like to think that with age comes knowledge, and with knowledge, less fear. And as my fear of the unknown decreases, and pride takes second place to truth, I'd like to think that I can apologize when need be, show gratitude when the situation demands it, and above all, admit that I may be wrong.

Perhaps there is such a thing as love. Perhaps there isn't. Whatever the outcome may be, I have no right to criticize something that I may only *think* I know of. At the end of the day, "love" is nothing but another word I toss around when thinking of booze and blenders, something I have to 'discuss' on an every-other-day basis in class, or just that feeling that comes over me when thinking of music, books, and cloudy/cloudless blue skies.

I think I love life today. But just today, mind you.

How's that? ;D

[I haven't covered all bases for argument, because I seldom do. To each his own, yah?]

On an entirely different note, Matthew Good was in Peterborough, huh. And I'm gonna go make me a strawberry-banana smoothie now.

Currently listening to: Train's When I Look to the Sky
Random observation: Two polished stones, two important words. [more]

Posted by Tiff @ 02:07 PM GMT [Link]

Wednesday, June 9, 2024

Smoothies and such

I bought my blender!



Quick trackback: slept for over 18 hours, woke up feeling much, much better (nasty medicine really does work!) and decided to go downtown and pick up that blender I've been obsessing over for the past few weeks. A little short of cash now, but it's all worth it :P

It's truly the little things that make me smile.

Have already made a list of alcoholic smoothies in my head, hiaks.

Feeling sleepy again, but I have four pages of translations to complete before class; can't afford to miss anymore, bleh.

Currently listening to: Nufunq feat. Angus's Mondays
Random observation: bitching weather today

Posted by Tiff @ 03:48 PM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 8, 2024


Feeling worse, behind in translations, family's come and gone.

Watched Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Askaban at Alice's insistence; enjoyed the movie a lot more than I thought I would.

Audrey brought some medication over, and it's left me feeling woozy and sleeping most of the time. It's great; a state of unconciousness keeps the neverending questions and self-doubt at bay.

I'm going back to bed.

Posted by Tiff @ 12:39 AM GMT [Link]

Friday, June 4, 2024

Pimpin' gt

Just downloaded Monday off garret's. It starts with an awesome catchy beat, and just leads into a wicked jazzy tune.

Most definitely something to chill to.

Kudos, g!

Posted by Tiff @ 01:52 AM GMT [Link]

Friday, June 4, 2024

Challenge extended, challenge accepted

I thought I was done. DONE. DONE.

...then I find out I'm not.


The sore throat's gone, and all that lingers is a dry painful cough, clogged nose and a slightly chilly feel overall. Not too bad yah?

I constantly find myself in situations where I have the choice to call someone for help, or do whatever it is myself. It's usually a pretty challenging task, and where people wouldn't hesitate to start screaming bloody murder, I tackle it anyway. Like moving that bitch of a carpet today, for example. 10 minutes into moving that thing (which is almost three times my height and probably just as heavy), I stopped, stuck between the carpet (which was leaning on me) and everything else. Dilemma. Do I put it down, and call someone to help? Or maybe I could even ask the landlord to let me leave it in another room or something. Leave it in the hallway? In the original room? Options, options. A minute and a half later, I'm still wrestling with the damn thing. I refuse to quit, refuse to admit that I can't do it, and lo and behold, I get it done. I have rug burns along both my arms, was coughing and sneezing my head off, but godamnit, it's done. And I did it all by myself.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what I call "stubborness".

Why won't I call someone? Because I don't want to.

(Un)fortunately, this reinforces the concept of complete self-reliance and distrust for others. After all, everyone lets everyone down, right? Right. So if you don't need others, they can't let you down. right? Right. Direct line of logic. Skewed, but still.

So goddamn far behind.

Currently listening to: Five For Fighting's 100 years
Random observation: t minus 4 hours.

Posted by Tiff @ 01:25 AM GMT [Link]

Wednesday, June 2, 2024

I gots the flu..?

It's been three days of getting caught in summer showers and thunderstorms, and finally the damn bug has caught up with me. Hopefully, a double dose of chinese meds will get rid of it nicely, coupled with a mug of green tea and a jar of Milo powder, heh. Well, not like the Milo's gonna make things better; it's just comfort food. Bad for the sore throat tho', but I have a craving for sweets.

Received the nicest e-mail from my prof; sent her an apology for skipping class, and she was most understanding.

Audrey et al will be showing up this week, yay! Not only do I get to see my sister, cousins and Isabel, I get my stuff too (and we all know how much I love my stuff). There's the guitar, rollerblades, knee guards, elbow guards, helmet (dad's afraid I'm going to hurt myself), skirt, hats, clothes, umm... I think that's it. But it's a LOT.

Walked downtown in the rain, and found out that the blender I was eyeing is out of stock *evil look* Maybe it wasn't meant to be, bleh.

Very tired, very blah. Am reading Sir Gawain & the Green Knight, and it feels like forever to process the symbols and stuff. Good thing I found a translation online to help me understand the bloody thing.

I feel yuck :(

Currently listening to: Switchfoot's 24
Random observation: Am not a fan of soft beds, hmm.

Posted by Tiff @ 03:28 AM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 1, 2024


moved, bitch ;D says:
dude, what's your number?
Mr. Max Power (Flames in Six! Show your Tits! 2 fucking wins away!) says:
moved, bitch ;D says:
dude, what's my number?
Mr. Max Power (Flames in Six! Show your Tits! 2 fucking wins away!) says:
moved, bitch ;D says:
thank youuu

Yes, I don't know my own phone number ;P

Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Beautiful Letdown
Random observation: Words and music are all and everything I need.

Posted by Tiff @ 01:39 AM GMT [Link]

Tuesday, June 1, 2024

Almost done..!

Finally at my new place, and pretty much have all that I need and want in order. Had to miss class today, which sucks, but I have too much to do and didn't want to leave shit hanging.

The new roommate's nice, albeit busy, since he's taking a course over summer too.

Missed saying goodbye to Yimin, blah. Hope you have a safe trip girl.

Spent the afternoon cleaning and packing for the move. The cab ride only cost me 7 bucks, hiaks. Had to do some major cleaning, and after that, it was back to my old place to continue cleaning some more, ARGH. It took some fancy manouvering, but I managed to rearrange the new room to my liking.

As for the old place, I had to clean quick because garbage day is Tuesday. All in all, there were about 11 bags of garbage to take out, excluding recycling. My room's pretty much done (only that bitch of a carpet left), cleaned out both bathrooms, and am about halfway through with Punky's. I still have the kitchen and living room to contend with, yucks. At least I got the fridges emptied today.

I'm tired and hungry, but rather satisfied with the amount of crap I got done. Didn't have time to go grocery shopping, so dinner's a mug of hot chocolate and some cookies. Must pick up real food tomorrow!

Funny story. Bumped into Sarah H while downtown shopping for hairbands, and if you've followed this long enough, you'd realize that she was my neighbour back in first year. She's a blast, and we had good times for sure. Anyway, found out that she lives on the same street that I'm currently at, so she gave me her details so that we could keep in touch. I wasn't paying attention, but once I got home I glanced at the piece of paper and realized that she lives right next door, lol. Immediately called her, and it seems she lives on the same floor, just the other side of the wall! Guess we're neighbours again, just like old times ;D

As for now, I just want to sit around and do nothing for a couple of days. Unfortunately, I can't, which sucks.

Currently listening to: Jason Mraz's You & I
Random observation: Need to get new music. Any recommendations?

Posted by Tiff @ 12:59 AM GMT [Link]