Saturday, July 31, 2024
Tuition and such
I hate looking at rising tuition fees. It reminds me of how I'm getting jipped by the stupid school and province. Really, if it wasn't because they have an awesome Cultural Studies department, I'd be out of here before you could say Aristophanes's Lysistrata.
My 'phone died today. Well, the battery died, at any rate. Lucky me, corded 'phones were on sale at Radioshack, so I picked one up for 10 bucks. It has huge buttons and is very nice to hold; I like ;D Wan Yee preferred the black, but the actual thing didn't look half as good as the picture online, bleh.
Also bought some cleaning stuff for the house; my house mate's gone, so I can clean to my heart's content. Called Sharon; she'll be here end of August, so I'll probably be back at the house on George by then *crosses fingers*
Checked up on some courses that I'm taking next term; I'm excited, but I also figured I need to schedule classes in such a way that I will remain motivated throughout the 9 months, gaah. Hopefully making a headstart by reading as many of the listed books in advance will help. Am a little scared, truth be told.
Back to the books then.
Currently listening to: Five for Fighting's Something About You
Random observation: It's all lies, eh?Posted by Tiff @ 12:40 AM GMT [Link]
Friday, July 30, 2024
Learn to be still
Dug out my old Eagles CD; been listening to New York Minute, Love Will Keep Us Alive, Tequilla Sunrise and Learn to Be Still on repeat for the last three hours. Unfortunately, either the CD is scratched of my CD-ROM is on its last legs, aii.
Ever get the feeling that Don Henley and Bryan Adams sound scarily alike?
Maybe it's just me.
Don't you worry
Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing
Right before your eyes
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're hungry,
Love will keep us alive...*hums along*
Can't/won't turn off the lights, because my super-mean cousin decided to scare the living crap out of me by sending evil links my way. Apparently, my threshold for the macabre is still at an all-time low, gaah. Good thing my housemate's not here, what with me screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night.
You're lucky we're family Von :P That, and that you're in Australia. You owe me a drink, or several!
Winnipeg adventure update: crazy-madass-semi-suicidal road trip shall commence next Thursday.
Estimated travel time: 28 hours, give or take a few.
Estimated travel distance: 1460 miles/ 2340 kilometres, or thereabouts.
Estimated time spent in Winnipeg, MB: 6 - 8 hoursHave already booked and confirmed my one-way ticket back to Toronto for the 7th. It's madness I tell ya.
The things we do for other people.
Currently listening to: The Eagles' Tequilla Sunrise
Random observation: Audrey's leaving today :/Posted by Tiff @ 05:44 AM GMT [Link]
Thursday, July 29, 2024
Not that you care, it's just my 200th post with GreyMatter :) If I included my old archives, the numbers would probably be hovering around 1250 or so. I know I hit my 1000th post around April 2003, disappeared for about four to five months, and had a number of stagnant posts in September, thanks to my breaking MovableType, hehe.
For a site that's driven by 95% text, my archives take up quite a lot of space, as Steph will testify. Muchas gracias for hosting me all these years yah?
This site had evolved throughout the years, from a place to keep in touch with friends to a place to rant and rave at will when life seemed at its worst and best, moving onto to saving any and all memories to replace my failing brain, and finally, just a place like any other, too censored and too aware of its audience to really reflect much truth from the heart any more.
It's just numbers in the end.
Currently listening to: Aerosmith's Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Random observation: What to eat?Posted by Tiff @ 09:55 PM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 28, 2024
Kill me, kill me now
Now that she's part of the unholy rat race, I think Marianne is trying to do exactly that :P
First things first. Congratulations on your new job ah ma! *hugs*
That aside, my being happy for you does not give you the right to punish me with episodes of Malaysian Idol *evil eye*
If I cringed watching the American Idol auditions, I was looking for a gun or a length of rope when watching the Malaysian version. And the worst part? I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. It's like the ever-clich�d car wreck analogy: so awful that you can't look away. My skin crawled. Literally.
That was some nasty television time *shakes head*
Among other news, I might be driving up to Manitoba this weekend (a good 30 hours, woo!) as a favour for a friend. Upon reaching, we figured I had maybe 6 to 12 hours in Winnipeg before catching the next available flight out back to Toronto. If that happens, will be meeting up with Marianne and heading to Kensington Market for some photos before catching the Greyhound back to Peterborough. All this, pending financial status.
Either way, Toronto has to happen, as my director's project is due in two weeks.
I've been busy with school work, food poisoning and sleep. What about you?
Currently listening to: The Eagles' New York Minute
Random observation: projectile vomiting, wee!Posted by Tiff @ 11:13 PM GMT [Link]
Monday, July 26, 2024
You know you're old when you have difficulty understanding the netspeak of a 14 year old. Then again, I don't remember speaking/typing such abominable English back in the day, either.
"Back in the day". Sweet mother, what the fuck am I saying.
xxx says:
thn now tell me tat he dun wan da answer liao
xxx says:
stupid la...
tiff - it's like a drug says:
tiff - it's like a drug says:
what happened to your other bf?
xxx says:
now i having a vry vry vry vry good bf wit me now
xxx says:
but... i like da who wan ask me on monday n another guy tat i wana gv answer to him wan
tiff - it's like a drug says:
baby, how many boyfriends you want at the same time la ;P
xxx says:
hehe*smacks forehead*
There are moments when I just want to laugh so damn hard, and others when I just want to cry.
It's hard to stand back and watch a life careen out of control right before your eyes, and you're just so bloody helpless.
Be damned if you do, be damned if you don't.
Right now, I just feel old.
I think I remember what it was like, but it certainly wasn't like this. So listen. Are you a teenager? Have a sibling/ kid who is? Please, talk to me.
Currently listening to: Dashboard Confessional's Vindicated
Random observation: I think I'm going crazy.Posted by Tiff @ 08:45 AM GMT [Link]
Sunday, July 25, 2024
'American Gods'
It starts small. You're thinking, "yeah, just a few lines". You know, enough to help you nod off, fall asleep. It's habit, right?
But you've underestimated its hook. And as each line follows the next, you're engrossed, sucked into a vortex of words and colours and people that defy personal description, your emotions and mind pulled and pushed beyond the impossible and improbable. Six hours later, the sun has risen, and what was supposed to be a few lines to put you to sleep has become half or more of the entire thing. You don't want to put it down. You can't. But you force yourself to do so, if only because it's 10.15am and you're still up.
4 hours later, you're aware again. Where you left off is still fresh in your mind, the tracks and lines of thought and imagination (hallucination?) still warm and alive within you. The day passes like a hazy mist... you remember sunshine, remember that mug of coffee, but you're still consumed by it, in a race to finish it, to know, what next, what now, what then? That bowl of instant noodles sits on the coffee table, cold and forgotten, as you're immersed in another world and another time, of now but also then. You put the book down, the words too vivid, too scary, too crazy, and take a walk around the living room, make some more coffee, but against your will, you pick it up again, and force yourself to keep going, keep moving.
...10 hours and 588 pages later, you're hungry, and drained, yet strangely elated. There's a sense of accomplishment and knowledge grasped, the world seems a little fuzzy, and you're not quite sure which universe you've stepped off just yet. You stand outside for a few minutes, savouring the last few rays of sunshine, and a cat crosses your path, and you're not. quite. sure. if it's... something else.
Neil Gaiman's 'American Gods'.
Quite simply, one of the most awesome, page-turning, all-emcompassing, intellectually mindfucking novels I've had the pleasure to come across.
I can't even quote a line; I'd end up quoting the whole damn thing.
Posted by Tiff @ 01:19 AM GMT [Link]
Friday, July 23, 2024
"I am so smart, S-M-R-T!"
I slept for a solid 12 hours, yay!
Borrowed a bunch of books from the library, and decided to try my luck (again) at the second hand bookstores downtown. After what seemed like a futile search, I was on the verge of giving up when sweetmotherofallthatisgoodandpure, I spotted Neil Gaiman's American Gods and Neverwhere wedged between a bunch of Stephen King books!!
I stood there for what felt like an eternity, just staring. I could hardly believe my freakin' luck. After two weeks, two damn weeks of hoping and wishing and just darn looking. Talked to the owner about Douglas Adams' Hitchikers' series and persuaded him to help me look, but he didn't have 'em :( Checked my wallet, decided that 12 bucks was a whole lot better than 20-something (for two books), so I bought the Gaiman books ;D I bought 'em I bought 'em I bought 'em!
...and I only need to not buy groceries for half a week, hah!
As for yesterday's field trip, it was brilliant. But I'll tell you about it another time, 'cause I want to shower and read my books (all eight of them).
Currently listening to: The Trews' Confessions
Random observation: booooooooooks!Posted by Tiff @ 11:27 PM GMT [Link]
Thursday, July 22, 2024
I am awed, inspired, tired.
Am also slightly annoyed, but I shall not let that bug me tonight.
I had an awesome day.
I love theatre, and the arts. I love people who are so passionate about the process of creating, and I am honoured to be taught by a man who loves his work.
Will write more tomorrow; I need sleep. Bad.
Posted by Tiff @ 11:13 PM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 21, 2024
Cookie goodness
Decided to jerk myself out of this funk.
I think after two and a half months of clean living, subsisting on maggi and caffeine just doesn't cut it anymore. So babai books :/
Headed to the stores and picked up fruits and veggies, some cold cuts, butter for baking and eggs. Came home and found out I didn't have enough flour, so I substituted that with oatmeal and graham cracker crumbs. Mixing butter and sugar into an even blend takes a lot of arm work, but I wouldn't do it any other way. Somehow, there's more satisfaction that way, compared to using a hand blender, or worse, an industrial sized one ;D
Batter's currently in the freezer; it's really warm today and everything got kinda melty.
Baking therapy. You know it's working, 'cause I have this smile on my face.
quest for chocolate fountain says:
tiff: bakin' cookies says:
tiff: bakin' cookies says:
yummy yummy cookies ;D
quest for chocolate fountain says:
godly cookies
tiff: bakin' cookies says:
tiff: bakin' cookies says:
hahahaCurrently listening to: Collective Soul's Link
Random observation: Wish I had money to mail these cookies out.Posted by Tiff @ 11:19 PM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 21, 2024
Hair is heavy, water-soaked and scented in kiwi and strawberries. As black as thoughts that pervade the mind, as black as the mood that drowns the soul in never-ending questions.
Flawless flaws that grip onto being, paint a picture with words of night and sleep, dreams of happy-never-afters.
Can not, will not take this, accept this. Break and forsake all, for a moment, a minute, a second in time as darkness soaks sunshine into nothingness and serenity may be found in absolute weariness of days.
Fragile moments shattered, all that's slightly battered, fallen and broken even as the spirit smiles in blissful oblivion; the music still plays, haunting yet uplifting.
We will rise again.
Posted by Tiff @ 04:20 AM GMT [Link]
Tuesday, July 20, 2024
Are you sad?
Your life has been so hard
It's been dried up angels
that can't keep guard
I'm trying to reach your hand
But I'm on fire
I never meant to
stay with meJust stop pretending when they say you're nothing
Are you sad?
Are you holding yourself?
Are you locked in your room?
You shouldn't be...I'm drowning inside your head
Help me to answer
Help understand
Why it's been so long
since we talked like friends
Please, forgive me,
I'm just a man
mistakesJust stop pretending when they say you're nothing
Are you sad?
Are you holding yourself?
Are you locked in your room?
You shouldn't be..
- Our Lady Peace
Posted by Tiff @ 04:01 AM GMT [Link]
Monday, July 19, 2024
Theatre stuff
The class has a field trip to 4th Line Theatre this Thursday, but by the looks of The Weather Network, we're going to have a thunderstorm that day, woo. We're catching the rehearsal of The Cavan Blazers in the afternoon before watching Crow Hill in the evening. Ian McLachlan, who co-wrote Crow Hill, happens to be my prof, and he's made arrangements for the class to meet with the director of both plays, and possibly the cast as well ;D
Am excited since I haven't seen a theatre production in ages. Must remember to charge my camera!
Among other things, we saw Aristophanes' Lysistrata performed as a puppet show today, I'm running out of peanut butter and Sharon's almost certain that she'll be in Ontario at the end of August.
Have work to do.
Currently listening to: Beastie Boys' That's It That's All
Random observation: Penguins: Next 5km!Posted by Tiff @ 10:54 PM GMT [Link]
Monday, July 19, 2024
It's 5am. I was supposed to be asleep 4 hours ago. As you can see, that didn't happen.
My brother emailed me over the weekend. First time I've heard from him since I left back in April. Am feeling rather confused, but hey, that happens. I *still* can't get over the fact that he's older than me. It's been 23 years, but yeah.
So I'm tossing and turning, and suddenly it hits me that I haven't seen my favourite sweatshirt in ages. I just realized I left it at Marianne's when I was there just before I left for Jersey.
Food vs Books now stand at 9 - 2. sooks was the only one who thought books were better than food. That's why we're friends ;D
I'm gonna go toss and turn some more.
Currently listening to: The Rising's Cradle
Random observation: booooooks.Posted by Tiff @ 05:12 AM GMT [Link]
Saturday, July 17, 2024
Another lightbulb moment if I don't buy groceries for the next two weeks, I can spend 50 bucks on books. How awesome is that?!
Don't look at me like that! It's a brilliant idea!
It *is* damnit.
mungmung and Wan Yee disagree, bah.
Posted by Tiff @ 12:26 AM GMT [Link]
Friday, July 16, 2024
'Antigone' workshop and stuff
As promised, some pictures from our workshop on Sophocles' Antigone.
We made a total of six masks, and in this picture you see the masks of Ismene, Teirasias and a random guard/messenger. Everyone in the group played multiple roles but me, since my character was 'on stage' six scenes out of seven.
A wonderful picture of Denise in her prophet getup; she played an awesome Teiresias.
And finally, yours truly behind the mask of Creon. While painting it halfway I thought it reminded me of Genghis Khan :P
Anyway, the initial idea was to tie the masks on, but after trying it out we realized that we had several issues at hand. We couldn't breathe and sounded muffled because the masks were huge. When I put on the mask of Creon, I had to decide if I wanted to be able to speak or see ;P Finally we decided to put the masks on sticks to hold in front of us, which certainly solved the breathing problem at least!
For a rough workshop, we certainly were very detailed, which probably surprised the prof and pissed off the rest of the class, hiaks. Meh, what can you do? All in all, I hope we did decent at least. It was certainly too much work for 15% of our final grade, but hey, it was a learning experience.
Some recent updates on the flood: offices in the basement of OC are flooded, ditto with the English department at Traill. Trent shall remain closed until next week. I think the other side of the city is still under water, and when I was walking about this evening, many houses were still pumping their basements out, my neighbours included.
Did I tell you my cousin gave me a copy of the The Holy Qur-an, translated into English? Seems one of his Muslim colleagues wrote to the Saudi Consulate after 9/11 requesting for these books so that he could help explain the religion to his friends, and they sent him cases of beautifully-bound Qur-ans, which he started distributing. George didn't want to appear rude, so he brought one back and left it on the shelf. I was just flipping through it when he told me to take it back with me. Am always interested in old texts, so I thought what the hell. Have read numerous versions of the Bible, so it'll be interesting to read this for a change. Think it'll come in useful when passing Malaysian Customs? ;)
Simple pleasures
Passing time,
Reason fading
In dreams sublime;
Nature's way,
Glorious day.Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Don't Be There
Random observation: some days, more so than others.Posted by Tiff @ 12:49 AM GMT [Link]
Thursday, July 15, 2024
Flood update
First, I have to thank Kayla and Punky for their concern, hehe. I'm fine, ladies, and no Punky, I'm not treading water as I log onto the internet ;P Also, I have to say, if it weren't for Roger, I'd be running to an empty campus and would've wasted much time just waiting for classmates to show, seeing as school was cancelled ;P
For those not in the know, Peterborough was in a state of emergency as of 4am this morning. The story hit the major papers, and some streets were four feet deep in water, mud and waste. Obviously, yours truly slept through all of it ;D
Actually, something woke me up at 3-ish and again at 5. I heard thunder, so I turned Bitch off and went back to sleep.
The streets were dry when I got up, so when Roger told me school was cancelled I figured he was lying (he always does that to me). Decided to call the campus line, and whadaya know, that joker was actually telling the truth. Sorry for doubting you Ra Ra ;D
The house is fine; only a little water managed to get in the basement, so aside from the carpets, I think we're good. The landlord came by for an inspection half an hour ago, and according to him, we're the luckiest of all the tenants. Seems that most of the other basements were flooded in at least two feet of waste and mud, eeww.
It started raining again over an hour ago.
I'll keep y'all posted.
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's Dare You To Move
Random observation: I seem to have a habit of sleeping through disasters.Posted by Tiff @ 03:01 PM GMT [Link]
Thursday, July 15, 2024
Won't act for peanuts...
...but I acted for a grade.
Ah well. It's over, and I think we did pretty well :)
I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Drama update: no one's talking to anyone.
Excuse me, Simpsons' Season 4 calls!
Posted by Tiff @ 12:10 AM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 14, 2024
Pre-stage jitters
In less than 35 minutes, Creon & co. take the stage.
Wish me luck!
Posted by Tiff @ 12:25 PM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 14, 2024
Humanity 101
I was right the first time.
A verbal disagreement almost got out of hand today, woo. One of my classmates happens to be an American, and she took offence to what the prof was saying about the failing concept of democracy and elections, using America as an example. Unfortunately for her, a feisty Canadian wouldn't stand for her rudeness, lol.
Aiyah, my prof said Malaysian bookies were counting their profits from the recently ended Euro Cup, implying that Malaysia was nothing more than a gambling den with a Constitution. Big deal. I even threw up my hands and said, 'Yep, those people are counting their hard earned money!". It's true wat! And he said Holland played a poor game against Portugal. The Dutch girl, an avid footie fan, just laughed and shook her head. Hey, they lost, didn't they?
According to this little chica, she "cannot tolerate any anti-American sentiments at all". Well missy, it's with that kind of attitude and jackass stubborness that gets you into shit in the first place. Hell, it's like wearing a tee shirt that says "Poke Me & Die!". Damnit, of course people are going to poke you! It would be almost wrong if they didn't! (Not that I agree with it, but hell, what can you do eh?) You're not the first, nor will you be the last to come from a different country and face prejudice and sweeping judments.
Damn man, did I ever tell you about the guy who thought I lived in trees?
So whaaaaat. Everybody makes generalizations. It may be inaccurate, it may be rude, but jeez, just plaster a smile on your face and call it a day, okay? Or even if you want to correct them, do it with a little sense of humility and humour; people react better to that than sheer agression. It doesn't help when you get all pissy and go onnn and onnnnn about how people are so mean to you because of your nationality.
Heck, people call me a little terrorist all the time. Again, so what!?
If I seem miffed, it's because of this. I was fine throughout her little tirade. Hey, she's just voicing how she feels. Good for her! After all, I try to subscribe to the thought of Voltaire, who said, "I [may] disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it". My prof was very understanding, and apologized if he insulted her sense of nationalism. He told her it was just an example, not of America specifically, but all concepts of democracy. He just chose America because their elections were coming up. She could have accepted that apology graciously and let it go, but nooooo, she started picking on how she felt victimized in class, and how no one ever picked on Italians or Malaysians. Huh. I think he was losing his cool, so he ended it with the ever-diplomatic, "you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine". Now here's the clincher that made my blood boil. She retorted, "No. You're not entitled to that!".
*throws Voltaire out the window*
What are you? TWO!?
Listen, regardless of how you may feel about whatever a person is saying, who the fuck are you say that that he or she is not entitled to an opinion? Really now, that just pisses me off, that some people could be so stupidly arrogant as to think that they have certain rights while others don't. Well, a big FUCK YOU to you! What? Because he's an educator, he's not allowed to voice his personal view? While I agree that people of influence should remain as neutral as possible on certain subjects, if there is acceptance within the class that there is not wrong or right, that everyone has a different perspective and view, and that we, as students, are entitled to such freedom of thought and speech, WHY THE HELL SHOULD THE PROF BE EXCLUDED FROM SUCH A RIGHT?!
*takes a deep breath*
The irony of the situation? What I'm saying totally negates the argument that I am fighting for, heh.
So what now? Should I think that it is okay for her to think and want the prof to not have an opinion? But just the thought of that pisses me off! Or do I think that what she thinks is wrong, that it's wrong to even think that? And if I do think that it's wrong for her to think that, wouldn't that make me the Thought Nazi as I think I'm making her out to be? Wouldn't that thought turn me into that which I detest? Isn't this too complicated and don't you feel completely woozy by all these thoughts that I'm making you think? ;)
Personally, I think that humanity is inherently hypocritical. We cannot constantly judge, review and double check our actions and/or words, let alone others, and as much as we'd like to believe that our faiths and opinions are absolute, they're not. We will always make exceptions, we will always bend the rules. For anything and everything.
We are fallible.
So yeah. The part that got interesting (sorry, I always go on tangents, hehe). After her rude remark, the prof just smiled, wished everyone a good day and left the classroom. THEN one of the Canadian students (who looked mighty pissed, I might add) stood up and told her off for being rude to the prof. What ensued was a heated exchange, ending with the Canadian yelling at the American before one stormed out. One of the nosier classmates reported later that there were tears shed, but they were, umm, discussing it outside.
Drama! *throws hands in the air!* This is supposed to be theory of theatre people!
Which reminds me, our production goes on tomorrow, and after that, no more staying back an extra two hours everyday, yay!
I don't know, maybe she was just PMSing. Maybe they were both were PMSing. Maybe I'm PMSing too.
[whine] I'm tired. I don't want to think anymore! [/whine]
Conclusion? Fair enough, if you think he can't say something, fine. I think he can. If you think you can yell at him, that means I can defend him too, right? Plus, I get to yell at you!
Logic is like Math. It makes me sleepy and confused.
Currently listening to: Chicago's Look Away
Random observation: I haven't called home in 2 weeks. Shame on me.Posted by Tiff @ 01:47 AM GMT [Link]
Monday, July 12, 2024
Director's project
For the first time in years, I have an assignment that has me so excited I can't wipe this smirk off my face ;D
We have to come up with a director's workbook for any of the plays we're studying this term, and do all that a director has to do, from location to structure to costumes, everything!
I've already picked an awesome venue, so I'm planning to go take some pictures for a feel before 'building' the set. Right now I'm toying with the idea of either complementing the costumes to its surroundings or contrasting it. I'm planning to keep it low budget, eye-opening and arty. I want to produce a Greek tragedy in a modern setting, but if I'm already writing a 12 page paper on that, I really should take a different play eh?
I'm thinking jazzy music, traditional script, clothing, jewelry and elaborate masks, all performed on a street, under the open sky. How wild is that? ;D
Feel free to leave suggestions; input is always welcome.
Currently listening to: Maroon 5's Harder to Breathe in acoustic
Random observation: two days 'til performance day, eek.Posted by Tiff @ 09:13 PM GMT [Link]
Monday, July 12, 2024 my blood.
What is it about acoustic tracks that completely blow me away? It sounds ridiculous and over-dramatic when I say it out loud, but when I'm alone in my room with the lights turned off, nothing but the glow of the computer screen and the sound of a band in acoustic playing in the background, I melt. If I'm PMS-ing, I can even throw in some tears, lol.
I downloaded Maroon 5's 1.22.03 Acoustic. I thought I'd be sick of the group by now, but just listening to She Will Be Loved in acoustic obviously changed my mind. Unfortunately, the album is only under half an hour in total, so I'm thinking twice before splurging.
What would I give to watch some bands play in acoustic, bleh.
My soul, perhaps :P
If you have time, I highly recommend Collective Soul's acoustic album, performed in Morocco for the Music in High Places programme back in 2001. Unbelievable music, available only in DVD (unless you pirate it as I did).
Slightly agitated that I left my copy of Euripides' works in storage, argh. And I'm studying The Bacchae, too. Shoot. This sucks. I have three (that's right, three) copies of that play, and they're all in bloody storage.
I want my CDs and books damnit. *coughwishlistcough*
*cheeky grin*
I need a job so that I can make lots of money and buy all the music I could ever want, without resorting to piracy.
A'ight, back to work. Or sleep.
Currently listening to: Collective Soul's Vent
Random observation: haha, such a girl ;DPosted by Tiff @ 03:48 AM GMT [Link]
Sunday, July 11, 2024
In pain and laughter
I hurt, ugh.
One word: rollerblading.
It's going to be interesting tomorrow when I check for bruises.
Had an excellent afternoon though; headed to Roger's to return his CDs, and he showed me his recently modified XboX that can now play divx videos as well. He also equipped it with a 120 gig hard drive, of while there's less that 12 gigs left (that's how many games he has!). We played Capcom vs Marvel (he called me a 'button masher', which cracked me up so hard I almost dropped the controller), Super Mario Brothers and The Simpsons: Hit & Run. Trust me when I say I hit a lot of things and a lot of people, so much so that Roger looked at me and said, "You don't drive like that in real life do you?", ahaha! I loved the Simpsons' game though, so much so that I even flirted with the idea of buying an XboX for myself for a couple of seconds, hiaks. Just a couple of seconds, but still.
We tried rollerblading after that, and I fell a grand total of three times, woo. Stupid Roger had to push me and I went crashing down, hiaks. I'll kill him later, when this agonizing pain subsides.
The XboX and rollerblading adventure also helped me forget the fruit flies infestation that's happening in the kitchen, bleh. My housemate failed to tell me that he didn't empty the trash under the sink until I discovered it two days ago, eeww. Let's just say the kitchen's not looking so hot right now.
I have to go lie down.
Currently listening to: Vertical Horizon's Answer Me
Random observation: It's gotta be worth it, right? Right?Posted by Tiff @ 10:49 PM GMT [Link]
Sunday, July 11, 2024
Change the damn playlist!
I can't say I lack human contact, but it most certainly feels as if I lack human influence, especially when it comes to expanding my music collection. One of the best parts about living with my roommates was the constant input I garnered from them in regards to songs old and new, hence the ridiculously eclectic collection of mp3s that used to live in my hard drive and would threaten to choke Bitch to death ever so often. I had stuff ranging from The Beatles to The Flying Pickets, Elmo to Slipknot, Talib Kweli to Cafe Del Mar, and everything else in between. Heck, I even had the Malaysian national anthem!
I've been listening to the same playlist for the last two and a half months, with a few odd updates in between, and I've come to the conclusion that my playlist is in a rut simply because I burned everything onto CDs and thus, have crap all in my harddrive. Sure, Bitch moves (a little) faster now, but goshdarnit, I miss just loading folders and being surprised.
Two hours ago I dug out the mp3 cds and stuck in one of my favourites: a single CD consisting of DMB, Collective Soul, Vertical Horizon, Our Lady Peace, Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam.
I feel much happier now.
Did I tell you how, when I was in Jersey, I was so bored one night that I decided to cut my fringe? And how, the night that I was leaving Peterborough, I wanted to give Marianne and Shahnon some fresh home baked cookies (I had such good intentions), but I popped the tray into the oven and promptly left the house for some errands, only to come back an hour later to find charcoal in its place?
...and you thought I was kidding when I said my brain took vacations without me.
Currently listening to: Pearl Jam's Alive
Random observation: I caved and bought Rasberry Temptation cookies today *big grin*Posted by Tiff @ 12:06 AM GMT [Link]
Saturday, July 10, 2024
Time and distance
So the three of us are having a conversation in MSN, and midway through professing boredom, it suddenly hits me that Agnes is in Australia, mungmung's in Malaysia and I'm stuck in bloody Bumblefuck Canada. It's 3.42pm for mungmung, 5.42pm for Agnes, and me being god (and the chempen) was still yakking away at 3.42am, woo. Man, if we were in the same bloody country we'd be sitting outside Rafi's enjoying a glass of teh o ais limau with a roti or two right about now.
Would love to see Melbourne again (even if the stores *do* close at the ungodly hours of 5.30pm or thereabouts). And Sydney. That magnificent jazz/coffee festival... *sigh* Or maybe just pop by home, play with the dogs, have dinner and drink(s) with friends.
Just a tiny twinge of homesickness.
I'll get over it.
Look what I found!
Have to clean my room this weekend; haven't really unpacked since I got back. Oh yay, lightheaded wooziness at last. Bed calls.
Currently listening to: Smile Empty Soul's Who I Am
Random observation: my niece emailed me her picture and grades today :)Posted by Tiff @ 04:37 AM GMT [Link]
Friday, July 9, 2024
Paper mach� & calls
Was on the phone for an hour with Sarah, yaaaaay! ;D
I miss that crazy chica. Haven't seen her since last November, and I was ridiculously excited to hear her voice over the phone, lol.
We caught up on news, and hopefully if things go well, Punky and I will be paying her a visit over the next few weeks, depending on schedules. Am crossing fingers that Di will be able to make it too.
Anyhow, there were no classes scheduled for today, but my group mates and I got together to work on our workshop for Sophocles' Antigone. 4 hours later, we had the costumes sorted (with fancy Greek masks and everything), the first script written and a trial run to see how things were. All that's left is the modernized script and play for contrast, and lots of rehearsals. I play Creon, the evil (bitchy) arrogant King of Thebes ;D I get to sentence my niece to death and lose my wife and son because of my disrespect towards the dead and the gods. I represent the State and Man's arrogance, I wear white and gold swishy robes, a crown of olive leaves and a gold mask with gold locks and bushy eyebrows. Good times, hiaks.
I wish I brought my camera; the masks look so authentic :)
Was thinking of heading to Toronto, but I doubt that's happening, bah. Wanted to see that awesome street performance at Kensington Market again.
Guess I'll just rot at home :P
Ever get the feeling that the world is spinningspinningspinning out of control?
Currently listening to: Yellowcard's Gifts & Curses
Random observation: Cooked a proper meal for the first time in weeks!Posted by Tiff @ 10:33 PM GMT [Link]
Friday, July 9, 2024
Temperature's dropped to 15C tonight.
Finally watched Shrek 2; the first half was okay, but things started looking up when Pinnochio et al pulled the Mission Impossible stunt ;D
The chorus from Five For Fighting's One More For Love is just too pretty for words.
Here's a tip: if you want a gmail invite and have no one to bug, sign up with Blogger if you haven't already. They're offering gmail accounts to active Blogger users. Alternatively, you can email me at theycallmegod@gmail; I still have a few lying around.
I want to go home. A close friend is getting married, and damnitall, I can't be there :/
Ah well, made my decision a long time ago, and I'm sticking by it.
Currently listening to: Better Than Ezra's Extra-ordinary
Random observation: Punkila, check your email!Posted by Tiff @ 12:41 AM GMT [Link]
Thursday, July 8, 2024
J: ...hear me out, and we can vote on a yea or nay after that, or if you want to make changes, anything, I'm totally open to ideas, this is just a suggestion, yada yada... and I was thinking, we'd do it this way, and she could be like a soap star, yada whatcha think?
J2: Well, I like that idea, but I was thin...
J: no no no, you have to see it like this and that and yada yada yada..
T: *mentally pictures self strangling J*
D: how about if w..
J: No, this way, you see, I like it like that, and I don't want to change it, and your idea just won't work, andand yadayadayada...
T: *mentally pictures self throwing rocks at J. No wait, am sitting next to her. Mentally pictures self hitting her in the face with aforementioned rock*
J: T? You okay with it?
T: I want to see where D was going...
J: No, but you have to listen, this will work, and I will play the princess, J2 will play the sister, D will play the prophet, and T will be the bitch..
*gasps from J2 & D*
D: No no no, how could you...
T: excellent. I love playing the bitch! *grins at D*
J: I was just kidding! Anyway, we'll yada yada yada...
*shakes head*
Bitchy? I haven't even started ;D Maybe tomorrow *sharpens claws*
Posted by Tiff @ 05:56 PM GMT [Link]
Thursday, July 8, 2024
It's almost 1am, I'm tired as hell and I can't sleep. Mind's busy, but I can't pinpoint the reason why.
I'm gonna go infuse a bottle of vodka. NOW.
Scratch that. I'll go make a drink instead.
3 months! 3 fucking months!
Posted by Tiff @ 12:59 AM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 7, 2024
On another note
...I just have to say, I have awesome bitches ;D
*waves at ra ra, mung mung and abang man*
Wholewheat crackers with peanut butter and a mug of chocolate-flavoured soy milk, yum.
...actually, chocolate-flavoured soy milk sucks. Soy milk as a whole in this country sucks. I don't even know why I bought the damn thing. Oh wait, that's right, the store was out of chocolate milk. Bastards. >:(
I can't complain tho'. Wholewheat crackers with peanut butter make everything taste good.
*munches on crackers*
I should post this, but I don't want to, and there's no one to make me, mwahaha!
I'd kick someone's ass, but there's no one around.
I'm tired. And grumpy.
Good luck with your interview, mung mung. You'll do fine, I promise *hug*
Currently listening to: Switchfoot's 24
Random observation: someone cheer me up damnits.[Edit]:
teehee. mungmung told me the ending of spidey 2. It took some persuading, but he finally caved. I'm happy happy ;Dspidermung says:
go watch the show
tiff: [email protected] says:
spidermung says:
i aint tellin u
tiff: [email protected] says:
tell meeeeeeeeee
spidermung says:
tiff: [email protected] says:
damnit mung mung, you know i always need my spoilers!!
spidermung says:
tiff: [email protected] says:
tiff: [email protected] says:
spidermung says:
lets see whos behind the mask
spidermung says:
tiff: [email protected] says:
spidermung says:
does he see him?
spidermung says:
tiff: [email protected] says:
what's the use of being my bitch when you won't be my spoiler laaaa[In case you haven't figured it out, I'm one of those people who can't stand suspense :P It drives me up the wall. Just like how I'd drive sooks up the wall by reading the last few pages of every single novel I laid my hands on first, haha! *sigh* I just hate the unknown.]
Posted by Tiff @ 11:09 PM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 7, 2024
Screaming was good. Walking up that stupid hill to Traill with a duffel bag full of laundry was good, too. Arguing and trading insults with Roger was the best, hiaks.
Am resigned to the fact that class will suck for the rest of the term. That's okay, it's only four hours a day, four times a week for six weeks.
I can deal with that.
Finally spoke to Sarah after, what? two months? Hopefully I'll be able to dig up enough change to go visit her in Hicksville, aka Waterford, ON. ;D Among other news, Sharon may be visiting in August, ditto with Poh Lin, wee!
Now all I need is money. Lots of it.
The story of every university-going student's life.
Currently listening to: Train's Ordinary
Random observation: Feel like baking cookies.Posted by Tiff @ 09:51 PM GMT [Link]
Wednesday, July 7, 2024
Am in a foul mood.
Finally decided to pin 270 in the "Absolute Crap" section. The prof's a wonderful man, but the class... *makes a face*
I don't know. I guess it's asking too much to have classmates much like medieval romance, where everyone was friendly, interested and animated and just... into things.
Had a meeting today with some group members for our presentation next week, and ARGH.
*bangs head on desk*
So I yelled at them. I told them to shut up and CHILL. These people weren't listening to one another, they weren't communicating, and after 1 1/2 hours, I decided to butt in and told them to FUCKING CHILL.
Bet you they don't think Malaysians are that nice anymore :P
I don't like to talk when the prof is lecturing so don't fucking talk to meeeeeeee!!
Know what a stage whisper is? It's when YOU THINK YOU'RE WHISPERING BUT YOU'RE NOT!
Excuse me while I go scream.
Posted by Tiff @ 06:03 PM GMT [Link]
Tuesday, July 6, 2024
Currently listening to: Dashboard Confessional's Vindicated
Random observation: too many pictures lah.Posted by Tiff @ 11:00 PM GMT [Link]
Monday, July 5, 2024
Too many things happened these past two weeks, so it's kinda hard to sum up in a few words how it really was, which is why my reply to everyone's questions about my trip to NJ is "decent".
I could've lived without the drama. I can always live without the drama. But that's just not what life's about.
Dire thoughts aside, I had fun.
Long post ahead; grab some coffee, a snack. Maybe close your browser? That's right, get outta here :P
[more]Posted by Tiff @ 11:45 PM GMT [Link]
Sunday, July 4, 2024
Ultimate scatterbrain there's a reason why I'm called that, eh?
This trip is probably the epitome of my braindead state, and I'm actually lucky I didn't forget my tickets, flight number, or name for that matter.
What I *did* forget was my US currency (which, I might add, I rushed to change that very afternoon before I left), Marianne and Shahnon's phone numbers, Pearly's phone number, my prof's email adress, the package of stuff I put together for Audrey to bring home, Alice's CDs, George's pastries, my fruit smoothie that was my dinner and finally, my brain.
...and all this was *before* I left the country.
I reached Toronto a quarter past midnight, and flew to Jersey the next afternoon. In the process, I left my glasses and rings at Marianne's. I also forgot to get her number (again), but at least I remembered to buy Alice some kinda raisin bread she wanted from Chinatown.
Fast forward to my trip coming back; didn't leave anything in Jersey (that I know of). I think I was actually okay there. Wait, no. Something happened, but haha, here's the clincher: I don't remember. All I recall is Alice and Audrey laughing at me. Or yelling. It was either.
So yeah. I landed in Toronto, and I was suppose to call Marianne, and hey, guess what? I don't have her number! And no, I don't have Shahnon's either! So here I am, stuck in downtown Toronto. I remember vaguely where her place is at, but since there was a little internet kiosk that costs a bomb at the terminal, I tried a couple of searches over Canada 411. Obviously that didn't work, so I sent an SOS email to the both of them in the hopes that they'd check their mail.
25 minutes later, I decided to try my luck and walk to what I thought was the direction of her place, and I must've done something right in my past life, 'cause guess who I bumped into on my way to Marianne's? ;D That's right, Marianne and Shahnon. They'd received my email and were on their way to get me, hehe.
All in all, despite being so damn blur, things worked out. So yay!
...and that is my report on absolute scatterbrainness. I'll tell you about my trip later. It's a doozy, I promise!
Posted by Tiff @ 09:40 PM GMT [Link]
Sunday, July 4, 2024
Nothing like here and now
Back in the Patch at last!
It feels damn good to be home.
Have a million and one things to say, but for the moment, I need to clean up the house, take a looooong shower and grab a bite to eat. For now, let me say that camping was awesome, Jersey was decent, NYC was a dud, I am beyond broke, and Toronto's Kensington Market made me smile.
This site will be updated constantly over the next 24 hours. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Currently listening to: Fuel's Falls on Me
Random observation: Baggage weighed at 24kgs, eek.